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title: Apache Lucene® Integration
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Apache Lucene&reg; is a widely used Java full-text search engine. This section describes how <%=vars.product_name_long%> integrates with Apache Lucene.
We assume that the reader is familiar with Apache Lucene's indexing and search functionalities.
The Apache Lucene integration:
- Enables users to create Lucene indexes on data stored in <%=vars.product_name%>
- Provides high availability of indexes using <%=vars.product_name%>'s HA capabilities to store the indexes in memory
- Colocates indexes with data
- For persistent regions, persists Lucene indexes to disk
- Updates the indexes asynchronously to minimize impacting write latency
- Provides scalability by partitioning index data
For more details, see Javadocs for the classes and interfaces that implement Apache Lucene indexes and searches, including
`LuceneService`, `LuceneSerializer`, `LuceneIndexFactory`, `LuceneQuery`, `LuceneQueryFactory`, `LuceneQueryProvider`, and `LuceneResultStruct`.
# <a id="using-the-apache-lucene-integration" class="no-quick-link"></a>Using the Apache Lucene Integration
You can interact with Apache Lucene indexes through a Java API,
through the `gfsh` command-line utility, or by means of the `cache.xml` configuration file.
## Key Points ###
- Apache Lucene indexes are supported only on partitioned regions. Replicated region types are *not* supported.
- Lucene indexes reside on servers. You cannot create a Lucene index on a client.
- A Lucene index applies to only one region. Multiple indexes can be defined for a single region.
- Heterogeneous objects in a single region are supported.
## <a id="lucene-index-create" class="no-quick-link"></a>Creating a Lucene Index
<p class="note">
<strong>Note:</strong> Create the Lucene index <strong>before</strong> creating the region.
When you create a Lucene index, you must provide three pieces of information:
1. The name of the index you wish to create
1. The name of the region to be indexed and searched
1. The names of the fields you wish to index
You must specify at least one field to be indexed.
If the object value for the entries in the region comprises a primitive type value without a field name,
then use `__REGION_VALUE_FIELD` to specify the field to be indexed. `__REGION_VALUE_FIELD` serves as the field name for entry values of all
primitive types, including `String`, `Long`, `Integer`, `Float`, and `Double`.
Each field has a corresponding analyzer to extract terms from text. When no analyzer is specified,
the `org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer` is used.
The index has an associated serializer that renders the indexed object as a Lucene document comprised of searchable fields.
The default serializer is a simple one that handles top-level fields, but does not render collections or nested objects.
<%=vars.product_name%> supplies a built-in serializer, `FlatFormatSerializer()`, that handles
collections and nested objects. See [Using FlatFormatSerializer to Index Fields within Nested Objects](#using-flatformatserializer) for more information
regarding Lucene indexes for nested objects.
As a third alternative, you can create your own serializer, which must implement the `LuceneSerializer` interface.
### <a id="api-create-example" class="no-quick-link"></a>Creating a Lucene Index: Java API Example
The following example uses the Java API to create a Lucene index with two fields.
No analyzers are specified, so the default analyzer handles both fields.
No serializer is specified, so the default serializer is used.
``` pre
// Get LuceneService
LuceneService luceneService = LuceneServiceProvider.get(cache);
// Create the index on fields with default analyzer
// prior to creating the region
.create(indexName, regionName);
Region region = cache.createRegionFactory(RegionShortcut.PARTITION)
### <a id="gfsh-create-example" class="no-quick-link"></a>Creating a Lucene Index: Gfsh Example
In gfsh, use the [create lucene index](gfsh/command-pages/create.html#create_lucene_index) command to create Lucene indexes.
The following example creates an index with two fields. The default analyzer handles both fields, and the default serializer is used.
``` pre
gfsh>create lucene index --name=indexName --region=/orders --field=customer,tags
The next example creates an index, specifying a custom analyzer for the second field. "DEFAULT" in the first analyzer position
specifies that the default analyzer will be used for the first field.
``` pre
gfsh>create lucene index --name=indexName --region=/orders
--field=customer,tags --analyzer=DEFAULT,
### <a id="xml-configuration" class="no-quick-link"></a>Creating a Lucene Index: XML Example
This XML configuration file specifies a Lucene index with three fields and three analyzers:
``` pre
<region name="region" refid="PARTITION">
<lucene:index name="myIndex">
<lucene:field name="a"
<lucene:field name="b"
<lucene:field name="c"
<lucene:field name="d" />
## <a id="using-flatformatserializer" class="no-quick-link"></a>Using FlatFormatSerializer to Index Fields within Nested Objects
<%=vars.product_name%> supplies a built-in serializer, `org.apache.geode.cache.lucene.FlatFormatSerializer`
that renders collections and nested objects as searchable fields, which you can access using the syntax
`fieldnameAtLevel1.fieldnameAtLevel2` for both indexing and querying.
For example, in the following data model, the Customer object contains both a Person object and a
collection of Page objects. The Person object also contains a Page object.
public class Customer implements Serializable {
private String name;
private Collection<String> phoneNumbers;
private Collection<Person> contacts;
private Page[] myHomePages;
public class Person implements Serializable {
private String name;
private String email;
private int revenue;
private String address;
private String[] phoneNumbers;
private Page homepage;
public class Page implements Serializable {
private int id; // search integer in int format
private String title;
private String content;
The `FlatFormatSerializer` creates one document for each parent object, adding an indexed field for each data field
in a nested object, identified by its qualified name. Similarly, collections are flattened and
treated as tokens in a single field. For example, the `FlatFormatSerializer` could convert a
Customer object, with the structure described above, into a document containing fields such as `name`, ``,
and `contacts.homepage.title` based on the indexed fields specified at index creation. Each segment is a field name, not a field type,
because a class (such as Customer) could have more than one field of the same type (such as Person).
The serializer creates and indexes the fields you specify when you request index creation.
The example below demonstrates how to index the `name` field and the nested fields ``, ``,
`contacts.address`, `contacts.homepage.title`.
// Get LuceneService
LuceneService luceneService = LuceneServiceProvider.get(cache);
// Create Index on fields, some are fields in nested objects:
luceneService.createIndexFactory().setLuceneSerializer(new FlatFormatSerializer())
.create("customerIndex", "Customer");
// Create region
Region CustomerRegion = ((Cache)cache).createRegionFactory(shortcut).create("Customer");
The gfsh equivalent of the above Java code uses the `create lucene index` command, with options
specifying the index name, region name, field names, and the `FlatFormatSerializer`, specified
using its fully qualified name,`org.apache.geode.cache.lucene.FlatFormatSerializer`:
gfsh>create lucene index --name=customerIndex --region=Customer
The syntax for querying a nested field is the same as for a top level field, but with the
additional qualifying parent field name, such as `*`. This distinguishes which
"name" field is intended when there can be more than one "name" field at different hierarchical
levels in the object.
Java query:
LuceneQuery query = luceneService.createLuceneQueryFactory()
.create("customerIndex", "Customer", "*", "name");
PageableLuceneQueryResults<K,Object> results = query.findPages();
gfsh query:
gfsh>search lucene --name=customerIndex --region=Customer
## <a id="lucene-index-query" class="no-quick-link"></a>Queries
### <a id="gfsh-query-example" class="no-quick-link"></a>Querying a Lucene Index: Gfsh Example
For details, see the [gfsh search lucene](gfsh/command-pages/search.html#search_lucene") command reference page.
``` pre
gfsh>search lucene --name=indexName --region=/orders --queryString="Jones*"
### <a id="api-query-example" class="no-quick-link"></a>Querying a Lucene Index: Java API Example
``` pre
LuceneQuery<String, Person> query = luceneService.createLuceneQueryFactory()
.create(indexName, regionName, "name:John AND zipcode:97006", defaultField);
Collection<Person> results = query.findValues();
## <a id="lucene-index-destroy" class="no-quick-link"></a>Destroying an Index
Since a region-destroy operation does not cause the destruction
of any Lucene indexes,
destroy any Lucene indexes prior to destroying the associated region.
### <a id="API-destroy-example" class="no-quick-link"></a>Destroying a Lucene Index: Java API Example
``` pre
luceneService.destroyIndex(indexName, regionName);
An attempt to destroy a region with a Lucene index will result in
an `IllegalStateException`,
issuing an error message similar to:
``` pre
java.lang.IllegalStateException: The parent region [/orders] in colocation chain
cannot be destroyed, unless all its children [[/indexName#_orders.files]] are
### <a id="gfsh-destroy-example" class="no-quick-link"></a>Destroying a Lucene Index: Gfsh Example
For details, see the [gfsh destroy lucene index](gfsh/command-pages/destroy.html#destroy_lucene_index") command reference page.
The error message that results from an attempt to destroy a region
prior to destroying its associated Lucene index
will be similar to:
``` pre
Region /orders cannot be destroyed because it defines Lucene index(es)
[/ordersIndex]. Destroy all Lucene indexes before destroying the region.
## <a id="lucene-index-change" class="no-quick-link"></a>Changing an Index
Changing an index requires rebuilding it.
Implement these steps to change an index:
1. Export all region data.
2. Destroy the Lucene index.
3. Destroy the region.
4. Create a new index.
5. Create a new region without the user-defined business logic callbacks.
6. Import the region data with the option to turn on callbacks.
The callbacks will be to invoke a Lucene async event listener to index
the data. The `gfsh import data` command will be of the form:
``` pre
gfsh>import data --region=myReg --member=M3 --file=myReg.gfd --invoke-callbacks=true
If the API is used to import data, the code to set the option to
invoke callbacks will be similar to this code fragment:
``` pre
Region region = ...;
File snapshotFile = ...;
RegionSnapshotService service = region.getSnapshotService();
SnapshotOptions options = service.createOptions();
service.load(snapshotFile, SnapshotFormat.GEMFIRE, options);
7. Alter the region to add the user-defined business logic callbacks.
## <a id="addl-gfsh-api" class="no-quick-link"></a>Additional Gfsh Commands
See the [gfsh describe lucene index](gfsh/command-pages/describe.html#describe_lucene_index") command reference page for the command that prints details about
a specific index.
See the [gfsh list lucene index](gfsh/command-pages/list.html#list_lucene_index") command reference page
for the command that prints details about the
Lucene indexes created for all members.
# <a id="LuceneRandC" class="no-quick-link"></a>Requirements and Caveats
- Join queries between regions are not supported.
- Lucene indexes are stored in on-heap memory only.
- Lucene queries from within transactions are not supported.
On an attempt to query from within a transaction,
a `LuceneQueryException` is thrown, issuing an error message
on the client (accessor) similar to:
``` pre
Exception in thread "main" org.apache.geode.cache.lucene.LuceneQueryException:
Lucene Query cannot be executed within a transaction
- Lucene indexes must be created prior to creating the region.
If an attempt is made to create a Lucene index after creating the region,
the error message is similar to:
``` pre
Member | Status
---------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------<v2>:1026 | Failed: The lucene index must be created before region<v3>:1027 | Failed: The lucene index must be created before region<v1>:1025 | Failed: The lucene index must be created before region
- The order of server creation with respect to index and region creation
is important.
The cluster configuration service cannot work if servers are created
after index creation, but before region creation,
as Lucene indexes are propagated to the cluster configuration after
region creation.
To start servers at multiple points within the start-up process,
use this ordering:
1. start server(s)
2. create Lucene index
3. create region
4. start additional server(s)
- An invalidate operation on a region entry does not invalidate a corresponding
Lucene index entry.
A query on a Lucene index that contains values that
have been invalidated can return results that no longer exist.
Therefore, do not combine entry invalidation with queries on Lucene indexes.
- Lucene indexes are not supported for regions that have eviction configured
with a local destroy.
Eviction can be configured with overflow to disk,
but only the region data is overflowed to disk,
not the Lucene index.
On an attempt to create a region with eviction configured to do local destroy
(with a Lucene index),
an `UnsupportedOperationException` is thrown,
issuing an error message similar to:
``` pre
[error 2017/05/02 16:12:32.461 PDT <main> tid=0x1]
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException:
Lucene indexes on regions with eviction and action local destroy are not supported
- Be aware that using the same field name in different objects
where the field has different data types
may have unexpected consequences.
For example, if an index on the field SSN has the following entries
- `Object_1 object_1` has String SSN = "1111"
- `Object_2 object_2` has Integer SSN = 1111
- `Object_3 object_3` has Float SSN = 1111.0
Integers and floats will not be converted into strings.
They remain as `IntPoint` and `FloatPoint` within Lucene.
The standard analyzer will not try to tokenize these values.
The standard analyzer will only try to break up string values.
So, a string search for "SSN: 1111" will return `object_1`.
An `IntRangeQuery` for `upper limit : 1112` and `lower limit : 1110`
will return `object_2`, and a `FloatRangeQuery` with `upper limit : 1111.5` and `lower limit : 1111.0`
will return `object_3`.
- Backups should only be made for regions with Lucene indexes
when there are no puts, updates, or deletes in progress.
A backup might cause an inconsistency between region data and a Lucene index.
Both the region operation and the associated index operation
cause disk operations,
yet those disk operations are not done atomically.
Therefore, if a backup were taken between
the persisted write to a region
and the resulting persisted write to the Lucene index,
then the backup represents inconsistent data in the region and Lucene index.