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title: Useful gfsh Shell Variables
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You can use the built-in `gfsh` shell variables in scripts.
You can also use the `set variable` command to modify shell behavior or to define your own variables.
To see a list of all gfsh shell variables and their current values, use the following command:
``` pre
gfsh>echo --string=$*
To obtain the current value of an existing variable, use the following command syntax (the variable must be enclosed in braces):
``` pre
gfsh>echo --string=${VARIABLE}
For example:
``` pre
gfsh>echo --string=${SYS_CLASSPATH}
**System Variables**
| | |
| SYS\_CLASSPATH | CLASSPATH of the gfsh JVM (read only). |
| SYS\_GEMFIRE\_DIR | Product directory where <%=vars.product_name%> has been installed (read only). |
| SYS\_HOST\_NAME | Host from which gfsh is started (read only). |
| SYS\_JAVA\_VERSION | Java version used (read only). |
| SYS\_OS | OS name (read only). |
| SYS\_OS\_LINE\_SEPARATOR | Line separator (\\ or ^) variable that you can use when writing gfsh scripts. (read only). |
| SYS\_USER | User name (read only). |
| SYS\_USER\_HOME | User's home directory (read only). |
**GFSH Environment Variables**
| | |
| APP\_FETCH\_SIZE | Fetch size to be used while querying. Values: 0 - 2147483647. Default value is 100. |
| APP\_LAST\_EXIT\_STATUS | Last command exit status. Similar to $? (Unix) and %errorlevel% (Windows). Values: 0 (successful), 1 (error), 2(crash) (read only). |
| APP\_LOGGING\_ENABLED | Whether gfsh logging is enabled. Default: false (read only). You can enable gfsh logging by setting the `gfsh.log-level` Java system property to a [supported Java log level](|
| APP\_LOG\_FILE | Path and name of current gfsh log file (read only). |
| APP\_NAME | Name of the application-- "gfsh" (read only). |
| APP\_PWD | Current working directory where gfsh was launched (read only). |
| APP\_QUERY\_RESULTS\_DISPLAY\_MODE | Toggle the display mode for returning query results. Values: table or catalog. Default value is table. |
| APP\_QUIET\_EXECUTION | Whether the execution should be in quiet mode. Values (case insensitive): true, false. Default value is false. |
| APP\_RESULT\_VIEWER | Unix only. Set this variable to `external` to enable viewing of the output using the UNIX `less` command. Default value is basic (gfsh). |