blob: 3e0fd524c6f68ff2948c93db64a85722b6ef7968 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
* agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding
* copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* the License.
package org.apache.geode.pdx.internal;
import org.apache.geode.StatisticDescriptor;
import org.apache.geode.Statistics;
import org.apache.geode.StatisticsFactory;
import org.apache.geode.StatisticsType;
class TypeRegistrationStatistics {
static final String TYPE_DEFINED = "typeDefined";
static final String TYPE_CREATED = "typeCreated";
static final String ENUM_DEFINED = "enumDefined";
static final String ENUM_CREATED = "enumCreated";
static final String SIZE = "size";
private final TypeRegistration typeRegistration;
private final int typeDefinedId;
private final int typeCreatedId;
private final int enumDefinedId;
private final int enumCreatedId;
private final Statistics statistics;
TypeRegistrationStatistics(final StatisticsFactory statisticsFactory,
final TypeRegistration typeRegistration) {
this.typeRegistration = typeRegistration;
final StatisticsType statisticsType =
statisticsFactory.createType("PdxTypeRegistration", "PDX type registration statistics.",
new StatisticDescriptor[] {
statisticsFactory.createLongCounter(TYPE_DEFINED, "Number of PDX types defined.",
statisticsFactory.createLongCounter(TYPE_CREATED, "Number of PDX types created.",
statisticsFactory.createLongCounter(ENUM_DEFINED, "Number of PDX enums defined.",
statisticsFactory.createLongCounter(ENUM_CREATED, "Number of PDX enums created.",
statisticsFactory.createLongGauge(SIZE, "Size of PDX type and enum registry.",
typeDefinedId = statisticsType.nameToId(TYPE_DEFINED);
typeCreatedId = statisticsType.nameToId(TYPE_CREATED);
enumDefinedId = statisticsType.nameToId(ENUM_DEFINED);
enumCreatedId = statisticsType.nameToId(ENUM_CREATED);
statistics = statisticsFactory.createAtomicStatistics(statisticsType,
public void initialize() {
statistics.setLongSupplier(SIZE, typeRegistration::getLocalSize);
void typeDefined() {
statistics.incLong(typeDefinedId, 1);
void typeCreated() {
statistics.incLong(typeCreatedId, 1);
void enumDefined() {
statistics.incLong(enumDefinedId, 1);
void enumCreated() {
statistics.incLong(enumCreatedId, 1);