blob: 2c952730b732da7d2cbd238880b3362bd236979f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
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* copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.membership.gms.api;
import org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.DistributionConfig;
public interface MembershipConfig {
/** stall time to wait for concurrent join/leave/remove requests to be received */
Long.getLong(DistributionConfig.GEMFIRE_PREFIX + "member-request-collection-interval", 300);
/** in a small cluster we might want to involve all members in operations */
boolean isReconnecting();
int getLocatorWaitTime();
long getJoinTimeout();
int[] getMembershipPortRange();
long getMemberTimeout();
int getLossThreshold();
int getMemberWeight();
boolean isMulticastEnabled();
boolean isNetworkPartitionDetectionEnabled();
boolean isUDPSecurityEnabled();
boolean areLocatorsPreferredAsCoordinators();
String getSecurityUDPDHAlgo();
int getMcastPort();
String getLocators();
String getStartLocator();
boolean getEnableNetworkPartitionDetection();
String getBindAddress();
String getSecurityPeerAuthInit();
boolean getDisableTcp();
String getName();
String getRoles();
String getGroups();
String getDurableClientId();
int getDurableClientTimeout();
InetAddress getMcastAddress();
int getMcastTtl();
int getMcastSendBufferSize();
int getMcastRecvBufferSize();
int getUdpFragmentSize();
int getUdpRecvBufferSize();
int getUdpSendBufferSize();
int getMcastByteAllowance();
float getMcastRechargeThreshold();
int getMcastRechargeBlockMs();
long getAckWaitThreshold();
boolean getDisableAutoReconnect();
int getSecurityPeerMembershipTimeout();
long getAckSevereAlertThreshold();
int getVmKind();
boolean isMcastEnabled();
boolean isTcpDisabled();
Object getOldDSMembershipInfo();
boolean getIsReconnectingDS();