blob: fdd490cf70d59973d49c23af956dccc19697292f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
* agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding
* copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
* copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package org.apache.geode.internal.cache.tier.sockets;
import static org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolManager.find;
import static org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties.LOCATORS;
import static org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties.MCAST_PORT;
import static org.apache.geode.test.dunit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.apache.geode.test.dunit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.apache.geode.test.dunit.Assert.assertNull;
import static;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category;
import org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory;
import org.apache.geode.cache.Cache;
import org.apache.geode.cache.CacheException;
import org.apache.geode.cache.CacheFactory;
import org.apache.geode.cache.CacheWriterException;
import org.apache.geode.cache.DataPolicy;
import org.apache.geode.cache.Operation;
import org.apache.geode.cache.Region;
import org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes;
import org.apache.geode.cache.Scope;
import org.apache.geode.cache.client.Pool;
import org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolManager;
import org.apache.geode.cache.client.internal.Connection;
import org.apache.geode.cache.client.internal.PoolImpl;
import org.apache.geode.cache.client.internal.ServerRegionProxy;
import org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer;
import org.apache.geode.cache30.CacheSerializableRunnable;
import org.apache.geode.cache30.CertifiableTestCacheListener;
import org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystem;
import org.apache.geode.internal.AvailablePort;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.EventID;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.EventIDHolder;
import org.apache.geode.test.awaitility.GeodeAwaitility;
import org.apache.geode.test.dunit.Assert;
import org.apache.geode.test.dunit.Host;
import org.apache.geode.test.dunit.LogWriterUtils;
import org.apache.geode.test.dunit.NetworkUtils;
import org.apache.geode.test.dunit.VM;
import org.apache.geode.test.dunit.WaitCriterion;
import org.apache.geode.test.dunit.internal.JUnit4DistributedTestCase;
import org.apache.geode.test.junit.categories.ClientSubscriptionTest;
* Tests propagation of destroy entry operation across the vms
public class DestroyEntryPropagationDUnitTest extends JUnit4DistributedTestCase {
private static final String REGION_NAME =
DestroyEntryPropagationDUnitTest.class.getSimpleName() + "_region";
private static final String WAIT_PROPERTY =
DestroyEntryPropagationDUnitTest.class.getSimpleName() + ".maxWaitTime";
private static final int WAIT_DEFAULT = 120000;
private static Cache cache;
private VM vm0;
private VM vm1;
private VM vm2;
private VM vm3;
private int PORT1;
private int PORT2;
public final void postSetUp() throws Exception {
final Host host = Host.getHost(0);
// Server1 VM
vm0 = host.getVM(0);
// Server2 VM
vm1 = host.getVM(1);
// Client 1 VM
vm2 = host.getVM(2);
// client 2 VM
vm3 = host.getVM(3);
PORT1 = ((Integer) vm0.invoke(() -> DestroyEntryPropagationDUnitTest.createServerCache()))
PORT2 = ((Integer) vm1.invoke(() -> DestroyEntryPropagationDUnitTest.createServerCache()))
vm2.invoke(() -> DestroyEntryPropagationDUnitTest.createClientCache(
NetworkUtils.getServerHostName(host), new Integer(PORT1), new Integer(PORT2)));
vm3.invoke(() -> DestroyEntryPropagationDUnitTest.createClientCache(
NetworkUtils.getServerHostName(host), new Integer(PORT1), new Integer(PORT2)));
public final void preTearDown() throws Exception {
// close client
vm2.invoke(() -> DestroyEntryPropagationDUnitTest.closeCache());
vm3.invoke(() -> DestroyEntryPropagationDUnitTest.closeCache());
// close server
vm0.invoke(() -> DestroyEntryPropagationDUnitTest.closeCache());
vm1.invoke(() -> DestroyEntryPropagationDUnitTest.closeCache());
public final void postTearDown() throws Exception {
cache = null;
private void createCache(Properties props) throws Exception {
DistributedSystem ds = getSystem(props);
cache = CacheFactory.create(ds);
* This tests whether the destroy are propagted or not according to interest registration.
public void testDestroyPropagation() {
// First create entries on both servers via the two clients
vm2.invoke(() -> DestroyEntryPropagationDUnitTest.createEntriesK1andK2());
vm3.invoke(() -> DestroyEntryPropagationDUnitTest.createEntriesK1andK2());
// register interest for key-1
vm2.invoke(() -> DestroyEntryPropagationDUnitTest.registerKey1());
// register interest for key-1
vm3.invoke(() -> DestroyEntryPropagationDUnitTest.registerKey1());
// destroy entry key-1 , key-2
vm2.invoke(() -> DestroyEntryPropagationDUnitTest.destroyEntriesK1andK2());
// verify destroy entry on first server
vm0.invoke(() -> DestroyEntryPropagationDUnitTest.verifyEntriesAreDestroyed());
// verify destroy entry on second server
vm1.invoke(() -> DestroyEntryPropagationDUnitTest.verifyEntriesAreDestroyed());
// verify destroy entry in originator vm
vm2.invoke(() -> DestroyEntryPropagationDUnitTest.verifyEntriesAreDestroyed());
// verify only key-1 is destroyed
vm3.invoke(() -> DestroyEntryPropagationDUnitTest.verifyOnlyRegisteredEntriesAreDestroyed());
* This tests whether the destroy happened directly on server are propagted or not.
public void testDestroyOnServerPropagation() {
// First create entries on both servers via the two client
vm2.invoke(() -> DestroyEntryPropagationDUnitTest.createEntriesK1andK2());
vm3.invoke(() -> DestroyEntryPropagationDUnitTest.createEntriesK1andK2());
vm2.invoke(() -> DestroyEntryPropagationDUnitTest.registerKey1());
vm3.invoke(() -> DestroyEntryPropagationDUnitTest.registerKey1());
// destroy entry on server directly
vm0.invoke(() -> DestroyEntryPropagationDUnitTest.destroyEntriesK1andK2());
// verify destroy entry on server 1
vm0.invoke(() -> DestroyEntryPropagationDUnitTest.verifyEntriesAreDestroyed());
// verify destroy entry on second server
vm1.invoke(() -> DestroyEntryPropagationDUnitTest.verifyEntriesAreDestroyed());
// verify destroy entry only for registered keys in client1
vm2.invoke(() -> DestroyEntryPropagationDUnitTest.verifyOnlyRegisteredEntriesAreDestroyed());
// verify destroy entry only for registered keys in client 2
vm3.invoke(() -> DestroyEntryPropagationDUnitTest.verifyOnlyRegisteredEntriesAreDestroyed());
* This tests whether the destroy are received by the sender or not if there are situation of
* Interest List fail over
public void testVerifyDestroyNotReceivedBySender() {
final int maxWaitTime = Integer.getInteger(WAIT_PROPERTY, WAIT_DEFAULT).intValue();
// First create entries on both servers via the two client
vm2.invoke(() -> DestroyEntryPropagationDUnitTest.createEntriesK1andK2());
vm3.invoke(() -> DestroyEntryPropagationDUnitTest.createEntriesK1andK2());
vm2.invoke(() -> DestroyEntryPropagationDUnitTest.registerKey1());
vm3.invoke(() -> DestroyEntryPropagationDUnitTest.registerKey1());
// Induce fail over of InterestList Endpoint to Server 2 by killing server1
vm0.invoke(() -> DestroyEntryPropagationDUnitTest.killServer(new Integer(PORT1)));
// Wait for 10 seconds to allow fail over. This would mean that Interest
// has failed over to Server2.
vm2.invoke(new CacheSerializableRunnable("Wait for server on port1 to be dead") {
public void run2() throws CacheException {
Region r = cache.getRegion(REGION_NAME);
try {
r.put("ping", "pong1"); // Used in the case where we don't have a LiveServerMonitorThread
} catch (CacheWriterException itsOK) {
try {
r.put("ping", "pong1"); // Used in the case where we don't have a LiveServerMonitorThread
} catch (CacheWriterException itsOK) {
String poolName = r.getAttributes().getPoolName();
final PoolImpl pool = (PoolImpl) find(poolName);
WaitCriterion ev = new WaitCriterion() {
public boolean done() {
return pool.getConnectedServerCount() != 2;
public String description() {
return null;
// Start Server1 again so that both clients1 & Client 2 will establish
// connection to server1 too.
vm0.invoke(() -> DestroyEntryPropagationDUnitTest.startServer(new Integer(PORT1)));
vm2.invoke(new CacheSerializableRunnable("Wait for server on port1 to spring to life") {
public void run2() throws CacheException {
Region r = cache.getRegion(REGION_NAME);
String poolName = r.getAttributes().getPoolName();
final PoolImpl pool = (PoolImpl) find(poolName);
WaitCriterion ev = new WaitCriterion() {
public boolean done() {
return pool.getConnectedServerCount() == 2;
public String description() {
return null;
// Do a destroy on Server1 via Connection object from client1.
// Client1 should not receive updated value while client2 should receive
vm2.invoke(() -> acquireConnectionsAndDestroyEntriesK1andK2());
// pause(10000);
// Check if both the puts ( on key1 & key2 ) have reached the servers
vm0.invoke(() -> DestroyEntryPropagationDUnitTest.verifyEntriesAreDestroyed());
vm1.invoke(() -> DestroyEntryPropagationDUnitTest.verifyEntriesAreDestroyed());
vm2.invoke(() -> DestroyEntryPropagationDUnitTest.verifyNoDestroyEntryInSender());
private void acquireConnectionsAndDestroyEntriesK1andK2() {
try {
Region r1 = cache.getRegion(Region.SEPARATOR + REGION_NAME);
String poolName = r1.getAttributes().getPoolName();
PoolImpl pool = (PoolImpl) PoolManager.find(poolName);
Connection conn = pool.acquireConnection();
final Connection conn1;
if (conn.getServer().getPort() != PORT2) {
conn1 = pool.acquireConnection(); // Ensure we have a server with the proper port
} else {
conn1 = conn;
assertEquals(PORT2, conn1.getServer().getPort());
ServerRegionProxy srp = new ServerRegionProxy(Region.SEPARATOR + REGION_NAME, pool);
srp.destroyOnForTestsOnly(conn1, "key1", null, Operation.DESTROY,
new EventIDHolder(new EventID(new byte[] {1}, 100000, 1)), null);
srp.destroyOnForTestsOnly(conn1, "key2", null, Operation.DESTROY,
new EventIDHolder(new EventID(new byte[] {1}, 100000, 2)), null);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new AssertionError("Failed while setting acquireConnectionsAndDestroyEntry ", ex);
private static void killServer(Integer port) {
try {
Iterator iter = cache.getCacheServers().iterator();
.fine("Asif: servers running = " + cache.getCacheServers().size());
if (iter.hasNext()) {
CacheServer server = (CacheServer);
LogWriterUtils.getLogWriter().fine("asif : server running on port=" + server.getPort()
+ " asked to kill serevre onport=" + port);
if (port.intValue() == server.getPort()) {
} catch (Exception ex) {"while killing Server", ex);
private static void startServer(Integer port) {
try {
CacheServer server1 = cache.addCacheServer();
} catch (Exception ex) {
fail("while killServer " + ex);
* Creates entries on the server
private static void createEntriesK1andK2() {
try {
Region r1 = cache.getRegion(Region.SEPARATOR + REGION_NAME);
if (!r1.containsKey("key1")) {
r1.create("key1", "key-1");
if (!r1.containsKey("key2")) {
r1.create("key2", "key-2");
assertEquals(r1.getEntry("key1").getValue(), "key-1");
assertEquals(r1.getEntry("key2").getValue(), "key-2");
} catch (Exception ex) {"failed while createEntries()", ex);
* destroy entry
private static void destroyEntriesK1andK2() {
try {
Region r = cache.getRegion(Region.SEPARATOR + REGION_NAME);
} catch (Exception ex) {"failed while destroyEntry()", ex);
private static void verifyNoDestroyEntryInSender() {
try {
Region r = cache.getRegion(Region.SEPARATOR + REGION_NAME);
} catch (Exception ex) {"failed while verifyDestroyEntry in C1", ex);
private static void verifyEntriesAreDestroyed() {
try {
Region r = cache.getRegion(Region.SEPARATOR + REGION_NAME);
waitForDestroyEvent(r, "key1");
} catch (Exception ex) {"failed while verifyDestroyEntry in C1", ex);
private static void verifyOnlyRegisteredEntriesAreDestroyed() {
try {
Region r = cache.getRegion(Region.SEPARATOR + REGION_NAME);
waitForDestroyEvent(r, "key1");
} catch (Exception ex) {"failed while verifyDestroyEntry for key1", ex);
private static void waitForDestroyEvent(Region r, final Object key) {
final CertifiableTestCacheListener ccl =
(CertifiableTestCacheListener) r.getAttributes().getCacheListener();
WaitCriterion ev = new WaitCriterion() {
public boolean done() {
return ccl.destroys.contains(key);
public String description() {
return "waiting for destroy event for " + key;
private static void createClientCache(String host, Integer port1, Integer port2)
throws Exception {
int PORT1 = port1.intValue();
int PORT2 = port2.intValue();
Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty(MCAST_PORT, "0");
props.setProperty(LOCATORS, "");
new DestroyEntryPropagationDUnitTest().createCache(props);
Pool p;
try {
p = PoolManager.createFactory().addServer(host, PORT1).addServer(host, PORT2)
// .setRetryAttempts(2)
// .setRetryInterval(250)
} finally {
AttributesFactory factory = new AttributesFactory();
factory.setCacheListener(new CertifiableTestCacheListener(LogWriterUtils.getLogWriter()));
RegionAttributes attrs = factory.create();
cache.createRegion(REGION_NAME, attrs);
private static Integer createServerCache() throws Exception {
new DestroyEntryPropagationDUnitTest().createCache(new Properties());
AttributesFactory factory = new AttributesFactory();
factory.setCacheListener(new CertifiableTestCacheListener(LogWriterUtils.getLogWriter()));
RegionAttributes attrs = factory.create();
cache.createRegion(REGION_NAME, attrs);
CacheServer server = cache.addCacheServer();
int port = AvailablePort.getRandomAvailablePort(AvailablePort.SOCKET);
return new Integer(server.getPort());
private static void registerKey1() {
try {
Region r = cache.getRegion(Region.SEPARATOR + REGION_NAME);
List list = new ArrayList();
} catch (Exception ex) {"failed while registering interest", ex);
private static void closeCache() {
if (cache != null && !cache.isClosed()) {