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title: Serializing Data
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Data in your client application's <%=vars.product_name%> cache must be serializable to be shared with <%=vars.product_name%> servers and other
<%=vars.product_name%> clients.
<%=vars.product_name%> provides multiple data serialization options for storage and transmittal
between processes, of which **<%=vars.product_name%> Portable Data eXchange (PDX) serialization** offers
the best combination of versatility and ease-of-use for most applications.
To learn more about other serialization options, see the [Data Serialization section in the _<%=vars.product_name_long%> User Guide_](serverman/developing/data_serialization/chapter_overview.html).
<a id="implementing_pdxsbl_class"></a>
## Implementing a PdxSerializable Custom Class
Pdx serialization provides custom serialization to an individual class. Fields within an object can be serialized separately from the rest of the class.
The type of serialization and its implementation can be specified entirely in the client
application, with no need to create corresponding code on the <%=product_name%> server.
<a id="setup_pdxsbl_class"></a>
### Setup
Pdx serialization provides custom serialization to an individual class. Fields within an object can be serialized separately from the rest of the class.
Setting up a custom class for PdxSerializable treatment requires some preparatory steps:
- The custom class must inherit from the .NET IPdxSerializable interface.
- You must provide serialization instructions for objects of the custom class. Specifically:
- You must implement the `ToData()` and `FromData()` methods.
- You must provide a "factory method" that returns an instance of the custom object.
- Your application must register your custom class with the cache, which takes care of informing the server of your
serialization scheme. With registration, you provide the name of the "factory method" you created for instantiating
objects of the custom class.
<a id="pdxsbl_examples"></a>
## PdxSerializable Examples
The native client release contains examples showing how a client application
can register for serialization of custom objects using the .NET IPdxSerializable interface.
The examples are located in `examples\dotnet\pdxserializable`.
The examples define the serializable class, `Orders`, including its serialization and deserialization methods and its factory method.
Once these pieces are in place, execution is simple: the main routine of the example registers the serializable class then performs some put and get operations.
<a id="pdxsbl_execution"></a>
### Execution
The example performs a sequence of operations, displaying simple log entries as they run.
- To run an example, follow the instructions in the file in the example directory.
- Review the source code in the example directory to see exactly how it operates.
- Begin by running a script that sets up the server-side environment by invoking `gfsh` commands to create a region, a locator, and a server.
- Run the example client application, which performs the following steps:
- Connects to the server
- Registers the PdxSerializable class
- Creates orders
- Stores orders
- Retrieves orders
<a id="pdsxbl_dotnet_example"></a>
### .NET Example
This section contains code snippets showing highlights of the .NET PdxSerializable example. They are not intended for cut-and-paste execution.
For the complete source, see the example source directory.
The .NET example defines a PdxSerializable class called `Order` that inherits from the `IPdxSerializable` interface.
An `Order` object contains three fields:
- an integer `order_id`
- a string `name`
- a short-int `quantity`
From Order.cs:
public class Order : IPdxSerializable
public long OrderId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public short Quantity { get; set; }
Using the `IPdxSerializable` read and write methods, the `Order` class defines `ToData()` and `FromData()`
methods that perform the serialization and deserialization operations, respectively, and the `CreateDeserializable()` factory method:
From Order.cs:
public void ToData(IPdxWriter output)
output.WriteLong(ORDER_ID_KEY_, OrderId);
output.WriteString(NAME_KEY_, Name);
output.WriteInt(QUANTITY_KEY_, Quantity);
public void FromData(IPdxReader input)
OrderId = input.ReadLong(ORDER_ID_KEY_);
Name = input.ReadString(NAME_KEY_);
Quantity = (short)input.ReadInt(QUANTITY_KEY_);
public static IPdxSerializable CreateDeserializable()
return new Order();
The .NET example mainline creates a cache, then uses it to register the PdxSerializable class that was created in Orders.cs:
var cacheFactory = new CacheFactory()
.Set("log-level", "none");
var cache = cacheFactory.Create();
The client creates a connection pool and a region named "example_orderobject":
var poolFactory = cache.GetPoolFactory()
.AddLocator("localhost", 10334);
var regionFactory = cache.CreateRegionFactory(RegionShortcut.PROXY)
var orderRegion = regionFactory.Create<int, Order>("example_orderobject");
After declaring some keys and values, the client then stores and retrieves an `Order` object:
const int orderKey = 65;
var order = new Order(orderKey, "Donuts", 12);
Console.WriteLine("order to put is " + order);
orderRegion.Put(orderKey, order, null);
Console.WriteLine("Successfully put order, getting now...");
var orderRetrieved = orderRegion.Get(orderKey, null);
Console.WriteLine("Order key: " + orderKey + " = " + orderRetrieved);
Finally, the application closes the cache: