blob: 5ff14fa95b46b3df9b204fce2bc7cdceb6c15e52 [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#ifndef APACHE_GEODE_GUARD_6db2d9020b4eb2dea09007c460e08e85
#define APACHE_GEODE_GUARD_6db2d9020b4eb2dea09007c460e08e85
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <gfcpp/PdxSerializable.hpp>
#include <gfcpp/GeodeCppCache.hpp>
#include <gfcpp/PdxWriter.hpp>
#include <gfcpp/PdxReader.hpp>
#ifdef _WIN32
using namespace apache::geode::client;
#define GFIGNORE(X) X
#define GFID
namespace PdxTestsAuto {
int32_t m_a;
int32_t m_b;
inline void init() {
this->m_a = 1;
this->m_b = 2;
GrandParent() { init(); }
int32_t getMember_a() { return m_a; }
int32_t getMember_b() { return m_b; }
class GFIGNORE(TESTOBJECT_EXPORT) Parent : public GrandParent {
int32_t m_c;
int32_t m_d;
inline void init() {
this->m_c = 3;
this->m_d = 4;
int32_t getMember_c() { return m_c; }
int32_t getMember_d() { return m_d; }
Parent() { init(); }
class Child;
typedef SharedPtr<Child> ChildPtr;
class GFIGNORE(TESTOBJECT_EXPORT) Child : public Parent,
public PdxSerializable {
int32_t m_e;
int32_t m_f;
inline void init() {
this->m_e = 5;
this->m_f = 6;
Child() { init(); }
int32_t getMember_e() { return m_e; }
int32_t getMember_f() { return m_f; }
CacheableStringPtr toString() const {
char idbuf[512];
sprintf(idbuf, " Child:: %d %d %d %d %d %d ", m_a, m_b, m_c, m_d, m_e, m_f);
return CacheableString::create(idbuf);
const char* getClassName() const; /* {
return "PdxTestsAuto.Child";
using PdxSerializable::toData;
using PdxSerializable::fromData;
void toData(PdxWriterPtr pw); /* {
pw->writeInt("m_a", m_a);
pw->writeInt("m_b", m_b);
pw->writeInt("m_c", m_c);
pw->writeInt("m_d", m_d);
pw->writeInt("m_e", m_e);
pw->writeInt("m_f", m_f);
void fromData(PdxReaderPtr pr); /*
m_a = pr->readInt("m_a");
m_b = pr->readInt("m_b");
m_c = pr->readInt("m_c");
m_d = pr->readInt("m_d");
m_e = pr->readInt("m_e");
m_f = pr->readInt("m_f");
static PdxSerializable* createDeserializable(); /* {
return new Child();
bool equals(PdxSerializablePtr obj) {
if (obj == NULLPTR) return false;
ChildPtr pap = dynCast<ChildPtr>(obj);
if (pap == NULLPTR) return false;
if (pap == this) return true;
if (m_a == pap->m_a && m_b == pap->m_b && m_c == pap->m_c &&
m_d == pap->m_d && m_e == pap->m_e && m_f == pap->m_f) {
return true;
return false;
class GFIGNORE(TESTOBJECT_EXPORT) CharTypes : public PdxSerializable {
char m_ch;
wchar_t m_widechar;
char* m_chArray;
wchar_t* m_widecharArray;
GFARRAYSIZE(m_chArray) int32_t m_charArrayLen;
GFARRAYSIZE(m_widecharArray) int32_t m_wcharArrayLen;
inline void init() {
m_ch = 'C';
m_widechar = L'a';
m_chArray = new char[2];
m_chArray[0] = 'X';
m_chArray[1] = 'Y';
m_widecharArray = new wchar_t[2];
m_widecharArray[0] = L'x';
m_widecharArray[1] = L'y';
m_charArrayLen = 2;
m_wcharArrayLen = 2;
CharTypes() { init(); }
CacheableStringPtr toString() const {
char idbuf[1024];
sprintf(idbuf, "%c %lc %c %c %lc %lc", m_ch, m_widechar, m_chArray[0],
m_chArray[1], m_widecharArray[0], m_widecharArray[1]);
return CacheableString::create(idbuf);
bool equals(CharTypes& other) const {
LOGDEBUG("Inside CharTypes equals");
CharTypes* ot = dynamic_cast<CharTypes*>(&other);
if (ot == NULL) {
return false;
if (ot == this) {
return true;
"CharTypes::equals ot->m_ch = %c m_ch = %c AND ot->m_widechar = %lc "
"m_widechar = %lc",
ot->m_ch, m_ch, ot->m_widechar, m_widechar);
if (ot->m_ch != m_ch || ot->m_widechar != m_widechar) {
return false;
int i = 0;
while (i < 2) {
"CharTypes::equals Normal char array values ot->m_chArray[%d] = %c "
"m_chArray[%d] = %c",
i, ot->m_chArray[i], i, m_chArray[i]);
"CharTypes::equals Wide char array values ot->m_widecharArray[%d] = "
"%lc m_widecharArray[%d] = %lc",
i, ot->m_widecharArray[i], i, m_widecharArray[i]);
if (ot->m_chArray[i] != m_chArray[i] ||
ot->m_widecharArray[i] != m_widecharArray[i]) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
const char* getClassName() const; /* {
return "PdxTestsAuto.CharTypes";
using PdxSerializable::toData;
using PdxSerializable::fromData;
void toData(PdxWriterPtr pw); /*{
pw->writeChar("m_ch", m_ch);
pw->writeWideChar("m_widechar", m_widechar);
pw->writeCharArray("m_chArray", m_chArray, 2);
m_widecharArray, 2);
void fromData(PdxReaderPtr pr); /*
m_ch = pr->readChar("m_ch");
m_widechar = pr->readWideChar("m_widechar");
m_chArray = pr->readCharArray("m_chArray",
m_widecharArray =
static PdxSerializable* createDeserializable(); /*{
return new CharTypes();
typedef SharedPtr<CharTypes> CharTypesPtr;
class GFIGNORE(TESTOBJECT_EXPORT) Address : public PdxSerializable {
int32_t _aptNumber;
char* _street;
char* _city;
Address() {}
CacheableStringPtr toString() const {
char idbuf[1024];
sprintf(idbuf, "%d %s %s", _aptNumber, _street, _city);
return CacheableString::create(idbuf);
Address(int32_t aptN, const char* street, const char* city) {
_aptNumber = aptN;
_street = const_cast<char*>(street);
_city = const_cast<char*>(city);
bool equals(Address& other) const {
LOGDEBUG("Inside Address equals");
Address* ot = dynamic_cast<Address*>(&other);
if (ot == NULL) {
return false;
if (ot == this) {
return true;
if (ot->_aptNumber != _aptNumber) {
return false;
if (strcmp(ot->_street, _street) != 0) {
return false;
if (strcmp(ot->_city, _city) != 0) {
return false;
return true;
const char* getClassName() const; /* {
return "PdxTestsAuto.Address";
using PdxSerializable::toData;
using PdxSerializable::fromData;
void toData(PdxWriterPtr pw); /*const*/ //{
// pw->writeInt("_aptNumber", _aptNumber);//4
// pw->writeString("_street", _street);
// pw->writeString("_city", _city);
void fromData(PdxReaderPtr pr);
// _aptNumber = pr->readInt("_aptNumber");
// _street = pr->readString("_street");
// _city = pr->readString("_city");
static PdxSerializable* createDeserializable(); /*{
return new Address();
int32_t getAptNum() { return _aptNumber; }
const char* getStreet() { return _street; }
const char* getCity() { return _city; }
/*static AddressPtr create(int32_t aptN, char* street, char* city)
AddressPtr str = NULLPTR;
if (value != NULL) {
str = new Address();
return str;
typedef SharedPtr<Address> AddressPtr;
enum pdxEnumTest { pdx1, pdx2, pdx3 };
class GFIGNORE(TESTOBJECT_EXPORT) PdxType : public PdxSerializable {
int8_t** m_byteByteArray;
GFARRAYSIZE(m_byteByteArray) int32_t byteByteArrayLen;
GFARRAYELEMSIZE(m_byteByteArray) int* lengthArr;
GFID wchar_t m_char;
GFID bool m_bool;
GFID bool* m_boolArray;
GFARRAYSIZE(m_boolArray) int32_t boolArrayLen;
GFID int8_t m_byte;
GFID int8_t* m_byteArray;
GFARRAYSIZE(m_byteArray) int32_t byteArrayLen;
GFID wchar_t* m_charArray;
GFARRAYSIZE(m_charArray) int32_t charArrayLen;
GFID CacheableArrayListPtr m_arraylist;
GFID CacheableHashMapPtr m_map;
GFID CacheableHashTablePtr m_hashtable;
GFID CacheableVectorPtr m_vector;
GFID CacheableHashSetPtr m_chs;
GFID CacheableLinkedHashSetPtr m_clhs;
GFID char* m_string;
GFID CacheableDatePtr m_dateTime;
GFID double m_double;
GFID double* m_doubleArray;
GFARRAYSIZE(m_doubleArray) int32_t doubleArrayLen;
GFID float m_float;
GFID float* m_floatArray;
GFARRAYSIZE(m_floatArray) int32_t floatArrayLen;
GFID int16_t m_int16;
GFID int32_t m_int32;
GFID int64_t m_long;
GFID int32_t* m_int32Array;
GFARRAYSIZE(m_int32Array) int32_t intArrayLen;
GFID int64_t* m_longArray;
GFARRAYSIZE(m_longArray) int32_t longArrayLen;
GFID int16_t* m_int16Array;
GFARRAYSIZE(m_int16Array) int32_t shortArrayLen;
GFID int8_t m_sbyte;
GFID int8_t* m_sbyteArray;
GFARRAYSIZE(m_sbyteArray) int32_t m_sbyteArrayLen;
GFID char** m_stringArray;
GFARRAYSIZE(m_stringArray) int32_t strLenArray;
GFID int16_t m_uint16;
GFID int32_t m_uint32;
GFID int64_t m_ulong;
GFID int32_t* m_uint32Array;
GFARRAYSIZE(m_uint32Array) int32_t m_uint32ArrayLen;
GFID int64_t* m_ulongArray;
GFARRAYSIZE(m_ulongArray) int32_t m_ulongArrayLen;
GFID int16_t* m_uint16Array;
GFARRAYSIZE(m_uint16Array) int32_t m_uint16ArrayLen;
GFID int8_t* m_byte252;
GFARRAYSIZE(m_byte252) int32_t m_byte252Len;
GFID int8_t* m_byte253;
GFARRAYSIZE(m_byte253) int32_t m_byte253Len;
GFID int8_t* m_byte65535;
GFARRAYSIZE(m_byte65535) int32_t m_byte65535Len;
GFID int8_t* m_byte65536;
GFARRAYSIZE(m_byte65536) int32_t m_byte65536Len;
GFID CacheablePtr m_pdxEnum;
GFEXCLUDE Address* m_add[10];
CacheableObjectArrayPtr m_address;
inline void init() {
lengthArr = new int[2];
lengthArr[0] = 1;
lengthArr[1] = 2;
m_char = 'C';
m_bool = true;
m_byte = 0x74;
m_sbyte = 0x67;
m_int16 = 0xab;
m_uint16 = 0x2dd5;
m_int32 = 0x2345abdc;
m_uint32 = 0x2a65c434;
m_long = 324897980;
m_ulong = 238749898;
m_float = 23324.324f;
m_double = 3243298498.00;
m_string = (char*)"gfestring";
m_boolArray = new bool[3];
m_boolArray[0] = true;
m_boolArray[1] = false;
m_boolArray[2] = true;
/*for(int i=0; i<3; i++){
m_boolArray[i] = true;
m_byteArray = new int8_t[2];
m_byteArray[0] = 0x34;
m_byteArray[1] = 0x64;
m_sbyteArray = new int8_t[2];
m_sbyteArray[0] = 0x34;
m_sbyteArray[1] = 0x64;
m_charArray = new wchar_t[2];
m_charArray[0] = L'c';
m_charArray[1] = L'v';
// time_t offset = 1310447869154L;
// m_date = CacheableDate::create(offset);
struct timeval now;
now.tv_sec = 1310447869;
now.tv_usec = 154000;
m_dateTime = CacheableDate::create(now);
m_int16Array = new int16_t[2];
m_int16Array[0] = 0x2332;
m_int16Array[1] = 0x4545;
m_uint16Array = new int16_t[2];
m_uint16Array[0] = 0x3243;
m_uint16Array[1] = 0x3232;
m_int32Array = new int32_t[4];
m_int32Array[0] = 23;
m_int32Array[1] = 676868;
m_int32Array[2] = 34343;
m_int32Array[3] = 2323;
m_uint32Array = new int32_t[4];
m_uint32Array[0] = 435;
m_uint32Array[1] = 234324;
m_uint32Array[2] = 324324;
m_uint32Array[3] = 23432432;
m_longArray = new int64_t[2];
m_longArray[0] = 324324L;
m_longArray[1] = 23434545L;
m_ulongArray = new int64_t[2];
m_ulongArray[0] = 3245435;
m_ulongArray[1] = 3425435;
m_floatArray = new float[2];
m_floatArray[0] = 232.565f;
m_floatArray[1] = 2343254.67f;
m_doubleArray = new double[2];
m_doubleArray[0] = 23423432;
m_doubleArray[1] = 4324235435.00;
m_byteByteArray = new int8_t*[2];
// for(int i=0; i<2; i++){
// m_byteByteArray[i] = new int8_t[1];
m_byteByteArray[0] = new int8_t[1];
m_byteByteArray[1] = new int8_t[2];
m_byteByteArray[0][0] = 0x23;
m_byteByteArray[1][0] = 0x34;
m_byteByteArray[1][1] = 0x55;
m_stringArray = new char*[2];
const char* str1 = "one";
const char* str2 = "two";
int size = static_cast<int>(strlen(str1));
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
m_stringArray[i] = new char[size];
m_stringArray[0] = const_cast<char*>(str1);
m_stringArray[1] = const_cast<char*>(str2);
m_arraylist = CacheableArrayList::create();
m_map = CacheableHashMap::create();
m_map->insert(CacheableInt32::create(1), CacheableInt32::create(1));
m_map->insert(CacheableInt32::create(2), CacheableInt32::create(2));
m_hashtable = CacheableHashTable::create();
m_vector = CacheableVector::create();
m_chs = CacheableHashSet::create();
m_clhs = CacheableLinkedHashSet::create();
m_pdxEnum = CacheableEnum::create("PdxTests.pdxEnumTest", "pdx2", pdx2);
m_add[0] = new Address(1, "street0", "city0");
m_add[1] = new Address(2, "street1", "city1");
m_add[2] = new Address(3, "street2", "city2");
m_add[3] = new Address(4, "street3", "city3");
m_add[4] = new Address(5, "street4", "city4");
m_add[5] = new Address(6, "street5", "city5");
m_add[6] = new Address(7, "street6", "city6");
m_add[7] = new Address(8, "street7", "city7");
m_add[8] = new Address(9, "street8", "city8");
m_add[9] = new Address(10, "street9", "city9");
m_address = NULLPTR;
m_address = CacheableObjectArray::create();
m_address->push_back(AddressPtr(new Address(1, "street0", "city0")));
m_address->push_back(AddressPtr(new Address(2, "street1", "city1")));
m_address->push_back(AddressPtr(new Address(3, "street2", "city2")));
m_address->push_back(AddressPtr(new Address(4, "street3", "city3")));
m_address->push_back(AddressPtr(new Address(5, "street4", "city4")));
m_address->push_back(AddressPtr(new Address(6, "street5", "city5")));
m_address->push_back(AddressPtr(new Address(7, "street6", "city6")));
m_address->push_back(AddressPtr(new Address(8, "street7", "city7")));
m_address->push_back(AddressPtr(new Address(9, "street8", "city8")));
m_address->push_back(AddressPtr(new Address(10, "street9", "city9")));
m_byte252 = new int8_t[252];
for (int i = 0; i < 252; i++) {
m_byte252[i] = 0;
m_byte253 = new int8_t[253];
for (int i = 0; i < 253; i++) {
m_byte253[i] = 0;
m_byte65535 = new int8_t[65535];
for (int i = 0; i < 65535; i++) {
m_byte65535[i] = 0;
m_byte65536 = new int8_t[65536];
for (int i = 0; i < 65536; i++) {
m_byte65536[i] = 0;
boolArrayLen = 3;
byteArrayLen = 2;
shortArrayLen = m_uint16ArrayLen = 2;
intArrayLen = m_uint32ArrayLen = 4;
longArrayLen = m_ulongArrayLen = 2;
doubleArrayLen = 2;
floatArrayLen = 2;
strLenArray = 2;
charArrayLen = 2;
byteByteArrayLen = 2;
m_sbyteArrayLen = 2;
lengthArr = new int[2];
lengthArr[0] = 1;
lengthArr[1] = 2;
m_byte252Len = 252;
m_byte253Len = 253;
m_byte65535Len = 65535;
m_byte65536Len = 65536;
PdxType() { init(); }
inline bool compareBool(bool b, bool b2) {
if (b == b2) return b;
throw IllegalStateException("Not got expected value for bool type: ");
virtual ~PdxType() {}
virtual uint32_t objectSize() const {
uint32_t objectSize = sizeof(PdxType);
return objectSize;
wchar_t getChar() { return m_char; }
wchar_t* getCharArray() { return m_charArray; }
int8_t** getArrayOfByteArrays() { return m_byteByteArray; }
bool getBool() { return m_bool; }
CacheableHashMapPtr getHashMap() { return m_map; }
int8_t getSByte() { return m_sbyte; }
int16_t getUint16() { return m_uint16; }
int32_t getUInt() { return m_uint32; }
int64_t getULong() { return m_ulong; }
int16_t* getUInt16Array() { return m_uint16Array; }
int32_t* getUIntArray() { return m_uint32Array; }
int64_t* getULongArray() { return m_ulongArray; }
int8_t* getByte252() { return m_byte252; }
int8_t* getByte253() { return m_byte253; }
int8_t* getByte65535() { return m_byte65535; }
int8_t* getByte65536() { return m_byte65536; }
int8_t* getSByteArray() { return m_sbyteArray; }
CacheableHashSetPtr getHashSet() { return m_chs; }
CacheableLinkedHashSetPtr getLinkedHashSet() { return m_clhs; }
CacheableArrayListPtr getArrayList() { return m_arraylist; }
CacheableHashTablePtr getHashTable() { return m_hashtable; }
CacheableVectorPtr getVector() { return m_vector; }
int8_t getByte() { return m_byte; }
int16_t getShort() { return m_int16; }
int32_t getInt() { return m_int32; }
int64_t getLong() { return m_long; }
float getFloat() { return m_float; }
double getDouble() { return m_double; }
const char* getString() { return m_string; }
bool* getBoolArray() { return m_boolArray; }
int8_t* getByteArray() { return m_byteArray; }
int16_t* getShortArray() { return m_int16Array; }
int32_t* getIntArray() { return m_int32Array; }
int64_t* getLongArray() { return m_longArray; }
double* getDoubleArray() { return m_doubleArray; }
float* getFloatArray() { return m_floatArray; }
char** getStringArray() { return m_stringArray; }
CacheableDatePtr getDate() { return m_dateTime; }
CacheableObjectArrayPtr getCacheableObjectArray() { return m_address; }
CacheableEnumPtr getEnum() { return m_pdxEnum; }
int32_t getByteArrayLength() { return byteArrayLen; }
int32_t getBoolArrayLength() { return boolArrayLen; }
int32_t getShortArrayLength() { return shortArrayLen; }
int32_t getStringArrayLength() { return strLenArray; }
int32_t getIntArrayLength() { return intArrayLen; }
int32_t getLongArrayLength() { return longArrayLen; }
int32_t getFloatArrayLength() { return floatArrayLen; }
int32_t getDoubleArrayLength() { return doubleArrayLen; }
int32_t getbyteByteArrayLength() { return byteByteArrayLen; }
int32_t getCharArrayLength() { return charArrayLen; }
using PdxSerializable::toData;
using PdxSerializable::fromData;
virtual void toData(PdxWriterPtr pw) /*const*/;
virtual void fromData(PdxReaderPtr pr);
CacheableStringPtr toString() const;
const char* getClassName() const; /* {
return "PdxTestsAuto.PdxType";
static PdxSerializable* createDeserializable(); /* {
return new PdxType();
bool equals(PdxTestsAuto::PdxType& other, bool isPdxReadSerialized) const;
template <typename T1, typename T2>
bool genericValCompare(T1 value1, T2 value2) const;
template <typename T1, typename T2>
bool genericCompare(T1* value1, T2* value2, int length) const;
template <typename T1, typename T2>
bool generic2DCompare(T1** value1, T2** value2, int length,
int* arrLengths) const;
typedef SharedPtr<PdxTestsAuto::PdxType> PdxTypePtr;
} // namespace PdxTestsAuto
#endif // APACHE_GEODE_GUARD_6db2d9020b4eb2dea09007c460e08e85