blob: 55ffadf3cf217450527228abd964c07b44b3ec2d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
* agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding
* copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
* copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package org.apache.geode.cache.query.dunit;
import static org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties.CACHE_XML_FILE;
import static org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties.LOCATORS;
import static org.apache.geode.test.dunit.IgnoredException.addIgnoredException;
import static org.apache.geode.test.util.ResourceUtils.createTempFileFromResource;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
import org.apache.geode.cache.Region;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.IndexNameConflictException;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.Query;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.SelectResults;
import org.apache.geode.test.dunit.DistributedTestUtils;
import org.apache.geode.test.dunit.SerializableRunnable;
import org.apache.geode.test.dunit.rules.ClusterStartupRule;
import org.apache.geode.test.dunit.rules.MemberVM;
import org.apache.geode.test.junit.categories.OQLQueryTest;
@RunWith(value = Parameterized.class)
public class PersistentRegionCompactRangeIndexDUnitTest implements Serializable {
@Parameterized.Parameters(name = "{index}: {0}")
public static Collection<String> cacheXmlFiles() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] {"PartitionedPersistentRegionWithIndex.xml",
public ClusterStartupRule clusterStartupRule = new ClusterStartupRule();
private MemberVM locator;
private String cacheXml;
private Properties props;
private MemberVM server1;
private MemberVM server2;
private MemberVM server3;
public PersistentRegionCompactRangeIndexDUnitTest(String cacheXml) {
this.cacheXml = cacheXml;
private Properties getSystemProperties(String cacheXML) {
Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty(LOCATORS, "localhost[" + DistributedTestUtils.getDUnitLocatorPort() + "]");
createTempFileFromResource(getClass(), cacheXML).getAbsolutePath());
return props;
public void before() {
locator = clusterStartupRule.startLocatorVM(0);
props = getSystemProperties(cacheXml);
server1 = clusterStartupRule.startServerVM(1, props, locator.getPort());
server2 = clusterStartupRule.startServerVM(2, props, locator.getPort());
server3 = clusterStartupRule.startServerVM(3, props, locator.getPort());
// Adding due to known race condition for creation of partitioned indexes via cache.xml
public void testGIIUpdateWithIndexDoesNotDuplicateEntryInIndexWhenAlreadyRecoveredFromPersistence() {
// this region is created via cache.xml
String regionName = "testRegion";
String idQuery = "select * from /" + regionName + " p where p.ID = 1";
int idQueryExpectedSize = 1;
int numEntries = 100;
Map<String, Portfolio> entries = new HashMap<>();
IntStream.range(0, numEntries).forEach(i -> entries.put("key-" + i, new Portfolio(i)));
server3.invoke(() -> populateRegion(regionName, entries));
server2.invoke(verifyQueryResultsSize(idQuery, idQueryExpectedSize));
clusterStartupRule.stop(2, false);
// update entries
server3.invoke(() -> populateRegion(regionName, entries));
clusterStartupRule.stop(1, false);
server1 = clusterStartupRule.startServerVM(1, props, locator.getPort());
server2 = clusterStartupRule.startServerVM(2, props, locator.getPort());
server3.invoke(verifyQueryResultsSize(idQuery, idQueryExpectedSize));
server2.invoke(verifyQueryResultsSize(idQuery, idQueryExpectedSize));
server1.invoke(verifyQueryResultsSize(idQuery, idQueryExpectedSize));
public void giiWithPersistenceAndStaleDataDueToUpdatesShouldCorrectlyPopulateIndexes()
throws Exception {
// this region is created via cache.xml
String regionName = "testRegionWithEntrySetIndex";
int numEntries = 100;
Map<String, Portfolio> entries = new HashMap<>();
IntStream.range(0, numEntries).forEach(i -> entries.put("key-" + i, new Portfolio(10000 + i)));
server3.invoke(() -> populateRegion(regionName, entries));
clusterStartupRule.stop(2, false);
// update entries
IntStream.range(0, numEntries).forEach(i -> {
entries.put("key-" + i, new Portfolio(i));
server3.invoke(() -> populateRegion(regionName, entries));
clusterStartupRule.stop(1, false);
clusterStartupRule.stop(3, false);
Thread t3 =
new Thread(() -> clusterStartupRule.startServerVM(3, props, locator.getPort()));
Thread t1 =
new Thread(() -> clusterStartupRule.startServerVM(1, props, locator.getPort()));
clusterStartupRule.startServerVM(2, props, locator.getPort());
// invoke the query enough times to hopefully randomize bucket to server targeting enough to
// target both secondary/primary servers
server3.invoke(() -> {
verifyAllEntries("select key, value from /" + regionName + " where ID = ",
() -> IntStream.range(0, numEntries), 8, 1);
server2.invoke(() -> {
verifyAllEntries("select key, value from /" + regionName + " where ID = ",
() -> IntStream.range(0, numEntries), 8, 1);
server1.invoke(() -> {
verifyAllEntries("select key, value from /" + regionName + " where ID = ",
() -> IntStream.range(0, numEntries), 8, 1);
public void giiWhereNewAndOldValueIsTombstoneShouldNotThrowNPE()
throws Exception {
// This test requires the oldKeyValuePair to be instantiated, to do so, we need the gii thread
// to gii some updates or removes on existing (non-tombstone) values before processing the
// scenario of tombstone to tombstone
String regionName = "testRegion";
int numEntries = 10;
Map<String, Portfolio> entries = new HashMap<>();
IntStream.range(0, numEntries).forEach(i -> entries.put("key-" + i, new Portfolio(i)));
Set halfEntries = new HashSet();
IntStream.range(0, numEntries).forEach(i -> {
if (i % 2 == 0) {
halfEntries.add("key-" + i);
server1.invoke(() -> populateRegion(regionName, entries));
server1.invoke(() -> destroyFromRegion(regionName, halfEntries));
clusterStartupRule.stop(2, false);
// update entries
server1.invoke(() -> populateRegion(regionName, entries));
server1.invoke(() -> destroyFromRegion(regionName, halfEntries));
clusterStartupRule.startServerVM(2, props, locator.getPort());
// invoke the query enough times to hopefully randomize bucket to server targeting enough to
// target both secondary/primary servers
server1.invoke(() -> {
verifyAllEntries("select key, value from /" + regionName + " where ID = ",
() -> IntStream.range(0, numEntries).filter(i -> i % 2 != 0), 8, 1);
server2.invoke(() -> {
verifyAllEntries("select key, value from /" + regionName + " where ID = ",
() -> IntStream.range(0, numEntries).filter(i -> i % 2 != 0), 8, 1);
server1.invoke(() -> {
verifyAllEntries("select key, value from /" + regionName + " where ID = ",
() -> IntStream.range(0, numEntries).filter(i -> i % 2 != 0), 8, 1);
public void giiWithPersistenceAndStaleDataDueToSameUpdatesShouldCorrectlyPopulateIndexes()
throws Exception {
// this region is created via cache.xml
String regionName = "testRegionWithEntrySetIndex";
int numEntries = 100;
Map<String, Portfolio> entries = new HashMap<>();
IntStream.range(0, numEntries).forEach(i -> entries.put("key-" + i, new Portfolio(i)));
server3.invoke(() -> populateRegion(regionName, entries));
clusterStartupRule.stop(2, false);
// update entries
IntStream.range(0, numEntries).forEach(i -> {
entries.put("key-" + i, new Portfolio(i));
server3.invoke(() -> populateRegion(regionName, entries));
clusterStartupRule.stop(1, false);
clusterStartupRule.stop(3, false);
Thread t3 =
new Thread(() -> clusterStartupRule.startServerVM(3, props, locator.getPort()));
Thread t1 =
new Thread(() -> clusterStartupRule.startServerVM(1, props, locator.getPort()));
clusterStartupRule.startServerVM(2, props, locator.getPort());
// invoke the query enough times to hopefully randomize bucket to server targeting enough to
// target both secondary/primary servers
server3.invoke(() -> {
verifyAllEntries("select key, value from /" + regionName + " where ID = ",
() -> IntStream.range(0, numEntries), 8, 1);
server2.invoke(() -> {
verifyAllEntries("select key, value from /" + regionName + " where ID = ",
() -> IntStream.range(0, numEntries), 8, 1);
server1.invoke(() -> {
verifyAllEntries("select key, value from /" + regionName + " where ID = ",
() -> IntStream.range(0, numEntries), 8, 1);
public void giiWithPersistenceAndStaleDataDueToUpdatesShouldCorrectlyPopulateIndexesWithEntrySet()
throws Exception {
// this region is created via cache.xml
String regionName = "testRegionWithEntrySetIndex";
int numEntries = 100;
Map<String, Portfolio> entries = new HashMap<>();
IntStream.range(0, numEntries).forEach(i -> entries.put("key-" + i, new Portfolio(10000 + i)));
server3.invoke(() -> populateRegion(regionName, entries));
clusterStartupRule.stop(2, false);
// update entries
IntStream.range(0, numEntries).forEach(i -> {
entries.put("key-" + i, new Portfolio(i));
server3.invoke(() -> populateRegion(regionName, entries));
clusterStartupRule.stop(1, false);
clusterStartupRule.stop(3, false);
Thread t3 =
new Thread(() -> clusterStartupRule.startServerVM(3, props, locator.getPort()));
Thread t1 =
new Thread(() -> clusterStartupRule.startServerVM(1, props, locator.getPort()));
clusterStartupRule.startServerVM(2, props, locator.getPort());
// invoke the query enough times to hopefully randomize bucket to server targeting enough to
// target both secondary/primary servers
server3.invoke(() -> {
verifyAllEntries("select key, value from /" + regionName + ".entrySet where value.ID = ",
() -> IntStream.range(0, numEntries), 8, 1);
server2.invoke(() -> {
verifyAllEntries("select key, value from /" + regionName + ".entrySet where value.ID = ",
() -> IntStream.range(0, numEntries), 8, 1);
server1.invoke(() -> {
verifyAllEntries("select key, value from /" + regionName + ".entrySet where value.ID = ",
() -> IntStream.range(0, numEntries), 8, 1);
public void giiWithPersistenceAndStaleDataDueToDeletesShouldProvideCorrectResultsWithEntrySet()
throws Exception {
// this region is created via cache.xml
String regionName = "testRegionWithEntrySetIndex";
int numEntries = 100;
Map<String, Portfolio> entries = new HashMap<>();
IntStream.range(0, numEntries).forEach(i -> entries.put("key-" + i, new Portfolio(i)));
server3.invoke(() -> populateRegion(regionName, entries));
clusterStartupRule.stop(2, false);
server3.invoke(() -> destroyFromRegion(regionName, entries.keySet()));
clusterStartupRule.stop(1, false);
clusterStartupRule.stop(3, false);
Thread t3 =
new Thread(() -> clusterStartupRule.startServerVM(3, props, locator.getPort()));
Thread t1 =
new Thread(() -> clusterStartupRule.startServerVM(1, props, locator.getPort()));
clusterStartupRule.startServerVM(2, props, locator.getPort());
// invoke the query enough times to hopefully randomize bucket to server targeting enough to
// target both secondary/primary servers
server3.invoke(() -> {
verifyAllEntries("select key, value from /" + regionName + ".entrySet where value.ID = ",
() -> IntStream.range(0, numEntries), 8, 0);
server2.invoke(() -> {
verifyAllEntries("select key, value from /" + regionName + ".entrySet where value.ID = ",
() -> IntStream.range(0, numEntries), 8, 0);
server1.invoke(() -> {
verifyAllEntries("select key, value from /" + regionName + ".entrySet where value.ID = ",
() -> IntStream.range(0, numEntries), 8, 0);
public void giiWithPersistenceAndStaleDataDueToDeletesShouldHaveEmptyIndexesWithEntrySet()
throws Exception {
// this region is created via cache.xml
String regionName = "testRegionWithEntrySetIndex";
int numEntries = 100;
Map<String, Portfolio> entries = new HashMap<>();
IntStream.range(0, numEntries).forEach(i -> entries.put("key-" + i, new Portfolio(i)));
server3.invoke(() -> populateRegion(regionName, entries));
clusterStartupRule.stop(2, false);
server3.invoke(() -> destroyFromRegion(regionName, entries.keySet()));
clusterStartupRule.stop(1, false);
clusterStartupRule.stop(3, false);
Thread t3 =
new Thread(() -> clusterStartupRule.startServerVM(3, props, locator.getPort()));
Thread t1 =
new Thread(() -> clusterStartupRule.startServerVM(1, props, locator.getPort()));
clusterStartupRule.startServerVM(2, props, locator.getPort());
// invoke the query enough times to hopefully randomize bucket to server targeting enough to
// target both secondary/primary servers
server3.invoke(() -> {
server2.invoke(() -> {
server1.invoke(() -> {
public void giiWithPersistenceAndStaleDataDueToDeletesShouldProvideCorrectResultsWithIndexes()
throws Exception {
// this region is created via cache.xml
String regionName = "testRegion";
int numEntries = 100;
Map<String, Portfolio> entries = new HashMap<>();
IntStream.range(0, numEntries).forEach(i -> entries.put("key-" + i, new Portfolio(i)));
server3.invoke(() -> populateRegion(regionName, entries));
clusterStartupRule.stop(2, false);
server3.invoke(() -> destroyFromRegion(regionName, entries.keySet()));
clusterStartupRule.stop(1, false);
clusterStartupRule.stop(3, false);
Thread t3 =
new Thread(() -> clusterStartupRule.startServerVM(3, props, locator.getPort()));
Thread t1 =
new Thread(() -> clusterStartupRule.startServerVM(1, props, locator.getPort()));
clusterStartupRule.startServerVM(2, props, locator.getPort());
// invoke the query enough times to hopefully randomize bucket to server targeting enough to
// target both secondary/primary servers
server3.invoke(() -> {
verifyAllEntries("select key, value from /" + regionName + " where ID = ",
() -> IntStream.range(0, numEntries), 8, 0);
server2.invoke(() -> {
verifyAllEntries("select key, value from /" + regionName + " where ID = ",
() -> IntStream.range(0, numEntries), 8, 0);
server1.invoke(() -> {
verifyAllEntries("select key, value from /" + regionName + " where ID = ",
() -> IntStream.range(0, numEntries), 8, 0);
public void giiWithPersistenceAndStaleDataDueToDeletesShouldHaveEmptyIndexes()
throws Exception {
// this region is created via cache.xml
String regionName = "testRegion";
int numEntries = 100;
Map<String, Portfolio> entries = new HashMap<>();
IntStream.range(0, numEntries).forEach(i -> entries.put("key-" + i, new Portfolio(i)));
server3.invoke(() -> populateRegion(regionName, entries));
clusterStartupRule.stop(2, false);
server3.invoke(() -> destroyFromRegion(regionName, entries.keySet()));
clusterStartupRule.stop(1, false);
clusterStartupRule.stop(3, false);
Thread t3 =
new Thread(() -> clusterStartupRule.startServerVM(3, props, locator.getPort()));
Thread t1 =
new Thread(() -> clusterStartupRule.startServerVM(1, props, locator.getPort()));
clusterStartupRule.startServerVM(2, props, locator.getPort());
// invoke the query enough times to hopefully randomize bucket to server targeting enough to
// target both secondary/primary servers
server3.invoke(() -> {
server2.invoke(() -> {
server1.invoke(() -> {
private void verifyAllEntries(String query, Supplier<IntStream> idsSupplier, int numTimes,
int expectedSize) {
for (int j = 0; j < numTimes; j++) {
idsSupplier.get().forEach(i -> {
try {
verifyQueryResultsSize(query + i, expectedSize).run();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private SerializableRunnable verifyQueryResultsSize(String query, int expectedSize) {
return new SerializableRunnable() {
public void run() {
try {
QueryService qs = ClusterStartupRule.getCache().getQueryService();
Query q = qs.newQuery(query);
SelectResults sr = (SelectResults) q.execute();
assertEquals(expectedSize, sr.size());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Exception occurred when executing verifyQueryResultsSize for query:" + query, e);
private void verifyIndexKeysAreEmpty() {
QueryService qs = ClusterStartupRule.getCache().getQueryService();
qs.getIndexes().forEach(index -> assertEquals(0, index.getStatistics().getNumberOfKeys()));
private void populateRegion(String regionName, Map<String, Portfolio> entries) {
Region r = ClusterStartupRule.getCache().getRegion("/" + regionName);
entries.entrySet().forEach(e -> {
r.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
private void destroyFromRegion(String regionName, Collection keys) {
Region r = ClusterStartupRule.getCache().getRegion("/" + regionName);
keys.forEach(i -> r.remove(i));