blob: 1efb30faa92bea1ba28e32a8d8a3f76cb6aa4309 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
* agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding
* copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
* copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.geode.logging.internal.log4j.api.LogService;
* Encapsulates obtaining valid and invalid credentials. Implementations will be for different kinds
* of authentication schemes.
* @since GemFire 5.5
public abstract class CredentialGenerator {
private static final Logger logger = LogService.getLogger();
* A set of properties that should be added to the Gemfire system properties before using the
* authentication module.
private Properties systemProperties = null;
* A set of properties that should be added to the java system properties before using the
* authentication module.
protected Properties javaProperties = null;
* A factory method to create a new instance of an {@link CredentialGenerator} for the given
* {@link ClassCode}. Caller is supposed to invoke {@link CredentialGenerator#init} immediately
* after obtaining the instance.
* @param classCode the {@code ClassCode} of the {@code CredentialGenerator} implementation
* @return an instance of {@code CredentialGenerator} for the given class code
public static CredentialGenerator create(final ClassCode classCode) {
switch (classCode.classType) {
// Removing dummy one to reduce test run times
// case ClassCode.ID_DUMMY:
// return new DummyCredentialGenerator();
case ClassCode.ID_LDAP:
return new LdapUserCredentialGenerator();
// case ClassCode.ID_SSL:ΓΈ
// return new SSLCredentialGenerator();
case ClassCode.ID_PKCS:
return new PKCSCredentialGenerator();
return null;
* Initialize the credential generator.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when there is a problem during initialization
public void init() throws IllegalArgumentException {
this.systemProperties = initialize();"Generating CredentialGenerator with {}", this.systemProperties);
* @return A set of extra properties that should be added to Gemfire system properties when not
* null.
public Properties getSystemProperties() {
return this.systemProperties;
* @return A set of extra properties that should be added to Gemfire system properties when not
* null.
public Properties getJavaProperties() {
return this.javaProperties;
* The {@link ClassCode} of this particular implementation.
* @return the {@code ClassCode}
public abstract ClassCode classCode();
* The name of the {@link AuthInitialize} factory function that should be used in conjunction with
* the credentials generated by this generator.
* @return name of the {@code AuthInitialize} factory function
public abstract String getAuthInit();
* The name of the {@link Authenticator} factory function that should be used in conjunction with
* the credentials generated by this generator.
* @return name of the {@code Authenticator} factory function
public abstract String getAuthenticator();
* Get a set of valid credentials generated using the given index.
public abstract Properties getValidCredentials(final int index);
* Get a set of valid credentials for the given {@link Principal}.
* @return credentials for the given {@code Principal} or null if none possible.
public abstract Properties getValidCredentials(final Principal principal);
* Get a set of invalid credentials generated using the given index.
public abstract Properties getInvalidCredentials(final int index);
* Initialize the credential generator. This is provided separately from the {@link #init()}
* method for convenience of implementations so that they do not need to store in
* {@link #systemProperties}. The latter is convenient for the users who do not need to store
* these properties rather can obtain it later by invoking {@link #getSystemProperties()}
* <p>
* Required to be implemented by concrete classes that implement this abstract class.
* @return A set of extra properties that should be added to Gemfire system properties when not
* null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when there is a problem during initialization
protected abstract Properties initialize() throws IllegalArgumentException;
* Enumeration for various {@link CredentialGenerator} implementations.
* <p>
* The following schemes are supported as of now: {@code DummyAuthenticator},
* {@code LdapUserAuthenticator}, {@code PKCSAuthenticator}. In addition SSL socket mode with
* mutual authentication is also supported.
* <p>
* To add a new authentication scheme the following needs to be done:
* <ul>
* <li>Add implementations for {@link AuthInitialize} and {@link Authenticator} classes for
* clients/peers.</li>
* <li>Add a new enumeration value for the scheme in this class. Notice the size of {@code VALUES}
* array and increase that if it is getting overflowed. Note the methods and fields for existing
* schemes and add for the new one in a similar manner.</li>
* <li>Add an implementation for {@link CredentialGenerator}.</li>
* <li>Modify the CredentialGenerator.Factory#create [no such Factory exists] method to add
* creation of an instance of the new implementation for the {@code ClassCode} enumeration
* value.</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* All security dunit tests will automagically start testing the new implementation after this.
* @since GemFire 5.5
public static class ClassCode {
private static byte nextOrdinal = 0;
private static final byte ID_DUMMY = 1;
private static final byte ID_LDAP = 2;
private static final byte ID_PKCS = 3;
private static final byte ID_SSL = 4;
private static final ClassCode[] VALUES = new ClassCode[10];
private static final Map CODE_NAME_MAP = new HashMap();
public static final ClassCode DUMMY =
new ClassCode(DummyAuthenticator.class.getName() + ".create", ID_DUMMY);
public static final ClassCode LDAP =
new ClassCode(LdapUserAuthenticator.class.getName() + ".create", ID_LDAP);
public static final ClassCode PKCS =
new ClassCode(PKCSAuthenticator.class.getName() + ".create", ID_PKCS);
public static final ClassCode SSL = new ClassCode("SSL", ID_SSL);
/** The name of this class. */
private final String name;
/** byte used as ordinal to represent this class */
private final byte ordinal;
* One of the following: ID_DUMMY, ID_LDAP, ID_PKCS
private final byte classType;
/** Creates a new instance of class code. */
private ClassCode(final String name, final byte classType) { = name;
this.classType = classType;
this.ordinal = nextOrdinal++;
VALUES[this.ordinal] = this;
CODE_NAME_MAP.put(name, this);
public boolean isDummy() {
return this.classType == ID_DUMMY;
public boolean isLDAP() {
return this.classType == ID_LDAP;
public boolean isPKCS() {
return this.classType == ID_PKCS;
public boolean isSSL() {
return this.classType == ID_SSL;
* Returns the {@code ClassCode} represented by specified ordinal.
public static ClassCode fromOrdinal(final byte ordinal) {
return VALUES[ordinal];
* Returns the {@code ClassCode} represented by specified string.
public static ClassCode parse(final String operationName) {
return (ClassCode) CODE_NAME_MAP.get(operationName);
* Returns all the possible values.
public static List getAll() {
final List codes = new ArrayList();
for (Iterator iter = CODE_NAME_MAP.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
return codes;
* Returns the ordinal for this operation code.
* @return the ordinal of this operation.
public byte toOrdinal() {
return this.ordinal;
* Returns a string representation for this operation.
* @return the name of this operation.
public String toString() {
* Indicates whether other object is same as this one.
* @return true if other object is same as this one.
public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
if (obj == this) {
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof ClassCode)) {
return false;
final ClassCode other = (ClassCode) obj;
return other.ordinal == this.ordinal;
* Indicates whether other {@code ClassCode} is same as this one.
* @return true if other {@code ClassCode} is same as this one.
public boolean equals(final ClassCode opCode) {
return opCode != null && opCode.ordinal == this.ordinal;
* Returns a hash code value for this {@code ClassCode} which is the same as its ordinal.
* @return the ordinal of this operation.
public int hashCode() {
return this.ordinal;