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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
* agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding
* copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
* copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package org.apache.geode.internal.offheap;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import org.apache.geode.StatisticDescriptor;
import org.apache.geode.Statistics;
import org.apache.geode.StatisticsFactory;
import org.apache.geode.StatisticsType;
import org.apache.geode.StatisticsTypeFactory;
import org.apache.geode.annotations.Immutable;
import org.apache.geode.cache.CacheException;
import org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystem;
import org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.DistributionConfig;
import org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.DistributionStats;
import org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.InternalDistributedSystem;
import org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.InternalLocator;
import org.apache.geode.internal.ClassPathLoader;
import org.apache.geode.internal.statistics.StatisticsTypeFactoryImpl;
* Enables off-heap storage by creating a MemoryAllocator.
* @since Geode 1.0
public class OffHeapStorage implements OffHeapMemoryStats {
DistributionConfig.GEMFIRE_PREFIX + "offheap.stayConnectedOnOutOfOffHeapMemory";
// statistics type
private static final StatisticsType statsType;
private static final String statsTypeName = "OffHeapMemoryStats";
private static final String statsTypeDescription = "Statistics about off-heap memory storage.";
// statistics instance
private static final String statsName = "offHeapMemoryStats";
// statistics fields
private static final int freeMemoryId;
private static final int maxMemoryId;
private static final int usedMemoryId;
private static final int objectsId;
private static final int readsId;
private static final int defragmentationId;
private static final int fragmentsId;
private static final int largestFragmentId;
private static final int defragmentationTimeId;
private static final int fragmentationId;
private static final int defragmentationsInProgressId;
// NOTE!!!! When adding new stats make sure and update the initialize method on this class
// creates and registers the statistics type
static {
final StatisticsTypeFactory f = StatisticsTypeFactoryImpl.singleton();
final String usedMemoryDesc =
"The amount of off-heap memory, in bytes, that is being used to store data.";
final String defragmentationDesc =
"The total number of times off-heap memory has been defragmented.";
final String defragmentationsInProgressDesc =
"Current number of defragment operations currently in progress.";
final String defragmentationTimeDesc = "The total time spent defragmenting off-heap memory.";
final String fragmentationDesc =
"The percentage of off-heap free memory that is fragmented. Updated every time a defragmentation is performed.";
final String fragmentsDesc =
"The number of fragments of free off-heap memory. Updated every time a defragmentation is done.";
final String freeMemoryDesc =
"The amount of off-heap memory, in bytes, that is not being used.";
final String largestFragmentDesc =
"The largest fragment of memory found by the last defragmentation of off heap memory. Updated every time a defragmentation is done.";
final String objectsDesc = "The number of objects stored in off-heap memory.";
final String readsDesc =
"The total number of reads of off-heap memory. Only reads of a full object increment this statistic. If only a part of the object is read this statistic is not incremented.";
final String maxMemoryDesc =
"The maximum amount of off-heap memory, in bytes. This is the amount of memory allocated at startup and does not change.";
final String usedMemory = "usedMemory";
final String defragmentations = "defragmentations";
final String defragmentationsInProgress = "defragmentationsInProgress";
final String defragmentationTime = "defragmentationTime";
final String fragmentation = "fragmentation";
final String fragments = "fragments";
final String freeMemory = "freeMemory";
final String largestFragment = "largestFragment";
final String objects = "objects";
final String reads = "reads";
final String maxMemory = "maxMemory";
statsType = f.createType(statsTypeName, statsTypeDescription,
new StatisticDescriptor[] {f.createLongGauge(usedMemory, usedMemoryDesc, "bytes"),
f.createIntCounter(defragmentations, defragmentationDesc, "operations"),
f.createIntGauge(defragmentationsInProgress, defragmentationsInProgressDesc,
f.createLongCounter(defragmentationTime, defragmentationTimeDesc, "nanoseconds", false),
f.createIntGauge(fragmentation, fragmentationDesc, "percentage"),
f.createLongGauge(fragments, fragmentsDesc, "fragments"),
f.createLongGauge(freeMemory, freeMemoryDesc, "bytes"),
f.createIntGauge(largestFragment, largestFragmentDesc, "bytes"),
f.createIntGauge(objects, objectsDesc, "objects"),
f.createLongCounter(reads, readsDesc, "operations"),
f.createLongGauge(maxMemory, maxMemoryDesc, "bytes"),});
usedMemoryId = statsType.nameToId(usedMemory);
defragmentationId = statsType.nameToId(defragmentations);
defragmentationsInProgressId = statsType.nameToId(defragmentationsInProgress);
defragmentationTimeId = statsType.nameToId(defragmentationTime);
fragmentationId = statsType.nameToId(fragmentation);
fragmentsId = statsType.nameToId(fragments);
freeMemoryId = statsType.nameToId(freeMemory);
largestFragmentId = statsType.nameToId(largestFragment);
objectsId = statsType.nameToId(objects);
readsId = statsType.nameToId(reads);
maxMemoryId = statsType.nameToId(maxMemory);
public static long parseOffHeapMemorySize(String value) {
final long parsed = parseLongWithUnits(value, 0L, 1024 * 1024);
if (parsed < 0) {
return 0;
return parsed;
public static long calcMaxSlabSize(long offHeapMemorySize) {
final String offHeapSlabConfig =
System.getProperty(DistributionConfig.GEMFIRE_PREFIX + "OFF_HEAP_SLAB_SIZE");
long result = 0;
if (offHeapSlabConfig != null && !offHeapSlabConfig.equals("")) {
result = parseLongWithUnits(offHeapSlabConfig, MAX_SLAB_SIZE, 1024 * 1024);
if (result > offHeapMemorySize) {
result = offHeapMemorySize;
} else { // calculate slabSize
if (offHeapMemorySize < MAX_SLAB_SIZE) {
// just one slab
result = offHeapMemorySize;
} else {
result = MAX_SLAB_SIZE;
assert result > 0 && result <= MAX_SLAB_SIZE && result <= offHeapMemorySize;
return result;
* Validates that the running VM is compatible with off heap storage. Throws a
* {@link CacheException} if incompatible.
private static void validateVmCompatibility() {
try {
// Do we have the Unsafe class? Throw ClassNotFoundException if not.
Class<?> klass = ClassPathLoader.getLatest().forName("sun.misc.Unsafe");
// Okay, we have the class. Do we have the copyMemory method (not all JVMs support it)? Throw
// NoSuchMethodException if not.
Method copyMemory = klass.getMethod("copyMemory", Object.class, long.class, Object.class,
long.class, long.class);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new CacheException(
"Your Java virtual machine is incompatible with off-heap memory. Please refer to %s documentation for suggested JVMs.",
e) {};
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
throw new CacheException(
"Your Java virtual machine is incompatible with off-heap memory. Please refer to %s documentation for suggested JVMs.",
e) {};
* Constructs a MemoryAllocator for off-heap storage.
* @return MemoryAllocator for off-heap storage
public static MemoryAllocator createOffHeapStorage(StatisticsFactory sf, long offHeapMemorySize,
DistributedSystem system) {
if (offHeapMemorySize == 0 || Boolean.getBoolean(InternalLocator.FORCE_LOCATOR_DM_TYPE)) {
// Checking the FORCE_LOCATOR_DM_TYPE is a quick hack to keep our locator from allocating off
// heap memory.
return null;
if (offHeapMemorySize < MIN_SLAB_SIZE) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The amount of off heap memory must be at least "
+ MIN_SLAB_SIZE + " but it was set to " + offHeapMemorySize);
// Ensure that using off-heap will work with this JVM.
if (system == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("InternalDistributedSystem is null");
// ooohml provides the hook for disconnecting and closing cache on OutOfOffHeapMemoryException
OutOfOffHeapMemoryListener ooohml =
new DisconnectingOutOfOffHeapMemoryListener((InternalDistributedSystem) system);
return basicCreateOffHeapStorage(sf, offHeapMemorySize, ooohml);
static MemoryAllocator basicCreateOffHeapStorage(StatisticsFactory sf, long offHeapMemorySize,
OutOfOffHeapMemoryListener ooohml) {
final OffHeapMemoryStats stats = new OffHeapStorage(sf);
// determine off-heap and slab sizes
final long maxSlabSize = calcMaxSlabSize(offHeapMemorySize);
final int slabCount = calcSlabCount(maxSlabSize, offHeapMemorySize);
return MemoryAllocatorImpl.create(ooohml, stats, slabCount, offHeapMemorySize, maxSlabSize);
private static final long MAX_SLAB_SIZE = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
static final long MIN_SLAB_SIZE = 1024;
// non-private for unit test access
static int calcSlabCount(long maxSlabSize, long offHeapMemorySize) {
long result = offHeapMemorySize / maxSlabSize;
if ((offHeapMemorySize % maxSlabSize) >= MIN_SLAB_SIZE) {
if (result > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The number of slabs of off heap memory exceeded the limit of " + Integer.MAX_VALUE
+ ". Decrease the amount of off heap memory or increase the maximum slab size using gemfire.OFF_HEAP_SLAB_SIZE.");
return (int) result;
private static long parseLongWithUnits(String v, long defaultValue, int defaultMultiplier) {
if (v == null || v.equals("")) {
return defaultValue;
int unitMultiplier = defaultMultiplier;
if (v.toLowerCase().endsWith("g")) {
unitMultiplier = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
v = v.substring(0, v.length() - 1);
} else if (v.toLowerCase().endsWith("m")) {
unitMultiplier = 1024 * 1024;
v = v.substring(0, v.length() - 1);
try {
long result = Long.parseLong(v);
result *= unitMultiplier;
return result;
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Memory size must be specified as <n>[g|m], where <n> is the size and [g|m] specifies the units in gigabytes or megabytes.");
private final Statistics stats;
private OffHeapStorage(StatisticsFactory f) {
this.stats = f.createAtomicStatistics(statsType, statsName);
public void incFreeMemory(long value) {
this.stats.incLong(freeMemoryId, value);
public void incMaxMemory(long value) {
this.stats.incLong(maxMemoryId, value);
public void incUsedMemory(long value) {
this.stats.incLong(usedMemoryId, value);
public void incObjects(int value) {
this.stats.incInt(objectsId, value);
public long getFreeMemory() {
return this.stats.getLong(freeMemoryId);
public long getMaxMemory() {
return this.stats.getLong(maxMemoryId);
public long getUsedMemory() {
return this.stats.getLong(usedMemoryId);
public int getObjects() {
return this.stats.getInt(objectsId);
public void incReads() {
this.stats.incLong(readsId, 1);
public long getReads() {
return this.stats.getLong(readsId);
private void incDefragmentations() {
this.stats.incInt(defragmentationId, 1);
public int getDefragmentations() {
return this.stats.getInt(defragmentationId);
public void setFragments(long value) {
this.stats.setLong(fragmentsId, value);
public long getFragments() {
return this.stats.getLong(fragmentsId);
public void setLargestFragment(int value) {
this.stats.setInt(largestFragmentId, value);
public int getLargestFragment() {
return this.stats.getInt(largestFragmentId);
public int getDefragmentationsInProgress() {
return this.stats.getInt(defragmentationsInProgressId);
public long startDefragmentation() {
this.stats.incInt(defragmentationsInProgressId, 1);
return DistributionStats.getStatTime();
public void endDefragmentation(long start) {
this.stats.incInt(defragmentationsInProgressId, -1);
if (DistributionStats.enableClockStats) {
stats.incLong(defragmentationTimeId, DistributionStats.getStatTime() - start);
public long getDefragmentationTime() {
return stats.getLong(defragmentationTimeId);
public void setFragmentation(int value) {
this.stats.setInt(fragmentationId, value);
public int getFragmentation() {
return this.stats.getInt(fragmentationId);
public Statistics getStats() {
return this.stats;
public void close() {
public void initialize(OffHeapMemoryStats oldStats) {
private void setDefragmentationTime(long value) {
stats.setLong(defragmentationTimeId, value);
private void setDefragmentations(int value) {
this.stats.setInt(defragmentationId, value);
private void setDefragmentationsInProgress(int value) {
this.stats.setInt(defragmentationsInProgressId, value);
private void setReads(long value) {
this.stats.setLong(readsId, value);
private void setObjects(int value) {
this.stats.setInt(objectsId, value);
private void setUsedMemory(long value) {
this.stats.setLong(usedMemoryId, value);
private void setMaxMemory(long value) {
this.stats.setLong(maxMemoryId, value);
private void setFreeMemory(long value) {
this.stats.setLong(freeMemoryId, value);