blob: 7f77d32baa38b1d8e1459d6792bbb6e8c6acd3b9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
* agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding
* copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
* copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
* Created on Oct 25, 2005
package org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.FunctionDomainException;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.NameResolutionException;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryInvocationTargetException;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.TypeMismatchException;
* This structure contains the filter evaluable and iter evaluable conditions which are dependent on
* a group of iterators derived from a single independent iterator ( an iterator on the region) .
* The iter evaluatable conditions belonging to other group of iterators can be a part of
* GroupJunction only if the complete expansion flag is true.
public class GroupJunction extends AbstractGroupOrRangeJunction {
private List unevaluatedFilterOperands = null;
GroupJunction(int operator, RuntimeIterator[] indpndntItr, boolean isCompleteExpansion,
CompiledValue[] operands) {
super(operator, indpndntItr, isCompleteExpansion, operands);
void addUnevaluatedFilterOperands(List unevaluatedFilterOps) {
this.unevaluatedFilterOperands = unevaluatedFilterOps;
List getUnevaluatedFilterOperands() {
return this.unevaluatedFilterOperands;
private GroupJunction(AbstractGroupOrRangeJunction oldGJ, boolean completeExpansion,
RuntimeIterator[] indpnds, CompiledValue iterOp) {
super(oldGJ, completeExpansion, indpnds, iterOp);
AbstractGroupOrRangeJunction recreateFromOld(boolean completeExpansion, RuntimeIterator[] indpnds,
CompiledValue iterOp) {
return new GroupJunction(this, completeExpansion, indpnds, iterOp);
AbstractGroupOrRangeJunction createNewOfSameType(int operator, RuntimeIterator[] indpndntItr,
boolean isCompleteExpansion, CompiledValue[] operands) {
return new GroupJunction(operator, indpndntItr, isCompleteExpansion, operands);
OrganizedOperands organizeOperands(ExecutionContext context) throws FunctionDomainException,
TypeMismatchException, NameResolutionException, QueryInvocationTargetException {
// get the list of operands to evaluate,
// and evaluate operands that can use indexes first
List<Object> evalOperands = new ArrayList<>(_operands.length);
int indexCount = 0;
boolean foundPreferredCondition = false;
if (this.getOperator() == LITERAL_and) {
if (context instanceof QueryExecutionContext && ((QueryExecutionContext) context).hasHints()
&& ((QueryExecutionContext) context).hasMultiHints()) {
// Hint was provided, so allow multi index usage
for (CompiledValue operand : _operands) {
if (operand.getPlanInfo(context).evalAsFilter) {
evalOperands.add(0, operand);
} else {
} else {
// Hint was not provided so continue with our single index solution
* The idea is to use only one index in case of AND Junction . Ideally the best index to be
* used should have been decided during the initial phase itself when the compiled junction
* tree is being probed for indexable operands. But there are issues in it as we need to
* tackle comlex cases like detection of those conditions which can actually form a closed
* range or those which belong to different independent runtime iterators ( in case of multi
* region queries). So going for the quick fix of sorting here. The filter operands present
* here could be Comaprisn, IN or Range. The priority of sorting will be
* equality/IN/Range/Inequality
Filter currentBestFilter = null;
int currentBestFilterSize = -1;
indexCount = 1;
for (CompiledValue operand : _operands) {
// Asif : If we are inside this function this iteslf indicates
// that there exists atleast on operand which can be evalauted
// as an auxFilterEvaluate. If any operand even if its flag of
// evalAsFilter happens to be false, but if it is independently
// evaluatable, we should attach it with the auxFilterEvaluatable
// operands irrespective of its value ( either true or false.)
// This is because if it is true or false, it can always be paired
// up with other filter operands for AND junction. But for
// OR junction it can get paired with the filterOperands only
// if it is false. But we do not have to worry about whether
// the junction is AND or OR because, if the independent operand's
// value is true & was under an OR junction , it would not have
// been filterEvaluated. Instead it would have gone for
// auxIterEvaluate.
// We are here itself implies, that any independent operand can be
// either tru or false for an AND junction but always false for an
// OR Junction.
PlanInfo pi = operand.getPlanInfo(context);
// we check for size == 1 now because of the join optimization can
// leave an operand with two indexes, but the key element is not set
// this will throw an npe
if (pi.evalAsFilter && pi.indexes.size() == 1) {
if (pi.isPreferred) {
if (currentBestFilter != null) {
// new best
currentBestFilter = (Filter) operand;
currentBestFilterSize = ((Filter) operand).getSizeEstimate(context);
foundPreferredCondition = true;
if (currentBestFilter == null) {
currentBestFilter = (Filter) operand;
currentBestFilterSize = ((Filter) operand).getSizeEstimate(context);
} else if (foundPreferredCondition || currentBestFilter.isBetterFilter((Filter) operand,
context, currentBestFilterSize)) {
} else {
currentBestFilter = (Filter) operand;
// TODO:Asif: Avoid this call. Let the function which is doing the
// comparison return some how the size of comparedTo operand.
currentBestFilterSize = ((Filter) operand).getSizeEstimate(context);
} else if (!operand.isDependentOnCurrentScope(context)) {
// TODO: Asif :Remove this Assert & else if condition after successful
// testing of the build
"An independentoperand should not ever be present as operand inside a GroupJunction as it should always be present only in CompiledJunction");
} else {
// Back off from the 1-index solution.
if (pi.indexes.size() > 1) {
// Add the filter evaluable operand at the beginning of the list.
evalOperands.add(0, operand);
} else {
// No indexes, just add the operand.
// Don't add null to the list of operands.
if (currentBestFilter != null) {
evalOperands.add(0, currentBestFilter);
} else {
indexCount = _operands.length;
evalOperands.addAll(Arrays.asList(_operands).subList(0, indexCount));
if (getIterOperands() != null) {
return createOrganizedOperandsObject(indexCount, evalOperands);
public int getSizeEstimate(ExecutionContext context) {
return 1;