blob: bb6add6a7812b5c63af5c901873731419fdf21b3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Apache.Geode.Client.UnitTests
using NUnit.Framework;
using Apache.Geode.DUnitFramework;
// using Apache.Geode.Client;
using Apache.Geode.Client;
//using Region = Apache.Geode.Client.IRegion<Object, Object>;
public class PutGetTests : UnitTests
#region Private members and constants
public const int NumKeys = 20;
public const int KeySize = 256;
public const int ValueSize = 4096;
private const string RegionName = "PutGetTest";
private const string KeyChecksumPrefix = "KeyChecksum:";
private const string ValChecksumPrefix = "ValChecksum:";
private UnitProcess m_client1, m_client2;
private IRegion<object, object> m_region;
private CacheableKeyWrapper[] m_cKeys;
private uint[] m_cKeyCksums;
private CacheableWrapper[] m_cValues;
private uint[] m_cValCksums;
protected override ClientBase[] GetClients()
m_client1 = new UnitProcess();
m_client2 = new UnitProcess();
return new ClientBase[] { m_client1, m_client2 };
#region Public accessors
public CacheableWrapper[] CacheableKeys
return m_cKeys;
public CacheableWrapper[] CacheableValues
return m_cValues;
#region Private functions
private Type GetValueType()
Type valType = null;
if (m_cValues[0].Cacheable != null)
valType = m_cValues[0].Cacheable.GetType();
return valType;
#region Functions invoked by the tests
/// <summary>
/// Initialize the keys for different key types.
/// </summary>
public int InitKeys(UInt32 typeId, int numKeys, int maxSize)
Util.Log("InitKeys typeId " + typeId + " numKeys= " + numKeys + "maxSize=" + maxSize);
Assert.Greater(numKeys, 0,
"Number of keys should be greater than zero.");
Type type = CacheableWrapperFactory.GetTypeForId(typeId);
CacheableKeyWrapper instance = CacheableWrapperFactory.CreateKeyInstance(typeId);
Assert.IsNotNull(instance, "InitKeys: Type '{0}' could not be instantiated.", type.Name);
int maxKeys = instance.MaxKeys;
if (numKeys > maxKeys)
numKeys = maxKeys;
m_cKeys = new CacheableKeyWrapper[numKeys];
m_cKeyCksums = new uint[numKeys];
for (int keyIndex = 0; keyIndex < numKeys; keyIndex++)
instance = CacheableWrapperFactory.CreateKeyInstance(typeId);
instance.InitKey(keyIndex, maxSize);
m_cKeyCksums[keyIndex] = instance.GetChecksum();
m_cKeys[keyIndex] = instance;
Util.Log("InitKeys final m_cKeyCksums " + m_cKeyCksums.Length + " m_cKeys:" + m_cKeys.Length + "numKeys: " + numKeys);
return numKeys;
/// <summary>
/// Initialize the values to random values for different value types.
/// </summary>
public void InitValues(UInt32 typeId, int numValues, int maxSize)
Util.Log("InitValues typeId " + typeId + " numKeys= " + numValues + "maxSize=" + maxSize);
Assert.Greater(numValues, 0,
"Number of values should be greater than zero.");
Type type = CacheableWrapperFactory.GetTypeForId(typeId);
m_cValues = new CacheableWrapper[numValues];
m_cValCksums = new uint[numValues];
CacheableWrapper instance;
for (int valIndex = 0; valIndex < numValues; valIndex++)
instance = CacheableWrapperFactory.CreateInstance(typeId);
Util.Log(" in initvalue type " + instance.GetType().ToString());
Assert.IsNotNull(instance, "InitValues: Type '{0}' could not be instantiated.",
m_cValCksums[valIndex] = instance.GetChecksum();
m_cValues[valIndex] = instance;
Util.Log("InitValues final m_cValCksums " + m_cValCksums.Length + " m_cValues:" + m_cValues.Length);
public void SetRegion(string regionName)
m_region = CacheHelper.GetVerifyRegion<object, object>(regionName);
public void DoPuts()
Assert.IsNotNull(m_cKeys, "DoPuts: null keys array.");
Assert.IsNotNull(m_cValues, "DoPuts: null values array.");
Assert.IsNotNull(m_region, "DoPuts: null region.");
for (int keyIndex = 0; keyIndex < m_cKeys.Length; keyIndex++)
object key = m_cKeys[keyIndex].CacheableKey;
object val = m_cValues[keyIndex].Cacheable;
if (val != null)
Util.Log(" DoPuts() key hashcode " + key.GetHashCode());
Util.Log(" DoPuts() " + key.GetType().ToString() + " : " + val.GetType().ToString());
m_region[key] = val;
m_region.Remove(key);//Destroy() replaced by Remove() Api
catch (EntryNotFoundException)
// expected
m_region.Add(key, val); //Create() replaced by Add() Api.
Util.Log("DoPuts completed for keyType [{0}], valType [{1}].",
m_cKeys[0].CacheableKey.GetType(), GetValueType());
public void DoHashPuts()
Assert.IsNotNull(m_cKeys, "DoPuts: null keys array.");
Assert.IsNotNull(m_region, "DoPuts: null region.");
for (int keyIndex = 0; keyIndex < m_cKeys.Length; keyIndex++)
object key = m_cKeys[keyIndex].CacheableKey;
//TODO: GetHashCode() is C# builtIn function. it needs to match with our implementation of GetHashCode().
//Console.WriteLine("Key type = {0}", key.GetType());
//int val = key.GetHashCodeN();
int val = key.GetHashCode();
m_region[key] = val;
public void DoPRSHPartitionResolverPuts(string rname)
public void DoPRSHTradeResolverTasks(string rname)
public void DoPRSHFixedPartitionResolverTests(string rname)
IRegion<object, object> region = CacheHelper.GetRegion<object, object>(rname);
Assert.IsNotNull(region, "DoPRSHPartitionResolverPuts: null region.");
Util.Log("Inside DoPRSHFixedPartitionResolverTests region name is {0} ", region.Name.ToString());
for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++)
int key = i;
int val = key/*.GetHashCode()*/;
region[key] = val;
Util.Log("Put inside DoPRSHFixedPartitionResolverTests successfull {0} {1}", key, val);
catch (CacheServerException ex)
Util.Log("CacheServerException: Put caused networkhop");
Assert.Fail("Got CacheServerException (0}", ex.Message);
catch (CacheWriterException ex)
Util.Log("CacheWriterException: Put caused networkhop");
Assert.Fail("Got CacheWriterException (0}", ex.Message);
catch (Exception ex)
Util.Log("Exception: Put caused networkhop ");
Util.Log("Got Exception (0} {1} {2} ", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace, ex.Source);
Assert.Fail("Got Exception (0} {1} {2} ", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace, ex.Source);
public void DoPRSHFixedPartitionResolverTasks(ClientBase client1, string regionName)
client1.Call(DoPRSHFixedPartitionResolverTests, regionName);
public void DoPRSHPartitionResolverTasks(ClientBase client1, ClientBase client2, string regionName)
client1.Call(DoPRSHPartitionResolverPuts, regionName);
client2.Call(DoPRSHPartitionResolverPuts, regionName);
public void DoHashCodePuts(ClientBase client1, ClientBase client2, string regionName)
public void DoKeyChecksumPuts()
Assert.IsNotNull(m_cKeyCksums, "PutKeyChecksums: null checksums array.");
Assert.IsNotNull(m_region, "PutKeyChecksums: null region.");
Util.Log("DoKeyChecksumPuts number of keys " + m_cKeyCksums.Length);
for (int keyIndex = 0; keyIndex < m_cKeyCksums.Length; keyIndex++)
m_region[KeyChecksumPrefix + keyIndex] = (int)m_cKeyCksums[keyIndex];
Util.Log("DoKeyChecksumPuts completed for keyType [{0}], valType [{1}].",
m_cKeys[0].CacheableKey.GetType(), GetValueType());
public void DoValChecksumPuts()
Assert.IsNotNull(m_cValCksums, "PutValChecksums: null checksums array.");
Assert.IsNotNull(m_region, "PutValChecksums: null region.");
Util.Log("DoValChecksumPuts number of keys " + m_cValCksums.Length);
for (int keyIndex = 0; keyIndex < m_cValCksums.Length; keyIndex++)
m_region[ValChecksumPrefix + keyIndex] = (int)m_cValCksums[keyIndex];
Util.Log("DoValChecksumPuts completed for keyType [{0}], valType [{1}].",
m_cKeys[0].CacheableKey.GetType(), GetValueType());
/// <summary>
/// Run a query on server for native client to force deserialization
/// on server and thereby check serialization/deserialization compability
/// between native clients and java server.
/// </summary>
public void DoRunQuery()
Assert.IsNotNull(m_cKeys, "DoGets: null keys array.");
Assert.IsNotNull(m_region, "DoGets: null region.");
// for a type that cannot be handled by server, delete these values
// before next query that will cause problem
Type valType = GetValueType();
if (CacheableHelper.IsUnhandledType(m_cValues[0].TypeId))
Util.Log("DoRunQuery: deleting entries with value type {0}", valType);
for (int keyIndex = 0; keyIndex < m_cKeys.Length; keyIndex++)
m_region.Remove(m_cKeys[keyIndex].CacheableKey); // Destroy() -> Remove()
var qs = CacheHelper.DCache.GetPoolManager().Find(m_region.Attributes.PoolName).GetQueryService();
Query<object> qry = qs.NewQuery<object>("SELECT * FROM " + m_region.FullPath);
ISelectResults<object> results = qry.Execute();
// not really interested in results but loop through them neverthless
Util.Log("DoRunQuery: obtained {0} results", results.Size);
int numResults = 0;
foreach (object res in results)
Assert.AreEqual(results.Size, numResults,
"Expected the number of results to match the size of ISelectResults");
Util.Log("DoQuery completed for keyType [{0}], valType [{1}].",
m_cKeys[0].CacheableKey.GetType(), valType);
public void DoGetsVerify()
Util.Log("DoGetsVerify: m_cKeys " + m_cKeys.Length);
Assert.IsNotNull(m_cKeys, "DoGetsVerify: null keys array.");
Assert.IsNotNull(m_cValues, "DoGetsVerify: null values array.");
Assert.IsNotNull(m_region, "DoGetsVerify: null region.");
for (int keyIndex = 0; keyIndex < m_cKeys.Length; keyIndex++)
Util.Log("DoGetsVerify key type " + m_cKeys[keyIndex].CacheableKey.GetType());
Object actualValue = m_region[m_cKeys[keyIndex].CacheableKey];
if (actualValue == null)
Util.Log("DoGetsVerify value is null");
Util.Log("DoGetsVerify value is not null ");
uint cksum = m_cKeys[keyIndex].GetChecksum();
Util.Log("DoGetsVerify key type " + m_region[KeyChecksumPrefix + keyIndex].GetType().ToString());
int putCksum = (int)m_region[KeyChecksumPrefix + keyIndex];
"DoGetsVerify: Could not find checksum for key at index {0}.",
Assert.AreEqual(cksum, (uint)putCksum,
"DoGetsVerify: Checksums of the keys at index {0} differ.",
Util.Log("actualValue Type = {0}", actualValue.GetType());
cksum = m_cValues[keyIndex].GetChecksum((object)actualValue);
putCksum = (int)m_region[ValChecksumPrefix + keyIndex];
Assert.IsNotNull(putCksum, "DoGetsVerify: Could not find checksum for value at index {0}.", keyIndex);
Assert.AreEqual(cksum, (uint)putCksum, "DoGetsVerify: Checksums of the values at index {0} differ.", keyIndex);
// Also check in local cache using GetEntry
Util.Log("DoGetsVerify() key hashcode " + m_cKeys[keyIndex].CacheableKey.GetHashCode());
RegionEntry<object, object> entry = m_region.GetEntry(m_cKeys[keyIndex].CacheableKey);
if (entry != null)
cksum = m_cValues[keyIndex].GetChecksum(entry.Value);
catch (Exception ex)
Util.Log("DoGetsVerify() got exception " + ex.Message);
Util.Log("DoGetsVerify() get stacktrace " + ex.StackTrace);
throw ex;
cksum = 0;
Assert.AreEqual(cksum, (uint)putCksum, "DoGetsVerify: " +
"Checksums of the values at index {0} differ using GetEntry.",
Util.Log("DoGetsVerify completed for keyType [{0}], valType [{1}].",
m_cKeys[0].CacheableKey.GetType(), GetValueType());
public void DoGets()
Assert.IsNotNull(m_cKeys, "DoGets: null keys array.");
Assert.IsNotNull(m_region, "DoGets: null region.");
for (int keyIndex = 0; keyIndex < m_cKeys.Length; keyIndex++)
//Object actualValue = m_region[m_cKeys[keyIndex].CacheableKey];
Object actualValue = m_region[m_cKeys[keyIndex].CacheableKey];
if (actualValue == null)
m_cValues[keyIndex].TypeId, "Only null string should return a " +
"null object");
Util.Log("DoGets completed for keyType [{0}], valType [{1}].",
m_cKeys[0].CacheableKey.GetType(), GetValueType());
public void PutGetSteps(ClientBase client1, ClientBase client2,
string regionName, bool verifyGets, bool runQuery)
if (verifyGets)
InvalidateRegion(regionName, client1);
if (runQuery)
// run a query for ThinClient regions to check for deserialization
// compability on server
InvalidateRegion(regionName, client1);
// this query invocation is primarily to delete the entries that cannot
// be deserialized by the server
if (runQuery)
public void InvalidateRegion(string regionName, params ClientBase[] clients)
if (clients != null)
foreach (ClientBase client in clients)
client.Call(CacheHelper.InvalidateRegionNonGeneric, regionName, true, true);
public void TestAllKeyValuePairs(ClientBase client1, ClientBase client2,
string regionName, bool runQuery, long dtTicks)
ICollection<UInt32> registeredKeyTypeIds =
ICollection<UInt32> registeredValueTypeIds =
client1.Call(CacheableHelper.RegisterBuiltins, dtTicks);
client2.Call(CacheableHelper.RegisterBuiltins, dtTicks);
foreach (UInt32 keyTypeId in registeredKeyTypeIds)
int numKeys;
client1.Call(InitKeys, out numKeys, keyTypeId, NumKeys, KeySize);
client2.Call(InitKeys, out numKeys, keyTypeId, NumKeys, KeySize);
Type keyType = CacheableWrapperFactory.GetTypeForId(keyTypeId);
foreach (UInt32 valueTypeId in registeredValueTypeIds)
client1.Call(InitValues, valueTypeId, numKeys, ValueSize);
client2.Call(InitValues, valueTypeId, numKeys, ValueSize);
Type valueType = CacheableWrapperFactory.GetTypeForId(valueTypeId);
Util.Log("Starting gets/puts with keyType '{0}' and valueType '{1}'",
keyType.Name, valueType.Name);
Util.Log("Running warmup task which verifies the puts.");
PutGetSteps(client1, client2, regionName, true, runQuery);
Util.Log("End warmup task.");
string.Format("IRegion<object, object>:{0},Key:{1},Value:{2},KeySize:{3},ValueSize:{4},NumOps:{5}",
regionName, keyType.Name, valueType.Name, KeySize, ValueSize, 4 * numKeys),
4 * numKeys);
InvalidateRegion(regionName, client1, client2);
public void TestAllKeys(ClientBase client1, ClientBase client2, string regionName, long dtTime)
ICollection<UInt32> registeredKeyTypeIds =
ICollection<UInt32> registeredValueTypeIds =
client1.Call(CacheableHelper.RegisterBuiltinsJavaHashCode, dtTime);
client2.Call(CacheableHelper.RegisterBuiltinsJavaHashCode, dtTime);
foreach (UInt32 keyTypeId in registeredKeyTypeIds)
int numKeys;
client1.Call(InitKeys, out numKeys, keyTypeId, NumKeys, KeySize);
client2.Call(InitKeys, out numKeys, keyTypeId, NumKeys, KeySize);
Type keyType = CacheableWrapperFactory.GetTypeForId(keyTypeId);
Util.Log("Running warmup task which verifies the puts.");
DoHashCodePuts(client1, client2, regionName);