blob: e2e9d9a6df4b3c75b8dfcc788cb8d0b30922ed33 [file] [log] [blame]
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from ds_codes import ds_codes
from modified_utf8 import utf8m_to_utf8s
def read_number_from_hex_string(string, offset, size):
value = int(string[offset : offset + size], 16)
bits = size * 4
if value & (1 << (bits - 1)):
value -= 1 << bits
return value, size
def read_unsigned_number_from_hex_string(string, offset, size):
value = int(string[offset : offset + size], 16)
bits = size * 4
return value, size
def read_byte_value(string, offset):
return read_number_from_hex_string(string, offset, 2)
def read_unsigned_byte_value(string, offset):
return read_unsigned_number_from_hex_string(string, offset, 2)
def read_short_value(string, offset):
return read_number_from_hex_string(string, offset, 4)
def read_int_value(string, offset):
return read_number_from_hex_string(string, offset, 8)
def read_long_value(string, offset):
return read_number_from_hex_string(string, offset, 16)
def read_array_length(message_bytes, offset):
(byte_value, offset) = call_reader_function(message_bytes, offset, read_byte_value)
array_len = 0
if byte_value == 255:
raise Exception("Don't know how to handle len == -1 in serialized array!")
elif byte_value == 254:
(array_len, offset) = call_reader_function(
message_bytes, offset, read_short_value
elif byte_value == 253:
(array_len, offset) = call_reader_function(
message_bytes, offset, read_int_value
array_len = byte_value
return array_len, offset
def read_byte_array(string, offset):
(array_length, offset) = read_array_length(string, offset)
byte_string = ""
for i in range(offset, offset + (array_length * 2), 2):
byte_string += string[i : i + 2]
byte_string += " "
byte_string = byte_string[:-1]
return byte_string, offset + (array_length * 2)
def read_byte_array_with_length(string, offset, array_length):
byte_string = ""
for i in range(offset, offset + (array_length * 2), 2):
byte_string += string[i : i + 2]
byte_string += " "
byte_string = byte_string[:-1]
return byte_string, offset + (array_length * 2)
def read_boolean_value(message_bytes, offset):
(bool_val, offset) = call_reader_function(message_bytes, offset, read_byte_value)
bool_string = "True" if bool_val == 1 else "False"
return bool_string, offset
def read_unsigned_vl(string, offset):
shift = 0
result = 0
cursor = offset
while shift < 64:
b, cursor = call_reader_function(string, cursor, read_byte_value)
result |= (b & 0x7F) << shift
if not (b & 0x80):
shift += 7
if shift >= 64:
raise ValueError("Malformed variable length integer")
return result, cursor - offset
def read_string_value(string, length, offset):
string_value = bytearray.fromhex(string[offset : offset + (length * 2)]).decode(
return (string_value, offset + (length * 2))
def read_fixed_id_byte_value(string, offset):
(ds_code, offset) = call_reader_function(string, offset, read_byte_value)
if ds_codes[ds_code] == "FixedIDByte":
(byte_value, offset) = call_reader_function(string, offset, read_byte_value)
raise TypeError("Expected DSCode 'FixedIDByte'")
return (byte_value, offset)
def read_cacheable_string_value(string, offset):
(dscode, offset) = call_reader_function(string, offset, read_byte_value)
string_type = ds_codes[dscode]
if string_type == "CacheableString":
(string_length, offset) = call_reader_function(string, offset, read_short_value)
return read_geode_jmutf8_string_value(string, offset, string_length)
elif string_type == "CacheableStringHuge":
(string_length, offset) = call_reader_function(string, offset, read_int_value)
offset += string_length
raise TypeError("Expected CacheableString or CacheableStringHuge")
def read_cacheable_ascii_string_value(string, offset):
(ds_code, offset) = call_reader_function(string, offset, read_byte_value)
string_value = []
if ds_codes[ds_code] == "CacheableASCIIString":
(size, offset) = call_reader_function(string, offset, read_short_value)
for i in range(size):
(ascii_char, offset) = call_reader_function(string, offset, read_byte_value)
raise TypeError("Attempt to decode another type as CacheableASCIIString")
return (bytes(string_value).decode("ascii"), offset)
# Decodes a hex string to JM utf-8 bytes, returns plain utf-8 string
def read_geode_jmutf8_string_value(buffer, offset, string_length):
cursor = offset
string = []
bad_length = IndexError("Insufficient length for JM utf-8 string")
while cursor < offset + (string_length * 2):
code_point, cursor = call_reader_function(buffer, cursor, read_byte_value)
if code_point == 0:
raise TypeError("Should not encounter a 0 byte in JM utf-8")
elif code_point < 0x7F: # one-byte encoding
elif (code_point & 0xE0) == 0xC0: # two-byte encoding
if cursor < string_length - 1:
(byte2, cursor) = call_reader_function(buffer, cursor, read_byte_value)
raise bad_length
# 3-byte or 6-byte encoding. We don't care which here, because we'll
# just pick up the next 3-byte encoding in the loop, and the conversion
# at the end will raise an exception if there's a problem.
elif (code_point & 0xF0) == 0xE0:
if cursor < string_length - 3:
(byte2, cursor) = call_reader_function(buffer, cursor, read_byte_value)
(byte3, cursor) = call_reader_function(buffer, cursor, read_byte_value)
raise bad_length
return (utf8m_to_utf8s(string), cursor)
def call_reader_function(string, offset, fn):
(value, read_count) = fn(string, offset)
return (value, offset + read_count)
def read_cacheable(message_bytes, offset):
value = {}
dscode = ""
(dscode, offset) = call_reader_function(message_bytes, offset, read_byte_value)
value["DSCode"] = ds_codes[dscode]
if (
value["DSCode"] == "CacheableASCIIString"
or value["DSCode"] == "CacheableASCIIStringHuge"
(value["StringLength"], offset) = call_reader_function(
message_bytes, offset, read_short_value
(value["Value"], offset) = read_string_value(
message_bytes, value["StringLength"], offset
elif value["DSCode"] == "CacheableBoolean":
(bool_val, offset) = call_reader_function(
message_bytes, offset, read_byte_value
value["Value"] = "False" if bool_val == 0 else "True"
elif value["DSCode"] == "CacheableInt16":
(int_val, offset) = call_reader_function(message_bytes, offset, read_short_value)
value["Value"] = int_val
elif value["DSCode"] == "CacheableInt32":
(int_val, offset) = call_reader_function(message_bytes, offset, read_int_value)
value["Value"] = int_val
elif value["DSCode"] == "CacheableInt64":
(int_val, offset) = call_reader_function(message_bytes, offset, read_long_value)
value["Value"] = int_val
elif value["DSCode"] == "NullObj":
# Gah! Nasty little bug in the protocol here. NC writes '1' in the
# size field for a NullObj, but the payload is actually ZERO bytes,
# and if you read 1 byte of payload like it says to you'll blow the
# message parse.
value["Value"] = "<<null>>"
elif value["DSCode"] == "PDX":
value["Value"] = "<<Unreadable - no type info available in gnmsg>>"
# This is here for completion, but not actually necessary.
offset = len(message_bytes)
raise Exception("Unknown DSCode")
return (value, offset)
def parse_key_or_value(message_bytes, offset):
value = {}
(value["Size"], offset) = call_reader_function(
message_bytes, offset, read_int_value
(value["IsObject"], offset) = call_reader_function(
message_bytes, offset, read_byte_value
(value["Data"], offset) = read_cacheable(message_bytes, offset)
offset += value["Size"] * 2
return (value, offset)