blob: 12e754f98f58917f3e3ed093a5a3bfc90b2d8596 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define ROOT_NAME "testCache"
#include <gfcpp/GeodeCppCache.hpp>
#include <CacheRegionHelper.hpp>
#include "fw_helper.hpp"
using namespace apache::geode::client;
using namespace test;
char* host_name = (char*)"TESTCACHE";
uint16_t port ATTR_UNUSED = 0;
const uint32_t totalSubRegions = 3;
char* regionName = (char*)"TESTCACHE_ROOT_REGION";
char* subRegionName1 = (char*)"TESTCACHE_SUB_REGION1";
char* subRegionName2 = (char*)"TESTCACHE_SUB_REGION2";
char* subRegionName21 = (char*)"TESTCACHE_SUB_REGION21";
CachePtr cptr;
if (cptr != NULLPTR) {
cout << "cptr is not null" << endl;
cout << "create Cache with name=" << host_name << " and unitialized system"
<< endl;
CacheFactoryPtr cacheFactoryPtr = CacheFactory::createCacheFactory();
cptr = cacheFactoryPtr->create();
AttributesFactory attrFac;
RegionAttributesPtr rAttr;
cout << "create RegionAttributes" << endl;
try {
rAttr = attrFac.createRegionAttributes();
} catch (Exception& ex) {
cout << ex.getMessage() << endl;
ASSERT(false, "attribute create failed");
if (rAttr == NULLPTR) {
cout << "Warnning! : AttributesFactory returned NULL" << endl;
RegionPtr rptr;
if (rptr != NULLPTR) {
cout << "rptr is not null" << endl;
cout << "create Region with name=" << regionName << endl;
try {
CacheImpl* cacheImpl = CacheRegionHelper::getCacheImpl(cptr.ptr());
cacheImpl->createRegion(regionName, rAttr, rptr);
} catch (Exception& ex) {
cout << ex.getMessage() << endl;
ASSERT(false, (char*)"attribute create failed");
cout << "create Sub Region with name=" << subRegionName1 << endl;
RegionPtr subRptr1;
try {
subRptr1 = rptr->createSubregion(subRegionName1, rAttr);
} catch (Exception& ex) {
cout << ex.getMessage() << endl;
ASSERT(false, (char*)"subregion create failed");
cout << "create Sub Region with name=" << subRegionName2 << endl;
RegionPtr subRptr2;
try {
subRptr2 = rptr->createSubregion(subRegionName2, rAttr);
} catch (Exception& ex) {
cout << ex.getMessage() << endl;
ASSERT(false, (char*)"subregion create failed");
cout << "create Sub Region with name=" << subRegionName21
<< "inside region=" << subRegionName2 << endl;
RegionPtr subRptr21;
try {
subRptr21 = subRptr2->createSubregion(subRegionName21, rAttr);
} catch (Exception& ex) {
cout << ex.getMessage() << endl;
ASSERT(false, (char*)"subregion create failed");
VectorOfRegion vr;
rptr->subregions(true, vr);
cout << " vr.size=" << vr.size() << endl;
ASSERT(vr.size() == totalSubRegions, "Number of Subregions does not match");
cout << "sub regions:" << endl;
uint32_t i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < static_cast<uint32_t>(vr.size()); i++) {
cout << "vc[" << i << "]=" <<>getName() << endl;
VectorOfRegion vrp;
cout << "get cache root regions" << endl;
cout << " vrp.size=" << vrp.size() << endl;
cout << "root regions in Cache:" << endl;
for (i = 0; i < static_cast<uint32_t>(vrp.size()); i++) {
cout << "vc[" << i << "]=" <<>getName() << endl;
std::string root(regionName);
std::string subRegion2(subRegionName2);
std::string subRegion1(subRegionName1);
std::string subRegion21(subRegionName21);
std::string sptor("/");
subRegion2 = root + sptor + subRegion2;
cout << "subRegion2=" << subRegion2.c_str() << endl;
subRegion1 = root + sptor + subRegion1;
cout << "subRegion1=" << subRegion1.c_str() << endl;
subRegion21 = subRegion2 + sptor + subRegion21;
cout << "subRegion21=" << subRegion21.c_str() << endl;
RegionPtr region;
cout << "find region:" << regionName << endl;
try {
region = cptr->getRegion(root.c_str());
} catch (Exception& ex) {
cout << ex.getMessage() << endl;
ASSERT(false, (char*)"getRegion");
if (region == NULLPTR) {
ASSERT(false, (char*)"did not find it");
} else {
cout << "found :" << region->getName() << endl;
cout << "find region:" << subRegionName1 << endl;
try {
region = cptr->getRegion(subRegion1.c_str());
} catch (Exception& ex) {
cout << ex.getMessage() << endl;
ASSERT(false, (char*)"getRegion");
if (region == NULLPTR) {
ASSERT(false, (char*)"did not find it");
} else {
cout << "found :" << region->getName() << endl;
cout << "find region:" << subRegionName21 << endl;
try {
region = cptr->getRegion(subRegion21.c_str());
} catch (Exception& ex) {
cout << ex.getMessage() << endl;
ASSERT(false, (char*)"getRegion");
if (region == NULLPTR) {
ASSERT(false, (char*)"did not find it");
} else {
cout << "found :" << region->getName() << endl;
subRegion21 = sptor + subRegion21;
cout << "find region:" << subRegionName21 << endl;
try {
region = cptr->getRegion(subRegion21.c_str());
} catch (Exception& ex) {
cout << ex.getMessage() << endl;
ASSERT(false, (char*)"getRegion");
if (region == NULLPTR) {
ASSERT(false, (char*)"did not find it");
} else {
cout << "found :" << region->getName() << endl;
const char notExist[] = "/NotExistentRegion";
cout << "find region:" << notExist << endl;
try {
region = cptr->getRegion(notExist);
} catch (Exception& ex) {
cout << ex.getMessage() << endl;
ASSERT(false, (char*)"getRegion");
if (region == NULLPTR) {
cout << "not found !" << endl;
} else {
ASSERT(false, (char*)"found it");