blob: 606df489d59d00132996b3f58b575d4ac76b3540 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using System;
namespace Apache.Geode.Client.UnitTests
using NUnit.Framework;
using Apache.Geode.DUnitFramework;
public class PutGetPerfTests : UnitTests
#region Constants
private const int MaxKeys = 25000;
private const bool Mirrored = false;
private CacheableString[] keysA = null;
private CacheableString[] keysB = null;
private CacheableString[] valuesA = null;
private CacheableString[] valuesB = null;
private CacheableInt32[] intKeysA = null;
private CacheableInt32[] intKeysB = null;
private CacheableInt32[] intValuesA = null;
private CacheableInt32[] intValuesB = null;
private UnitProcess m_client1, m_client2, m_client3, m_client4;
protected override ClientBase[] GetClients()
m_client1 = new UnitProcess();
m_client2 = new UnitProcess();
m_client3 = new UnitProcess();
m_client4 = new UnitProcess();
return new ClientBase[] { m_client1, m_client2, m_client3, m_client4 };
#region Private functions
private void InitStringObjects(int num, string prefix,
ref CacheableString[] strings)
if (num > 0)
strings = new CacheableString[num];
for (int i = 1; i <= num; i++)
strings[i - 1] = new CacheableString(prefix + i.ToString());
private void InitIntObjects(int num, int offset, int factor,
ref CacheableInt32[] ints)
if (num > 0)
ints = new CacheableInt32[num];
for (int i = 1; i <= num; i++)
ints[i - 1] = new CacheableInt32(offset + i * factor);
private void Puts(CacheableKey[] keys, Serializable[] values,
int offset, int numIters, int step)
if (keys != null && values != null && keys.Length == values.Length)
int numKeys = keys.Length;
if (numIters <= 0)
numIters = numKeys;
for (int i = offset; i < offset + numIters; i += step)
CacheHelper.CurrentRegion.Put(keys[i % numKeys], values[i % numKeys]);
private void Gets(CacheableKey[] keys,
int offset, int numIters, int step)
if (keys != null)
int numKeys = keys.Length;
if (numIters <= 0)
numIters = numKeys;
for (int i = offset; i < offset + numIters; i += step)
CacheHelper.CurrentRegion.Get(keys[i % numKeys]);
#region Functions that are invoked by the tests
public enum RegionOp { Put, Get }
public enum KeysSelect { KeysA, KeysB, IntKeysA, IntKeysB }
public void InitKeysValues(int num)
InitStringObjects(num, "KeysA - ", ref keysA);
InitStringObjects(num, "KeysB - ", ref keysB);
InitStringObjects(num, "ValuesA - ", ref valuesA);
InitStringObjects(num, "ValuesB - ", ref valuesB);
InitIntObjects(num, 1, 2, ref intKeysA);
InitIntObjects(num, 0, 2, ref intKeysB);
InitIntObjects(num, 0, 2, ref intValuesA);
InitIntObjects(num, 1, 2, ref intValuesB);
public void RegionOpsAB(RegionOp op, KeysSelect sel,
int offset, int numIters, int step)
CacheableKey[] keys = null;
Serializable[] values = null;
switch (sel)
case KeysSelect.KeysA:
keys = (CacheableKey[])keysA;
values = (Serializable[])valuesA;
case KeysSelect.KeysB:
keys = (CacheableKey[])keysB;
values = (Serializable[])valuesB;
case KeysSelect.IntKeysA:
keys = (CacheableKey[])intKeysA;
values = (Serializable[])intValuesA;
case KeysSelect.IntKeysB:
keys = (CacheableKey[])intKeysB;
values = (Serializable[])intValuesB;
switch (op)
case RegionOp.Put:
Puts(keys, values, offset, numIters, step);
case RegionOp.Get:
Gets(keys, offset, numIters, step);
public void CheckNumKeys(int numExpected)
int numKeys = 0;
string message;
ISerializable[] keys = CacheHelper.CurrentRegion.GetKeys();
if (keys != null)
numKeys = keys.Length;
if (numExpected == 0)
message = "Region is not empty.";
message = "Region does not contain the expected number of entries.";
Assert.AreEqual(numExpected, numKeys, message);
public override void InitTests()
m_client1.Call(InitKeysValues, MaxKeys);
m_client2.Call(InitKeysValues, MaxKeys);
m_client3.Call(InitKeysValues, MaxKeys);
m_client4.Call(InitKeysValues, MaxKeys);
private void DoCommonDistribTests(string putTestName, int putIters,
string failTestName, int failIters, string proc2TestName)
m_client1.Call(RegionOpsAB, RegionOp.Put, KeysSelect.KeysA, 0, putIters, 1);
LogTaskTiming(m_client1, putTestName, putIters);
m_client1.Call(RegionOpsAB, RegionOp.Get, KeysSelect.KeysB, 0, failIters, 1);
LogTaskTiming(m_client1, failTestName, failIters);
m_client2.Call(CheckNumKeys, 0);
m_client2.Call(RegionOpsAB, RegionOp.Get, KeysSelect.KeysA, 0, MaxKeys, 1);
LogTaskTiming(m_client2, proc2TestName, MaxKeys);
m_client2.Call(CheckNumKeys, MaxKeys);
public void NoPeers()
int numIters = 50 * MaxKeys;
m_client1.Call(CacheHelper.CreateScopeRegion, "LocalOnly", ScopeType.Local, true);
m_client1.Call(RegionOpsAB, RegionOp.Put, KeysSelect.KeysA, 0, numIters, 1);
LogTaskTiming(m_client1, "LocalPuts", numIters);
m_client1.Call(RegionOpsAB, RegionOp.Get, KeysSelect.KeysA, 0, numIters, 1);
LogTaskTiming(m_client1, "LocalGets", numIters);
m_client1.Call(RegionOpsAB, RegionOp.Get, KeysSelect.KeysB, 0, numIters, 1);
LogTaskTiming(m_client1, "LocalFailGets", numIters);
m_client1.Call(CacheHelper.DestroyRegion, "LocalOnly", false, true);
m_client1.Call(CacheHelper.CreateScopeRegion, "DistNoPeers", ScopeType.DistributedNoAck, true);
m_client1.Call(RegionOpsAB, RegionOp.Put, KeysSelect.KeysA, 0, numIters, 1);
LogTaskTiming(m_client1, "DistNoPeersPuts", numIters);
m_client1.Call(CacheHelper.DestroyRegion, "DistNoPeers", false, true);
public void NoAck2Proc()
m_client1.Call(CacheHelper.CreateScopeRegion, "NoAck2Proc", ScopeType.DistributedNoAck, true);
m_client2.Call(CacheHelper.CreateScopeRegion, "NoAck2Proc", ScopeType.DistributedNoAck, true);
DoCommonDistribTests("NoAck2ProcPuts", 10 * MaxKeys,
"NoAck2ProcNetsearchFail", 2 * MaxKeys, "NoAck2ProcNetsearch");
m_client1.Call(CacheHelper.DestroyRegion, "NoAck2Proc", false, true);
public void Ack2Proc()
m_client1.Call(CacheHelper.CreateScopeRegion, "Ack2Proc", ScopeType.DistributedAck, true);
m_client2.Call(CacheHelper.CreateScopeRegion, "Ack2Proc", ScopeType.DistributedAck, true);
DoCommonDistribTests("Ack2ProcPuts", 2 * MaxKeys,
"Ack2ProcNetsearchFail", MaxKeys, "Ack2ProcNetsearch");
m_client1.Call(CacheHelper.DestroyRegion, "Ack2Proc", false, true);
public void NoAck3Proc()
m_client1.Call(CacheHelper.CreateScopeRegion, "NoAck3Proc", ScopeType.DistributedNoAck, true);
m_client2.Call(CacheHelper.CreateScopeRegion, "NoAck3Proc", ScopeType.DistributedNoAck, true);
m_client3.Call(CacheHelper.CreateScopeRegion, "NoAck3Proc", ScopeType.DistributedNoAck, true);
DoCommonDistribTests("NoAck3ProcPuts", 2 * MaxKeys,
"NoAck3ProcNetsearchFail", MaxKeys, "NoAck3ProcNetsearch");
m_client1.Call(CacheHelper.DestroyRegion, "NoAck3Proc", false, true);
public void Ack3Proc()
m_client1.Call(CacheHelper.CreateScopeRegion, "Ack3Proc", ScopeType.DistributedAck, true);
m_client2.Call(CacheHelper.CreateScopeRegion, "Ack3Proc", ScopeType.DistributedAck, true);
m_client3.Call(CacheHelper.CreateScopeRegion, "Ack3Proc", ScopeType.DistributedAck, true);
DoCommonDistribTests("Ack3ProcPuts", MaxKeys,
"Ack3ProcNetsearchFail", MaxKeys, "Ack3ProcNetsearch");
m_client1.Call(CacheHelper.DestroyRegion, "Ack3Proc", false, true);
public void NoAck4Proc()
m_client1.Call(CacheHelper.CreateScopeRegion, "NoAck4Proc", ScopeType.DistributedNoAck, true);
m_client2.Call(CacheHelper.CreateScopeRegion, "NoAck4Proc", ScopeType.DistributedNoAck, true);
m_client3.Call(CacheHelper.CreateScopeRegion, "NoAck4Proc", ScopeType.DistributedNoAck, true);
m_client4.Call(CacheHelper.CreateScopeRegion, "NoAck4Proc", ScopeType.DistributedNoAck, true);
DoCommonDistribTests("NoAck4ProcPuts", MaxKeys,
"NoAck4ProcNetsearchFail", MaxKeys, "NoAck4ProcNetsearch");
m_client1.Call(CacheHelper.DestroyRegion, "NoAck4Proc", false, true);
public void Ack4Proc()
m_client1.Call(CacheHelper.CreateScopeRegion, "Ack4Proc", ScopeType.DistributedAck, true);
m_client2.Call(CacheHelper.CreateScopeRegion, "Ack4Proc", ScopeType.DistributedAck, true);
m_client3.Call(CacheHelper.CreateScopeRegion, "Ack4Proc", ScopeType.DistributedAck, true);
m_client4.Call(CacheHelper.CreateScopeRegion, "Ack4Proc", ScopeType.DistributedAck, true);
DoCommonDistribTests("Ack4ProcPuts", MaxKeys,
"Ack4ProcNetsearchFail", MaxKeys, "Ack4ProcNetsearch");
m_client1.Call(CacheHelper.DestroyRegion, "Ack4Proc", false, true);