blob: 13a0da74bf56b9ad7fd604b039a7a38e76294618 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
* agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding
* copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
* copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package org.apache.geode.internal.cache.versions;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.geode.CancelCriterion;
import org.apache.geode.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedMember;
import org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.DistributionManager;
import org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.InternalDistributedSystem;
import org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.MembershipListener;
import org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.membership.InternalDistributedMember;
import org.apache.geode.internal.Assert;
import org.apache.geode.internal.InternalDataSerializer;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.LocalRegion;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.persistence.DiskStoreID;
import org.apache.geode.internal.logging.log4j.LogMarker;
import org.apache.geode.internal.serialization.DataSerializableFixedID;
import org.apache.geode.internal.serialization.DeserializationContext;
import org.apache.geode.internal.serialization.KnownVersion;
import org.apache.geode.internal.serialization.SerializationContext;
import org.apache.geode.logging.internal.log4j.api.LogService;
import org.apache.geode.util.internal.GeodeGlossary;
* RegionVersionVector tracks the highest region-level version number of operations applied to a
* region for each member that has the region.
* <p>
public abstract class RegionVersionVector<T extends VersionSource<?>>
implements DataSerializableFixedID, MembershipListener {
private static final Logger logger = LogService.getLogger();
public static final boolean DEBUG =
Boolean.getBoolean(GeodeGlossary.GEMFIRE_PREFIX + "VersionVector.VERBOSE");
//////////////////// The following statics exist for unit testing. ////////////////////////////
/** maximum ms wait time while waiting for dominance to be achieved */
public static final long MAX_DOMINANCE_WAIT_TIME =
Long.getLong(GeodeGlossary.GEMFIRE_PREFIX + "max-dominance-wait-time", 5000);
/** maximum ms pause time while waiting for dominance to be achieved */
public static final long DOMINANCE_PAUSE_TIME =
Math.min(Long.getLong(GeodeGlossary.GEMFIRE_PREFIX + "dominance-pause-time", 300),
private static final int INITIAL_CAPACITY = 2;
private static final int CONCURRENCY_LEVEL = 2;
private static final float LOAD_FACTOR = 0.75f;
/** map of member to version h older. This is the actual version "vector" */
private ConcurrentHashMap<T, RegionVersionHolder<T>> memberToVersion;
/** current version in the local region for generating next version */
private AtomicLong localVersion = new AtomicLong(0);
* The list of exceptions for the local member. The version held in this RegionVersionHolder may
* not be accurate, but the exception list is. We can have exceptions for our own id if we recover
* from disk or GII from a peer that has exceptions from us.
* The version held in this object can lag behind the localVersion atomic long, because that long
* is incremented without obtaining a lock. Operations that use the localException list are
* responsible for updating the version of the local exceptions under lock.
private RegionVersionHolder<T> localExceptions;
/** highest reaped tombstone region-version for this member */
private AtomicLong localGCVersion = new AtomicLong(0);
/** the member that this version vector applies to */
private T myId;
* a flag stating whether this vector contains only the version information for a single member.
* This is used when a member crashed to transmit only the version information for that member.
private boolean singleMember;
/** a flag to prevent accidental serialization of a live member */
private transient boolean isLiveVector;
private transient LocalRegion region;
private ConcurrentHashMap<T, Long> memberToGCVersion;
/** map of canonical IDs for this RVV that are not in the memberToVersion map */
private transient Map<T, T> canonicalIds = Collections.EMPTY_MAP;
private final Object canonicalIdLock = new Object();
/** is recording disabled? */
private transient boolean recordingDisabled;
/** is this a vector in a client cache? */
private transient boolean clientVector;
* this read/write lock is used to stop generation of new versions by the vector while a
* region-level operation is underway. The locking scheme assumes that only one region-level RVV
* operation is allowed at a time on a region across the distributed system. If that changes then
* the locking scheme here may need additional work.
private final transient ReentrantReadWriteLock versionLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
private transient volatile boolean locked; // this is only modified by the version locking thread
private transient volatile boolean doUnlock; // this is only modified by the version locking
// thread
private transient InternalDistributedMember lockOwner; // guarded by lockWaitSync
private final transient Object clearLockSync = new Object(); // sync for coordinating thread
// startup and lockOwner setting
* constructor used to create a cloned vector
protected RegionVersionVector(T ownerId, ConcurrentHashMap<T, RegionVersionHolder<T>> vector,
long version, ConcurrentHashMap<T, Long> gcVersions, long gcVersion, boolean singleMember,
RegionVersionHolder<T> localExceptions) {
this.myId = ownerId;
this.memberToVersion = vector;
this.memberToGCVersion = gcVersions;
this.singleMember = singleMember;
this.localExceptions = localExceptions;
* deserialize a cloned vector
public RegionVersionVector() {
this.memberToVersion = new ConcurrentHashMap<T, RegionVersionHolder<T>>(INITIAL_CAPACITY,
this.memberToGCVersion =
* create a live version vector for a region
public RegionVersionVector(T ownerId) {
this(ownerId, null);
* create a live version vector for a region
public RegionVersionVector(T ownerId, LocalRegion owner) {
this(ownerId, owner, 0);
RegionVersionVector(T ownerId, LocalRegion owner, long version) {
this.myId = ownerId;
this.isLiveVector = true;
this.region = owner;
this.localExceptions = new RegionVersionHolder<T>(0);
this.memberToVersion =
this.memberToGCVersion =
* Retrieve a vector that can be sent to another member. This clones all of the version
* information to protect against concurrent modification during serialization
public RegionVersionVector<T> getCloneForTransmission() {
Map<T, RegionVersionHolder<T>> liveHolders;
liveHolders = new HashMap<T, RegionVersionHolder<T>>(this.memberToVersion);
ConcurrentHashMap<T, RegionVersionHolder<T>> clonedHolders =
new ConcurrentHashMap<T, RegionVersionHolder<T>>(liveHolders.size(), LOAD_FACTOR,
for (Map.Entry<T, RegionVersionHolder<T>> entry : liveHolders.entrySet()) {
clonedHolders.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().clone());
ConcurrentHashMap<T, Long> gcVersions = new ConcurrentHashMap<T, Long>(
this.memberToGCVersion.size(), LOAD_FACTOR, CONCURRENCY_LEVEL);
RegionVersionHolder<T> clonedLocalHolder;
clonedLocalHolder = this.localExceptions.clone();
// Make sure the holder that we send to the peer does
// have an accurate RegionVersionHolder for our local version
return createCopy(this.myId, clonedHolders, this.localVersion.get(), gcVersions,
this.localGCVersion.get(), false, clonedLocalHolder);
protected abstract RegionVersionVector<T> createCopy(T ownerId,
ConcurrentHashMap<T, RegionVersionHolder<T>> vector, long version,
ConcurrentHashMap<T, Long> gcVersions, long gcVersion, boolean singleMember,
RegionVersionHolder<T> clonedLocalHolder);
* Retrieve a vector that can be sent to another member. This clones only the version information
* for the given ID.
* <p>
* The clone returned by this method does not have distributed garbage-collection information.
public RegionVersionVector<T> getCloneForTransmission(T mbr) {
Map<T, RegionVersionHolder<T>> liveHolders;
liveHolders = new HashMap<T, RegionVersionHolder<T>>(this.memberToVersion);
RegionVersionHolder<T> holder = liveHolders.get(mbr);
if (holder == null) {
if (mbr.isDiskStoreId() && mbr.equals(myId)) {
// For region recovered from disk, we may have local exceptions needs to be
// brought back during region synchronization
holder = localExceptions.clone();
} else {
holder = new RegionVersionHolder<T>(-1);
} else {
holder = holder.clone();
return createCopy(this.myId,
new ConcurrentHashMap<T, RegionVersionHolder<T>>(Collections.singletonMap(mbr, holder)), 0,
new RegionVersionHolder<T>(-1));
* Retrieve a collection of tombstone GC region-versions
public Map<T, Long> getTombstoneGCVector() {
Map<T, Long> result;
synchronized (memberToGCVersion) {
result = new HashMap<T, Long>(this.memberToGCVersion);
if (this.localGCVersion.get() != 0) {
result.put(this.myId, this.localGCVersion.get());
return result;
/** returns true if all of the GC versions in the given map have already been processed here */
public boolean containsTombstoneGCVersions(Map<T, Long> regionGCVersions) {
Long myVersion = regionGCVersions.get(this.myId);
if (myVersion != null) {
if (this.localGCVersion.get() < myVersion.longValue()) {
return false;
synchronized (this.memberToGCVersion) {
for (Map.Entry<T, Long> entry : regionGCVersions.entrySet()) {
Long version = this.memberToGCVersion.get(entry.getKey());
if (version == null || version.longValue() < entry.getValue().longValue()) {
return false;
return true;
* locks against new version generation and returns the current region version number
public long lockForClear(String regionPath, DistributionManager dm,
InternalDistributedMember locker) {
lockVersionGeneration(regionPath, dm, locker);
return this.localVersion.get();
/** unlocks version generation for clear() operations */
public void unlockForClear(InternalDistributedMember locker) {
synchronized (this.clearLockSync) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Unlocking for clear, from member {} RVV {}", locker,
if (this.lockOwner != null && !locker.equals(this.lockOwner)) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("current clear lock owner was {} not unlocking", lockOwner);
// this method is invoked by memberDeparted events and may not be for the current lock owner
* This schedules a thread that owns the version-generation write-lock for this vector. The method
* unlockVersionGeneration notifies the thread to release the lock and terminate its run.
* @param dm the distribution manager - used to obtain an executor to hold the thread
* @param locker the member requesting the lock (currently not used)
private void lockVersionGeneration(final String regionPath, final DistributionManager dm,
final InternalDistributedMember locker) {
final CountDownLatch acquiredLock = new CountDownLatch(1);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Locking version generation for {} region {} RVV {}", locker, regionPath,
// this could block for a while if a limit has been set on the waiting-thread-pool
dm.getExecutors().getWaitingThreadPool().execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
boolean haveLock = false;
synchronized (clearLockSync) {
try {
// TODO Following code does not seem necessary as dlock has been taken
// so no two threads will try to enter in this code section.
while (locked && dm.isCurrentMember(locker)) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// okay to ignore - release the lock and exit
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
"Waiting thread is now locking version generation for {} region {} RVV {}",
locker, regionPath, System.identityHashCode(this));
try {
lockOwner = locker;
doUnlock = false;
locked = true;
haveLock = true;
} catch (IllegalMonitorStateException e) {
// dlock on the clear() operation should prevent this from happening
"Request from {} to block operations found that operations are already blocked by member {}.",
new Object[] {locker, lockOwner});
while (!doUnlock && dm.isCurrentMember(locker)) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// okay to ignore - release the lock and exit
} finally {
if (haveLock) {
locked = false; // this must be clear when the writeLock is released
// so we don't get warnings about it still being locked
doUnlock = false;
// leave lockOwner set so we can see who the last lock request came from
boolean interrupted = false;
while (dm.isCurrentMember(locker)) {
try {
if (acquiredLock.await(250, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
interrupted = true;
if (interrupted) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Done locking");
private void unlockVersionGeneration(final InternalDistributedMember locker) {
synchronized (clearLockSync) {
this.doUnlock = true;
* return the next local version number
public long getNextVersion() {
return getNextVersion(true);
* return the next local version number for a clear() operation, bypassing lock checks
public long getNextVersionWhileLocked() {
return getNextVersion(false);
* return the next local version number
private long getNextVersion(boolean checkLocked) {
if (checkLocked && this.locked) {
// this should never be the case. If version generation is locked and we get here
// then the path to this point is not protected by getting the version generation
// lock from the RVV but it should be
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Generating a version tag when version generation is locked by {}",
long new_version = localVersion.incrementAndGet();
// since there could be special exception, we have to use recordVersion()
recordVersion(getOwnerId(), new_version);
return new_version;
/** obtain a lock to prevent concurrent clear() from happening */
public void lockForCacheModification(LocalRegion owner) {
if (owner.getServerProxy() == null) {
/** release the lock preventing concurrent clear() from happening */
public void releaseCacheModificationLock(LocalRegion owner) {
if (owner.getServerProxy() == null) {
/** obtain a lock to prevent concurrent clear() from happening */
public void lockForCacheModification() {
/** release the lock preventing concurrent clear() from happening */
public void releaseCacheModificationLock() {
private void syncLocalVersion() {
long v = localVersion.get();
synchronized (localExceptions) {
if (v != localExceptions.version) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Adjust localExceptions.version {} to equal localVersion {}",
localExceptions.version, localVersion.get());
localExceptions.version = v;
* return the current version for this member
public long getCurrentVersion() {
synchronized (localExceptions) {
return localExceptions.getVersion();
* return the current version for this member
public RegionVersionHolder<T> getLocalExceptions() {
return localExceptions;
* return version holder for this member
public RegionVersionHolder<T> getHolderForMember(T id) {
if (id.equals(this.myId)) {
return localExceptions;
} else {
return this.memberToVersion.get(id);
* returns the ID of the member that owns this version vector
public T getOwnerId() {
return this.myId;
* turns off recording of versions for this vector. This can be used when recording of versions is
* not necessary, as in an empty region
public void turnOffRecordingForEmptyRegion() {
this.recordingDisabled = true;
* client version vectors only record GC numbers and don't keep exceptions, etc, because there
* could be MANY of them
public void setIsClientVector() {
this.clientVector = true;
* record all of the version information from an initial image provider
public void recordVersions(RegionVersionVector<T> otherVector) {
synchronized (this.memberToVersion) {
for (Map.Entry<T, RegionVersionHolder<T>> entry : otherVector.getMemberToVersion()
.entrySet()) {
T mbr = entry.getKey();
RegionVersionHolder<T> otherHolder = entry.getValue();
initializeVersionHolder(mbr, otherHolder);
// Get the set of local exceptions from the other vector
// before directly accessing localExceptions, should sync its this.version with localVersion
initializeVersionHolder(otherVector.getOwnerId(), otherVector.localExceptions);
if (otherVector.getCurrentVersion() > 0
&& !this.memberToVersion.containsKey(otherVector.getOwnerId())) {
recordVersion(otherVector.getOwnerId(), otherVector.getCurrentVersion());
// check if I have updates from members that the otherVector does not have
// If yes, these are unfinished ops and should be cleaned
for (T mbr : this.memberToVersion.keySet()) {
if (!otherVector.memberToVersion.containsKey(mbr)
&& !mbr.equals(otherVector.getOwnerId())) {
RegionVersionHolder holder = this.memberToVersion.get(mbr);
initializeVersionHolder(mbr, new RegionVersionHolder(0));
if (!otherVector.memberToVersion.containsKey(myId)
&& !myId.equals(otherVector.getOwnerId())) {
initializeVersionHolder(myId, new RegionVersionHolder(0));
synchronized (this.memberToGCVersion) {
for (Map.Entry<T, Long> entry : otherVector.getMemberToGCVersion().entrySet()) {
T member = entry.getKey();
Long value = entry.getValue();
if (member.equals(myId)) {
// If this entry is for our id, update our local GC version
long currentValue;
while ((currentValue = localGCVersion.get()) < value) {
localGCVersion.compareAndSet(currentValue, value);
} else {
// Update the memberToGCVersionMap.
Long myVersion = this.memberToGCVersion.get(entry.getKey());
if (myVersion == null || myVersion < entry.getValue()) {
this.memberToGCVersion.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
public void initializeVersionHolder(T mbr, RegionVersionHolder<T> otherHolder) {
RegionVersionHolder<T> h = this.memberToVersion.get(mbr);
if (h == null) {
if (!mbr.equals(this.myId)) {
h = otherHolder.clone();
this.memberToVersion.put(mbr, h);
} else {
RegionVersionHolder<T> vh = otherHolder;
long version = vh.version;
} else {
// holders must be modified under synchronization
void updateLocalVersion(long newVersion) {
boolean needToTrySetAgain;
do {
needToTrySetAgain = false;
long currentVersion = this.localVersion.get();
if (currentVersion < newVersion) {
needToTrySetAgain = !compareAndSetVersion(currentVersion, newVersion);
} while (needToTrySetAgain);
boolean compareAndSetVersion(long currentVersion, long newVersion) {
return this.localVersion.compareAndSet(currentVersion, newVersion);
* Records a received region-version. These are transmitted in VersionTags in messages between
* peers and from servers to clients.
* @param tag the version information
public void recordVersion(T mbr, VersionTag<T> tag) {
assert tag.isRecorded();
T member = tag.getMemberID();
if (member == null) {
member = mbr;
if (this.myId.equals(member)) {
// We can be asked to record a version for the local member if a persistent
// member is restarted and an event is replayed after the persistent member
// recovers. So we can only assert that the local member has already seen
// the replayed event.
synchronized (localExceptions) {
if (this.localVersion.get() < tag.getRegionVersion() && region != null
&& region.isInitialized() && region.getDataPolicy().withPersistence()) {
"recordVersion invoked for a local version tag that is higher than our local version. rvv="
+ this + ", tag=" + tag + " " + region.getName());
recordVersion(member, tag.getRegionVersion());
* Records a received region-version. These are transmitted in VersionTags in messages between
* peers and from servers to clients. In general you should use recordVersion(mbr, versionTag) so
* that the tag is marked as having been recorded. This will keep
* DistributedCacheOperation.basicProcess() from trying to record it again.
* This method is also called for versions which have been recovered from disk.
* @param member the peer that performed the operation
* @param version the version of the peers region that reflects the operation
public void recordVersion(T member, long version) {
T mbr = member;
if (this.recordingDisabled || clientVector) {
RegionVersionHolder<T> holder;
if (mbr.equals(this.myId)) {
// If we are recording a version for the local member,
// use the local exception list.
holder = this.localExceptions;
synchronized (holder) {
// Advance the version held in the local
// exception list to match the atomic long
// we using for the local version.
holder.version = this.localVersion.get();
} else {
// Find the version holder object
holder = memberToVersion.get(mbr);
if (holder == null) {
synchronized (memberToVersion) {
// Look for the holder under lock
holder = memberToVersion.get(mbr);
if (holder == null) {
mbr = getCanonicalId(mbr);
holder = new RegionVersionHolder<T>(mbr);
memberToVersion.put(, holder);
// Update the version holder
if (logger.isTraceEnabled(LogMarker.RVV_VERBOSE)) {
logger.trace(LogMarker.RVV_VERBOSE, "Recording rv{} for {}", version, mbr);
* Records a version holder that we have recovered from disk. This version holder replaces the
* current version holder if it dominates the version holder we already have. This method will
* called once for each oplog we recover.
justification = "sync on localExceptions guards concurrent modification but this is a replacement")
public void initRecoveredVersion(T member, RegionVersionHolder<T> v, boolean latestOplog) {
RegionVersionHolder<T> recovered = v.clone();
if (member == null || member.equals(myId)) {
// if this is the version for the local member, update our local info
// update the local exceptions
synchronized (localExceptions) {
// Fix for 45622 - We only take the version holder from the latest
// oplog. There may be more than one RVV in the latest oplog, in which
// case we want to end up with the last RVV from the latest oplog
if (latestOplog || localVersion.get() == 0) {
localExceptions = recovered;
if (logger.isTraceEnabled(LogMarker.RVV_VERBOSE)) {
logger.trace(LogMarker.RVV_VERBOSE, "initRecoveredVersion setting local version to {}",
} else {
// If this is not a local member, update the member to version map
Long gcVersion = memberToGCVersion.get(member);
synchronized (memberToVersion) {
RegionVersionHolder<T> oldVersion = memberToVersion.get(member);
// Fix for 45622 - We only take the version holder from the latest
// oplog. There may be more than one RVV in the latest oplog, in which
// case we want to end up with the last RVV from the latest oplog
if (latestOplog || oldVersion == null || oldVersion.version == 0) {
if (gcVersion != null) {
memberToVersion.put(member, recovered);
* get the last recorded region version number for the given member
public long getVersionForMember(T mbr) {
RegionVersionHolder<T> holder = this.memberToVersion.get(mbr);
if (holder == null) {
if (mbr.equals(myId)) {
return getCurrentVersion();
} else {
return 0;
} else {
return holder.getVersion();
* Returns a list of the members that have been marked as having left the system.
public Set<T> getDepartedMembersSet() {
synchronized (this.memberToVersion) {
Set<T> result = new HashSet<T>();
for (RegionVersionHolder<T> h : this.memberToVersion.values()) {
if (h.isDepartedMember) {
return result;
* Test to see if this vector has seen the given version.
* @return true if this vector has seen the given version
public boolean contains(T id, long version) {
RegionVersionHolder<T> holder = this.memberToVersion.get(id);
// For region synchronization.
if (isForSynchronization()) {
if (holder == null) {
// we only care about missing changes from a particular member, and this
// vector is known to contain that member's version holder
return true;
if (id.equals(this.myId)) {
if (!myId.isDiskStoreId()) {
// a sync vector only has one holder if not recovered from persistence,
// no valid version for the vector's owner
return true;
return holder.contains(version);
// Regular GII
if (id.equals(this.myId)) {
if (getCurrentVersion() < version) {
return false;
} else {
return !localExceptions.hasExceptionFor(version);
if (holder == null) {
return false;
} else {
return holder.contains(version);
* Removes departed members not in the given collection of IDs from the version vector
* @param idsToKeep collection of the kind of IDs appropriate for this vector
public void removeOldMembers(Set<VersionSource<T>> idsToKeep) {
synchronized (this.memberToVersion) {
for (Iterator<Map.Entry<T, RegionVersionHolder<T>>> it =
this.memberToVersion.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
Map.Entry<T, RegionVersionHolder<T>> entry =;
if (entry.getValue().isDepartedMember) {
if (!idsToKeep.contains(entry.getKey())) {
synchronized (this.canonicalIdLock) {
* Test hook - does this vector hold an entry for the given ID?
public boolean containsMember(T id) {
if (this.memberToVersion.containsKey(id))
return true;
if (this.memberToGCVersion.containsKey(id))
return true;
if (this.canonicalIds.containsKey(id))
return true;
return false;
* This marks the given entry as departed, making it eligible to be removed during an operation
* like DistributedRegion.synchronizeWith()
protected void markDepartedMember(T id) {
synchronized (this.memberToVersion) {
RegionVersionHolder<T> holder = this.memberToVersion.get(id);
if (holder != null) {
holder.isDepartedMember = true;
* check to see if tombstone removal in this RVV indicates that tombstones have been removed from
* its Region that have not been removed from the argument's Region. If this is the case, then a
* delta GII may leave entries in the other RVV's Region that should be deleted.
* @return true if there have been tombstone removals in this vector's Region that were not done
* in the argument's region
public boolean hasHigherTombstoneGCVersions(RegionVersionVector<T> other) {
if (this.localGCVersion.get() > 0) {
Long version = other.memberToGCVersion.get(this.myId);
if (version == null) {
return true; // this vector has removed locally created tombstones that the other hasn't
// reaped
} else if (this.localGCVersion.get() > version.longValue()) {
return true;
// see if I have members with GC versions that the other vector doesn't have
for (T mbr : this.memberToGCVersion.keySet()) {
if (!other.memberToGCVersion.containsKey(mbr)) {
if (!mbr.equals(other.getOwnerId())) {
return true;
// see if the other vector has members that have been removed from this
// vector. If this happens we don't know if tombstones were removed
for (T id : other.memberToGCVersion.keySet()) {
if (!id.equals(this.myId) && !this.memberToGCVersion.containsKey(id)) {
return true;
// now see if I have anything newer for things we have in common
for (Map.Entry<T, Long> entry : other.memberToGCVersion.entrySet()) {
Long version = this.memberToGCVersion.get(entry.getKey());
if (version != null) {
Long otherVersion = entry.getValue();
if (version.longValue() > otherVersion.longValue()) {
return true;
return false;
* Test to see if this vector's region may be able to provide updates that the given vector has
* not seen. This method assumes that the argument is not a live vector and requires no
* synchronization.
public boolean isNewerThanOrCanFillExceptionsFor(RegionVersionVector<T> other) {
if (other.singleMember) {
// do the diff for only a single member. This is typically a member that
// recently crashed.
Map.Entry<T, RegionVersionHolder<T>> entry =
RegionVersionHolder<T> holder = this.memberToVersion.get(entry.getKey());
if (holder == null) {
return false;
} else {
RegionVersionHolder<T> otherHolder = entry.getValue();
return holder.isNewerThanOrCanFillExceptionsFor(otherHolder);
// check my own updates
if (getCurrentVersion() > 0) {
RegionVersionHolder<T> otherHolder = other.memberToVersion.get(this.myId);
if (otherHolder == null) {
return true;
if (localExceptions.isNewerThanOrCanFillExceptionsFor(otherHolder)) {
return true;
// now see if I have anything newer for things we have in common
for (Map.Entry<T, RegionVersionHolder<T>> entry : this.memberToVersion.entrySet()) {
T mbr = entry.getKey();
RegionVersionHolder<T> holder = entry.getValue();
RegionVersionHolder<T> otherHolder = other.memberToVersion.get(mbr);
if (otherHolder != null) {
if (holder.isNewerThanOrCanFillExceptionsFor(otherHolder)) {
return true;
} else if (mbr.equals(other.getOwnerId())) {
if (holder.isNewerThanOrCanFillExceptionsFor(other.localExceptions)) {
return true;
} else {
// mbr = entry.getKey() does not exist in other
return true;
return false;
private boolean isGCVersionDominatedByOtherHolder(Long gcVersion,
RegionVersionHolder<T> otherHolder) {
if (gcVersion == null || gcVersion.longValue() == 0) {
return true;
} else {
RegionVersionHolder<T> holder = new RegionVersionHolder<T>(gcVersion.longValue());
return !holder.isNewerThanOrCanFillExceptionsFor(otherHolder);
* See if this vector's rvvgc has updates that has not seen.
public synchronized boolean isRVVGCDominatedBy(RegionVersionVector<T> requesterRVV) {
if (requesterRVV.singleMember) {
// do the diff for only a single member. This is typically a member that
// recently crashed.
Map.Entry<T, RegionVersionHolder<T>> entry =
Long gcVersion = this.memberToGCVersion.get(entry.getKey());
return isGCVersionDominatedByOtherHolder(gcVersion, entry.getValue());
boolean isDominatedByRemote = true;
long localgcversion = this.localGCVersion.get();
if (localgcversion > 0) {
RegionVersionHolder<T> otherHolder = requesterRVV.memberToVersion.get(this.myId);
isDominatedByRemote = isGCVersionDominatedByOtherHolder(localgcversion, otherHolder);
if (isDominatedByRemote == false) {
return false;
for (Map.Entry<T, Long> entry : this.memberToGCVersion.entrySet()) {
T mbr = entry.getKey();
Long gcVersion = entry.getValue();
RegionVersionHolder<T> otherHolder = null;
if (mbr.equals(requesterRVV.getOwnerId())) {
otherHolder = requesterRVV.localExceptions;
} else {
otherHolder = requesterRVV.memberToVersion.get(mbr);
isDominatedByRemote = isGCVersionDominatedByOtherHolder(gcVersion, otherHolder);
if (isDominatedByRemote == false) {
return false;
return isDominatedByRemote;
* wait for this vector to dominate the given vector. This means that the receiver has seen all
* version changes that the given vector has seen.
* @param otherVector the vector, usually from another member, that we want to dominate
* @param region the region owning this vector
* @return true if dominance was achieved
public boolean waitToDominate(RegionVersionVector<T> otherVector, LocalRegion region) {
if (otherVector == this) {
return true;
boolean result = false;
long waitTimeRemaining = 0;
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
boolean interrupted = false;
CancelCriterion stopper = region.getCancelCriterion();
try {
do {
result = dominates(otherVector);
if (!result) {
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
waitTimeRemaining = MAX_DOMINANCE_WAIT_TIME - (now - startTime);
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("Waiting up to {} ms to achieve dominance", waitTimeRemaining);
if (waitTimeRemaining > 0) {
long waitTime = Math.min(DOMINANCE_PAUSE_TIME, waitTimeRemaining);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
interrupted = true;
} while (waitTimeRemaining > 0 && !result);
} finally {
if (interrupted) {
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("waitForDominance has been interrupted");
return result;
/** return true if this vector has seen all version changes that the other vector has seen */
public boolean dominates(RegionVersionVector<T> other) {
return !other.isNewerThanOrCanFillExceptionsFor(this);
* Remove any exceptions for the given member that are older than the given version. This is used
* after a synchronization operation to get rid of unneeded history.
public void removeExceptionsFor(DistributedMember mbr, long version) {
RegionVersionHolder<T> holder = this.memberToVersion.get(mbr);
if (holder != null) {
synchronized (holder) {
* This is used by clear() while version generation is locked to remove old exceptions and update
* the GC vector to be the same as the current version vector
public void removeOldVersions() {
synchronized (this.memberToVersion) {
long currentVersion = getCurrentVersion();
for (Map.Entry<T, RegionVersionHolder<T>> entry : this.memberToVersion.entrySet()) {
RegionVersionHolder<T> holder = entry.getValue();
T id = entry.getKey();
this.memberToGCVersion.put(id, Long.valueOf(holder.version));
if (this.localExceptions != null) {
synchronized (this.localExceptions) {
* Test hook
public int getExceptionCount(T mbr) {
if (mbr.equals(this.myId)) {
return localExceptions.getExceptionCount();
RegionVersionHolder<T> h = this.memberToVersion.get(mbr);
if (h == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("there should be a holder for " + mbr);
return h.getExceptionCount();
* after deserializing a version tag or RVV the IDs in it should be replaced with references to
* IDs returned by this method. This vastly reduces the memory footprint of tags/stamps/rvvs
* @return the canonical reference
public T getCanonicalId(T id) {
if (id == null) {
return null;
} else if (id.equals(myId)) {
return myId;
} else {
T can = id;
T cId = this.canonicalIds.get(can);
if (cId != null) {
return cId;
if (!id.isDiskStoreId()) {
InternalDistributedSystem system = InternalDistributedSystem.getConnectedInstance();
if (system != null) {
can = (T) system.getDistributionManager().getCanonicalId((InternalDistributedMember) id);
synchronized (this.canonicalIdLock) {
HashMap<T, T> tmp = new HashMap<T, T>(this.canonicalIds);
tmp.put(can, can);
this.canonicalIds = tmp;
return can;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.apache.geode.internal.serialization.DataSerializableFixedID#toData(
public void toData(DataOutput out,
SerializationContext context) throws IOException {
if (this.isLiveVector) {
throw new IllegalStateException("serialization of this object is not allowed");
writeMember(this.myId, out);
int flags = 0;
if (this.singleMember) {
flags |= 0x01;
for (Map.Entry<T, RegionVersionHolder<T>> entry : this.memberToVersion.entrySet()) {
writeMember(entry.getKey(), out);
InternalDataSerializer.invokeToData(entry.getValue(), out);
for (Map.Entry<T, Long> entry : this.memberToGCVersion.entrySet()) {
writeMember(entry.getKey(), out);
InternalDataSerializer.invokeToData(this.localExceptions, out);
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* org.apache.geode.internal.serialization.DataSerializableFixedID#fromData(
public void fromData(DataInput in,
DeserializationContext context) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
this.myId = readMember(in);
int flags = in.readInt();
this.singleMember = ((flags & 0x01) == 0x01);
int numHolders = in.readInt();
for (int i = 0; i < numHolders; i++) {
T key = readMember(in);
RegionVersionHolder<T> holder = new RegionVersionHolder<T>(in); = key;
this.memberToVersion.put(key, holder);
int numGCVersions = in.readInt();
for (int i = 0; i < numGCVersions; i++) {
T key = readMember(in);
RegionVersionHolder<T> holder = this.memberToVersion.get(key);
if (holder != null) {
key =;
} // else it could go in canonicalIds, but that's not used in copies of RVVs
long value = in.readLong();
this.memberToGCVersion.put(key, value);
this.localExceptions = new RegionVersionHolder<T>(in);
protected abstract void writeMember(T member, DataOutput out) throws IOException;
protected abstract T readMember(DataInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException;
* When a tombstone is removed from the entry map this method must be called to record the max
* region-version of any tombstone reaped. Any older versions are then immediately eligible for
* reaping.
public void recordGCVersion(T mbr, long regionVersion) {
if (mbr == null) {
mbr = this.myId;
// record the GC version to make sure we know we have seen this version
// during recovery, this will prevent us from recording exceptions
// for entries less than the GC version.
recordVersion(mbr, regionVersion);
if (mbr == null || mbr.equals(this.myId)) {
boolean succeeded;
do {
long v = localGCVersion.get();
if (v > regionVersion) {
succeeded = localGCVersion.compareAndSet(v, regionVersion);
} while (!succeeded);
} else {
synchronized (this.memberToGCVersion) {
Long holder = this.memberToGCVersion.get(mbr);
if (holder != null) {
this.memberToGCVersion.put(mbr, Math.max(regionVersion, holder));
} else {
this.memberToGCVersion.put(mbr, regionVersion);
* record all of the GC versions in the given vector
public void recordGCVersions(RegionVersionVector<T> other) {
assert other.memberToGCVersion != null : "incoming gc version set is null";
recordGCVersion(other.myId, other.localGCVersion.get());
for (Map.Entry<T, Long> entry : other.memberToGCVersion.entrySet()) {
recordGCVersion(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().longValue());
* returns true if tombstones newer than the given version have already been reaped. This means
* that a clear or GC has been received that should have wiped out the operation this version
* stamp represents, but this operation had not yet been received
* @return true if the given version should be rejected
public boolean isTombstoneTooOld(T mbr, long gcVersion) {
Long newestReapedVersion;
if (mbr == null || mbr.equals(myId)) {
newestReapedVersion = this.localGCVersion.get();
} else {
newestReapedVersion = this.memberToGCVersion.get(mbr);
if (newestReapedVersion != null) {
return (newestReapedVersion.longValue() >= gcVersion);
return false;
* returns the highest region-version of any tombstone owned by the given member that was reaped
* in this vector's region
public long getGCVersion(T mbr) {
if (mbr == null || mbr.equals(this.myId)) {
return localGCVersion.get();
} else {
synchronized (this.memberToGCVersion) {
Long holder = this.memberToGCVersion.get(mbr);
if (holder != null) {
return holder.longValue();
return -1;
* Get a map of the member to the version and exception list for that member, including the local
* member.
public Map<T, RegionVersionHolder<T>> getMemberToVersion() {
RegionVersionHolder<T> myExceptions;
myExceptions = this.localExceptions.clone();
HashMap<T, RegionVersionHolder<T>> results =
new HashMap<T, RegionVersionHolder<T>>(memberToVersion);
results.put(getOwnerId(), myExceptions);
return results;
* Get a map of member to the GC version of that member, including the local member.
public synchronized Map<T, Long> getMemberToGCVersion() {
HashMap<T, Long> results = new HashMap<T, Long>(memberToGCVersion);
if (localGCVersion.get() > 0) {
results.put(getOwnerId(), localGCVersion.get());
return results;
* Remove an exceptions that are older than the current GC version for each member in the RVV.
public void pruneOldExceptions() {
Set<T> members;
members = new HashSet<T>(memberToGCVersion.keySet());
for (T member : members) {
Long gcVersion = memberToGCVersion.get(member);
RegionVersionHolder<T> holder;
holder = memberToVersion.get(member);
if (holder != null && gcVersion != null) {
synchronized (holder) {
public String toString() {
if (this.isLiveVector) {
return "RegionVersionVector{rv" + this.localVersion + " gc" + this.localGCVersion + "}@"
+ System.identityHashCode(this);
} else {
return fullToString();
/** this toString method is not thread-safe */
public String fullToString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
.append(this.localExceptions.version).append(" gc" + this.localGCVersion)
.append(" localVersion=" + this.localVersion);
try {
sb.append(" local exceptions=" + this.localExceptions.exceptionsToString());
} catch (ConcurrentModificationException c) {
sb.append(" (unable to access local exceptions)");
sb.append("} others=");
String mbrVersions = "";
try {
mbrVersions = this.memberToVersion.toString();
} catch (ConcurrentModificationException e) {
mbrVersions = "(unable to access)";
if (this.memberToGCVersion != null) {
try {
mbrVersions = this.memberToGCVersion.toString();
} catch (ConcurrentModificationException e) {
mbrVersions = "(unable to access)";
sb.append(", gc=").append(mbrVersions);
return sb.toString();
public void memberJoined(DistributionManager distributionManager, InternalDistributedMember id) {}
public void memberSuspect(DistributionManager distributionManager, InternalDistributedMember id,
InternalDistributedMember whoSuspected, String reason) {}
public void quorumLost(DistributionManager distributionManager,
Set<InternalDistributedMember> failures, List<InternalDistributedMember> remaining) {}
* (non-Javadoc) this ensures that the version generation lock is released
* @see org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.MembershipListener#memberDeparted(org.apache.geode.
* distributed.internal.membership.InternalDistributedMember, boolean)
public void memberDeparted(DistributionManager distributionManager,
final InternalDistributedMember id, boolean crashed) {
// since unlockForClear uses synchronization we need to try to execute it in another
// thread so that membership events aren't blocked
if (distributionManager != null) {
distributionManager.getExecutors().getWaitingThreadPool().execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
} else {
public static RegionVersionVector<?> create(boolean persistent, DataInput in)
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
RegionVersionVector<?> rvv;
if (persistent) {
rvv = new DiskRegionVersionVector();
} else {
rvv = new VMRegionVersionVector();
InternalDataSerializer.invokeFromData(rvv, in);
return rvv;
public static RegionVersionVector<?> create(VersionSource<?> versionMember, LocalRegion owner) {
if (versionMember.isDiskStoreId()) {
return new DiskRegionVersionVector((DiskStoreID) versionMember, owner);
} else {
return new VMRegionVersionVector((InternalDistributedMember) versionMember, owner);
* For test purposes, see if two RVVs have seen the same events and GC version vectors
* @return true if the RVVs are the same.
public boolean sameAs(RegionVersionVector<T> other) {
// Compare the version version vectors
Map<T, RegionVersionHolder<T>> myMemberToVersion = getMemberToVersion();
Map<T, RegionVersionHolder<T>> otherMemberToVersion = other.getMemberToVersion();
if (!myMemberToVersion.keySet().equals(otherMemberToVersion.keySet())) {
return false;
for (Iterator<T> it = myMemberToVersion.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
T key =;
if (!myMemberToVersion.get(key).sameAs(otherMemberToVersion.get(key))) {
return false;
Map<T, Long> myGCVersion = getMemberToGCVersion();
Map<T, Long> otherGCVersion = other.getMemberToGCVersion();
if (!myGCVersion.equals(otherGCVersion)) {
return false;
return true;
* Note: test only. If put in production will cause ConcurrentModificationException see if two
* RVVs have seen the same events and GC version vectors This will treat member with null version
* the same as member with version=0
* @return true if the RVVs are the same logically.
public boolean logicallySameAs(RegionVersionVector<T> other) {
return (this.dominates(other) && other.dominates(this));
* @return true if this vector represents the entry for a single member to be used in
* synchronizing caches for that member in the case of a crash. Otherwise return false.
public boolean isForSynchronization() {
return this.singleMember;
* Test hook - see if a member is marked as "departed"
public boolean isDepartedMember(VersionSource<T> mbr) {
RegionVersionHolder<T> h = memberToVersion.get(mbr);
return (h != null) && h.isDepartedMember;
public KnownVersion[] getSerializationVersions() {
return null;
// /**
// * This class will wrap DM member IDs to provide integers that can be stored
// * on disk and be timed out in the vector.
// *
// *
// */
// static class RVVMember implements Comparable {
// private static AtomicLong NextId = new AtomicLong();
// T memberId;
// long timeAdded;
// long internalId;
// RVVMember(T m, long timeAdded, long internalId) {
// this.memberId = m;
// this.timeAdded = timeAdded;
// this.internalId = internalId;
// if (NextId.get() < internalId) {
// NextId.set(internalId);
// }
// }
// RVVMember(T m) {
// this.memberId = m;
// this.timeAdded = System.currentTimeMillis();
// this.internalId = NextId.incrementAndGet();
// }
// public int compareTo(Object o) {
// if (o instanceof T) {
// return -((T)o).compareTo(this.memberId);
// } else {
// return this.memberId.compareTo(((RVVMember)o).memberId);
// }
// }
// @Override
// public int hashCode() {
// return this.memberId.hashCode();
// }
// @Override
// public boolean equals(Object o) {
// if (o instanceof T) {
// return ((T)o).equals(this.memberId);
// } else {
// return this.memberId.equals(((RVVMember)o).memberId);
// }
// }
// @Override
// public String toString() {
// return "vID(#"+this.internalId+"; time="+this.timeAdded+"; id="+this.memberId+")";
// }
// }