blob: b75cd711dad667956ab2b7335ba2a384758f02dd [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
* agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding
* copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
* copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Objects;
import org.apache.geode.DataSerializer;
import org.apache.geode.cache.Region;
import org.apache.geode.redis.internal.RedisConstants;
import org.apache.geode.redis.internal.executor.string.SetOptions;
import org.apache.geode.redis.internal.netty.Coder;
public class RedisString extends AbstractRedisData {
public static final NullRedisString NULL_REDIS_STRING = new NullRedisString();
private int appendSequence;
private ByteArrayWrapper value;
public RedisString(ByteArrayWrapper value) {
this.value = value;
// for serialization
public RedisString() {}
public ByteArrayWrapper get() {
return new ByteArrayWrapper(value.toBytes());
public void set(ByteArrayWrapper value) {
public int append(ByteArrayWrapper appendValue,
Region<ByteArrayWrapper, RedisData> region,
ByteArrayWrapper key) {
storeChanges(region, key, new AppendDeltaInfo(appendValue.toBytes(), appendSequence));
return value.length();
public long incr(Region<ByteArrayWrapper, RedisData> region, ByteArrayWrapper key)
throws NumberFormatException, ArithmeticException {
long longValue = parseValueAsLong();
if (longValue == Long.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new ArithmeticException(RedisConstants.ERROR_OVERFLOW);
// numeric strings are short so no need to use delta
region.put(key, this);
return longValue;
public long incrby(Region<ByteArrayWrapper, RedisData> region, ByteArrayWrapper key,
long increment)
throws NumberFormatException, ArithmeticException {
long longValue = parseValueAsLong();
if (longValue >= 0 && increment > (Long.MAX_VALUE - longValue)) {
throw new ArithmeticException(RedisConstants.ERROR_OVERFLOW);
longValue += increment;
// numeric strings are short so no need to use delta
region.put(key, this);
return longValue;
public double incrbyfloat(Region<ByteArrayWrapper, RedisData> region, ByteArrayWrapper key,
double increment)
throws NumberFormatException, ArithmeticException {
double doubleValue = parseValueAsDouble();
doubleValue += increment;
if (Double.isNaN(doubleValue) || Double.isInfinite(doubleValue)) {
throw new ArithmeticException(RedisConstants.ERROR_NAN_OR_INFINITY);
// numeric strings are short so no need to use delta
region.put(key, this);
return doubleValue;
public long decrby(Region<ByteArrayWrapper, RedisData> region, ByteArrayWrapper key,
long decrement) {
long longValue = parseValueAsLong();
if (longValue <= 0 && -decrement < (Long.MIN_VALUE - longValue)) {
throw new ArithmeticException(RedisConstants.ERROR_OVERFLOW);
longValue -= decrement;
// numeric strings are short so no need to use delta
region.put(key, this);
return longValue;
public long decr(Region<ByteArrayWrapper, RedisData> region, ByteArrayWrapper key)
throws NumberFormatException, ArithmeticException {
long longValue = parseValueAsLong();
if (longValue == Long.MIN_VALUE) {
throw new ArithmeticException(RedisConstants.ERROR_OVERFLOW);
// numeric strings are short so no need to use delta
region.put(key, this);
return longValue;
private long parseValueAsLong() {
try {
return Long.parseLong(value.toString());
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
throw new NumberFormatException(RedisConstants.ERROR_NOT_INTEGER);
private double parseValueAsDouble() {
String valueString = value.toString();
if (valueString.contains(" ")) {
throw new NumberFormatException(RedisConstants.ERROR_NOT_A_VALID_FLOAT);
try {
return Coder.stringToDouble(valueString);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new NumberFormatException(RedisConstants.ERROR_NOT_A_VALID_FLOAT);
public ByteArrayWrapper getrange(long start, long end) {
int length = value.length();
int boundedStart = getBoundedStartIndex(start, length);
int boundedEnd = getBoundedEndIndex(end, length);
* Can't 'start' at end of value
if (boundedStart > boundedEnd || boundedStart == length) {
return new ByteArrayWrapper(new byte[0]);
* 1 is added to end because the end in copyOfRange is exclusive but in Redis it is inclusive
if (boundedEnd != length) {
byte[] returnRange = Arrays.copyOfRange(value.toBytes(), boundedStart, boundedEnd);
return new ByteArrayWrapper(returnRange);
public int setrange(Region<ByteArrayWrapper, RedisData> region, ByteArrayWrapper key, int offset,
byte[] valueToAdd) {
if (valueToAdd.length == 0) {
return value.length();
int totalLength = offset + valueToAdd.length;
byte[] bytes = value.toBytes();
if (totalLength < bytes.length) {
System.arraycopy(valueToAdd, 0, bytes, offset, valueToAdd.length);
} else {
byte[] newBytes = Arrays.copyOf(bytes, totalLength);
System.arraycopy(valueToAdd, 0, newBytes, offset, valueToAdd.length);
// TODO add delta support
region.put(key, this);
return value.length();
private int getBoundedStartIndex(long index, int size) {
if (index >= 0L) {
return (int) Math.min(index, size);
} else {
return (int) Math.max(index + size, 0);
private int getBoundedEndIndex(long index, int size) {
if (index >= 0L) {
return (int) Math.min(index, size);
} else {
return (int) Math.max(index + size, -1);
public int bitpos(Region<ByteArrayWrapper, RedisData> region, ByteArrayWrapper key, int bit,
int start, Integer end) {
int length = value.length();
if (length == 0) {
return -1;
boolean endSet = end != null;
if (!endSet) {
end = length - 1;
if (start < 0) {
start += length;
if (end < 0) {
end += length;
if (start < 0) {
start = 0;
if (end < 0) {
end = 0;
if (start > length) {
start = length - 1;
if (end > length) {
end = length - 1;
if (end < start) {
return -1;
byte[] bytes = value.toBytes();
for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) {
int cBit;
byte cByte = bytes[i];
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
cBit = (cByte & (0x80 >> j)) >> (7 - j);
if (cBit == bit) {
return 8 * i + j;
if (bit == 0 && !endSet) {
return length * 8;
return -1;
public long bitcount(int start, int end) {
if (start < 0) {
start += value.length();
if (end < 0) {
end += value.length();
if (start < 0) {
start = 0;
if (end < 0) {
end = 0;
if (end > value.length() - 1) {
end = value.length() - 1;
if (end < start || start >= value.length()) {
return 0;
long setBits = 0;
for (int j = start; j <= end; j++) {
setBits += bitcountTable[0xFF & value.toBytes()[j]];
return setBits;
public long bitcount() {
return bitcount(0, value.length() - 1);
private static final byte[] bitcountTable = {
0, // 0x0
1, // 0x1
1, // 0x2
2, // 0x3
1, // 0x4
2, // 0x5
2, // 0x6
3, // 0x7
1, // 0x8
2, // 0x9
2, // 0xa
3, // 0xb
2, // 0xc
3, // 0xd
3, // 0xe
4, // 0xf
1, // 0x10
2, // 0x11
2, // 0x12
3, // 0x13
2, // 0x14
3, // 0x15
3, // 0x16
4, // 0x17
2, // 0x18
3, // 0x19
3, // 0x1a
4, // 0x1b
3, // 0x1c
4, // 0x1d
4, // 0x1e
5, // 0x1f
1, // 0x20
2, // 0x21
2, // 0x22
3, // 0x23
2, // 0x24
3, // 0x25
3, // 0x26
4, // 0x27
2, // 0x28
3, // 0x29
3, // 0x2a
4, // 0x2b
3, // 0x2c
4, // 0x2d
4, // 0x2e
5, // 0x2f
2, // 0x30
3, // 0x31
3, // 0x32
4, // 0x33
3, // 0x34
4, // 0x35
4, // 0x36
5, // 0x37
3, // 0x38
4, // 0x39
4, // 0x3a
5, // 0x3b
4, // 0x3c
5, // 0x3d
5, // 0x3e
6, // 0x3f
1, // 0x40
2, // 0x41
2, // 0x42
3, // 0x43
2, // 0x44
3, // 0x45
3, // 0x46
4, // 0x47
2, // 0x48
3, // 0x49
3, // 0x4a
4, // 0x4b
3, // 0x4c
4, // 0x4d
4, // 0x4e
5, // 0x4f
2, // 0x50
3, // 0x51
3, // 0x52
4, // 0x53
3, // 0x54
4, // 0x55
4, // 0x56
5, // 0x57
3, // 0x58
4, // 0x59
4, // 0x5a
5, // 0x5b
4, // 0x5c
5, // 0x5d
5, // 0x5e
6, // 0x5f
2, // 0x60
3, // 0x61
3, // 0x62
4, // 0x63
3, // 0x64
4, // 0x65
4, // 0x66
5, // 0x67
3, // 0x68
4, // 0x69
4, // 0x6a
5, // 0x6b
4, // 0x6c
5, // 0x6d
5, // 0x6e
6, // 0x6f
3, // 0x70
4, // 0x71
4, // 0x72
5, // 0x73
4, // 0x74
5, // 0x75
5, // 0x76
6, // 0x77
4, // 0x78
5, // 0x79
5, // 0x7a
6, // 0x7b
5, // 0x7c
6, // 0x7d
6, // 0x7e
7, // 0x7f
1, // 0x80
2, // 0x81
2, // 0x82
3, // 0x83
2, // 0x84
3, // 0x85
3, // 0x86
4, // 0x87
2, // 0x88
3, // 0x89
3, // 0x8a
4, // 0x8b
3, // 0x8c
4, // 0x8d
4, // 0x8e
5, // 0x8f
2, // 0x90
3, // 0x91
3, // 0x92
4, // 0x93
3, // 0x94
4, // 0x95
4, // 0x96
5, // 0x97
3, // 0x98
4, // 0x99
4, // 0x9a
5, // 0x9b
4, // 0x9c
5, // 0x9d
5, // 0x9e
6, // 0x9f
2, // 0xa0
3, // 0xa1
3, // 0xa2
4, // 0xa3
3, // 0xa4
4, // 0xa5
4, // 0xa6
5, // 0xa7
3, // 0xa8
4, // 0xa9
4, // 0xaa
5, // 0xab
4, // 0xac
5, // 0xad
5, // 0xae
6, // 0xaf
3, // 0xb0
4, // 0xb1
4, // 0xb2
5, // 0xb3
4, // 0xb4
5, // 0xb5
5, // 0xb6
6, // 0xb7
4, // 0xb8
5, // 0xb9
5, // 0xba
6, // 0xbb
5, // 0xbc
6, // 0xbd
6, // 0xbe
7, // 0xbf
2, // 0xc0
3, // 0xc1
3, // 0xc2
4, // 0xc3
3, // 0xc4
4, // 0xc5
4, // 0xc6
5, // 0xc7
3, // 0xc8
4, // 0xc9
4, // 0xca
5, // 0xcb
4, // 0xcc
5, // 0xcd
5, // 0xce
6, // 0xcf
3, // 0xd0
4, // 0xd1
4, // 0xd2
5, // 0xd3
4, // 0xd4
5, // 0xd5
5, // 0xd6
6, // 0xd7
4, // 0xd8
5, // 0xd9
5, // 0xda
6, // 0xdb
5, // 0xdc
6, // 0xdd
6, // 0xde
7, // 0xdf
3, // 0xe0
4, // 0xe1
4, // 0xe2
5, // 0xe3
4, // 0xe4
5, // 0xe5
5, // 0xe6
6, // 0xe7
4, // 0xe8
5, // 0xe9
5, // 0xea
6, // 0xeb
5, // 0xec
6, // 0xed
6, // 0xee
7, // 0xef
4, // 0xf0
5, // 0xf1
5, // 0xf2
6, // 0xf3
5, // 0xf4
6, // 0xf5
6, // 0xf6
7, // 0xf7
5, // 0xf8
6, // 0xf9
6, // 0xfa
7, // 0xfb
6, // 0xfc
7, // 0xfd
7, // 0xfe
8 // 0xff
public int strlen() {
return value.length();
public int getbit(int offset) {
if (offset < 0) {
offset += value.length() * 8;
if (offset < 0 || offset > value.length() * 8) {
return 0;
int byteIndex = offset / 8;
offset %= 8;
if (byteIndex >= value.length()) {
return 0;
return (value.toBytes()[byteIndex] & (0x80 >> offset)) >> (7 - offset);
public int setbit(
Region<ByteArrayWrapper, RedisData> region,
ByteArrayWrapper key, int bitValue, int byteIndex, byte bitIndex) {
int returnBit;
byte[] bytes = value.toBytes();
if (byteIndex < bytes.length) {
returnBit = (bytes[byteIndex] & (0x80 >> bitIndex)) >> (7 - bitIndex);
} else {
returnBit = 0;
if (byteIndex < bytes.length) {
bytes[byteIndex] = bitValue == 1 ? (byte) (bytes[byteIndex] | (0x80 >> bitIndex))
: (byte) (bytes[byteIndex] & ~(0x80 >> bitIndex));
} else {
byte[] newBytes = new byte[byteIndex + 1];
System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, newBytes, 0, bytes.length);
newBytes[byteIndex] = bitValue == 1 ? (byte) (newBytes[byteIndex] | (0x80 >> bitIndex))
: (byte) (newBytes[byteIndex] & ~(0x80 >> bitIndex));
// TODO: add delta support
region.put(key, this);
return returnBit;
* Since GII (getInitialImage) can come in and call toData while other threads
* are modifying this object, the striped executor will not protect toData.
* So any methods that modify "value" need to be thread safe with toData.
* But currently all of them are because we never modify the existing byte
* array owned by "value" in place. Instead we create a new byte array
* and call setBytes. So toData will see either the old or new value but
* not a mix of both.
public void toData(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
DataSerializer.writePrimitiveInt(appendSequence, out);
DataSerializer.writeByteArray(value.toBytes(), out);
public void fromData(DataInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
appendSequence = DataSerializer.readPrimitiveInt(in);
value = new ByteArrayWrapper(DataSerializer.readByteArray(in));
protected void applyDelta(DeltaInfo deltaInfo) {
AppendDeltaInfo appendDeltaInfo = (AppendDeltaInfo) deltaInfo;
byte[] appendBytes = appendDeltaInfo.getBytes();
if (value == null) {
value = new ByteArrayWrapper(appendBytes);
appendSequence = appendDeltaInfo.getSequence();
} else {
if (appendDeltaInfo.getSequence() == appendSequence + 1) {
appendSequence = appendDeltaInfo.getSequence();
} else if (appendDeltaInfo.getSequence() != appendSequence) {
// Exceptional case should never happen
throw new RuntimeException("Redis APPEND sequence mismatch - delta sequence number: "
+ appendDeltaInfo.getSequence() + " current sequence number: " + appendSequence);
public RedisDataType getType() {
return RedisDataType.REDIS_STRING;
public ByteArrayWrapper getset(Region<ByteArrayWrapper, RedisData> region, ByteArrayWrapper key,
ByteArrayWrapper newValue) {
// No need to copy "value" since we are locked and will be calling set which replaces
// "value" with a new instance.
ByteArrayWrapper result = value;
region.put(key, this);
return result;
protected boolean removeFromRegion() {
return false;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (!(o instanceof RedisString)) {
return false;
if (!super.equals(o)) {
return false;
RedisString that = (RedisString) o;
return Objects.equals(value, that.value);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(super.hashCode(), value);
ByteArrayWrapper getValue() {
return value;
public String toString() {
return "RedisString{" +
super.toString() + ", " +
"value=" + value +
protected void handleSetExpiration(SetOptions options) {
long setExpiration = options == null ? 0L : options.getExpiration();
if (setExpiration != 0) {
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
long timestamp = now + setExpiration;
} else if (options == null || !options.isKeepTTL()) {
////// methods that modify the "value" field ////////////
protected void valueAppend(byte[] bytes) {
protected void valueSet(ByteArrayWrapper newValue) {
value = newValue;
protected void valueSetBytes(byte[] bytes) {