blob: 25bc956c4d791715c8be389442fa953f9882d1a3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Apache.Geode.Client.UnitTests
using NUnit.Framework;
using Apache.Geode.DUnitFramework;
using Apache.Geode.Client;
//using Com.Vmware.Cache;
//using Region = Com.Vmware.Cache.IRegion<object, object>;
class DurableListener<TKey, TVal> : ICacheListener<TKey, TVal>
#region Private members
private int m_ops = 0;
private Dictionary<object, object> m_map = new Dictionary<object, object>();
#region Public accessors
public int Ops
return m_ops;
public static DurableListener<TKey, TVal> Create()
Util.Log(" DurableListener Created");
return new DurableListener<TKey, TVal>();
private void check(EntryEvent<TKey, TVal> ev)
//CacheableString key = ev.Key as CacheableString;
//ICacheableKey<TKey> key = ev.Key;
//TVal value = ev.NewValue;
object key = (object)ev.Key;
object value = (object)ev.NewValue;
//object key = (object)ev.Key;
//object value = (object)ev.NewValue;
//CacheableInt32 value = ev.NewValue as CacheableInt32;
//object value = (object)ev.NewValue;
//object key1 = key.Value;
//int value1 = (int)value;
//if (m_map.ContainsKey(key))
// //CacheableInt32 old = m_map[key] as CacheableInt32;
// //TVal old =(TVal) m_map[(TKey)key];
// object old = m_map[key];
// Assert.AreEqual(value, old /*old + 1*/, "Duplicate or older value received");
Util.Log("key={0} and Value={1}", key, value);
Util.Log("key={0} and Value={1}", key.GetType(), value.GetType());
m_map[key] = value;
// this method for the ThinClientDurableTests
public void validate(int keys, int durable, int nondurable)
string msg1 = string.Format("Expected {0} keys but got {1}", keys, m_map.Count);
Assert.AreEqual(keys, m_map.Count, msg1);
int total = keys * (durable + nondurable) / 2;
string msg2 = string.Format("Expected {0} events but got {1}", total, m_ops);
Assert.AreEqual(total, m_ops, msg2);
foreach (KeyValuePair<object, object> item in m_map)
string key = (string)item.Key;
int checkvalue = (int)item.Value;
int finalvalue = durable;
if (key.StartsWith("Key"))
finalvalue = nondurable;
string msg3 = string.Format("Expected final value for key {0} to be {1} but was {2}", key, finalvalue, checkvalue);
Assert.AreEqual(finalvalue, checkvalue, msg3);
// this method for the ThinClientDurableTests
public void validate(int keys, int total)
string msg1 = string.Format("Expected {0} keys but got {1}", keys, m_map.Count);
Assert.AreEqual(keys, m_map.Count, msg1);
string msg2 = string.Format("Expected {0} events but got {1}", total, m_ops);
Assert.AreEqual(total, m_ops, msg2);
int finalvalue = total/keys;
foreach (KeyValuePair<object, object> item in m_map)
string key = (string)item.Key;
int checkvalue = (int)item.Value;
string msg3 = string.Format("Expected final value for key {0} to be {1} but was {2}", key, finalvalue, checkvalue);
Assert.AreEqual(finalvalue, checkvalue, msg3);
//Used for DurableAndNonDurableBasic
public void validateBasic(int keyCount, int eventCount, int durableValue, int nonDurableValue)
string msg1 = string.Format("Expected {0} keys but got {1}", keyCount, m_map.Count);
Assert.AreEqual(keyCount, m_map.Count, msg1);
string msg2 = string.Format("Expected {0} events but got {1}", eventCount, m_ops);
Assert.AreEqual(eventCount, m_ops, msg2);
foreach (KeyValuePair<object, object> item in m_map)
string key = (string)item.Key;
int checkvalue = (int)item.Value;
int finalvalue;
if (key.StartsWith("D-") || key.StartsWith("LD-")) { // durable key
finalvalue = durableValue;
else {
finalvalue = nonDurableValue;
string msg3 = string.Format("Expected final value for key {0} to be {1} but was {2}", key, finalvalue, checkvalue);
Assert.AreEqual(finalvalue, checkvalue, msg3);
#region ICacheListener Members
public virtual void AfterCreate(EntryEvent<TKey, TVal> ev)
Util.Log("Called AfterCreate()");
public virtual void AfterUpdate(EntryEvent<TKey, TVal> ev)
Util.Log("Called AfterUpdate()");
public virtual void AfterDestroy(EntryEvent<TKey, TVal> ev)
//Increment only count
Util.Log("Called AfterDestroy()");
public virtual void AfterInvalidate(EntryEvent<TKey, TVal> ev) { }
public virtual void AfterRegionDestroy(RegionEvent<TKey, TVal> ev) { }
public virtual void AfterRegionClear(RegionEvent<TKey, TVal> ev) { }
public virtual void AfterRegionInvalidate(RegionEvent<TKey, TVal> ev) { }
public virtual void AfterRegionLive(RegionEvent<TKey, TVal> ev)
Util.Log("DurableListener: Received AfterRegionLive event of region: {0}", ev.Region.Name);
public virtual void Close(IRegion<TKey, TVal> region) { }
public void AfterRegionDisconnected(IRegion<TKey, TVal> region) { }