blob: 61151a6899e82cbcd464901d92c4dfac1761346f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
* agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding
* copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
* copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package org.apache.geode.modules.util;
import org.apache.geode.DataSerializable;
import org.apache.geode.DataSerializer;
import org.apache.geode.cache.CustomExpiry;
* Class <code>RegionConfiguration</code> encapsulates the configuration attributes for a
* <code>Region</code> to be created on the server.
* @since GemFire 6.5
public class RegionConfiguration implements DataSerializable {
* The name of the <code>Region</code> to be created
private String regionName;
* The id of the <code>RegionAttributes</code> to be used
private String regionAttributesId;
* The default max inactive interval. The default value is -1.
public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_INACTIVE_INTERVAL = -1;
* The maximum time interval in seconds before entries are expired
private int maxInactiveInterval = DEFAULT_MAX_INACTIVE_INTERVAL;
* The <code>CustomExpiry</code> to be used
private CustomExpiry customExpiry;
* Whether delta replication across a <code>Gateway</code> is enabled.
private boolean enableGatewayDeltaReplication = false;
* Whether replication across a <code>Gateway</code> is enabled.
private boolean enableGatewayReplication = false;
* Whether to add a <code>DebugCacheListener</code> to the <code>Region</code>.
private boolean enableDebugListener = false;
* Whether to add a cache listener for session expiration events
private boolean enableSessionExpirationCacheListener = false;
* name for the CacheWriter to be associated with this region. This cache writer must have a zero
* arg constructor and must be present on the classpath on the server.
private String cacheWriterName;
* Default constructor used by the <code>DataSerialiable</code> interface
public RegionConfiguration() {}
* Sets the name of the <code>Region</code> to be created
* @param regionName The name of the <code>Region</code> to be created
public void setRegionName(String regionName) {
this.regionName = regionName;
* Returns the name of the <code>Region</code> to be created
* @return the name of the <code>Region</code> to be created
public String getRegionName() {
return this.regionName;
* Sets the id of the <code>RegionAttributes</code> to be used
* @param regionAttributesId The id of the <code>RegionAttributes</code> to be used
public void setRegionAttributesId(String regionAttributesId) {
this.regionAttributesId = regionAttributesId;
* Returns the id of the <code>RegionAttributes</code> to be used
* @return the id of the <code>RegionAttributes</code> to be used
String getRegionAttributesId() {
return this.regionAttributesId;
* Sets the maximum time interval in seconds before entries are expired
* @param maxInactiveInterval The maximum time interval in seconds before entries are expired
public void setMaxInactiveInterval(int maxInactiveInterval) {
this.maxInactiveInterval = maxInactiveInterval;
* Returns the maximum time interval in seconds entries are expired
* @return the maximum time interval in seconds before entries are expired
public int getMaxInactiveInterval() {
return this.maxInactiveInterval;
* Sets the <code>CustomExpiry</code> to be used
* @param customExpiry The <code>CustomExpiry</code> to be used
public void setCustomExpiry(CustomExpiry customExpiry) {
this.customExpiry = customExpiry;
* Returns the <code>CustomExpiry</code> to be used
* @return the <code>CustomExpiry</code> to be used
CustomExpiry getCustomExpiry() {
return this.customExpiry;
* Enables/disables delta replication across a <code>Gateway</code>.
* @param enableGatewayDeltaReplication true to enable, false to disable gateway delta
* replication.
public void setEnableGatewayDeltaReplication(boolean enableGatewayDeltaReplication) {
this.enableGatewayDeltaReplication = enableGatewayDeltaReplication;
* Returns whether delta replication across a <code>Gateway</code> is enabled.
* @return whether delta replication across a <code>Gateway</code> is enabled
boolean getEnableGatewayDeltaReplication() {
return this.enableGatewayDeltaReplication;
* Enables/disables replication across a <code>Gateway</code>.
* @param enableGatewayReplication true to enable, false to disable gateway replication.
public void setEnableGatewayReplication(boolean enableGatewayReplication) {
this.enableGatewayReplication = enableGatewayReplication;
* Enables/disables a debug <code>CacheListener</code>.
* @param enableDebugListener true to enable, false to disable debug <code>CacheListener</code>.
public void setEnableDebugListener(boolean enableDebugListener) {
this.enableDebugListener = enableDebugListener;
* Returns whether a debug <code>CacheListener</code> is enabled.
* @return whether a debug <code>CacheListener</code> is enabled
boolean getEnableDebugListener() {
return this.enableDebugListener;
public void setSessionExpirationCacheListener(boolean enableSessionExpirationCacheListener) {
this.enableSessionExpirationCacheListener = enableSessionExpirationCacheListener;
boolean getSessionExpirationCacheListener() {
return this.enableSessionExpirationCacheListener;
public void toData(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
DataSerializer.writeString(this.regionName, out);
DataSerializer.writeString(this.regionAttributesId, out);
DataSerializer.writePrimitiveInt(this.maxInactiveInterval, out);
DataSerializer.writeObject(this.customExpiry, out);
DataSerializer.writeBoolean(this.enableGatewayDeltaReplication, out);
DataSerializer.writeBoolean(this.enableGatewayReplication, out);
DataSerializer.writeBoolean(this.enableDebugListener, out);
DataSerializer.writeString(this.cacheWriterName, out);
DataSerializer.writeBoolean(this.enableSessionExpirationCacheListener, out);
public void fromData(DataInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
this.regionName = DataSerializer.readString(in);
this.regionAttributesId = DataSerializer.readString(in);
this.maxInactiveInterval = DataSerializer.readPrimitiveInt(in);
this.customExpiry = DataSerializer.readObject(in);
this.enableGatewayDeltaReplication = DataSerializer.readBoolean(in);
this.enableGatewayReplication = DataSerializer.readBoolean(in);
this.enableDebugListener = DataSerializer.readBoolean(in);
this.cacheWriterName = DataSerializer.readString(in);
// This allows for backwards compatibility with 2.1 clients
if (((InputStream) in).available() > 0) {
this.enableSessionExpirationCacheListener = DataSerializer.readBoolean(in);
} else {
this.enableSessionExpirationCacheListener = false;
public String toString() {
return "RegionConfiguration[" + "regionName="
+ this.regionName + "; regionAttributesId=" + this.regionAttributesId
+ "; maxInactiveInterval=" + this.maxInactiveInterval
+ "; enableGatewayDeltaReplication=" + this.enableGatewayDeltaReplication
+ "; enableGatewayReplication=" + this.enableGatewayReplication
+ "; enableDebugListener=" + this.enableDebugListener
+ "; enableSessionExpirationCacheListener="
+ this.enableSessionExpirationCacheListener + "; cacheWriter="
+ this.cacheWriterName + "]";
String getCacheWriterName() {
return cacheWriterName;