blob: 3531b3ce0a3ab65e4ef1ec406312b270d694d59f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
* agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding
* copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
* copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package org.apache.geode.test.dunit.log4j;
import static org.apache.geode.test.dunit.log4j.LogWriterLogger.LogWriterLevel.ALL;
import static org.apache.geode.test.dunit.log4j.LogWriterLogger.LogWriterLevel.ERROR;
import static org.apache.geode.test.dunit.log4j.LogWriterLogger.LogWriterLevel.FINE;
import static org.apache.geode.test.dunit.log4j.LogWriterLogger.LogWriterLevel.FINER;
import static org.apache.geode.test.dunit.log4j.LogWriterLogger.LogWriterLevel.FINEST;
import static org.apache.geode.test.dunit.log4j.LogWriterLogger.LogWriterLevel.INFO;
import static org.apache.geode.test.dunit.log4j.LogWriterLogger.LogWriterLevel.NONE;
import static org.apache.geode.test.dunit.log4j.LogWriterLogger.LogWriterLevel.SEVERE;
import static org.apache.geode.test.dunit.log4j.LogWriterLogger.LogWriterLevel.WARNING;
import java.text.BreakIterator;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.logging.ErrorManager;
import java.util.logging.Formatter;
import java.util.logging.Handler;
import java.util.logging.LogRecord;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Level;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Marker;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.message.Message;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.spi.AbstractLogger;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.spi.ExtendedLoggerWrapper;
import org.apache.geode.GemFireException;
import org.apache.geode.LogWriter;
import org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.DistributionConfig;
import org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n;
import org.apache.geode.i18n.StringId;
import org.apache.geode.internal.logging.SecurityLogWriter;
* Implements GemFireLogger with custom levels while also bridging LogWriter and LogWriterI18n to
* Log4J.
public class LogWriterLogger extends ExtendedLoggerWrapper implements LogWriter, LogWriterI18n {
public static final String SECURITY_PREFIX = DistributionConfig.SECURITY_PREFIX_NAME;
private final ExtendedLoggerWrapper logWrapper;
private final String connectionName;
private final String loggerName;
private final boolean isSecure;
private LogWriterLogger(final Logger logger, final String connectionName,
final boolean isSecure) {
super((AbstractLogger) logger, logger.getName(), logger.getMessageFactory());
logWrapper = this;
this.connectionName = connectionName;
loggerName = getName();
this.isSecure = isSecure;
* Returns a custom Logger with the specified name and null connectionName.
* @param name The this.logger name. If null the name of the calling class will be used.
* @param isSecure True if creating a Logger for security logging.
* @return The custom Logger.
public static LogWriterLogger create(final String name, final boolean isSecure) {
return create(name, null, isSecure);
* Returns a custom Logger with the specified name.
* @param name The this.logger name. If null the name of the calling class will be used.
* @param connectionName The member name (also known as connection name)
* @param isSecure True if creating a Logger for security logging.
* @return The custom Logger.
public static LogWriterLogger create(final String name, final String connectionName,
final boolean isSecure) {
Logger wrapped = LogManager.getLogger(name);
return new LogWriterLogger(wrapped, connectionName, isSecure);
public static LogWriterLogger create(final Logger logger) {
return new LogWriterLogger(logger, null, false);
* Logs a message with the specific Marker at the {@code Level.TRACE} level.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message string to be logged
public void finest(final Marker marker, final Message message) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.TRACE, marker, message, null);
* Logs a message with the specific Marker at the {@code Level.TRACE} level.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message string to be logged
* @param throwable A Throwable or null.
public void finest(final Marker marker, final Message message, final Throwable throwable) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.TRACE, marker, message, throwable);
* Logs a message object with the {@code Level.TRACE} level.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message object to log.
public void finest(final Marker marker, final Object message) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.TRACE, marker, message, null);
* Logs a message at the {@code Level.TRACE} level including the stack trace of the
* {@link Throwable} {@code t} passed as parameter.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message to log.
* @param throwable the exception to log, including its stack trace.
public void finest(final Marker marker, final Object message, final Throwable throwable) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.TRACE, marker, message, throwable);
* Logs a message object with the {@code Level.TRACE} level.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message object to log.
public void finest(final Marker marker, final String message) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.TRACE, marker, message, (Throwable) null);
* Logs a message with parameters at the {@code Level.TRACE} level.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message to log; the format depends on the message factory.
* @param parameters parameters to the message.
public void finest(final Marker marker, final String message, final Object... parameters) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.TRACE, marker, message, parameters);
* Logs a message at the {@code Level.TRACE} level including the stack trace of the
* {@link Throwable} {@code t} passed as parameter.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message to log.
* @param throwable the exception to log, including its stack trace.
public void finest(final Marker marker, final String message, final Throwable throwable) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.TRACE, marker, message, throwable);
* Logs the specified Message at the {@code Level.TRACE} level.
* @param message the message string to be logged
public void finest(final Message message) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.TRACE, null, message, null);
* Logs the specified Message at the {@code Level.TRACE} level.
* @param message the message string to be logged
* @param throwable A Throwable or null.
public void finest(final Message message, final Throwable throwable) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.TRACE, null, message, throwable);
* Logs a message object with the {@code Level.TRACE} level.
* @param message the message object to log.
public void finest(final Object message) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.TRACE, null, message, null);
* Logs a message at the {@code Level.TRACE} level including the stack trace of the
* {@link Throwable} {@code throwable} passed as parameter.
* @param message the message to log.
* @param throwable the exception to log, including its stack trace.
public void finest(final Object message, final Throwable throwable) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.TRACE, null, message, throwable);
* Logs a message object with the {@code Level.TRACE} level.
* @param message the message object to log.
public void finest(final String message) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.TRACE, null, message, (Throwable) null);
* Logs a message with parameters at the {@code Level.TRACE} level.
* @param message the message to log; the format depends on the message factory.
* @param parameters parameters to the message.
public void finest(final String message, final Object... parameters) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.TRACE, null, message, parameters);
* Logs a message at the {@code Level.TRACE} level including the stack trace of the
* {@link Throwable} {@code t} passed as parameter.
* @param message the message to log.
* @param throwable the exception to log, including its stack trace.
public void finest(final String message, final Throwable throwable) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.TRACE, null, message, throwable);
* Logs a message with the specific Marker at the {@code Level.TRACE} level.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message string to be logged
public void finer(final Marker marker, final Message message) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.TRACE, marker, message, null);
* Logs a message with the specific Marker at the {@code Level.TRACE} level.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message string to be logged
* @param throwable A Throwable or null.
public void finer(final Marker marker, final Message message, final Throwable throwable) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.TRACE, marker, message, throwable);
* Logs a message object with the {@code Level.TRACE} level.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message object to log.
public void finer(final Marker marker, final Object message) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.TRACE, marker, message, null);
* Logs a message at the {@code Level.TRACE} level including the stack trace of the
* {@link Throwable} {@code throwable} passed as parameter.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message to log.
* @param throwable the exception to log, including its stack trace.
public void finer(final Marker marker, final Object message, final Throwable throwable) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.TRACE, marker, message, throwable);
* Logs a message object with the {@code Level.TRACE} level.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message object to log.
public void finer(final Marker marker, final String message) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.TRACE, marker, message, (Throwable) null);
* Logs a message with parameters at the {@code Level.TRACE} level.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message to log; the format depends on the message factory.
* @param parameters parameters to the message.
public void finer(final Marker marker, final String message, final Object... parameters) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.TRACE, marker, message, parameters);
* Logs a message at the {@code Level.TRACE} level including the stack trace of the
* {@link Throwable} {@code throwable} passed as parameter.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message to log.
* @param throwable the exception to log, including its stack trace.
public void finer(final Marker marker, final String message, final Throwable throwable) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.TRACE, marker, message, throwable);
* Logs the specified Message at the {@code Level.TRACE} level.
* @param message the message string to be logged
public void finer(final Message message) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.TRACE, null, message, null);
* Logs the specified Message at the {@code Level.TRACE} level.
* @param message the message string to be logged
* @param throwable A Throwable or null.
public void finer(final Message message, final Throwable throwable) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.TRACE, null, message, throwable);
* Logs a message object with the {@code Level.TRACE} level.
* @param message the message object to log.
public void finer(final Object message) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.TRACE, null, message, null);
* Logs a message at the {@code Level.TRACE} level including the stack trace of the
* {@link Throwable} {@code throwable} passed as parameter.
* @param message the message to log.
* @param throwable the exception to log, including its stack trace.
public void finer(final Object message, final Throwable throwable) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.TRACE, null, message, throwable);
* Logs a message object with the {@code Level.TRACE} level.
* @param message the message object to log.
public void finer(final String message) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.TRACE, null, message, (Throwable) null);
* Logs a message with parameters at the {@code Level.TRACE} level.
* @param message the message to log; the format depends on the message factory.
* @param parameters parameters to the message.
private void finer(final String message, final Object... parameters) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.TRACE, null, message, parameters);
* Logs a message at the {@code Level.TRACE} level including the stack trace of the
* {@link Throwable} {@code t} passed as parameter.
* @param message the message to log.
* @param throwable the exception to log, including its stack trace.
public void finer(final String message, final Throwable throwable) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.TRACE, null, message, throwable);
* Logs a message with the specific Marker at the {@code Level.DEBUG} level.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message string to be logged
public void fine(final Marker marker, final Message message) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.DEBUG, marker, message, null);
* Logs a message with the specific Marker at the {@code Level.DEBUG} level.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message string to be logged
* @param throwable A Throwable or null.
public void fine(final Marker marker, final Message message, final Throwable throwable) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.DEBUG, marker, message, throwable);
* Logs a message object with the {@code Level.DEBUG} level.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message object to log.
public void fine(final Marker marker, final Object message) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.DEBUG, marker, message, null);
* Logs a message at the {@code Level.DEBUG} level including the stack trace of the
* {@link Throwable} {@code throwable} passed as parameter.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message to log.
* @param throwable the exception to log, including its stack trace.
public void fine(final Marker marker, final Object message, final Throwable throwable) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.DEBUG, marker, message, throwable);
* Logs a message object with the {@code Level.DEBUG} level.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message object to log.
public void fine(final Marker marker, final String message) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.DEBUG, marker, message, (Throwable) null);
* Logs a message with parameters at the {@code Level.DEBUG} level.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message to log; the format depends on the message factory.
* @param parameters parameters to the message.
public void fine(final Marker marker, final String message, final Object... parameters) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.DEBUG, marker, message, parameters);
* Logs a message at the {@code Level.DEBUG} level including the stack trace of the
* {@link Throwable} {@code throwable} passed as parameter.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message to log.
* @param throwable the exception to log, including its stack trace.
public void fine(final Marker marker, final String message, final Throwable throwable) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.DEBUG, marker, message, throwable);
* Logs the specified Message at the {@code Level.DEBUG} level.
* @param message the message string to be logged
public void fine(final Message message) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.DEBUG, null, message, null);
* Logs the specified Message at the {@code Level.DEBUG} level.
* @param message the message string to be logged
* @param throwable A Throwable or null.
public void fine(final Message message, final Throwable throwable) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.DEBUG, null, message, throwable);
* Logs a message object with the {@code Level.DEBUG} level.
* @param message the message object to log.
public void fine(final Object message) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.DEBUG, null, message, null);
* Logs a message at the {@code Level.DEBUG} level including the stack trace of the
* {@link Throwable} {@code throwable} passed as parameter.
* @param message the message to log.
* @param throwable the exception to log, including its stack trace.
public void fine(final Object message, final Throwable throwable) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.DEBUG, null, message, throwable);
* Logs a message object with the {@code Level.DEBUG} level.
* @param message the message object to log.
public void fine(final String message) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.DEBUG, null, message, (Throwable) null);
* Logs a message with parameters at the {@code Level.DEBUG} level.
* @param message the message to log; the format depends on the message factory.
* @param parameters parameters to the message.
public void fine(final String message, final Object... parameters) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.DEBUG, null, message, parameters);
* Logs a message at the {@code Level.DEBUG} level including the stack trace of the
* {@link Throwable} {@code t} passed as parameter.
* @param message the message to log.
* @param throwable the exception to log, including its stack trace.
public void fine(final String message, final Throwable throwable) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.DEBUG, null, message, throwable);
* Logs a message with the specific Marker at the {@code Level.INFO} level.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message string to be logged
public void config(final Marker marker, final Message message) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.INFO, marker, message, null);
* Logs a message with the specific Marker at the {@code Level.INFO} level.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message string to be logged
* @param throwable A Throwable or null.
public void config(final Marker marker, final Message message, final Throwable throwable) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.INFO, marker, message, throwable);
* Logs a message object with the {@code Level.INFO} level.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message object to log.
public void config(final Marker marker, final Object message) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.INFO, marker, message, null);
* Logs a message at the {@code Level.INFO} level including the stack trace of the
* {@link Throwable} {@code throwable} passed as parameter.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message to log.
* @param throwable the exception to log, including its stack trace.
public void config(final Marker marker, final Object message, final Throwable throwable) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.INFO, marker, message, throwable);
* Logs a message object with the {@code Level.INFO} level.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message object to log.
public void config(final Marker marker, final String message) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.INFO, marker, message, (Throwable) null);
* Logs a message with parameters at the {@code Level.INFO} level.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message to log; the format depends on the message factory.
* @param parameters parameters to the message.
public void config(final Marker marker, final String message, final Object... parameters) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.INFO, marker, message, parameters);
* Logs a message at the {@code Level.INFO} level including the stack trace of the
* {@link Throwable} {@code throwable} passed as parameter.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message to log.
* @param throwable the exception to log, including its stack trace.
public void config(final Marker marker, final String message, final Throwable throwable) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.INFO, marker, message, throwable);
* Logs the specified Message at the {@code Level.INFO} level.
* @param message the message string to be logged
public void config(final Message message) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.INFO, null, message, null);
* Logs the specified Message at the {@code Level.INFO} level.
* @param message the message string to be logged
* @param throwable A Throwable or null.
public void config(final Message message, final Throwable throwable) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.INFO, null, message, throwable);
* Logs a message object with the {@code Level.INFO} level.
* @param message the message object to log.
public void config(final Object message) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.INFO, null, message, null);
* Logs a message at the {@code Level.INFO} level including the stack trace of the
* {@link Throwable} {@code throwable} passed as parameter.
* @param message the message to log.
* @param throwable the exception to log, including its stack trace.
public void config(final Object message, final Throwable throwable) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.INFO, null, message, throwable);
* Logs a message object with the {@code Level.INFO} level.
* @param message the message object to log.
public void config(final String message) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.INFO, null, message, (Throwable) null);
* Logs a message with parameters at the {@code Level.INFO} level.
* @param message the message to log; the format depends on the message factory.
* @param parameters parameters to the message.
public void config(final String message, final Object... parameters) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.INFO, null, message, parameters);
* Logs a message at the {@code Level.INFO} level including the stack trace of the
* {@link Throwable} {@code t} passed as parameter.
* @param message the message to log.
* @param throwable the exception to log, including its stack trace.
public void config(final String message, final Throwable throwable) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.INFO, null, message, throwable);
* Logs a message with the specific Marker at the {@code Level.INFO} level.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param msg the message string to be logged
public void info(final Marker marker, final Message msg) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.INFO, marker, msg, null);
* Logs a message with the specific Marker at the {@code Level.INFO} level.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param msg the message string to be logged
* @param t A Throwable or null.
public void info(final Marker marker, final Message msg, final Throwable t) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.INFO, marker, msg, t);
* Logs a message object with the {@code Level.INFO} level.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message object to log.
public void info(final Marker marker, final Object message) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.INFO, marker, message, null);
* Logs a message at the {@code Level.INFO} level including the stack trace of the
* {@link Throwable} {@code throwable} passed as parameter.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message to log.
* @param t the exception to log, including its stack trace.
public void info(final Marker marker, final Object message, final Throwable t) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.INFO, marker, message, t);
* Logs a message object with the {@code Level.INFO} level.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message object to log.
public void info(final Marker marker, final String message) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.INFO, marker, message, (Throwable) null);
* Logs a message with parameters at the {@code Level.INFO} level.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message to log; the format depends on the message factory.
* @param params parameters to the message.
public void info(final Marker marker, final String message, final Object... params) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.INFO, marker, message, params);
* Logs a message at the {@code Level.INFO} level including the stack trace of the
* {@link Throwable} {@code throwable} passed as parameter.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message to log.
* @param t the exception to log, including its stack trace.
public void info(final Marker marker, final String message, final Throwable t) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.INFO, marker, message, t);
* Logs the specified Message at the {@code Level.INFO} level.
* @param msg the message string to be logged
public void info(final Message msg) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.INFO, null, msg, null);
* Logs the specified Message at the {@code Level.INFO} level.
* @param msg the message string to be logged
* @param t A Throwable or null.
public void info(final Message msg, final Throwable t) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.INFO, null, msg, t);
* Logs a message object with the {@code Level.INFO} level.
* @param message the message object to log.
public void info(final Object message) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.INFO, null, message, null);
* Logs a message at the {@code Level.INFO} level including the stack trace of the
* {@link Throwable} {@code throwable} passed as parameter.
* @param message the message to log.
* @param t the exception to log, including its stack trace.
public void info(final Object message, final Throwable t) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.INFO, null, message, t);
* Logs a message object with the {@code Level.INFO} level.
* @param message the message object to log.
public void info(final String message) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.INFO, null, message, (Throwable) null);
* Logs a message with parameters at the {@code Level.INFO} level.
* @param message the message to log; the format depends on the message factory.
* @param params parameters to the message.
public void info(final String message, final Object... params) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.INFO, null, message, params);
* Logs a message at the {@code Level.INFO} level including the stack trace of the
* {@link Throwable} {@code throwable} passed as parameter.
* @param message the message to log.
* @param t the exception to log, including its stack trace.
public void info(final String message, final Throwable t) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.INFO, null, message, t);
* Logs a message with the specific Marker at the {@code Level.WARN} level.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message string to be logged
public void warning(final Marker marker, final Message message) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.WARN, marker, message, null);
* Logs a message with the specific Marker at the {@code Level.WARN} level.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message string to be logged
* @param throwable A Throwable or null.
public void warning(final Marker marker, final Message message, final Throwable throwable) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.WARN, marker, message, throwable);
* Logs a message object with the {@code Level.WARN} level.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message object to log.
public void warning(final Marker marker, final Object message) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.WARN, marker, message, null);
* Logs a message at the {@code Level.WARN} level including the stack trace of the
* {@link Throwable} {@code throwable} passed as parameter.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message to log.
* @param throwable the exception to log, including its stack trace.
public void warning(final Marker marker, final Object message, final Throwable throwable) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.WARN, marker, message, throwable);
* Logs a message object with the {@code Level.WARN} level.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message object to log.
public void warning(final Marker marker, final String message) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.WARN, marker, message, (Throwable) null);
* Logs a message with parameters at the {@code Level.WARN} level.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message to log; the format depends on the message factory.
* @param parameters parameters to the message.
public void warning(final Marker marker, final String message, final Object... parameters) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.WARN, marker, message, parameters);
* Logs a message at the {@code Level.WARN} level including the stack trace of the
* {@link Throwable} {@code throwable} passed as parameter.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message to log.
* @param throwable the exception to log, including its stack trace.
public void warning(final Marker marker, final String message, final Throwable throwable) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.WARN, marker, message, throwable);
* Logs the specified Message at the {@code Level.WARN} level.
* @param message the message string to be logged
public void warning(final Message message) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.WARN, null, message, null);
* Logs the specified Message at the {@code Level.WARN} level.
* @param message the message string to be logged
* @param throwable A Throwable or null.
public void warning(final Message message, final Throwable throwable) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.WARN, null, message, throwable);
* Logs a message object with the {@code Level.WARN} level.
* @param message the message object to log.
public void warning(final Object message) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.WARN, null, message, null);
* Logs a message at the {@code Level.WARN} level including the stack trace of the
* {@link Throwable} {@code throwable} passed as parameter.
* @param message the message to log.
* @param throwable the exception to log, including its stack trace.
public void warning(final Object message, final Throwable throwable) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.WARN, null, message, throwable);
* Logs a message object with the {@code Level.WARN} level.
* @param message the message object to log.
public void warning(final String message) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.WARN, null, message, (Throwable) null);
* Logs a message with parameters at the {@code Level.WARN} level.
* @param message the message to log; the format depends on the message factory.
* @param parameters parameters to the message.
public void warning(final String message, final Object... parameters) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.WARN, null, message, parameters);
* Logs a message at the {@code Level.WARN} level including the stack trace of the
* {@link Throwable} {@code t} passed as parameter.
* @param message the message to log.
* @param throwable the exception to log, including its stack trace.
public void warning(final String message, final Throwable throwable) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.WARN, null, message, throwable);
* Logs a message with the specific Marker at the {@code Level.WARN} level.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param msg the message string to be logged
public void error(final Marker marker, final Message msg) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.ERROR, marker, msg, null);
* Logs a message with the specific Marker at the {@code Level.ERROR} level.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param msg the message string to be logged
* @param t A Throwable or null.
public void error(final Marker marker, final Message msg, final Throwable t) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.ERROR, marker, msg, t);
* Logs a message object with the {@code Level.ERROR} level.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message object to log.
public void error(final Marker marker, final Object message) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.ERROR, marker, message, null);
* Logs a message at the {@code Level.ERROR} level including the stack trace of the
* {@link Throwable} {@code throwable} passed as parameter.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message to log.
* @param t the exception to log, including its stack trace.
public void error(final Marker marker, final Object message, final Throwable t) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.ERROR, marker, message, t);
* Logs a message object with the {@code Level.ERROR} level.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message object to log.
public void error(final Marker marker, final String message) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.ERROR, marker, message, (Throwable) null);
* Logs a message with parameters at the {@code Level.ERROR} level.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message to log; the format depends on the message factory.
* @param params parameters to the message.
public void error(final Marker marker, final String message, final Object... params) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.ERROR, marker, message, params);
* Logs a message at the {@code Level.ERROR} level including the stack trace of the
* {@link Throwable} {@code throwable} passed as parameter.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message to log.
* @param t the exception to log, including its stack trace.
public void error(final Marker marker, final String message, final Throwable t) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.ERROR, marker, message, t);
* Logs the specified Message at the {@code Level.ERROR} level.
* @param msg the message string to be logged
public void error(final Message msg) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.ERROR, null, msg, null);
* Logs the specified Message at the {@code Level.ERROR} level.
* @param msg the message string to be logged
* @param t A Throwable or null.
public void error(final Message msg, final Throwable t) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.ERROR, null, msg, t);
* Logs a message object with the {@code Level.ERROR} level.
* @param message the message object to log.
public void error(final Object message) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.ERROR, null, message, null);
* Logs a message at the {@code Level.ERROR} level including the stack trace of the
* {@link Throwable} {@code throwable} passed as parameter.
* @param message the message to log.
* @param t the exception to log, including its stack trace.
public void error(final Object message, final Throwable t) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.ERROR, null, message, t);
* Logs a message object with the {@code Level.ERROR} level.
* @param message the message object to log.
public void error(final String message) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.ERROR, null, message, (Throwable) null);
* Logs a message with parameters at the {@code Level.ERROR} level.
* @param message the message to log; the format depends on the message factory.
* @param params parameters to the message.
public void error(final String message, final Object... params) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.ERROR, null, message, params);
* Logs a message at the {@code Level.ERROR} level including the stack trace of the
* {@link Throwable} {@code throwable} passed as parameter.
* @param message the message to log.
* @param t the exception to log, including its stack trace.
public void error(final String message, final Throwable t) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.ERROR, null, message, t);
* Logs a message with the specific Marker at the {@code Level.FATAL} level.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message string to be logged
public void severe(final Marker marker, final Message message) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.FATAL, marker, message, null);
* Logs a message with the specific Marker at the {@code Level.FATAL} level.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message string to be logged
* @param throwable A Throwable or null.
public void severe(final Marker marker, final Message message, final Throwable throwable) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.FATAL, marker, message, throwable);
* Logs a message object with the {@code Level.FATAL} level.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message object to log.
public void severe(final Marker marker, final Object message) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.FATAL, marker, message, null);
* Logs a message at the {@code Level.FATAL} level including the stack trace of the
* {@link Throwable} {@code throwable} passed as parameter.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message to log.
* @param throwable the exception to log, including its stack trace.
public void severe(final Marker marker, final Object message, final Throwable throwable) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.FATAL, marker, message, throwable);
* Logs a message object with the {@code Level.FATAL} level.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message object to log.
public void severe(final Marker marker, final String message) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.FATAL, marker, message, (Throwable) null);
* Logs a message with parameters at the {@code Level.FATAL} level.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message to log; the format depends on the message factory.
* @param parameters parameters to the message.
public void severe(final Marker marker, final String message, final Object... parameters) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.FATAL, marker, message, parameters);
* Logs a message at the {@code Level.FATAL} level including the stack trace of the
* {@link Throwable} {@code throwable} passed as parameter.
* @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
* @param message the message to log.
* @param throwable the exception to log, including its stack trace.
public void severe(final Marker marker, final String message, final Throwable throwable) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.FATAL, marker, message, throwable);
* Logs the specified Message at the {@code Level.FATAL} level.
* @param message the message string to be logged
public void severe(final Message message) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.FATAL, null, message, null);
* Logs the specified Message at the {@code Level.FATAL} level.
* @param message the message string to be logged
* @param throwable A Throwable or null.
public void severe(final Message message, final Throwable throwable) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.FATAL, null, message, throwable);
* Logs a message object with the {@code Level.FATAL} level.
* @param message the message object to log.
public void severe(final Object message) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.FATAL, null, message, null);
* Logs a message at the {@code Level.FATAL} level including the stack trace of the
* {@link Throwable} {@code throwable} passed as parameter.
* @param message the message to log.
* @param throwable the exception to log, including its stack trace.
public void severe(final Object message, final Throwable throwable) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.FATAL, null, message, throwable);
* Logs a message object with the {@code Level.FATAL} level.
* @param message the message object to log.
public void severe(final String message) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.FATAL, null, message, (Throwable) null);
* Logs a message with parameters at the {@code Level.FATAL} level.
* @param message the message to log; the format depends on the message factory.
* @param parameters parameters to the message.
public void severe(final String message, final Object... parameters) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.FATAL, null, message, parameters);
* Logs a message at the {@code Level.FATAL} level including the stack trace of the
* {@link Throwable} {@code t} passed as parameter.
* @param message the message to log.
* @param throwable the exception to log, including its stack
public void severe(final String message, final Throwable throwable) {
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, Level.FATAL, null, message, throwable);
public void log(int logWriterLevel, final String message, final Throwable throwable) {
Level level = LogWriterLevelConverter.toLevel(LogWriterLevel.find(logWriterLevel));
logWrapper.logIfEnabled(loggerName, level, null, message, throwable);
public boolean severeEnabled() {
return isEnabled(Level.FATAL);
public boolean errorEnabled() {
return isEnabled(Level.ERROR);
public boolean warningEnabled() {
return isEnabled(Level.WARN);
public boolean infoEnabled() {
return isEnabled(Level.INFO);
public boolean configEnabled() {
return isEnabled(Level.INFO);
public boolean fineEnabled() {
return isEnabled(Level.DEBUG);
public boolean finerEnabled() {
return isEnabled(Level.TRACE);
public boolean finestEnabled() {
return isEnabled(Level.TRACE);
public void entering(String sourceClass, String sourceMethod) {
finer("ENTRY {}:{}", sourceClass, sourceMethod);
public void exiting(String sourceClass, String sourceMethod) {
finer("RETURN {}:{}", sourceClass, sourceMethod);
public void throwing(String sourceClass, String sourceMethod, Throwable thrown) {
finer("THROW {}:{}", sourceClass, sourceMethod, thrown);
public Handler getHandler() {
return new GemFireHandler(this);
public LogWriterI18n convertToLogWriterI18n() {
return this;
public void severe(Throwable throwable) {
severe((String) null, throwable);
public void error(Throwable throwable) {
error((String) null, throwable);
public void warning(Throwable throwable) {
warning((String) null, throwable);
public void info(Throwable throwable) {
info((String) null, throwable);
public void config(Throwable throwable) {
config((String) null, throwable);
public void fine(Throwable throwable) {
fine((String) null, throwable);
public void finer(Throwable throwable) {
finer((String) null, throwable);
public void finest(Throwable throwable) {
finest((String) null, throwable);
public void severe(StringId messageId, Object[] parameters, Throwable throwable) {
if (isEnabled(Level.FATAL)) {
severe(messageId.toLocalizedString(parameters), throwable);
public void severe(StringId messageId, Object parameter, Throwable throwable) {
if (isEnabled(Level.FATAL)) {
severe(messageId.toLocalizedString(parameter), throwable);
public void severe(StringId messageId, Throwable throwable) {
if (isEnabled(Level.FATAL)) {
severe(messageId.toLocalizedString(), throwable);
public void severe(StringId messageId, Object[] parameters) {
if (isEnabled(Level.FATAL)) {
public void severe(StringId messageId, Object parameter) {
if (isEnabled(Level.FATAL)) {
public void severe(StringId messageId) {
if (isEnabled(Level.FATAL)) {
public void error(StringId messageId, Object[] parameters, Throwable throwable) {
if (isEnabled(Level.ERROR)) {
error(messageId.toLocalizedString(parameters), throwable);
public void error(StringId messageId, Object parameter, Throwable throwable) {
if (isEnabled(Level.ERROR)) {
error(messageId.toLocalizedString(parameter), throwable);
public void error(StringId messageId, Throwable throwable) {
if (isEnabled(Level.ERROR)) {
error(messageId.toLocalizedString(), throwable);
public void error(StringId messageId, Object[] parameters) {
if (isEnabled(Level.ERROR)) {
public void error(StringId messageId, Object parameter) {
if (isEnabled(Level.ERROR)) {
public void error(StringId messageId) {
if (isEnabled(Level.ERROR)) {
public void warning(StringId messageId, Object[] parameters, Throwable throwable) {
if (isEnabled(Level.WARN)) {
warning(messageId.toLocalizedString(parameters), throwable);
public void warning(StringId messageId, Object parameter, Throwable throwable) {
if (isEnabled(Level.WARN)) {
warning(messageId.toLocalizedString(parameter), throwable);
public void warning(StringId messageId, Throwable throwable) {
if (isEnabled(Level.WARN)) {
warning(messageId.toLocalizedString(), throwable);
public void warning(StringId messageId, Object[] parameters) {
if (isEnabled(Level.WARN)) {
public void warning(StringId messageId, Object parameter) {
if (isEnabled(Level.WARN)) {
public void warning(StringId messageId) {
if (isEnabled(Level.WARN)) {
public void info(StringId messageId, Object[] parameters, Throwable throwable) {
if (isEnabled(Level.INFO)) {
info(messageId.toLocalizedString(parameters), throwable);
public void info(StringId messageId, Object parameter, Throwable throwable) {
if (isEnabled(Level.INFO)) {
info(messageId.toLocalizedString(parameter), throwable);
public void info(StringId messageId, Throwable throwable) {
if (isEnabled(Level.INFO)) {
info(messageId.toLocalizedString(), throwable);
public void info(StringId messageId, Object[] parameters) {
if (isEnabled(Level.INFO)) {
public void info(StringId messageId, Object parameter) {
if (isEnabled(Level.INFO)) {
public void info(StringId messageId) {
if (isEnabled(Level.INFO)) {
public void config(StringId messageId, Object[] parameters, Throwable throwable) {
if (isEnabled(Level.INFO)) {
config(messageId.toLocalizedString(parameters), throwable);
public void config(StringId messageId, Object parameter, Throwable throwable) {
if (isEnabled(Level.INFO)) {
config(messageId.toLocalizedString(parameter), throwable);
public void config(StringId messageId, Throwable throwable) {
if (isEnabled(Level.INFO)) {
config(messageId.toLocalizedString(), throwable);
public void config(StringId messageId, Object[] parameters) {
if (isEnabled(Level.INFO)) {
public void config(StringId messageId, Object parameter) {
if (isEnabled(Level.INFO)) {
public void config(StringId messageId) {
if (isEnabled(Level.INFO)) {
public LogWriter convertToLogWriter() {
return this;
public int getLogWriterLevel() {
final Level log4jLevel = logWrapper.getLevel();
if (log4jLevel == Level.OFF) {
return NONE.intLevel();
} else if (log4jLevel == Level.FATAL) {
return SEVERE.intLevel();
} else if (log4jLevel == Level.ERROR) {
return ERROR.intLevel();
} else if (log4jLevel == Level.WARN) {
return WARNING.intLevel();
} else if (log4jLevel == Level.INFO) {
return INFO.intLevel();
} else if (log4jLevel == Level.DEBUG) {
return FINE.intLevel();
} else if (log4jLevel == Level.TRACE) {
return FINER.intLevel();
} else if (log4jLevel == Level.ALL) {
return ALL.intLevel();
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Level " + log4jLevel + " could not be mapped to LogWriter level.");
public boolean isSecure() {
return isSecure;
public void put(int messageLevel, String message, Throwable throwable) {
log(messageLevel, message, throwable);
public void put(int messageLevel, StringId messageId, Object[] parameters, Throwable throwable) {
log(messageLevel, messageId.toLocalizedString(parameters), throwable);
public String getConnectionName() {
return connectionName;
* If the writer's level is {@code ALL_LEVEL} then all messages will be logged.
private static final int ALL_LEVEL = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
* If the writer's level is {@code FINEST_LEVEL} then finest, finer, fine, config, info,
* warning, error, and severe messages will be logged.
private static final int FINEST_LEVEL = 300;
* If the writer's level is {@code FINER_LEVEL} then finer, fine, config, info, warning,
* error, and severe messages will be logged.
private static final int FINER_LEVEL = 400;
* If the writer's level is {@code FINE_LEVEL} then fine, config, info, warning, error, and
* severe messages will be logged.
private static final int FINE_LEVEL = 500;
* If the writer's level is {@code CONFIG_LEVEL} then config, info, warning, error, and
* severe messages will be logged.
private static final int CONFIG_LEVEL = 700;
* If the writer's level is {@code INFO_LEVEL} then info, warning, error, and severe messages
* will be logged.
private static final int INFO_LEVEL = 800;
* If the writer's level is {@code WARNING_LEVEL} then warning, error, and severe messages
* will be logged.
private static final int WARNING_LEVEL = 900;
* If the writer's level is {@code SEVERE_LEVEL} then only severe messages will be logged.
private static final int SEVERE_LEVEL = 1000;
* If the writer's level is {@code ERROR_LEVEL} then error and severe messages will be
* logged.
private static final int ERROR_LEVEL = (WARNING_LEVEL + SEVERE_LEVEL) / 2;
* If the writer's level is {@code NONE_LEVEL} then no messages will be logged.
private static final int NONE_LEVEL = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
* A bit mask to remove any potential flags added to the msgLevel. Intended to be used in
* {@link #getRealLogLevel}.
private static final int LOGGING_FLAGS_MASK = 0x00FFFFFF;
* A flag to indicate the {@link SecurityLogWriter#SECURITY_PREFIX} should be appended to the log
* level.
private static final int SECURITY_LOGGING_FLAG = 0x40000000;
* Gets the string representation for the given {@code level} int code.
public static String levelToString(int level) {
switch (level) {
return "all";
return "finest";
return "finer";
return "fine";
return "config";
return "info";
return "warning";
return "error";
return "severe";
return "none";
return levelToStringSpecialCase(level);
* Handles the special cases for {@code #levelToString(int)} including such cases as the
* SECURITY_LOGGING_PREFIX and an invalid log level.
private static String levelToStringSpecialCase(int levelWithFlags) {
if ((levelWithFlags & SECURITY_LOGGING_FLAG) != 0) {
// We know the flag is set so XOR will zero it out.
int level = levelWithFlags ^ SECURITY_LOGGING_FLAG;
return SecurityLogWriter.SECURITY_PREFIX + levelToString(level);
// Needed to prevent infinite recursion
// This signifies an unknown log level was used
return "level-" + levelWithFlags;
* Levels used for identifying the severity of a {@link LogWriter} event. From least specific to
* most:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link #ALL} (least specific, all logging)</li>
* <li>{@link #FINEST} (least specific, a lot of logging)</li>
* <li>{@link #FINER}</li>
* <li>{@link #FINE}</li>
* <li>{@link #CONFIG}</li>
* <li>{@link #INFO}</li>
* <li>{@link #WARNING}</li>
* <li>{@link #ERROR}</li>
* <li>{@link #SEVERE} (most specific, a little logging)</li>
* <li>{@link #NONE} (most specific, no logging)</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* Default level in Geode is {@link #CONFIG}.
public enum LogWriterLevel {
public static LogWriterLevel find(final int intLevel) {
for (LogWriterLevel logWriterLevel : values()) {
if (logWriterLevel.intLevel == intLevel) {
return logWriterLevel;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No LogWriterLevel found for intLevel " + intLevel);
private final int intLevel;
LogWriterLevel(final int intLevel) {
this.intLevel = intLevel;
public int intLevel() {
return intLevel;
* Converts between {@link LogWriterLevel}s and Log4J2 {@code Level}s.
* <p>
* Implementation note: switch and if-else structures perform better than using a HashMap for this
* which matters the most if used for every log statement.
public static class LogWriterLevelConverter {
* Converts from a {@link LogWriterLevel} to a Log4J2 {@code Level}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if there is no matching Log4J2 Level
public static Level toLevel(final LogWriterLevel logWriterLevel) {
switch (logWriterLevel) {
case ALL:
return Level.ALL;
case SEVERE:
return Level.FATAL;
case ERROR:
return Level.ERROR;
return Level.WARN;
case INFO:
return Level.INFO;
case CONFIG:
return Level.INFO;
case FINE:
return Level.DEBUG;
case FINER:
return Level.TRACE;
case FINEST:
return Level.TRACE;
case NONE:
return Level.OFF;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No matching Log4J2 Level for " + logWriterLevel + ".");
* Converts from a Log4J2 {@code Level} to a {@link LogWriterLevel}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if there is no matching Alert
public LogWriterLevel fromLevel(final Level level) {
if (level == Level.ALL) {
return ALL;
} else if (level == Level.FATAL) {
return SEVERE;
} else if (level == Level.ERROR) {
return ERROR;
} else if (level == Level.WARN) {
return WARNING;
} else if (level == Level.INFO) {
return INFO;
} else if (level == Level.DEBUG) {
return FINE;
} else if (level == Level.TRACE) {
return FINEST;
} else if (level == Level.OFF) {
return NONE;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No matching AlertLevel for Log4J2 Level " + level + ".");
* Implementation of the standard JDK handler that publishes a log record to a LogWriterImpl. Note
* this handler ignores any installed handler.
public static class GemFireHandler extends Handler {
* Use the log writer to use some of its formatting code.
private LogWriter logWriter;
private GemFireHandler(LogWriter logWriter) {
this.logWriter = logWriter;
setFormatter(new GemFireFormatter());
public void close() {
// clear the reference to GFE LogWriter
logWriter = null;
public void flush() {
// nothing needed
private String getMessage(final LogRecord record) {
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
.append(" msgId=").append(record.getSequenceNumber()).append(") ");
if (record.getMessage() != null) {
return stringBuilder.toString();
public void publish(final LogRecord record) {
if (isLoggable(record)) {
try {
if (logWriter instanceof LogWriterLogger) {
((LogWriterLogger) logWriter).log(record.getLevel().intValue(), getMessage(record),
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"LogWriterLogger (geode-dunit) does not support LogWriterImpl");
} catch (GemFireException ex) {
reportError(null, ex, ErrorManager.WRITE_FAILURE);
* Implementation of the standard JDK formatter that formats a message in GemFire's log format.
public static class GemFireFormatter extends Formatter {
private final DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.SSS z");
GemFireFormatter() {
// nothing
public String format(final LogRecord record) {
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw);
pw.print(' ');
pw.print(dateFormat.format(new Date(record.getMillis())));
String threadName = Thread.currentThread().getName();
if (threadName != null) {
pw.print(' ');
pw.print(" tid=0x");
pw.print("] ");
pw.print(" msgSN=");
pw.print(") ");
String msg = record.getMessage();
if (msg != null) {
try {
formatText(pw, msg, 40);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
pw.println("Ignoring the following exception:");
} else {
if (record.getThrown() != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException ignore) {
return sw.toString();
* formatText manipulates \n and \r chars but supports Windows and Linux/Unix/Mac
private static void formatText(PrintWriter writer, String target, int initialLength) {
BreakIterator boundary = BreakIterator.getLineInstance();
int start = boundary.first();
int end =;
int lineLength = initialLength;
while (end != BreakIterator.DONE) {
// Look at the end and only accept whitespace breaks
char endChar = target.charAt(end - 1);
while (!Character.isWhitespace(endChar)) {
int lastEnd = end;
end =;
if (end == BreakIterator.DONE) {
// give up. We are at the end of the string
end = lastEnd;
endChar = target.charAt(end - 1);
int wordEnd = end;
if (endChar == '\n') {
// trim off the \n since println will do it for us
if (wordEnd > 0 && target.charAt(wordEnd - 1) == '\r') {
} else if (endChar == '\t') {
// figure tabs use 8 characters
lineLength += 7;
String word = target.substring(start, wordEnd);
lineLength += word.length();
if (endChar == '\n' || endChar == '\r') {
// force end of line
writer.print(" ");
lineLength = 2;
start = end;
end =;
if (lineLength != 0) {