blob: 6e1f7d74a57c64b56e855c94ecfc32251496c0b4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
* agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding
* copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
* copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package org.apache.geode.internal.cache.ha;
import static org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties.MCAST_PORT;
import static org.apache.geode.internal.statistics.StatisticsClockFactory.disabledClock;
import static org.apache.geode.test.awaitility.GeodeAwaitility.await;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category;
import org.apache.geode.LogWriter;
import org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory;
import org.apache.geode.cache.CacheException;
import org.apache.geode.cache.CacheFactory;
import org.apache.geode.cache.CacheListener;
import org.apache.geode.cache.DataPolicy;
import org.apache.geode.cache.EntryEvent;
import org.apache.geode.cache.Scope;
import org.apache.geode.cache.util.CacheListenerAdapter;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.Conflatable;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.EventID;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.InternalCache;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.ha.HARegionQueue.MapWrapper;
import org.apache.geode.logging.internal.log4j.api.LogService;
import org.apache.geode.test.dunit.ThreadUtils;
import org.apache.geode.test.junit.categories.ClientSubscriptionTest;
* Test to verify Add operation to HARegion Queue with and without conflation.
public class HARQAddOperationJUnitTest {
private static final Logger logger = LogService.getLogger();
/** The cache instance */
protected InternalCache cache = null;
/** Logger for this test */
protected LogWriter logWriter = null;
/** The <code>RegionQueue</code> instance */
private HARegionQueue rq = null;
protected static final String KEY1 = "Key-1";
protected static final String KEY2 = "Key-2";
protected static final String VALUE1 = "Value-1";
protected static final String VALUE2 = "Value-2";
protected boolean testFailed = false;
protected StringBuffer message = null;
protected int barrierCount = 0;
static volatile int expiryCount = 0;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
this.cache = createCache();
this.logWriter = cache.getLogger();
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
* Creates the cache instance for the test
private InternalCache createCache() throws CacheException {
return (InternalCache) new CacheFactory().set(MCAST_PORT, "0").create();
* Creates HA region-queue object
protected HARegionQueue createHARegionQueue(String name)
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, CacheException, InterruptedException {
AttributesFactory factory = new AttributesFactory();
HARegionQueue regionqueue = HARegionQueue.getHARegionQueueInstance(name, cache,
HARegionQueue.NON_BLOCKING_HA_QUEUE, false, disabledClock());
return regionqueue;
* Creates HA region-queue object
protected HARegionQueue createHARegionQueue(String name, HARegionQueueAttributes attrs)
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, CacheException, InterruptedException {
HARegionQueue regionqueue = HARegionQueue.getHARegionQueueInstance(name, cache, attrs,
HARegionQueue.NON_BLOCKING_HA_QUEUE, false, disabledClock());
return regionqueue;
* Add operation with conflation : 1) Add Key1 Val1 & then Key1 Val2. 2) At the end of second
* operation , Region should contain the entry correspodning to value 2 3) Available IDs , Last
* DispatchedWrapper Set & Conflation Map should have size 1. 4) Conflation Map ,
* LastDispatchedWrapper Set & Available IDs should have counter corresponding to second operation
public void testQueueAddOperationWithConflation() throws Exception {"HARegionQueueJUnitTest : testQueueAddOperationWithConflation BEGIN");
this.rq = createHARegionQueue("testQueueAddOperationWithConflation");
EventID id1 = new EventID(new byte[] {1}, 1, 1);
EventID id2 = new EventID(new byte[] {1}, 1, 2);
ConflatableObject c1 = new ConflatableObject(KEY1, VALUE1, id1, true, "region1");
ConflatableObject c2 = new ConflatableObject(KEY1, VALUE2, id2, true, "region1");
Map conflationMap = (Map) rq.getConflationMapForTesting().get("region1");
assertEquals(1, conflationMap.size());
Long cntr = (Long) conflationMap.get(KEY1);
ConflatableObject retValue = (ConflatableObject) rq.getRegion().get(cntr);
assertEquals(VALUE2, retValue.getValueToConflate());
assertEquals(1, rq.getAvailableIds().size());
assertEquals(1, rq.getCurrentCounterSet(id1).size());"HARegionQueueJUnitTest : testQueueAddOperationWithConflation END");
* Add operation without conflation : 1) Region should have an entry containing counter vs
* Conflatable object. 2) Events Map should have size as 1 with one ThreadIdentifer objecta s key
* & Last DispatchedWrapper as value. 3) This wrapper should have a set with size 1. 4) The
* available IDs set shoudl have size 1. 5) Put another object by same thread. 6) The wrapper set
* & availableIs List should have size 2 .
public void testQueueAddOperationWithoutConflation() throws Exception {"HARegionQueueJUnitTest : testQueueAddOperationWithoutConflation BEGIN");
this.rq = createHARegionQueue("testQueueAddOperationWithConflation");
EventID id1 = new EventID(new byte[] {1}, 1, 1);
EventID id2 = new EventID(new byte[] {1}, 1, 2);
ConflatableObject c1 = new ConflatableObject(KEY1, VALUE1, id1, false, "region1");
ConflatableObject c2 = new ConflatableObject(KEY2, VALUE2, id2, false, "region1");
assertEquals(1, rq.getAvailableIds().size());
assertEquals(1, rq.getCurrentCounterSet(id1).size());
assertEquals(2, rq.getAvailableIds().size());
assertEquals(2, rq.getCurrentCounterSet(id1).size());
Iterator iter = rq.getCurrentCounterSet(id1).iterator();
if (iter.hasNext()) {
Long cntr = (Long);
ConflatableObject co = (ConflatableObject) this.rq.getRegion().get(cntr);
assertEquals(KEY1, co.getKeyToConflate());
assertEquals(VALUE1, co.getValueToConflate());
if (iter.hasNext()) {
Long cntr = (Long);
ConflatableObject co = (ConflatableObject) this.rq.getRegion().get(cntr);
assertEquals(KEY2, co.getKeyToConflate());
assertEquals(VALUE2, co.getValueToConflate());
}"HARegionQueueJUnitTest : testQueueAddOperationWithoutConflation END");
* Add operation without conflation followed by a Take operation: RegionSize, available IDs ,
* LastDispatchedWrapper's Set should have size 0. Events map containg should have size 1 (
* corresponding to the lastDispatchedAndCurrentEvent Wrapper objcet)
public void testQueueAddTakeOperationWithoutConflation() throws Exception {
.info("HARegionQueueJUnitTest : testQueueAddTakeOperationWithoutConflation BEGIN");
this.rq = createHARegionQueue("testQueueAddOperationWithConflation");
EventID id = new EventID(new byte[] {1}, 1, 1);
ConflatableObject obj = new ConflatableObject(KEY1, VALUE1, id, true, "region1");
assertEquals(0, this.rq.getAvailableIds().size());
Map eventsMap = this.rq.getEventsMapForTesting();
assertEquals(1, eventsMap.size());
assertEquals(0, rq.getCurrentCounterSet(id).size());"HARegionQueueJUnitTest : testQueueAddTakeOperationWithoutConflation END");
* (Add opn followed by Take without conflation) :Add operation which creates the
* LastDispatchedAndCurrentEvents object should also add it to the Region with Threaddentifer as
* key & sequence as the value for Expiry. Perform a take operation. Validate that expiry on
* ThreadIdentifier removes itself from Events Map
public void testExpiryOnThreadIdentifier() {
try {
HARegionQueueAttributes attrs = new HARegionQueueAttributes();
HARegionQueue regionqueue = createHARegionQueue("testing", attrs);
// create the conflatable object
EventID id = new EventID(new byte[] {1}, 1, 1);
ConflatableObject obj = new ConflatableObject(KEY1, VALUE1, id, true, "region1");
ThreadIdentifier threadId =
new ThreadIdentifier(obj.getEventId().getMembershipID(), obj.getEventId().getThreadID());
"ThreadIdentifier did not remove itself through expiry.The reqgion queue is of type="
+ regionqueue.getClass(),
Map eventsMap = regionqueue.getEventsMapForTesting();
assertNull("expiry action on ThreadIdentifier did not remove itself from eventsMap",
} catch (Exception e) {
fail(" test failed due to " + e);
* Add operation which creates the LastDispatchedAndCurrentEvents object should also add it to the
* Region with Threaddentifer as key & sequence as the value for Expiry. Validate that expiry on
* ThreadIdentifier does not removes itself from Events Map as data is lying & it resets the self
* expiry. Validate the data present in Queue experiences expiry. After the expiry of the data ,
* AvaialbleIds size should be 0, entry removed from Region, LastDispatchedWrapperSet should have
* size 0.
public void testNoExpiryOnThreadIdentifier() {
try {
HARegionQueueAttributes hqa = new HARegionQueueAttributes();
HARegionQueue regionqueue = createHARegionQueue("testing", hqa);
EventID id1 = new EventID(new byte[] {1}, 1, 1);
EventID id2 = new EventID(new byte[] {1}, 1, 2);
ConflatableObject c1 = new ConflatableObject(KEY1, VALUE1, id1, true, "region1");
ConflatableObject c2 = new ConflatableObject(KEY1, VALUE2, id2, true, "region1");
ThreadIdentifier threadId =
new ThreadIdentifier(c1.getEventId().getMembershipID(), c1.getEventId().getThreadID());
Object o = regionqueue.take();
// wait for some time and put second object
// wait for some more time so that C2 has not expired
Map eventsMap = regionqueue.getEventsMapForTesting();
// verify that ThreadIdentifier does not remove itself as data is
// lying
"ThreadIdentifier removed itself through expiry even though data was lying in the queue",
// After the expiry of the data , AvaialbleIds size should be 0,
// entry
// removed from Region, LastDispatchedWrapperSet should have size 0.
.untilAsserted(() -> assertEquals(0, regionqueue.getRegion().entrySet(false).size()));
assertEquals(0, regionqueue.getAvailableIds().size());
} catch (Exception e) {
fail(" test failed due to " + e);
* Multiple arrivals of QRM for the same thread id of the client.Intially queue contains objects
* from 1- 10. QRM with sequenceID 5 arrives It should remove only remove objects for 1- 5. Then
* sequenceID 10 come which should remove 5-10.
public void testMultipleQRMArrival() throws Exception {
HARegionQueue regionqueue = createHARegionQueue("testNoExpiryOnThreadIdentifier");
EventID[] ids = new EventID[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
ids[i] = new EventID(new byte[] {1}, 1, i + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
regionqueue.put(new ConflatableObject("KEY " + i, "VALUE" + i, ids[i], true, "region1"));
// Available id size should be == 10 after puting ten entries
assertEquals(10, regionqueue.getAvailableIds().size());
// QRM message for therad id 1 and last sequence id 5
assertEquals(5, regionqueue.getAvailableIds().size());
assertEquals(5, regionqueue.getCurrentCounterSet(ids[0]).size());
Iterator iter = regionqueue.getCurrentCounterSet(ids[0]).iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Long cntr = (Long);
ConflatableObject co = (ConflatableObject) regionqueue.getRegion().get(cntr);
assertTrue(co.getEventId().getSequenceID() > 5);
assertEquals(0, regionqueue.getAvailableIds().size());
* Concurrent arrival of put & QRM messagge for a ThreadIdentifier coming for 1st time. The
* LastDispatchedObject gets operated first by the put thread , the QRM thread should be blocked
* till the completion of add operation. Thus before QRM thread acts , the object should be
* present in the lastDispatchedSet & AvailableID. Then the QRM thread gets unblocked , it should
* remove from the available ID.
public void testConcurrentPutAndQRM() throws Exception {
testFailed = false;
message = new StringBuffer();
final HARegionQueue regionqueue = createHARegionQueue("testConcurrentPutAndQRM");
final EventID id1 = new EventID(new byte[] {1}, 1, 1);
final EventID id2 = new EventID(new byte[] {1}, 1, 2);
Thread t1 = new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {
regionqueue.put(new ConflatableObject(KEY1, VALUE1, id1, true, "region1"));
regionqueue.put(new ConflatableObject(KEY2, VALUE2, id2, true, "region1"));
} catch (Exception e) {
message.append("Put in region queue failed");
testFailed = true;
Thread t2 = new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
message.append("Removal by QRM in region queue failed");
testFailed = true;
ThreadUtils.join(t1, 180 * 1000);
ThreadUtils.join(t2, 180 * 1000);
if (testFailed)
fail("Test failed due to " + message);
assertEquals(0, regionqueue.getAvailableIds().size());
assertEquals(2, regionqueue.getLastDispatchedSequenceId(id2));
* Concurrent arrival of put & QRM messagge for a ThreadIdentifier coming for 1st time. The
* LastDispatchedObject gets operated first by the QRM thread , the Put thread should be blocked
* till the completion of QRM operation. Thus put thread should see that last Sequence is > than
* the current & hence the put operation shud remove from region without adding the ID anywhere.
public void testConcurrentQRMAndPut() throws Exception {
testFailed = false;
final HARegionQueue regionqueue = createHARegionQueue("testConcurrentQRMAndPut");
final EventID id1 = new EventID(new byte[] {1}, 1, 1);
final EventID id2 = new EventID(new byte[] {1}, 1, 2);
Thread t1 = new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {
regionqueue.put(new ConflatableObject(KEY1, VALUE1, id1, true, "region1"));
regionqueue.put(new ConflatableObject(KEY2, VALUE2, id2, true, "region1"));
} catch (Exception e) {
message.append("Put in region queue failed");
testFailed = true;
Thread t2 = new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
message.append("Removal of Events by QRM in Region queue failed");
testFailed = true;
ThreadUtils.join(t1, 180 * 1000);
ThreadUtils.join(t2, 180 * 1000);
if (testFailed)
fail("Test failed due to " + message);
assertEquals(0, regionqueue.getAvailableIds().size());
assertEquals(2, regionqueue.getLastDispatchedSequenceId(id2));
* Two QRMs arriving such that higer sequence number arriving before lower sequence number. The
* lower squnce number should not set itself & also not do any checking on the IDs of the
* LinkedHashSet
public void testEventMapPopulationForQRM() throws Exception {
HARegionQueue regionqueue = createHARegionQueue("testEventMapPopulationForQRM");
EventID id1 = new EventID(new byte[] {1}, 1, 1);
EventID id2 = new EventID(new byte[] {1}, 1, 2);"RemoveDispatched event for sequence id : " + id2.getSequenceID());
regionqueue.removeDispatchedEvents(id2);"RemoveDispatched event for sequence id :" + id1.getSequenceID());
"Size of eventMap should be 1 but actual size " + regionqueue.getEventsMapForTesting(),
regionqueue.getEventsMapForTesting().size(), 1);"sequence id : " + regionqueue.getLastDispatchedSequenceId(id2));
assertEquals("Last dispatched sequence id should be 2 but actual sequence id is ",
regionqueue.getLastDispatchedSequenceId(id2), id2.getSequenceID());"testEventMapPopulationForQRM() completed successfully");
* Concurrent arrival of put operations on different threadIDs but for same key . One should
* conflate the other. Whosoever confaltes , that ID should be present in the availableIDs list ,
* Region , ConflationMap & its HashSet for that ThreadIdentifier. The ID which gets conflated
* should not be present in the availableID, Region & that ThreadIdentifier's HashSet . The
* conflation map should contain the Old IDs position.
public void testCleanUpForConflation() throws Exception {"HARQAddOperationJUnitTest : testCleanUpForConflation BEGIN");
testFailed = false;
message = null;
final int numOfThreads = 10;
final int numOfPuts = 567;
final HARegionQueue regionqueue = createHARegionQueue("testCleanUpForConflation");
.info("HARQAddOperationJUnitTest : testCleanUpForConflation after regionqueue create");
* doing concurrent put operations on different threadIDs but for the same key
Thread[] threads = new Thread[10];
for (int i = 0; i < numOfThreads; i++) {
final long ids = i;
threads[i] = new Thread() {
public void run() {
for (int j = 0; j < numOfPuts; j++) {
EventID id = new EventID(new byte[] {(byte) ids}, ids, j);
try {
new ConflatableObject(KEY1, id.getThreadID() + "VALUE" + j, id, true, "region1"));
} catch (Exception ex) {
testFailed = true;
message.append("put failed for the threadId " + id.getThreadID());
for (int k = 0; k < numOfThreads; k++) {
for (int k = 0; k < numOfThreads; k++) {
ThreadUtils.join(threads[k], 180 * 1000);
}"HARQAddOperationJUnitTest : testCleanUpForConflation after join");
if (testFailed)
fail("Test failed due to " + message);
"size of the conflation map should be 1 but actual size is "
+ regionqueue.getConflationMapForTesting().size(),
1, regionqueue.getConflationMapForTesting().size());
"size of the event map should be " + numOfThreads + " but actual size "
+ regionqueue.getEventsMapForTesting().size(),
numOfThreads, regionqueue.getEventsMapForTesting().size());
"size of availableids should 1 but actual size " + regionqueue.getAvailableIds().size(), 1,
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numOfThreads; i++) {
if ((regionqueue.getCurrentCounterSet(new EventID(new byte[] {(byte) i}, i, i))).size() > 0) {
assertEquals("size of the counter set is 1 but the actual size is " + count, 1, count);
Long position = null;
if (regionqueue.getAvailableIds().size() == 1) {
position = (Long) regionqueue.getAvailableIds().iterator().next();
ConflatableObject id = (ConflatableObject) regionqueue.getRegion().get(position);
assertEquals(regionqueue.getCurrentCounterSet(id.getEventId()).size(), 1);"HARQAddOperationJUnitTest : testCleanUpForConflation END");
* Test where a 5 separate threads do 4 puts each. A thread then peeks the 20 objects & then
* invokes remove. The remove should ensure that the entries are deleted from the available IDs &
* the Counters set contained in DACE. Conflation is disabled.
public void testPeekAndRemoveWithoutConflation() throws Exception {
testFailed = false;
message = null;
final int numOfThreads = 5;
final int numOfPuts = 4;
final int batchSize = 20;
final HARegionQueue regionqueue = createHARegionQueue("testPeekAndRemoveWithoutConflation");
Thread[] threads = new Thread[numOfThreads];
for (int i = 0; i < numOfThreads; i++) {
final long ids = i;
threads[i] = new Thread() {
public void run() {
for (int j = 0; j < numOfPuts; j++) {
EventID id = new EventID(new byte[] {(byte) ids}, ids, j);
try {
regionqueue.put(new ConflatableObject(KEY1 + id.getThreadID() + j,
id.getThreadID() + "VALUE" + j, id, false, "region1"));
} catch (Exception ex) {
testFailed = true;
message.append("put failed for the threadId " + id.getThreadID());
for (int k = 0; k < numOfThreads; k++) {
for (int k = 0; k < numOfThreads; k++) {
ThreadUtils.join(threads[k], 180 * 1000);
if (testFailed)
fail("Test failed due to " + message);
List pickObjects = regionqueue.peek(batchSize);
assertEquals(batchSize, pickObjects.size());
for (int i = 0; i < numOfThreads; i++) {
regionqueue.getLastDispatchedSequenceId(new EventID(new byte[] {(byte) i}, i, 1)));
regionqueue.getCurrentCounterSet(new EventID(new byte[] {(byte) i}, i, 1)).size());
assertEquals(0, regionqueue.getAvailableIds().size());"testPeekAndRemoveWithoutConflation() completed successfully");
* Test where a 5 separate threads do 4 puts each. A thread then peeks the 20 objects & then
* invokes remove. The remove should ensure that the entries are deleted from the available IDs &
* the Counters set contained in DACE. Conflation is enabled
public void testPeekAndRemoveWithConflation() throws Exception {
testFailed = false;
message = null;
final int numOfThreads = 5;
final int numOfPuts = 4;
final int batchSize = numOfThreads * numOfPuts;
final HARegionQueue regionqueue = createHARegionQueue("testPeekAndRemoveWithConflation");
Thread[] threads = new Thread[numOfThreads];
for (int i = 0; i < numOfThreads; i++) {
final long ids = i;
threads[i] = new Thread() {
public void run() {
for (int j = 0; j < numOfPuts; j++) {
EventID id = new EventID(new byte[] {(byte) ids}, ids, j);
try {
regionqueue.put(new ConflatableObject(KEY1 + ids, id.getThreadID() + "VALUE" + j, id,
true, "region1"));
} catch (Exception ex) {
testFailed = true;
message.append("put failed for the threadId " + id.getThreadID());
for (int k = 0; k < numOfThreads; k++) {
for (int k = 0; k < numOfThreads; k++) {
ThreadUtils.join(threads[k], 180 * 1000);
if (testFailed)
fail("Test failed due to " + message);
List pickObject = regionqueue.peek(batchSize);
assertEquals(numOfThreads, pickObject.size());
for (int i = 0; i < numOfThreads; i++) {
// assertIndexDetailsEquals(numOfPuts,
// regionqueue.getLastDispatchedSequenceId(new EventID(
// new byte[] { (byte)i }, i, 1)));
regionqueue.getCurrentCounterSet(new EventID(new byte[] {(byte) i}, i, 1)).size());
assertEquals("size of availableIds map should be 0 ", 0, regionqueue.getAvailableIds().size());
assertEquals("size of conflation map should be 0 ", 0,
((Map) regionqueue.getConflationMapForTesting().get("region1")).size());"testPeekAndRemoveWithConflation() completed successfully");
* Test where a 5 separate threads do 4 puts each. 4 threads then concurrently do a peek of batch
* size 5, 10 , 15 & 20 respectively. And all of them concurrently cal remove. The remove should
* ensure that the entries are deleted from the available IDs & the Counters set contained in
public void testPeekForDiffBatchSizeAndRemoveAll() throws Exception {
testFailed = false;
message = null;
barrierCount = 0;
final int numOfThreads = 5;
final int numOfPuts = 4;
// final CountDownLatch mylatch = new CountDownLatch(4);
final HARegionQueue regionqueue = createHARegionQueue("testPeekForDiffBatchSizeAndRemoveAll");
Thread[] threads = new Thread[numOfThreads];
for (int i = 0; i < numOfThreads; i++) {
final long ids = i;
threads[i] = new Thread() {
public void run() {
for (int j = 0; j < numOfPuts; j++) {
EventID id = new EventID(new byte[] {(byte) ids}, ids, j);
try {
regionqueue.put(new ConflatableObject(KEY1 + id.getThreadID() + j,
id.getThreadID() + "VALUE" + j, id, false, "region1"));
} catch (Exception ex) {
testFailed = true;
message.append("put failed for the threadId " + id.getThreadID());
for (int k = 0; k < numOfThreads; k++) {
for (int k = 0; k < numOfThreads; k++) {
ThreadUtils.join(threads[k], 180 * 1000);
if (testFailed)
fail("Test failed due to " + message);
testFailed = false;
message = null;
Thread[] threads_peek_remove = new Thread[numOfPuts];
for (int i = 1; i < (numOfPuts + 1); i++) {
final int peakBatchSize = i * 5;
threads_peek_remove[i - 1] = new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {
List peakObjects = regionqueue.peek(peakBatchSize);
assertEquals(peakBatchSize, peakObjects.size());
synchronized (HARQAddOperationJUnitTest.this) {
if (barrierCount == 4) {
} else {
} catch (Exception ex) {
testFailed = true;
message.append("Exception while performing peak operation " + ex.getStackTrace());
for (int k = 0; k < numOfPuts; k++) {
for (int k = 0; k < numOfPuts; k++) {
ThreadUtils.join(threads_peek_remove[k], 180 * 1000);
if (testFailed)
fail("Test failed due to " + message);
for (int i = 0; i < numOfThreads; i++) {
regionqueue.getLastDispatchedSequenceId(new EventID(new byte[] {(byte) i}, i, 1)));
regionqueue.getCurrentCounterSet(new EventID(new byte[] {(byte) i}, i, 1)).size());
assertEquals(0, regionqueue.getAvailableIds().size());"testPeekForDiffBatchSizeAndRemoveAll() completed successfully");
* Test where a 5 separate threads do 4 puts each. 3 threads then concurrently do a peek of batch
* size 5, 10 and 15 respectively. And all of them concurrently call remove. The remove should
* ensure that the entries are deleted from the available IDs & the Counters set contained in
public void testPeekForDiffBatchSizeAndRemoveSome() throws Exception {
testFailed = false;
barrierCount = 0;
message = null;
final int numOfThreads = 5;
final int numOfPuts = 4;
final HARegionQueue regionqueue = createHARegionQueue("testPeekForDiffBatchSizeAndRemoveSome");
Thread[] threads = new Thread[numOfThreads];
for (int i = 0; i < numOfThreads; i++) {
final long ids = i;
threads[i] = new Thread() {
public void run() {
for (int j = 0; j < numOfPuts; j++) {
EventID id = new EventID(new byte[] {(byte) ids}, ids, j);
try {
regionqueue.put(new ConflatableObject(KEY1 + id.getThreadID() + j,
id.getThreadID() + "VALUE" + j, id, false, "region1"));
} catch (Exception ex) {
testFailed = true;
message.append("put failed for the threadId " + id.getThreadID());
for (int k = 0; k < numOfThreads; k++) {
for (int k = 0; k < numOfThreads; k++) {
ThreadUtils.join(threads[k], 180 * 1000);
if (testFailed)
fail("Test failed due to " + message);
testFailed = false;
message = null;
Thread[] threads_peek_remove = new Thread[numOfPuts - 1];
for (int i = 1; i < numOfPuts; i++) {
final int peakBatchSize = i * 5;
threads_peek_remove[i - 1] = new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {
List peakObjects = regionqueue.peek(peakBatchSize);
assertEquals(peakBatchSize, peakObjects.size());
synchronized (HARQAddOperationJUnitTest.this) {
if (barrierCount == 3) {
} else {
} catch (Exception ex) {
testFailed = true;
message.append("Exception while performing peak operation " + ex.getStackTrace());
for (int k = 0; k < numOfPuts - 1; k++) {
for (int k = 0; k < numOfPuts - 1; k++) {
ThreadUtils.join(threads_peek_remove[k], 180 * 1000);
if (testFailed)
fail("Test failed due to " + message);
assertEquals(5, regionqueue.getAvailableIds().size());"testPeekForDiffBatchSizeAndRemoveSome() completed successfully");
* Add with QRM & expiry : Add 10 conflatable objects (0-9). Send QRM LastDispatched as 4.
* Validate the sequence ID field of LastDispatchedWrapper object is updated to 4. Perform Take
* operations to remove next 5 to 9. The seqeunceId field should be 9. Allow ThreadIdenitifier to
* expire. The expiration should fail as the original sequenceId ( -1) does not match with 9.
* Validate reset with value 9 . The next expiry should remove the LastDisptachedWrapper
public void testAddWithQRMAndExpiry() throws Exception {
try {
HARegionQueueAttributes attrs = new HARegionQueueAttributes();
final HARegionQueue regionqueue =
new TestOnlyHARegionQueue("testing", cache, attrs, disabledClock()) {
CacheListener createCacheListenerForHARegion() {
return new CacheListenerAdapter() {
public void afterInvalidate(EntryEvent event) {
try {
} catch (CacheException ce) {
"HAREgionQueue::createCacheListener::Exception in the expiry thread", ce);
if (event.getKey() instanceof ThreadIdentifier) {
synchronized (HARQAddOperationJUnitTest.this) {
Conflatable[] cf = new Conflatable[10];
// put 10 conflatable objects
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
cf[i] = new ConflatableObject("key" + i, "value", new EventID(new byte[] {1}, 1, i), true,
ThreadIdentifier tID = new ThreadIdentifier(new byte[] {1}, 1);
// verify that the sequence-id for Thread-identifier is -1 (default value).
assertEquals(new Long(-1), regionqueue.getRegion().get(tID));
// remove the first 5 - (0-4 sequence IDs)
regionqueue.removeDispatchedEvents(new EventID(new byte[] {1}, 1, 4));
// verify that the last dispatched event was of sequence id 4
assertEquals(4, regionqueue.getLastDispatchedSequenceId(new EventID(new byte[] {1}, 1, 1)));
// verify 1-5 not in region
for (long i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
assertTrue(!regionqueue.getRegion().containsKey(new Long(i)));
// verify 6-10 still in region queue
for (long i = 6; i < 11; i++) {
assertTrue(regionqueue.getRegion().containsKey(new Long(i)));
// Perform 5 take operations to remove next 5-9 sequence ids
for (long i = 6; i < 11; i++) {
// verify that the last dispatched event was of sequence id 10
assertEquals(9, regionqueue.getLastDispatchedSequenceId(new EventID(new byte[] {1}, 1, 1)));
// verify that sequence ids 1-10 all are removed from the RQ
for (long i = 1; i < 11; i++) {
assertTrue(!regionqueue.getRegion().containsKey(new Long(i)));
// wait until expiry thread has run once
synchronized (HARQAddOperationJUnitTest.this) {
if (0 == expiryCount) {
if (1 == expiryCount) {
// verify that the Thread-identifier has not yet expired
assertEquals(1, regionqueue.getEventsMapForTesting().size());
// verify that the sequence-id for Thread-identifier is updated to 9
assertEquals(new Long(9), regionqueue.getRegion().get(tID));
// wait until expiry thread has run again
// verify that the Thread-identifier has expired
assertEquals(0, regionqueue.getEventsMapForTesting().size());
// verify that the sequence-id for Thread-identifier is null
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new AssertionError("Exception occurred in test due to", e);
* This test does the following:<br> 1)Create a blocking HARegionQueue<br> 2)Add some events to
* the queue with same ThreadIdentifier<br> 3)Do take() operations to drain the queue<br> 4)Verify
* that dispatchedMessagesMap is not null<br> 5)Verify that size of the dispatchedMessagesMap is 1
* as one regionqueue is created in this test<br> 6)Verify that the map contains an entry for the
* queue-region name<br> 7)Verify that the size of wrapper-map is 1 as all events had same
* ThreadId<br> 8)Verify that the sequenceId against the ThreadId in the wrapper-map is same as
* that of the last event taken<br>
* Behaviour of take() has been changed for relaible messaging feature. Region queue take()
* operation will no longer add to the Dispatch Message Map. Hence disabling the test - SUYOG
public void testDispatchedMsgsMapUpdateOnTakes() throws Exception {"HARQAddOperationJUnitTest : testDispatchedEventsMapUpdateOnTakes BEGIN");
String regionName = "testDispatchedEventsMapUpdateOnTakes";
HARegionQueue rq = createHARegionQueue(regionName);
Conflatable cf = null;
EventID id = null;
int totalEvents = 10;
for (int i = 0; i < totalEvents; i++) {
id = new EventID(new byte[] {1}, 1, i);
cf = new ConflatableObject("key" + i, "value" + i, id, false, "testing");
for (int i = 0; i < totalEvents; i++) {
Map dispatchedMsgMap = HARegionQueue.getDispatchedMessagesMapForTesting();
// verify that map is not null
assertNotNull("dispatchedMessagesMap found null", dispatchedMsgMap);
// size of the dispatchedMessagesMap should be 1 as one regionqueue is
// created in this test
assertEquals("size of dispatched msgs should be 1", 1, dispatchedMsgMap.size());
// verify that the map contains an entry for the queue-region name
MapWrapper wrapper = (MapWrapper) dispatchedMsgMap.get(regionName);
assertNotNull("dispatchedMsgMap should contain an entry with queueregion name as key", wrapper);
Map dispatchedData =;
assertEquals("size of wrapper-map should be 1 as all events had same ThreadId", 1,
ThreadIdentifier tid = new ThreadIdentifier(new byte[] {1}, 1);
Long seqId = (Long) dispatchedData.get(tid);
"sequenceId against the ThreadId in the wrapper-map should be that of the last event taken.",
id.getSequenceID(), seqId.longValue());"HARQAddOperationJUnitTest : testDispatchedEventsMapUpdateOnTakes END");