blob: 5f35195f6ed51ae4e6d45264401ec786ddb7c507 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
* agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding
* copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
* copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package org.apache.geode.internal.cache.ha;
import static org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties.MCAST_PORT;
import static org.apache.geode.internal.statistics.StatisticsClockFactory.disabledClock;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category;
import org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory;
import org.apache.geode.cache.CacheException;
import org.apache.geode.cache.CacheFactory;
import org.apache.geode.cache.DataPolicy;
import org.apache.geode.cache.Scope;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.Conflatable;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.EventID;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.InternalCache;
import org.apache.geode.test.junit.categories.ClientSubscriptionTest;
* JUnit test for verifying the proper functioning of HARegionQueue related statistics.
public class HARegionQueueStatsJUnitTest {
/** The cache instance */
protected InternalCache cache = null;
* Create the cache in setup. Currently the HA related stats are active under fine logging only.
* @throws Exception - thrown if any exception occurs in setUp
public void setUp() throws Exception {
cache = createCache();
* Close the cache in tear down *
* @throws Exception - thrown if any exception occurs in tearDown
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
* Creates the cache instance for the test
* @return the cache instance
* @throws CacheException - thrown if any exception occurs in cache creation
private InternalCache createCache() throws CacheException {
return (InternalCache) new CacheFactory().set(MCAST_PORT, "0").create();
* Creates a HARegionQueue object.
* @param name - name of the underlying region for region-queue
* @return the HARegionQueue instance
protected HARegionQueue createHARegionQueue(String name)
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, CacheException, InterruptedException {
HARegionQueue regionqueue = HARegionQueue.getHARegionQueueInstance(name, cache,
HARegionQueue.NON_BLOCKING_HA_QUEUE, false, disabledClock());
return regionqueue;
* Creates a HARegionQueue object.
* @param name - name of the underlying region for region-queue
* @param attrs - attributes for the HARegionQueue
* @return the HARegionQueue instance
protected HARegionQueue createHARegionQueue(String name, HARegionQueueAttributes attrs)
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, CacheException, InterruptedException {
AttributesFactory factory = new AttributesFactory();
HARegionQueue regionqueue = HARegionQueue.getHARegionQueueInstance(name, cache, attrs,
HARegionQueue.NON_BLOCKING_HA_QUEUE, false, disabledClock());
return regionqueue;
* This test does the following:<br>
* 1)Create HARegionQueue<br>
* 2)Add objects with unique eventids and conflation false <br>
* 3)Verify that statistics object is not null<br>
* 4)Verify that total events added matches the eventsEnqued stats<br>
* 5)Verify that eventsConflated stats is zero.
* @throws Exception - thrown if any problem occurs in test execution
public void testPutStatsNoConflation() throws Exception {
HARegionQueue rq = createHARegionQueue("testPutStatsNoConflation");
Conflatable cf = null;
int totalEvents = 100;
for (int i = 0; i < totalEvents; i++) {
cf = new ConflatableObject("key" + i, "value" + i, new EventID(new byte[] {1}, 1, i), false,
HARegionQueueStats stats = rq.getStatistics();
assertNotNull("stats for HARegionQueue found null", stats);
"eventsEnqued by stats not equal to the actual number of events added to the queue",
totalEvents, stats.getEventsEnqued());
assertEquals("eventsConflated by stats not equal zero", 0, stats.getEventsConflated());
* This test does the following:<br>
* 1)Create HARegionQueue<br>
* 2)Add objects with unique eventids and conflation true with same Key. <br>
* 3)Verify that statistics object is not null<br>
* 4)Verify that total events added matches the eventsEnqued stats<br>
* 5)Verify that eventsConflated stats is total events added minus 1.
* @throws Exception - thrown if any problem occurs in test execution
public void testPutStatsConflationEnabled() throws Exception {
HARegionQueue rq = createHARegionQueue("testPutStatsConflationEnabled");
Conflatable cf = null;
int totalEvents = 100;
for (int i = 0; i < totalEvents; i++) {
cf = new ConflatableObject("key", "value" + i, new EventID(new byte[] {1}, 1, i), true,
HARegionQueueStats stats = rq.getStatistics();
assertNotNull("stats for HARegionQueue found null", stats);
"eventsEnqued by stats not equal to the actual number of events added to the queue",
totalEvents, stats.getEventsEnqued());
assertEquals("stats for eventsConflated mismatched", totalEvents - 1,
* This test does the following:<br>
* 1)Create HARegionQueue with expiry time as 1 sec<br>
* 2)Add objects with unique eventids and conflation false and sleep for some time.<br>
* 3)Verify that statistics object is not null<br>
* 4)Verify that total events added matches the eventsEnqued stats<br>
* 5)Verify that eventsExpired stats is same as total events added as all events should have
* expired by 1 sec.
* @throws Exception - thrown if any problem occurs in test execution
public void testExpiryStats() throws Exception {
HARegionQueueAttributes haa = new HARegionQueueAttributes();
HARegionQueue rq = createHARegionQueue("testExpiryStats", haa);
Conflatable cf = null;
int totalEvents = 100;
for (int i = 0; i < totalEvents; i++) {
cf = new ConflatableObject("key" + i, "value" + i, new EventID(new byte[] {1}, 1, i), false,
HARegionQueueStats stats = rq.stats;
assertNotNull("stats for HARegionQueue found null", stats);
"eventsEnqued by stats not equal to the actual number of events added to the queue",
totalEvents, stats.getEventsEnqued());
assertEquals("expiredEvents not updated", totalEvents, stats.getEventsExpired());
* This test does the following:<br>
* 1)Create HARegionQueue.<br>
* 2)Add objects with unique eventids and conflation false<br>
* 3)Do some random peek and peek-batch operations and then call remove()<br>
* 4)Verify that statistics object is not null<br>
* 5)Verify that total events added matches the eventsEnqued stats<br>
* 6)Verify that eventsRemoved stats is same as the maximum batch size peeked in above peek
* operations(step 3).
* @throws Exception - thrown if any problem occurs in test execution
public void testRemoveStats() throws Exception {
HARegionQueue rq = createHARegionQueue("testRemoveStats");
Conflatable cf = null;
int totalEvents = 100;
for (int i = 0; i < totalEvents; i++) {
cf = new ConflatableObject("key" + i, "value" + i, new EventID(new byte[] {1}, 1, i), false,
// do some random peek operations.
int maxPeekBatchSize = 50;
HARegionQueueStats stats = rq.getStatistics();
assertNotNull("stats for HARegionQueue found null", stats);
"eventsEnqued by stats not equal to the actual number of events added to the queue",
totalEvents, stats.getEventsEnqued());
assertEquals("All the events peeked were not removed", maxPeekBatchSize,
* This test does the following:<br>
* 1)Create HARegionQueue.<br>
* 2)Add objects with unique eventids and conflation false<br>
* 3)Do some take and take-batch operations.<br>
* 4)Verify that statistics object is not null<br>
* 5)Verify that total events added matches the eventsEnqued stats<br>
* 6)Verify that eventsTaken stats is same as the sum of events taken in batch and individually
* (Step 3)
* @throws Exception - thrown if any problem occurs in test execution
public void testTakeStats() throws Exception {
HARegionQueue rq = createHARegionQueue("testTakeStats");
Conflatable cf = null;
int totalEvents = 100;
for (int i = 0; i < totalEvents; i++) {
cf = new ConflatableObject("key" + i, "value" + i, new EventID(new byte[] {1}, 1, i), false,
int takeInBatch = 50;
int takeOneByOne = 25;
for (int i = 0; i < takeOneByOne; i++) {
HARegionQueueStats stats = rq.getStatistics();
assertNotNull("stats for HARegionQueue found null", stats);
"eventsEnqued by stats not equal to the actual number of events added to the queue",
totalEvents, stats.getEventsEnqued());
assertEquals("eventsTaken stats not matching with actual events taken",
(takeInBatch + takeOneByOne), stats.getEventsTaken());
* This test does the following:<br>
* 1)Create HARegionQueue.<br>
* 2)Add objects with unique eventids and conflation false<br>
* 3)Remove the events through QRM api ( <code>removeDispatchedEvents(EventID id)</code>) with a
* certain lastDispatchedSeqId<br>
* 4)Verify that statistics object is not null<br>
* 5)Verify that total events added matches the eventsEnqued stats<br>
* 6)Verify that eventsRemovedByQrm stats is same as the number of events removed by QRM (upto the
* event having lastDispatchedSeqId, step 3).
* @throws Exception - thrown if any problem occurs in test execution
public void testRemoveByQrmStats() throws Exception {
HARegionQueue rq = createHARegionQueue("testRemoveByQrmStats");
Conflatable cf = null;
int totalEvents = 100;
for (int i = 0; i < totalEvents; i++) {
cf = new ConflatableObject("key" + i, "value" + i, new EventID(new byte[] {1}, 1, i), false,
// call for removal thru QRM api
int lastDispatchedSqId = 20;
EventID id = new EventID(new byte[] {1}, 1, lastDispatchedSqId);
HARegionQueueStats stats = rq.getStatistics();
assertNotNull("stats for HARegionQueue found null", stats);
"eventsEnqued by stats not equal to the actual number of events added to the queue",
totalEvents, stats.getEventsEnqued());
assertEquals("eventsRemovedByQrm stats not updated properly", (lastDispatchedSqId + 1),
* This test does the following:<br>
* 1)Create HARegionQueue.<br>
* 2)Add objects with unique eventids as well as ThreadIDs and conflation false<br>
* 3)Verify that statistics object is not null<br>
* 4)Verify that total events added matches the eventsEnqued stats<br>
* 5)Verify that threadIdentifiers stats is same as the number of events added as all the events
* had different ThreadIdentifier objects.
* @throws Exception - thrown if any problem occurs in test execution
public void testThreadIdentifierStats() throws Exception {
HARegionQueue rq = createHARegionQueue("testRemoveByQrmStats");
Conflatable cf = null;
int totalEvents = 100;
for (int i = 0; i < totalEvents; i++) {
cf = new ConflatableObject("key" + i, "value" + i, new EventID(new byte[] {1}, i, i), false,
HARegionQueueStats stats = rq.getStatistics();
assertNotNull("stats for HARegionQueue found null", stats);
"eventsEnqued by stats not equal to the actual number of events added to the queue",
totalEvents, stats.getEventsEnqued());
assertEquals("threadIdentifiers stats not updated properly", totalEvents,
* This test does the following:<br>
* 1)Create HARegionQueue.<br>
* 2)Add objects with unique eventids and conflation false<br>
* 3)peek a batch to peek all the events added and take() all the events<br>
* 4)Call remove()<br>
* 5)Verify that statistics object is not null<br>
* 6)Verify that total events added matches the eventsEnqued stats<br>
* 7)Verify that numVoidRemovals stats is same as the total events added since all the peeked
* events were removed by take() call and remove() was a void operation.
* @throws Exception - thrown if any problem occurs in test execution
public void testVoidRemovalStats() throws Exception {
HARegionQueue rq = createHARegionQueue("testVoidRemovalStats");
Conflatable cf = null;
int totalEvents = 100;
for (int i = 0; i < totalEvents; i++) {
cf = new ConflatableObject("key" + i, "value" + i, new EventID(new byte[] {1}, 1, i), false,
HARegionQueueStats stats = rq.getStatistics();
assertNotNull("stats for HARegionQueue found null", stats);
"eventsEnqued by stats not equal to the actual number of events added to the queue",
totalEvents, stats.getEventsEnqued());
"Number of void removals shud be equal to total peeked since all the events were removed by take() before remove()",
totalEvents, stats.getNumVoidRemovals());
* This test does the follwing: <br>
* 1)Create HARegionQueue.<br>
* 2)Add objects with unique eventids and conflation false.<br>
* 3)Add some objects with same eventids(sequence ids)- duplicate events.<br>
* 4)Verify that numSequenceViolated stats is same as number of duplicate events.<br>
* 5)Verify that eventsEnqued stats is same as the queue size ( i.e. eventsEnqued stats is not
* updated for duplicate events.)
public void testSequenceViolationStats() throws Exception {
HARegionQueue rq = createHARegionQueue("testSequenceViolationStats");
Conflatable cf = null;
int totalEvents = 10;
for (int i = 0; i < totalEvents; i++) {
cf = new ConflatableObject("key" + i, "value" + i, new EventID(new byte[] {1}, 1, i), false,
int seqViolated = 3;
for (int i = 0; i < seqViolated; i++) {
cf = new ConflatableObject("key" + i, "value" + i, new EventID(new byte[] {1}, 1, i), false,
HARegionQueueStats stats = rq.getStatistics();
assertNotNull("stats for HARegionQueue found null", stats);
assertEquals("Number of sequence violated by stats not equal to the actual number", seqViolated,
"Events corresponding to sequence violation not added to the queue but eventsEnqued stats updated for them.",
rq.size(), stats.getEventsEnqued());