blob: ee5ca70ce6969376f86df0dcc60f2d26b92ccd22 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include <geode/Cache.hpp>
#include <geode/PoolManager.hpp>
#include "Framework.h"
#include "GfshExecute.h"
#include "NamedType.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
class Cluster;
struct LocatorAddress {
std::string address;
uint16_t port;
class Locator {
Locator(Cluster &cluster, std::vector<Locator> &locators, std::string name,
uint16_t jmxManagerPort, bool useIPv6);
Locator(const Locator &copy) = delete;
Locator &operator=(const Locator &copy) = delete;
Locator(Locator &&move);
const LocatorAddress &getAddress() const;
void start();
void stop();
Cluster &cluster_;
std::string name_;
std::vector<Locator> &locators_;
LocatorAddress locatorAddress_;
uint16_t jmxManagerPort_;
bool started_ = false;
struct ServerAddress {
std::string address;
uint16_t port;
class Server {
Server(Cluster &cluster, std::vector<Locator> &locators, std::string name,
std::string xmlFile, bool useIPv6);
std::string getCacheXMLFile();
Server(const Server &copy) = delete;
Server &operator=(const Server &other) = delete;
Server(Server &&move);
void start();
void stop();
Cluster &cluster_;
std::vector<Locator> &locators_;
ServerAddress serverAddress_;
bool started_ = false;
std::string name_;
std::string xmlFile_;
using LocatorCount = NamedType<size_t, struct LocatorCountParameter>;
using ServerCount = NamedType<size_t, struct ServerCountParameter>;
using Name = NamedType<std::string, struct NameParameter>;
using Classpath = NamedType<std::string, struct ClasspathParameter>;
using SecurityManager = NamedType<std::string, struct SecurityManagerParameter>;
using User = NamedType<std::string, struct UserParameter>;
using Password = NamedType<std::string, struct PasswordParameter>;
using CacheXMLFiles =
NamedType<std::vector<std::string>, struct CacheXMLFilesParameter>;
using UseIpv6 = NamedType<bool, struct UseIpv6Parameter>;
class Cluster {
Cluster(LocatorCount initialLocators, ServerCount initialServers,
UseIpv6 useIPv6);
Cluster(LocatorCount initialLocators, ServerCount initialServers);
Cluster(LocatorCount initialLocators, ServerCount initialServers,
CacheXMLFiles cacheXMLFiles);
Cluster(Name name, LocatorCount initialLocators, ServerCount initialServers,
UseIpv6 useIPv6);
Cluster(Name name, LocatorCount initialLocators, ServerCount initialServers);
Cluster(Name name, Classpath classpath, SecurityManager securityManager,
User user, Password password, LocatorCount initialLocators,
ServerCount initialServers, CacheXMLFiles cacheXMLFiles,
UseIpv6 useIPv6);
Cluster(Name name, Classpath classpath, SecurityManager securityManager,
User user, Password password, LocatorCount initialLocators,
ServerCount initialServers);
Cluster(const Cluster &copy) = delete;
Cluster &operator=(const Cluster &other) = delete;
Cluster(Cluster &&copy) = default;
Cluster &operator=(Cluster &&other) = default;
std::string getJmxManager();
uint16_t getLocatorPort();
void start();
void start(std::function<void()> fn);
void stop();
void removeServerDirectory();
apache::geode::client::Cache createCache();
apache::geode::client::Cache createCache(
const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> &properties);
apache::geode::client::Cache createCache(
const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> &properties,
bool subscriptionEnabled);
void applyLocators(apache::geode::client::PoolFactory &poolFactory);
void useSsl(const bool requireSslAuthentication, const std::string keystore,
const std::string truststore, const std::string keystorePassword,
const std::string truststorePassword);
bool useSsl();
bool requireSslAuthentication();
std::string keystore();
std::string truststore();
std::string keystorePassword();
std::string truststorePassword();
Gfsh &getGfsh();
std::vector<Server> &getServers();
std::vector<Locator> &getLocators();
std::string &getClasspath();
std::string &getSecurityManager();
std::string &getUser();
std::string &getPassword();
std::vector<std::string> &getCacheXMLFiles();
bool getUseIPv6();
std::string name_;
std::string classpath_;
std::string securityManager_;
std::string user_;
std::string password_;
std::vector<std::string> cacheXMLFiles_;
size_t initialLocators_;
std::vector<Locator> locators_;
size_t initialServers_;
std::vector<Server> servers_;
bool started_ = false;
uint16_t jmxManagerPort_;
bool useSsl_ = false;
bool requireSslAuthentication_ = false;
std::string keystore_;
std::string keystorePassword_;
std::string truststore_;
std::string truststorePassword_;
bool useIPv6_ = false;
GfshExecute gfsh_;
void startLocators();
void startServers();