blob: ea3b86ced7a3980f617112af0f37ee99d9ae5332 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
#pragma warning disable 618
namespace Apache.Geode.Client.UnitTests
using NUnit.Framework;
using Apache.Geode.DUnitFramework;
using Apache.Geode.Client;
public class OverflowTests : UnitTests
protected override ClientBase[] GetClients()
return null;
public override void InitTests()
public override void EndTests()
public void StartTest()
public override void EndTest()
#region Private functions used by the tests
private IRegion<object, object> CreateOverflowRegion(string regionName, string libraryName, string factoryFunctionName)
RegionFactory rf = CacheHelper.DCache.CreateRegionFactory(RegionShortcut.LOCAL);
Properties<string, string> sqliteProperties = new Properties<string, string>();
sqliteProperties.Insert("PageSize", "65536");
sqliteProperties.Insert("MaxFileSize", "512000000");
String sqlite_dir = "SqLiteDir" + Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id.ToString();
sqliteProperties.Insert("PersistenceDirectory", sqlite_dir);
rf.SetPersistenceManager(libraryName, factoryFunctionName, sqliteProperties);
IRegion<object, object> region = CacheHelper.GetRegion<object, object>(regionName);
if ((region != null) && !region.IsDestroyed)
Assert.IsTrue(region.IsDestroyed, "IRegion<object, object> {0} was not destroyed.", regionName);
region = rf.Create<object, object>(regionName);
Assert.IsNotNull(region, "IRegion<object, object> was not created.");
return region;
// Testing for attibute validation.
private void ValidateAttributes(IRegion<object, object> region)
Apache.Geode.Client.RegionAttributes<object, object> regAttr = region.Attributes;
int initialCapacity = regAttr.InitialCapacity;
Assert.AreEqual(1000, initialCapacity, "Expected initial capacity to be 1000");
Assert.AreEqual(DiskPolicyType.Overflows, regAttr.DiskPolicy,
"Expected Action to be overflow to disk");
private string GetSqLiteFileName(string sqliteDir, string regionName)
return Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), sqliteDir, regionName, regionName + ".db");
private IRegion<object, object> CreateSubRegion(IRegion<object, object> region, string subRegionName, string libraryName, string factoryFunctionName)
var regionAttributesFactory = new RegionAttributesFactory<object, object>(region.Attributes);
Properties<string, string> sqliteProperties = new Properties<string, string>();
sqliteProperties.Insert("PageSize", "65536");
sqliteProperties.Insert("MaxPageCount", "512000000");
String sqlite_dir = "SqLiteDir" + Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id.ToString();
sqliteProperties.Insert("PersistenceDirectory", sqlite_dir);
regionAttributesFactory.SetPersistenceManager(libraryName, factoryFunctionName, sqliteProperties);
IRegion<object, object> subRegion = region.CreateSubRegion(subRegionName,
Assert.IsNotNull(subRegion, "Expected region to be non null");
Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(GetSqLiteFileName(sqlite_dir, subRegionName)), "Persistence file is not present");
DoNput(subRegion, 50);
DoNget(subRegion, 50);
return subRegion;
private void DoNput(IRegion<object, object> region, int num)
//CacheableString cVal = new CacheableString(new string('A', 1024));
string cVal = new string('A', 1024);
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
Util.Log("Putting key = key-{0}", i);
region["key-" + i.ToString()] = cVal;
private void DoNget(IRegion<object, object> region, int num)
string cVal;
string expectVal = new string('A', 1024);
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
cVal = region["key-" + i.ToString()] as string;
Util.Log("Getting key = key-{0}", i);
Assert.IsNotNull(cVal, "Key[key-{0}] not found.", i);
Assert.AreEqual(expectVal, cVal, "Did not find the expected value.");
private bool IsOverflowed(/*ISerializable*/ object cVal)
//Util.Log("IsOverflowed:: value is: {0}; type is: {1}", cVal.ToString(), cVal.GetType());
return cVal.ToString() == "CacheableToken::OVERFLOWED";
private void CheckOverflowToken(IRegion<object, object> region, int num, int lruLimit)
//ISerializable cVal;
//ICacheableKey[] cKeys = region.GetKeys();
object cVal;
ICollection<object> cKeys = region.GetLocalView().Keys;
Assert.AreEqual(num, cKeys.Count, "Number of keys does not match.");
int count = 0;
foreach (object cKey in cKeys)
RegionEntry<object, object> entry = region.GetEntry(cKey);
cVal = entry.Value;
if (IsOverflowed(cVal))
Assert.AreEqual(0, count, "Number of overflowed entries should be zero");
private void CheckNumOfEntries(IRegion<object, object> region, int lruLimit)
//ICollection<object> cVals = region.GetLocalView().Values;
ICollection<object> cVals = region.Values;
Assert.AreEqual(lruLimit, cVals.Count, "Number of values does not match.");
private void TestGetOp(IRegion<object, object> region, int num)
DoNput(region, num);
ICollection<object> cKeys = region.GetLocalView().Keys;
object cVal;
Assert.AreEqual(num, cKeys.Count, "Number of keys does not match.");
foreach (object cKey in cKeys)
RegionEntry<object, object> entry = region.GetEntry(cKey);
cVal = entry.Value;
if (IsOverflowed(cVal))
cVal = region[cKey];
Assert.IsFalse(IsOverflowed(cVal), "Overflow token even after a Region.Get");
private void TestEntryDestroy(IRegion<object, object> region)
//ICollection<object> cKeys = region.Keys;
ICollection<object> cKeys = region.GetLocalView().Keys;
string[] arrKeys = new string[cKeys.Count];
cKeys.CopyTo(arrKeys, 0);
for (int i = 50; i < 60; i++)
catch (Exception ex)
Util.Log("Entry missing for {0}. Exception: {1}", arrKeys[i], ex.ToString());
cKeys = region.GetLocalView().Keys;
Assert.AreEqual(90, cKeys.Count, "Number of keys is not correct.");
public void OverflowPutGet()
IRegion<object, object> region = CreateOverflowRegion("OverFlowRegion", "SqLiteImpl", "createSqLiteInstance");
// put some values into the cache.
DoNput(region, 100);
//Console.WriteLine("TEST-2.1 All PUts Donee");
CheckNumOfEntries(region, 100);
// check whether value get evicted and token gets set as overflow
CheckOverflowToken(region, 100, 20);
// do some gets... printing what we find in the cache.
DoNget(region, 100);
TestGetOp(region, 100);
// test to verify same region repeatedly to ensure that the persistece
// files are created and destroyed correctly
IRegion<object, object> subRegion;
String sqlite_dir = "SqLiteDir" + Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id.ToString();
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
subRegion = CreateSubRegion(region, "SubRegion", "SqLiteImpl", "createSqLiteInstance");
Assert.IsTrue(subRegion.IsDestroyed, "Expected region to be destroyed");
Assert.IsFalse(File.Exists(GetSqLiteFileName(sqlite_dir, "SubRegion")), "Persistence file present after region destroy");
public void OverflowPutGetManaged()
IRegion<object, object> region = CreateOverflowRegion("OverFlowRegion", "Apache.Geode.Plugins.SqLite",
// put some values into the cache.
DoNput(region, 100);
//Console.WriteLine("TEST-2.1 All PUts Donee");
CheckNumOfEntries(region, 100);
// check whether value get evicted and token gets set as overflow
CheckOverflowToken(region, 100, 20);
// do some gets... printing what we find in the cache.
DoNget(region, 100);
TestGetOp(region, 100);
// test to verify same region repeatedly to ensure that the persistece
// files are created and destroyed correctly
IRegion<object, object> subRegion;
String sqlite_dir = "SqLiteDir" + Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id.ToString();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
subRegion = CreateSubRegion(region, "SubRegion", "Apache.Geode.Plugins.SqLite",
Assert.IsTrue(subRegion.IsDestroyed, "Expected region to be destroyed");
Assert.IsFalse(File.Exists(GetSqLiteFileName(sqlite_dir, "SubRegion")), "Persistence file present after region destroy");
public void OverflowPutGetManagedMT()
IRegion<object, object> region = CreateOverflowRegion("OverFlowRegion", "Apache.Geode.Plugins.SqLite",
List<Thread> threadsList = new List<Thread>();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Thread t = new Thread(delegate()
// put some values into the cache.
DoNput(region, 100);
CheckNumOfEntries(region, 100);
// check whether value get evicted and token gets set as overflow
CheckOverflowToken(region, 100, 20);
// do some gets... printing what we find in the cache.
DoNget(region, 100);
TestGetOp(region, 100);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
public void OverflowPutGetManagedSetInstance()
RegionFactory rf = CacheHelper.DCache.CreateRegionFactory(RegionShortcut.LOCAL);
Properties<string, string> sqliteProperties = new Properties<string, string>();
sqliteProperties.Insert("PageSize", "65536");
sqliteProperties.Insert("MaxFileSize", "512000000");
String sqlite_dir = "SqLiteDir" + Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id.ToString();
sqliteProperties.Insert("PersistenceDirectory", sqlite_dir);
//rf.SetPersistenceManager(new Apache.Geode.Plugins.SQLite.SqLiteImpl<object, object>(), sqliteProperties);
rf.SetPersistenceManager("SqLiteImpl", "createSqLiteInstance", sqliteProperties);
IRegion<object, object> region = CacheHelper.GetRegion<object, object>("OverFlowRegion");
if ((region != null) && !region.IsDestroyed)
Assert.IsTrue(region.IsDestroyed, "IRegion<object, object> OverFlowRegion was not destroyed.");
region = rf.Create<object, object>("OverFlowRegion");
Assert.IsNotNull(region, "IRegion<object, object> was not created.");
// put some values into the cache.
DoNput(region, 100);
//Console.WriteLine("TEST-2.1 All PUts Donee");
CheckNumOfEntries(region, 100);
// check whether value get evicted and token gets set as overflow
CheckOverflowToken(region, 100, 20);
// do some gets... printing what we find in the cache.
DoNget(region, 100);
TestGetOp(region, 100);
// test to verify same region repeatedly to ensure that the persistece
// files are created and destroyed correctly
IRegion<object, object> subRegion;
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
subRegion = CreateSubRegion(region, "SubRegion", "Apache.Geode.Plugins.SqLite", "SqLiteImpl<object,object>.Create()");
Assert.IsTrue(subRegion.IsDestroyed, "Expected region to be destroyed");
Assert.IsFalse(File.Exists(GetSqLiteFileName(sqlite_dir, "SubRegion")), "Persistence file present after region destroy");
public void XmlCacheCreationWithOverflow()
Cache cache = null;
IRegion<object, object> region1;
IRegion<object, object> region2;
IRegion<object, object> region3;
IRegion<object, object>[] rootRegions;
//Region<object, object>[] subRegions;
ICollection<IRegion<object, object>> subRegions;
/*string host_name = "XML_CACHE_CREATION_TEST";*/
const UInt32 totalSubRegionsRoot1 = 2;
const UInt32 totalRootRegions = 3;
Util.Log("Creating cache with the configurations provided in valid_overflowAttr.xml");
string cachePath = CacheHelper.TestDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "valid_overflowAttr.xml";
cache = new CacheFactory().Set("cache-xml-file", cachePath).Create();
Util.Log("Successfully created the cache.");
rootRegions = cache.RootRegions<object, object>();
Assert.AreEqual(totalRootRegions, rootRegions.Length);
Util.Log("Root regions in Cache: ");
foreach (IRegion<object, object> rg in rootRegions)
Util.Log('\t' + rg.Name);
region1 = rootRegions[0];
//subRegions = region1.SubRegions(true);
subRegions = region1.SubRegions(true);
Assert.AreEqual(subRegions.Count, totalSubRegionsRoot1);
Util.Log("SubRegions for the root region: ");
foreach (IRegion<object, object> rg in subRegions)
Util.Log('\t' + rg.Name);
Util.Log("Testing if the nesting of regions is correct...");
region2 = rootRegions[1];
subRegions = region2.SubRegions(true);
string childName;
string parentName;
foreach (IRegion<object, object> rg in subRegions)
childName = rg.Name;
IRegion<object, object> parent = rg.ParentRegion;
parentName = parent.Name;
if (childName == "SubSubRegion221")
Assert.AreEqual("SubRegion22", parentName);
region3 = rootRegions[2];
//subRegions = region1.SubRegions(true);
subRegions = region3.SubRegions(true);
Assert.AreEqual(subRegions.Count, totalSubRegionsRoot1);
Util.Log("SubRegions for the root region: ");
foreach (IRegion<object, object> rg in subRegions)
Util.Log('\t' + rg.Name);
Apache.Geode.Client.RegionAttributes<object, object> attrs = region1.Attributes;
//Util.Log("Attributes of root region Root1 are: ");
bool cachingEnabled = attrs.CachingEnabled;
uint lruEL = attrs.LruEntriesLimit;
Assert.AreEqual(35, lruEL);
int concurrency = attrs.ConcurrencyLevel;
Assert.AreEqual(10, concurrency);
int initialCapacity = attrs.InitialCapacity;
Assert.AreEqual(25, initialCapacity);
var regionIdleTO = attrs.RegionIdleTimeout;
Assert.AreEqual(20, regionIdleTO);
ExpirationAction action1 = attrs.RegionIdleTimeoutAction;
Assert.AreEqual(ExpirationAction.Destroy, action1);
DiskPolicyType type = attrs.DiskPolicy;
Assert.AreEqual(DiskPolicyType.Overflows, type);
string persistenceDir, maxPageCount, pageSize;
string lib = attrs.PersistenceLibrary;
string libFun = attrs.PersistenceFactory;
Util.Log(" persistence library1 = " + lib);
Util.Log(" persistence function1 = " + libFun);
Properties<string, string> pconfig = attrs.PersistenceProperties;
Assert.IsNotNull(pconfig, "Persistence properties should not be null for root1.");
persistenceDir = (string)pconfig.Find("PersistenceDirectory");
maxPageCount = (string)pconfig.Find("MaxPageCount");
pageSize = (string)pconfig.Find("PageSize");
Assert.IsNotNull(persistenceDir, "Persistence directory should not be null.");
Assert.AreNotEqual(0, persistenceDir.Length, "Persistence directory should not be empty.");
Assert.IsNotNull(maxPageCount, "Persistence MaxPageCount should not be null.");
Assert.AreNotEqual(0, maxPageCount.Length, "Persistence MaxPageCount should not be empty.");
Assert.IsNotNull(pageSize, "Persistence PageSize should not be null.");
Assert.AreNotEqual(0, pageSize.Length, "Persistence PageSize should not be empty.");
Util.Log("****Attributes of Root1 are correctly set****");
Apache.Geode.Client.RegionAttributes<object, object> attrs2 = region2.Attributes;
string lib2 = attrs2.PersistenceLibrary;
string libFun2 = attrs2.PersistenceFactory;
Util.Log(" persistence library2 = " + lib2);
Util.Log(" persistence function2 = " + libFun2);
Properties<string, string> pconfig2 = attrs2.PersistenceProperties;
Assert.IsNotNull(pconfig2, "Persistence properties should not be null for root2.");
persistenceDir = (string)pconfig2.Find("PersistenceDirectory");
maxPageCount = (string)pconfig2.Find("MaxPageCount");
maxPageCount = (string)pconfig2.Find("PageSize");
Assert.IsNotNull(persistenceDir, "Persistence directory should not be null.");
Assert.AreNotEqual(0, persistenceDir.Length, "Persistence directory should not be empty.");
Assert.IsNotNull(maxPageCount, "Persistence MaxPageCount should not be null.");
Assert.AreNotEqual(0, maxPageCount.Length, "Persistence MaxPageCount should not be empty.");
Assert.IsNotNull(pageSize, "Persistence PageSize should not be null.");
Assert.AreNotEqual(0, pageSize.Length, "Persistence PageSize should not be empty.");
Util.Log("****Attributes of Root2 are correctly set****");
Apache.Geode.Client.RegionAttributes<object, object> attrs3 = region3.Attributes;
//Util.Log("Attributes of root region Root1 are: ");
Assert.AreEqual(35, attrs3.LruEntriesLimit);
Assert.AreEqual(10, attrs3.ConcurrencyLevel);
Assert.AreEqual(25, attrs3.InitialCapacity);
Assert.AreEqual(20, attrs3.RegionIdleTimeout);
Assert.AreEqual(ExpirationAction.Destroy, attrs3.RegionIdleTimeoutAction);
Assert.AreEqual(DiskPolicyType.Overflows, attrs3.DiskPolicy);
Util.Log(" persistence library1 = " + attrs3.PersistenceLibrary);
Util.Log(" persistence function1 = " + attrs3.PersistenceFactory);
Properties<string, string> pconfig3 = attrs.PersistenceProperties;
Assert.IsNotNull(pconfig3, "Persistence properties should not be null for root1.");
Assert.IsNotNull(pconfig3.Find("PersistenceDirectory"), "Persistence directory should not be null.");
Assert.AreNotEqual(0, pconfig3.Find("PersistenceDirectory").Length, "Persistence directory should not be empty.");
Assert.IsNotNull(pconfig3.Find("MaxPageCount"), "Persistence MaxPageCount should not be null.");
Assert.AreNotEqual(0, pconfig3.Find("MaxPageCount").Length, "Persistence MaxPageCount should not be empty.");
Assert.IsNotNull(pconfig3.Find("PageSize"), "Persistence PageSize should not be null.");
Assert.AreNotEqual(0, pconfig3.Find("PageSize"), "Persistence PageSize should not be empty.");
Util.Log("****Attributes of Root1 are correctly set****");
if (!cache.IsClosed)
////////////////////////////testing of cache.xml completed///////////////////
Util.Log("Create cache with the configurations provided in the invalid_overflowAttr1.xml.");
Util.Log("Non existent XML; exception should be thrown");
cachePath = CacheHelper.TestDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "non-existent.xml";
cache = new CacheFactory().Set("cache-xml-file", cachePath).Create();
Assert.Fail("Creation of cache with non-existent.xml should fail!");
catch (CacheXmlException ex)
Util.Log("Expected exception with non-existent.xml: {0}", ex);
Util.Log("This is a well-formed xml....attributes not provided for persistence manager. exception should be thrown");
cachePath = CacheHelper.TestDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "invalid_overflowAttr1.xml";
cache = new CacheFactory().Set("cache-xml-file", cachePath).Create();
Assert.Fail("Creation of cache with invalid_overflowAttr1.xml should fail!");
catch (IllegalStateException ex)
Util.Log("Expected exception with invalid_overflowAttr1.xml: {0}", ex);
///////////////testing of invalid_overflowAttr1.xml completed///////////////////
Util.Log("Create cache with the configurations provided in the invalid_overflowAttr2.xml.");
Util.Log("This is a well-formed xml....attribute values is not provided for persistence library name......should throw an exception");
cachePath = CacheHelper.TestDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "invalid_overflowAttr2.xml";
cache = new CacheFactory().Set("cache-xml-file", cachePath).Create();
Assert.Fail("Creation of cache with invalid_overflowAttr2.xml should fail!");
catch (CacheXmlException ex)
Util.Log("Expected exception with invalid_overflowAttr2.xml: {0}", ex);
///////////////testing of invalid_overflowAttr2.xml completed///////////////////
Util.Log("Create cache with the configurations provided in the invalid_overflowAttr3.xml.");
Util.Log("This is a well-formed xml....but region-attributes for persistence invalid......should throw an exception");
cachePath = CacheHelper.TestDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "invalid_overflowAttr3.xml";
cache = new CacheFactory().Set("cache-xml-file", cachePath).Create();
Assert.Fail("Creation of cache with invalid_overflowAttr3.xml should fail!");
catch (CacheXmlException ex)
Util.Log("Expected exception with invalid_overflowAttr3.xml: {0}", ex);
///////////////testing of invalid_overflowAttr3.xml completed///////////////////
catch (Exception ex)
Assert.Fail("Caught exception: {0}", ex);
if (cache != null && !cache.IsClosed)