blob: 09d8d1946d8d25dad09ee2629f1a1bdb08c9ff35 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <atomic>
#include <chrono>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
#include <geode/ExceptionTypes.hpp>
#include <geode/internal/geode_globals.hpp>
#include "StatArchiveWriter.hpp"
#include "StatSamplerStats.hpp"
#include "StatisticDescriptor.hpp"
#include "Statistics.hpp"
#include "StatisticsManager.hpp"
#include "StatisticsType.hpp"
#define GEMFIRE_MAX_STATS_FILE_LIMIT (1024 * 1024 * 1024)
#define GEMFIRE_MAX_STAT_DISK_LIMIT (1024LL * 1024LL * 1024LL * 1024LL)
namespace apache {
namespace geode {
namespace statistics {
using apache::geode::client::CacheImpl;
using std::chrono::system_clock;
class StatArchiveWriter;
class StatisticsManager;
* HostStatSampler implements a thread which will monitor, sample and archive
* statistics. It only has the common functionalities which any sampler needs.
class HostStatSampler {
HostStatSampler(const char* filePath,
std::chrono::milliseconds sampleIntervalMs,
StatisticsManager* statMngr, CacheImpl* cache,
int64_t statFileLimit = 0, int64_t statDiskSpaceLimit = 0);
HostStatSampler(const HostStatSampler&) = delete;
HostStatSampler& operator=(const HostStatSampler&) = delete;
* Adds the pid to the archive file passed to it.
std::string createArchiveFileName();
* Returns the archiveFileName
std::string getArchiveFileName();
* Gets the archive size limit in bytes.
int64_t getArchiveFileSizeLimit();
* Gets the archive disk space limit in bytes.
int64_t getArchiveDiskSpaceLimit();
* Gets the sample rate in milliseconds
std::chrono::milliseconds getSampleRate();
* Returns true if sampling is enabled.
bool isSamplingEnabled();
* Called when this sampler has spent some time working and wants
* it to be accounted for.
void accountForTimeSpentWorking(int64_t nanosSpentWorking);
* Returns true if the specified statistic resource still exists.
bool statisticsExists(int64_t id);
* Returns the statistics resource instance given its id.
Statistics* findStatistics(int64_t id);
* Returns the number of statistics object the manager has.
int32_t getStatisticsModCount();
* Gets list mutex for synchronization
std::recursive_mutex& getStatListMutex();
* Returns a vector of ptrs to all the current statistic resource instances.
std::vector<Statistics*>& getStatistics();
* Returns a vector of ptrs to all the newly added statistics resource
* instances.
std::vector<Statistics*>& getNewStatistics();
* Returns a unique id for the sampler's system.
int64_t getSystemId();
* Returns the time this sampler's system was started.
system_clock::time_point getSystemStartTime();
* Returns the path to this sampler's system directory; if it has one.
std::string getSystemDirectoryPath();
* Returns a description of the product that the stats are on
std::string getProductDescription();
* If the size of the archive file exceeds the size limit then the sampler
* starts writing in a new file. The path of the new file need to be
* obtained from the manager.
void changeArchive(std::string);
void checkListeners();
void writeGfs();
void forceSample();
void doSample(std::string& archivefilename);
* If the total size of all the archive files exceeds the archive disk space
* limit then the older
* files are deleted.
void checkDiskLimit();
* Starts the main thread for this service.
void start();
* Tell this service's main thread to terminate.
void stop();
* The function executed by the thread
void svc(void);
* Method to know whether the sampling thread is running or not.
bool isRunning();
std::recursive_mutex m_samplingLock;
bool m_adminError;
std::thread m_thread;
std::atomic<bool> m_running;
std::atomic<bool> m_stopRequested;
std::atomic<bool> m_isStatDiskSpaceEnabled;
std::unique_ptr<StatArchiveWriter> m_archiver;
StatSamplerStats* m_samplerStats;
const char* m_durableClientId;
std::chrono::seconds m_durableTimeout;
std::string m_archiveFileName;
int64_t m_archiveFileSizeLimit;
int64_t m_archiveDiskSpaceLimit;
std::chrono::milliseconds m_sampleRate;
StatisticsManager* m_statMngr;
CacheImpl* m_cache;
int64_t m_pid;
system_clock::time_point m_startTime;
std::string initStatFileWithExt();
* The archiveFile, after it exceeds archiveFileSizeLimit should be rolled
* to a new file name. This integer rollIndex will be used to format the
* file name into which the current archiveFile will be renamed.
int32_t rollIndex;
* This function rolls the existing archive file
int32_t rollArchive(std::string filename);
* This function check whether the filename has gfs ext or not
* If it is not there it adds and then returns the new filename.
std::string chkForGFSExt(std::string filename);
* Initialize any special sampler stats. Like ProcessStats, HostStats
void initSpecialStats();
* Collect samples of the special tests.
void sampleSpecialStats();
* Closes down anything initialied by initSpecialStats.
void closeSpecialStats();
* Update New Stats in Admin Region.
void putStatsInAdminRegion();
static const char* NC_HSS_Thread;
} // namespace statistics
} // namespace geode
} // namespace apache