blob: f7a2bf82b625d098860eb73eba091e863c8bc5f5 [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
#include "gfcpp_globals.hpp"
#include "gf_types.hpp"
#include "CacheLoader.hpp"
#include "ExpirationAttributes.hpp"
#include "CacheWriter.hpp"
#include "CacheListener.hpp"
#include "PartitionResolver.hpp"
#include "Properties.hpp"
#include "Serializable.hpp"
#include "DiskPolicyType.hpp"
#include "PersistenceManager.hpp"
namespace apache {
namespace geode {
namespace client {
class CacheImpl;
* @class RegionAttributes RegionAttributes.hpp
* Defines attributes for configuring a region.
* These are
* <code>CacheListener</code>, <code>CacheLoader</code>,
* <code>CacheWriter</code>,
* scope expiration attributes
* for the region itself; expiration attributes for the region entries;
* and whether statistics are enabled for the region and its entries.
* To create an instance of this interface, use {@link
* AttributesFactory::createRegionAttributes}.
* For compatibility rules and default values, see {@link AttributesFactory}.
* <p>Note that the <code>RegionAttributes</code> are not distributed with the
* region.
* @see AttributesFactory
* @see AttributesMutator
* @see Region::getAttributes
class AttributesFactory;
class AttributesMutator;
class Cache;
class Region;
class CPPCACHE_EXPORT RegionAttributes : public Serializable {
* @brief public static methods
/** Gets the cache loader for the region.
* @return a pointer that points to the region's ,
* <code>CacheLoader</code> , NULLPTR if there is no CacheLoader for this
* region.
CacheLoaderPtr getCacheLoader();
/** Gets the cache writer for the region.
* @return a pointer that points to the region's ,
* <code>CacheWriter</code> , NULLPTR if there is no CacheWriter for this
* region
CacheWriterPtr getCacheWriter();
/** Gets the cache listener for the region.
* @return a pointer that points to the region's ,
* <code>CacheListener</code> , NULLPTR if there is no CacheListener defined
* for this region.
CacheListenerPtr getCacheListener();
/** Gets the partition resolver for the partition region.
* @return a pointer that points to the region's ,
* <code>PartitionResolver</code> , NULLPTR if there is no PartitionResolver
* defined
* for this region.
PartitionResolverPtr getPartitionResolver();
/** Gets the <code>timeToLive</code> expiration attributes for the region as a
* whole.
* @return the timeToLive expiration attributes for this region
int getRegionTimeToLive();
ExpirationAction::Action getRegionTimeToLiveAction();
/** Gets the idleTimeout expiration attributes for the region as a whole.
* @return the IdleTimeout expiration attributes for this region
int getRegionIdleTimeout();
ExpirationAction::Action getRegionIdleTimeoutAction();
/** Gets the <code>timeToLive</code> expiration attributes for entries in this
* region.
* @return the timeToLive expiration attributes for entries in this region
int getEntryTimeToLive();
ExpirationAction::Action getEntryTimeToLiveAction();
/** Gets the <code>idleTimeout</code> expiration attributes for entries in
* this region.
* @return the idleTimeout expiration attributes for entries in this region
int getEntryIdleTimeout();
ExpirationAction::Action getEntryIdleTimeoutAction();
* If true, this region will store data in the current process.
* @return true or false, indicating cachingEnabled state.
inline bool getCachingEnabled() const { return m_caching; }
/** Returns the initial capacity of the entry's local cache.
* @return the initial capacity of the entry's local cache
int getInitialCapacity() const;
/** Returns the load factor of the entry's local cache.
* @return the load factor of the entry's local cache
float getLoadFactor() const;
/** Returns the concurrencyLevel of the entry's local cache.
* @return the concurrencyLevel
* @see AttributesFactory
uint8_t getConcurrencyLevel() const;
* Returns the maximum number of entries this cache will hold before
* using LRU eviction. A return value of zero, 0, indicates no limit.
uint32_t getLruEntriesLimit() const;
/** Returns the disk policy type of the region.
* @return the <code>DiskPolicyType::PolicyType</code>, default is
* DiskPolicyType::NONE.
DiskPolicyType::PolicyType getDiskPolicy() const;
* Returns the ExpirationAction used for LRU Eviction, default is
const ExpirationAction::Action getLruEvictionAction() const;
* Returns the name of the pool attached to the region.
const char* getPoolName() const;
virtual ~RegionAttributes();
/** Serialize out to stream */
virtual void toData(DataOutput& out) const;
/** Initialize members from serialized data. */
virtual Serializable* fromData(DataInput& in);
/** Return an empty instance for deserialization. */
static Serializable* createDeserializable();
/** Return class id for serialization. */
virtual int32_t classId() const;
/** Return type id for serialization. */
virtual int8_t typeId() const;
// return zero deliberately
virtual uint32_t objectSize() const { return 0; }
* This method returns the path of the library from which
* the factory function will be invoked on a cache server.
const char* getCacheLoaderLibrary();
* This method returns the symbol name of the factory function from which
* the loader will be created on a cache server.
const char* getCacheLoaderFactory();
* This method returns the path of the library from which
* the factory function will be invoked on a cache server.
const char* getCacheListenerLibrary();
* This method returns the symbol name of the factory function from which
* the loader will be created on a cache server.
const char* getCacheListenerFactory();
* This method returns the path of the library from which
* the factory function will be invoked on a cache server.
const char* getCacheWriterLibrary();
* This method returns the symbol name of the factory function from which
* the loader will be created on a cache server.
const char* getCacheWriterFactory();
* This method returns the path of the library from which
* the factory function will be invoked on a cache server.
const char* getPartitionResolverLibrary();
* This method returns the symbol name of the factory function from which
* the loader will be created on a cache server.
const char* getPartitionResolverFactory();
/** Return true if all the attributes are equal to those of other. */
bool operator==(const RegionAttributes& other) const;
/** Return true if any of the attributes are not equal to those of other. */
bool operator!=(const RegionAttributes& other) const;
/** throws IllegalStateException if the attributes are not suited for
* serialization
* such as those that have a cache callback (listener, loader, or writer) set
* directly instead of through the string value setters.
void validateSerializableAttributes();
* This method returns the list of servername:portno separated by comma
const char* getEndpoints();
* This method returns the setting of client notification
bool getClientNotificationEnabled() const;
* This method returns the path of the library from which
* the factory function will be invoked on a cache server.
const char* getPersistenceLibrary();
* This method returns the symbol name of the factory function from which
* the persistence will be created on a cache server.
const char* getPersistenceFactory();
* This method returns the properties pointer which is set for persistence.
PropertiesPtr getPersistenceProperties();
/** Gets the persistence for the region.
* @return a pointer that points to the region's ,
* <code>PersistenceManager</code> , NULLPTR if there is no PersistenceManager
* for this
* region.
PersistenceManagerPtr getPersistenceManager();
/** TODO
* Returns the name of the {@link Pool} that this region
* will use to communicate with servers, if any.
* @return the name of the client-server {@link Pool}
const char* getPoolName() { return m_poolName; }
bool getCloningEnabled() { return m_isClonable; }
* Returns true if concurrent update checks are turned on for this region.
* <p>
* @return true if concurrent update checks are turned on
bool getConcurrencyChecksEnabled() { return m_isConcurrencyChecksEnabled; }
// Helper function that safely compares two attribute string
// taking into consideration the fact the one or the other
// might be NULL
static int32_t compareStringAttribute(char* attributeA, char* attributeB);
// Helper function that safely copies one string attribute to
// another.
static void copyStringAttribute(char*& lhs, const char* rhs);
void setCacheListener(const char* libpath, const char* factoryFuncName);
void setCacheLoader(const char* libpath, const char* factoryFuncName);
void setCacheWriter(const char* libpath, const char* factoryFuncName);
void setPartitionResolver(const char* libpath, const char* factoryFuncName);
void setPersistenceManager(const char* lib, const char* func,
const PropertiesPtr& config);
void setEndpoints(const char* endpoints);
void setPoolName(const char* poolName);
void setCloningEnabled(bool isClonable);
void setCachingEnabled(bool enable);
void setLruEntriesLimit(int limit);
void setDiskPolicy(DiskPolicyType::PolicyType diskPolicy);
void setConcurrencyChecksEnabled(bool enable);
inline bool getEntryExpiryEnabled() const {
return (m_entryTimeToLive != 0 || m_entryIdleTimeout != 0);
inline bool getRegionExpiryEnabled() const {
return (m_regionTimeToLive != 0 || m_regionIdleTimeout != 0);
// will be created by the factory
RegionAttributes(const RegionAttributes& rhs);
ExpirationAction::Action m_regionTimeToLiveExpirationAction;
ExpirationAction::Action m_regionIdleTimeoutExpirationAction;
ExpirationAction::Action m_entryTimeToLiveExpirationAction;
ExpirationAction::Action m_entryIdleTimeoutExpirationAction;
ExpirationAction::Action m_lruEvictionAction;
CacheWriterPtr m_cacheWriter;
CacheLoaderPtr m_cacheLoader;
CacheListenerPtr m_cacheListener;
PartitionResolverPtr m_partitionResolver;
uint32_t m_lruEntriesLimit;
bool m_caching;
uint32_t m_maxValueDistLimit;
uint32_t m_entryIdleTimeout;
uint32_t m_entryTimeToLive;
uint32_t m_regionIdleTimeout;
uint32_t m_regionTimeToLive;
uint32_t m_initialCapacity;
float m_loadFactor;
uint8_t m_concurrencyLevel;
char* m_cacheLoaderLibrary;
char* m_cacheWriterLibrary;
char* m_cacheListenerLibrary;
char* m_partitionResolverLibrary;
char* m_cacheLoaderFactory;
char* m_cacheWriterFactory;
char* m_cacheListenerFactory;
char* m_partitionResolverFactory;
DiskPolicyType::PolicyType m_diskPolicy;
char* m_endpoints;
bool m_clientNotificationEnabled;
char* m_persistenceLibrary;
char* m_persistenceFactory;
PropertiesPtr m_persistenceProperties;
PersistenceManagerPtr m_persistenceManager;
char* m_poolName;
bool m_isClonable;
bool m_isConcurrencyChecksEnabled;
friend class AttributesFactory;
friend class AttributesMutator;
friend class Cache;
friend class CacheImpl;
friend class Region;
friend class RegionInternal;
friend class RegionXmlCreation;
const RegionAttributes& operator=(const RegionAttributes&);
} // namespace client
} // namespace geode
} // namespace apache