blob: d4488e5b61d928be42df37ca8d956f3aa9ab10ab [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
namespace Apache.Geode.Client.UnitTests
using NUnit.Framework;
using Apache.Geode.DUnitFramework;
public class DataIOTests : UnitTests
XmlNodeReaderWriter settings = Util.DefaultSettings;
protected override ClientBase[] GetClients()
return null;
public void Byte()
List<Dictionary<string, string>> testbytes = settings.GetValues(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), "byte");
if (testbytes != null)
foreach (Dictionary<string, string> dEntry in testbytes)
DataOutput dataOutput = new DataOutput();
byte testbyte = Util.String2Byte(dEntry["value"]);
byte[] buffer = dataOutput.GetBuffer();
Assert.AreEqual(testbyte, buffer[0]);
DataInput dataInput = new DataInput(buffer);
byte result = dataInput.ReadByte();
Assert.AreEqual(testbyte, result);
public void Boolean()
List<Dictionary<string, string>> testbools = settings.GetValues(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), "bool");
if (testbools != null)
foreach (Dictionary<string, string> dEntry in testbools)
DataOutput dataOutput = new DataOutput();
bool testbool = bool.Parse(dEntry["value"]);
byte[] buffer = dataOutput.GetBuffer();
byte[] expectedBytes = Util.String2Bytes(dEntry["bytes"]);
Util.CompareTestArrays(expectedBytes, buffer);
DataInput dataInput = new DataInput(buffer);
bool result = dataInput.ReadBoolean();
Assert.AreEqual(testbool, result);
public void Int16()
List<Dictionary<string, string>> testshorts = settings.GetValues(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), "short");
if (testshorts != null)
foreach (Dictionary<string, string> dEntry in testshorts)
DataOutput dataOutput = new DataOutput();
short testshort = Util.String2Int16(dEntry["value"]);
byte[] buffer = dataOutput.GetBuffer();
byte[] expectedBytes = Util.String2Bytes(dEntry["bytes"]);
Util.CompareTestArrays(expectedBytes, buffer);
DataInput dataInput = new DataInput(buffer);
short result = dataInput.ReadInt16();
Assert.AreEqual(testshort, result);
public void Int32()
List<Dictionary<string, string>> testints = settings.GetValues(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), "int");
if (testints != null)
foreach (Dictionary<string, string> dEntry in testints)
DataOutput dataOutput = new DataOutput();
int testint = Util.String2Int32(dEntry["value"]);
byte[] buffer = dataOutput.GetBuffer();
byte[] expectedBytes = Util.String2Bytes(dEntry["bytes"]);
Util.CompareTestArrays(expectedBytes, buffer);
DataInput dataInput = new DataInput(buffer);
int result = dataInput.ReadInt32();
Assert.AreEqual(testint, result);
public void Int64()
List<Dictionary<string, string>> testints = settings.GetValues(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), "int");
if (testints != null)
foreach (Dictionary<string, string> dEntry in testints)
DataOutput dataOutput = new DataOutput();
long testlong = Util.String2Int64(dEntry["value"]);
byte[] buffer = dataOutput.GetBuffer();
byte[] expectedBytes = Util.String2Bytes(dEntry["bytes"]);
Util.CompareTestArrays(expectedBytes, buffer);
DataInput dataInput = new DataInput(buffer);
long result = dataInput.ReadInt64();
Assert.AreEqual(testlong, result);
public void Float()
List<Dictionary<string, string>> testfloats = settings.GetValues(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), "float");
if (testfloats != null)
foreach (Dictionary<string, string> dEntry in testfloats)
DataOutput dataOutput = new DataOutput();
float testfloat = float.Parse(dEntry["value"]);
byte[] buffer = dataOutput.GetBuffer();
byte[] expectedBytes = Util.String2Bytes(dEntry["bytes"]);
Util.CompareTestArrays(expectedBytes, buffer);
DataInput dataInput = new DataInput(buffer);
float result = dataInput.ReadFloat();
Assert.AreEqual(testfloat, result);
public void Double()
List<Dictionary<string, string>> testdoubles = settings.GetValues(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), "double");
if (testdoubles != null)
foreach (Dictionary<string, string> dEntry in testdoubles)
DataOutput dataOutput = new DataOutput();
double testdouble = double.Parse(dEntry["value"]);
byte[] buffer = dataOutput.GetBuffer();
byte[] expectedBytes = Util.String2Bytes(dEntry["bytes"]);
Util.CompareTestArrays(expectedBytes, buffer);
DataInput dataInput = new DataInput(buffer);
double result = dataInput.ReadDouble();
Assert.AreEqual(testdouble, result);
public void ASCIIString()
List<Dictionary<string, string>> testasciis = settings.GetValues(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), "ascii");
if (testasciis != null)
foreach (Dictionary<string, string> dEntry in testasciis)
DataOutput dataOutput = new DataOutput();
string testascii = dEntry["value"];
byte[] buffer = dataOutput.GetBuffer();
Assert.AreEqual(Util.String2Byte(dEntry["byte0"]), buffer[0]);
Assert.AreEqual(Util.String2Byte(dEntry["byte1"]), buffer[1]);
for (int i = 0; i < testascii.Length; i++)
Assert.AreEqual(testascii[i], buffer[i + 2]);
DataInput dataInput = new DataInput(buffer);
string result = dataInput.ReadUTF();
Assert.AreEqual(testascii.Length, result.Length);
Assert.AreEqual(testascii, result);
public void UTFString()
List<Dictionary<string, string>> testutfs = settings.GetValues(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), "utf");
if (testutfs != null)
foreach (Dictionary<string, string> dEntry in testutfs)
DataOutput dataOutput = new DataOutput();
string testutf = Util.String2String(dEntry["value"]);
byte[] buffer = dataOutput.GetBuffer();
byte[] expectedBytes = Util.String2Bytes(dEntry["bytes"]);
Util.CompareTestArrays(expectedBytes, buffer);
DataInput dataInput = new DataInput(buffer);
string result = dataInput.ReadUTF();
Assert.AreEqual(testutf.Length, result.Length);
Assert.AreEqual(testutf, result);