blob: 67d076661771b5bdcaf5dfe662aa5c58f9698ed5 [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "gfcpp_globals.hpp"
#include "ExceptionTypes.hpp"
#include <string.h>
#include "gf_types.hpp"
#include "Serializable.hpp"
#include "CacheableString.hpp"
* @file
#define checkBufferSize(x) _checkBufferSize(x, __LINE__)
namespace apache {
namespace geode {
namespace client {
extern int gf_sprintf(char* buffer, const char* fmt, ...);
* Provide operations for reading primitive data values, byte arrays,
* strings, <code>Serializable</code> objects from a byte stream.
* This class is intentionally not thread safe.
* @remarks None of the output parameters in the methods below can be NULL
* unless otherwise noted.
class CPPCACHE_EXPORT DataInput {
* Read an unsigned byte from the <code>DataInput</code>.
* @param value output parameter to hold the unsigned byte read from stream
inline void read(uint8_t* value) {
*value = *(m_buf++);
* Read a signed byte from the <code>DataInput</code>.
* @param value output parameter to hold the signed byte read from stream
inline void read(int8_t* value) {
*value = *(m_buf++);
* Read a boolean value from the <code>DataInput</code>.
* @param value output parameter to hold the boolean read from stream
inline void readBoolean(bool* value) {
*value = (*m_buf == 1 ? true : false);
* Read the given number of unsigned bytes from the <code>DataInput</code>.
* @remarks This method is complimentary to
* <code>DataOutput::writeBytesOnly</code> and, unlike
* <code>readBytes</code>, does not expect the length of array
* in the stream.
* @param buffer array to hold the bytes read from stream
* @param len number of unsigned bytes to be read
inline void readBytesOnly(uint8_t* buffer, uint32_t len) {
if (len > 0) {
memcpy(buffer, m_buf, len);
m_buf += len;
* Read the given number of signed bytes from the <code>DataInput</code>.
* @remarks This method is complimentary to
* <code>DataOutput::writeBytesOnly</code> and, unlike
* <code>readBytes</code>, does not expect the length of array
* in the stream.
* @param buffer array to hold the bytes read from stream
* @param len number of signed bytes to be read
inline void readBytesOnly(int8_t* buffer, uint32_t len) {
if (len > 0) {
memcpy(buffer, m_buf, len);
m_buf += len;
* Read an array of unsigned bytes from the <code>DataInput</code>
* expecting to find the length of array in the stream at the start.
* @remarks This method is complimentary to
* <code>DataOutput::writeBytes</code>.
* @param bytes output array to hold the bytes read from stream; the array
* is allocated by this method
* @param len output parameter to hold the length of array read from stream
inline void readBytes(uint8_t** bytes, int32_t* len) {
int32_t length;
*len = length;
uint8_t* buffer = NULL;
if (length > 0) {
GF_NEW(buffer, uint8_t[length]);
memcpy(buffer, m_buf, length);
m_buf += length;
*bytes = buffer;
* Read an array of signed bytes from the <code>DataInput</code>
* expecting to find the length of array in the stream at the start.
* @remarks This method is complimentary to
* <code>DataOutput::writeBytes</code>.
* @param bytes output array to hold the bytes read from stream; the array
* is allocated by this method
* @param len output parameter to hold the length of array read from stream
inline void readBytes(int8_t** bytes, int32_t* len) {
int32_t length;
*len = length;
int8_t* buffer = NULL;
if (length > 0) {
GF_NEW(buffer, int8_t[length]);
memcpy(buffer, m_buf, length);
m_buf += length;
*bytes = buffer;
* Read a 16-bit unsigned integer from the <code>DataInput</code>.
* @param value output parameter to hold the 16-bit unsigned integer
* read from stream
inline void readInt(uint16_t* value) {
uint16_t tmp = *(m_buf++);
tmp = static_cast<uint16_t>((tmp << 8) | *(m_buf++));
*value = tmp;
* Read a 32-bit unsigned integer from the <code>DataInput</code>.
* @param value output parameter to hold the 32-bit unsigned integer
* read from stream
inline void readInt(uint32_t* value) {
uint32_t tmp = *(m_buf++);
tmp = (tmp << 8) | *(m_buf++);
tmp = (tmp << 8) | *(m_buf++);
tmp = (tmp << 8) | *(m_buf++);
*value = tmp;
* Read a 64-bit unsigned integer from the <code>DataInput</code>.
* @param value output parameter to hold the 64-bit unsigned integer
* read from stream
inline void readInt(uint64_t* value) {
uint64_t tmp;
if (sizeof(long) == 8) {
tmp = *(m_buf++);
tmp = (tmp << 8) | *(m_buf++);
tmp = (tmp << 8) | *(m_buf++);
tmp = (tmp << 8) | *(m_buf++);
tmp = (tmp << 8) | *(m_buf++);
tmp = (tmp << 8) | *(m_buf++);
tmp = (tmp << 8) | *(m_buf++);
tmp = (tmp << 8) | *(m_buf++);
} else {
uint32_t hword = *(m_buf++);
hword = (hword << 8) | *(m_buf++);
hword = (hword << 8) | *(m_buf++);
hword = (hword << 8) | *(m_buf++);
tmp = hword;
hword = *(m_buf++);
hword = (hword << 8) | *(m_buf++);
hword = (hword << 8) | *(m_buf++);
hword = (hword << 8) | *(m_buf++);
tmp = (tmp << 32) | hword;
*value = tmp;
* Read a 16-bit signed integer from the <code>DataInput</code>.
* @param value output parameter to hold the 16-bit signed integer
* read from stream
inline void readInt(int16_t* value) {
* Read a 32-bit signed integer from the <code>DataInput</code>.
* @param value output parameter to hold the 32-bit signed integer
* read from stream
inline void readInt(int32_t* value) {
* Read a 64-bit signed integer from the <code>DataInput</code>.
* @param value output parameter to hold the 64-bit signed integer
* read from stream
inline void readInt(int64_t* value) {
* Read a 32-bit signed integer array length value from the
* <code>DataInput</code> in a manner compatible with java server's
* <code>DataSerializer.readArrayLength</code>.
* @param len output parameter to hold the 32-bit signed length
* read from stream
inline void readArrayLen(int32_t* len) {
uint8_t code;
if (code == 0xFF) {
*len = -1;
} else {
int32_t result = code;
if (result > 252) { // 252 is java's ((byte)-4 && 0xFF)
if (code == 0xFE) {
uint16_t val;
result = val;
} else if (code == 0xFD) {
uint32_t val;
result = val;
} else {
throw IllegalStateException("unexpected array length code");
*len = result;
* Decode a 64 bit integer as a variable length array.
* This is taken from the varint encoding in protobufs (BSD licensed).
* See
inline void readUnsignedVL(int64_t* value) {
int32_t shift = 0;
int64_t result = 0;
while (shift < 64) {
int8_t b;
result |= static_cast<int64_t>(b & 0x7F) << shift;
if ((b & 0x80) == 0) {
*value = result;
shift += 7;
throw IllegalStateException("Malformed variable length integer");
* Read a float from the <code>DataInput</code>.
* @param value output parameter to hold the float read from stream
inline void readFloat(float* value) {
union float_uint32_t {
float f;
uint32_t u;
} v;
*value = v.f;
* Read a double precision number from the <code>DataInput</code>.
* @param value output parameter to hold the double precision number
* read from stream
inline void readDouble(double* value) {
union double_uint64_t {
double d;
uint64_t ll;
} v;
*value = v.d;
* free the C string allocated by <code>readASCII</code>,
* <code>readASCIIHuge</code>, <code>readUTF</code>,
* <code>readUTFHuge</code> methods
static inline void freeUTFMemory(char* value) { delete[] value; }
* free the wide-characted string allocated by <code>readASCII</code>,
* <code>readASCIIHuge</code>, <code>readUTF</code>,
* <code>readUTFHuge</code> methods
static inline void freeUTFMemory(wchar_t* value) { delete[] value; }
* Allocates a c string buffer, and reads an ASCII string
* having maximum length of 64K from <code>DataInput</code> into it.
* @remarks Sets integer at length to hold the strlen of the string. Value
* is modified to point to the new allocation. The chars are allocated as
* an array, so the caller must use <code>freeUTFMemory</code> when done.
* Like <code>DataOutput::writeASCII</code> the maximum length supported by
* this method is 64K; use <code>readASCIIHuge</code> or
* <code>readBytes</code> to read strings of length larger than this.
* @param value output C string to hold the read characters; it is allocated
* by this method
* @param len output parameter to hold the number of characters read from
* stream; not set if NULL
inline void readASCII(char** value, uint16_t* len = NULL) {
uint16_t length;
if (len != NULL) {
*len = length;
char* str;
GF_NEW(str, char[length + 1]);
*value = str;
readBytesOnly(reinterpret_cast<int8_t*>(str), length);
str[length] = '\0';
* Allocates a c string buffer, and reads an ASCII string
* from <code>DataInput</code> into it.
* @remarks Sets integer at length to hold the strlen of the string. Value
* is modified to point to the new allocation. The chars are allocated as
* an array, so the caller must use <code>freeUTFMemory</code> when done.
* Use this instead of <code>readUTF</code> when reading a string of length
* greater than 64K.
* @param value output C string to hold the read characters; it is allocated
* by this method
* @param len output parameter to hold the number of characters read from
* stream; not set if NULL
inline void readASCIIHuge(char** value, uint32_t* len = NULL) {
uint32_t length;
if (len != NULL) {
*len = length;
char* str;
GF_NEW(str, char[length + 1]);
*value = str;
readBytesOnly(reinterpret_cast<int8_t*>(str), length);
str[length] = '\0';
* Allocates a c string buffer, and reads a java modified UTF-8
* encoded string having maximum encoded length of 64K from
* <code>DataInput</code> into it.
* @remarks Sets integer at length to hold the strlen of the string. Value
* is modified to point to the new allocation. The chars are allocated as
* an array, so the caller must use <code>freeUTFMemory</code> when done.
* Like <code>DataOutput::writeUTF</code> the maximum length supported by
* this method is 64K; use <code>readAUTFHuge</code> to read strings of
* length larger than this.
* @param value output C string to hold the read characters; it is allocated
* by this method
* @param len output parameter to hold the number of characters read from
* stream; not set if NULL
inline void readUTF(char** value, uint16_t* len = NULL) {
uint16_t length;
uint16_t decodedLen =
static_cast<uint16_t>(getDecodedLength(m_buf, length));
if (len != NULL) {
*len = decodedLen;
char* str;
GF_NEW(str, char[decodedLen + 1]);
*value = str;
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < decodedLen; i++) {
*str = '\0'; // null terminate for c-string.
* Reads a java modified UTF-8 encoded string having maximum encoded length
* of 64K without reading the length which must be passed as a parameter.
* Allocates a c string buffer, and deserializes into it. Sets integer at
* length to hold the length of the string. Value is modified to point to the
* new allocation. The chars are allocated as an array, so the caller must
* use freeUTFMemory when done.
* If len == NULL, then the decoded string length is not set.
inline void readUTFNoLen(wchar_t** value, uint16_t decodedLen) {
wchar_t* str;
GF_NEW(str, wchar_t[decodedLen + 1]);
*value = str;
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < decodedLen; i++) {
*str = L'\0'; // null terminate for c-string.
* Allocates a c string buffer, and reads a java modified UTF-8
* encoded string from <code>DataInput</code> into it.
* @remarks Sets integer at length to hold the strlen of the string. Value
* is modified to point to the new allocation. The chars are allocated as
* an array, so the caller must use <code>freeUTFMemory</code> when done.
* Use this instead of <code>readUTF</code> when reading a string of length
* greater than 64K.
* @param value output C string to hold the read characters; it is allocated
* by this method
* @param len output parameter to hold the number of characters read from
* stream; not set if NULL
inline void readUTFHuge(char** value, uint32_t* len = NULL) {
uint32_t length;
if (len != NULL) {
*len = length;
char* str;
GF_NEW(str, char[length + 1]);
*value = str;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
int8_t item;
read(&item); // ignore this - should be higher order zero byte
*str = item;
*str = '\0'; // null terminate for c-string.
* Allocates a wide-character string buffer, and reads a java
* modified UTF-8 encoded string having maximum encoded length of 64K from
* <code>DataInput</code> into it.
* @remarks Sets integer at length to hold the strlen of the string. Value
* is modified to point to the new allocation. The chars are allocated as
* an array, so the caller must use <code>freeUTFMemory</code> when done.
* Like <code>DataOutput::writeUTF</code> the maximum length supported by
* this method is 64K; use <code>readAUTFHuge</code> to read strings of
* length larger than this.
* @param value output wide-character string to hold the read characters;
* it is allocated by this method
* @param len output parameter to hold the number of characters read from
* stream; not set if NULL
inline void readUTF(wchar_t** value, uint16_t* len = NULL) {
uint16_t length;
uint16_t decodedLen =
static_cast<uint16_t>(getDecodedLength(m_buf, length));
if (len != NULL) {
*len = decodedLen;
wchar_t* str;
GF_NEW(str, wchar_t[decodedLen + 1]);
*value = str;
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < decodedLen; i++) {
*str = L'\0'; // null terminate for c-string.
* Allocates a wide-character string buffer, and reads a java
* modified UTF-8 encoded string from <code>DataInput</code> into it.
* @remarks Sets integer at length to hold the strlen of the string. Value
* is modified to point to the new allocation. The chars are allocated as
* an array, so the caller must use <code>freeUTFMemory</code> when done.
* Use this instead of <code>readUTF</code> when reading a string of length
* greater than 64K.
* @param value output wide-character string to hold the read characters;
* it is allocated by this method
* @param len output parameter to hold the number of characters read from
* stream; not set if NULL
inline void readUTFHuge(wchar_t** value, uint32_t* len = NULL) {
uint32_t length;
if (len != NULL) {
*len = length;
wchar_t* str;
GF_NEW(str, wchar_t[length + 1]);
*value = str;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
uint8_t hibyte;
uint8_t lobyte;
*str = ((static_cast<uint16_t>(hibyte)) << 8) |
*str = L'\0'; // null terminate for c-string.
* Read a <code>Serializable</code> object from the <code>DataInput</code>.
* Null objects are handled.
* This accepts an argument <code>throwOnError</code> that
* specifies whether to check the type dynamically and throw a
* <code>ClassCastException</code> when the cast fails.
* @param ptr The object to be read which is output by reference.
* The type of this must match the type of object that
* the application expects.
* @param throwOnError Throw a <code>ClassCastException</code> when
* the type of object does not match <code>ptr</code>.
* Default is true when <code>GF_DEBUG_ASSERTS</code>
* macro is set and false in normal case.
* @throws ClassCastException When <code>dynCast</code> fails
* for the given <code>ptr</code>.
* @see dynCast
* @see staticCast
template <class PTR>
inline void readObject(SharedPtr<PTR>& ptr,
SerializablePtr sPtr;
if (throwOnError) {
ptr = dynCast<SharedPtr<PTR> >(sPtr);
} else {
ptr = staticCast<SharedPtr<PTR> >(sPtr);
inline bool readNativeBool() {
int8_t typeId = 0;
bool val;
return val;
inline int32_t readNativeInt32() {
int8_t typeId = 0;
int32_t val;
return val;
inline bool readNativeString(CacheableStringPtr& csPtr) {
int8_t typeId = 0;
int64_t compId = typeId;
if (compId == GeodeTypeIds::NullObj) {
csPtr = NULLPTR;
} else if (compId == GeodeTypeIds::CacheableNullString) {
csPtr = CacheableStringPtr(dynamic_cast<CacheableString*>(
} else if (compId ==
apache::geode::client::GeodeTypeIds::CacheableASCIIString) {
csPtr = CacheableStringPtr(dynamic_cast<CacheableString*>(
} else if (compId ==
apache::geode::client::GeodeTypeIds::CacheableASCIIStringHuge) {
csPtr = CacheableStringPtr(dynamic_cast<CacheableString*>(
} else if (compId == apache::geode::client::GeodeTypeIds::CacheableString) {
csPtr = CacheableStringPtr(dynamic_cast<CacheableString*>(
} else if (compId ==
apache::geode::client::GeodeTypeIds::CacheableStringHuge) {
csPtr = CacheableStringPtr(dynamic_cast<CacheableString*>(
} else {
LOGDEBUG("In readNativeString something is wrong while expecting string");
csPtr = NULLPTR;
return false;
return true;
inline void readDirectObject(SerializablePtr& ptr, int8_t typeId = -1) {
readObjectInternal(ptr, typeId);
* Read a <code>Serializable</code> object from the <code>DataInput</code>.
* Null objects are handled.
inline void readObject(SerializablePtr& ptr) { readObjectInternal(ptr); }
inline void readObject(wchar_t* value) {
uint16_t temp = 0;
*value = static_cast<wchar_t>(temp);
inline void readObject(bool* value) { readBoolean(value); }
inline void readObject(int8_t* value) { read(value); }
inline void readObject(int16_t* value) { readInt(value); }
inline void readObject(int32_t* value) { readInt(value); }
inline void readObject(int64_t* value) { readInt(value); }
inline void readObject(float* value) { readFloat(value); }
inline void readObject(double* value) { readDouble(value); }
inline void readCharArray(char** value, int32_t& length) {
int arrayLen = 0;
length = arrayLen;
char* objArray = NULL;
if (arrayLen > 0) {
objArray = new char[arrayLen];
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < arrayLen; i++) {
char tmp = 0;
objArray[i] = tmp;
*value = objArray;
inline void readWideCharArray(wchar_t** value, int32_t& length) {
readObject(value, length);
inline void readBooleanArray(bool** value, int32_t& length) {
readObject(value, length);
inline void readByteArray(int8_t** value, int32_t& length) {
readObject(value, length);
inline void readShortArray(int16_t** value, int32_t& length) {
readObject(value, length);
inline void readIntArray(int32_t** value, int32_t& length) {
readObject(value, length);
inline void readLongArray(int64_t** value, int32_t& length) {
readObject(value, length);
inline void readFloatArray(float** value, int32_t& length) {
readObject(value, length);
inline void readDoubleArray(double** value, int32_t& length) {
readObject(value, length);
inline void readString(char** value) {
int8_t typeId;
// Check for NULL String
if (typeId == GeodeTypeIds::CacheableNullString) {
*value = NULL;
if (typeId == GeodeTypeIds::CacheableString) {
} else {
if (typeId == static_cast<int8_t>(GeodeTypeIds::CacheableASCIIString) ||
typeId == static_cast<int8_t>(GeodeTypeIds::CacheableString)) {
// readUTF( value);
// m_len = shortLen;
} else if (typeId == static_cast<int8_t>(
GeodeTypeIds::CacheableASCIIStringHuge) ||
typeId ==
static_cast<int8_t>(GeodeTypeIds::CacheableStringHuge)) {
// readUTFHuge( value);
} else {
throw IllegalArgumentException(
"DI readString error:: String type not supported ");
inline void readWideString(wchar_t** value) {
int8_t typeId;
// Check for NULL String
if (typeId == GeodeTypeIds::CacheableNullString) {
*value = NULL;
if (typeId == static_cast<int8_t>(GeodeTypeIds::CacheableASCIIString) ||
typeId == static_cast<int8_t>(GeodeTypeIds::CacheableString)) {
} else if (typeId == static_cast<int8_t>(
GeodeTypeIds::CacheableASCIIStringHuge) ||
typeId ==
static_cast<int8_t>(GeodeTypeIds::CacheableStringHuge)) {
} else {
throw IllegalArgumentException(
"DI readWideString error:: WideString type provided is not "
"supported ");
inline void readStringArray(char*** strArray, int32_t& length) {
int32_t arrLen;
length = arrLen;
if (arrLen == -1) {
*strArray = NULL;
} else {
char** tmpArray;
GF_NEW(tmpArray, char * [arrLen]);
for (int i = 0; i < arrLen; i++) {
*strArray = tmpArray;
inline void readWideStringArray(wchar_t*** strArray, int32_t& length) {
int32_t arrLen;
length = arrLen;
if (arrLen == -1) {
*strArray = NULL;
} else {
wchar_t** tmpArray;
GF_NEW(tmpArray, wchar_t * [arrLen]);
for (int i = 0; i < arrLen; i++) {
*strArray = tmpArray;
inline void readArrayOfByteArrays(int8_t*** arrayofBytearr,
int32_t& arrayLength,
int32_t** elementLength) {
int32_t arrLen;
arrayLength = arrLen;
if (arrLen == -1) {
*arrayofBytearr = NULL;
} else {
int8_t** tmpArray;
int32_t* tmpLengtharr;
GF_NEW(tmpArray, int8_t * [arrLen]);
GF_NEW(tmpLengtharr, int32_t[arrLen]);
for (int i = 0; i < arrLen; i++) {
readBytes(&tmpArray[i], &tmpLengtharr[i]);
*arrayofBytearr = tmpArray;
*elementLength = tmpLengtharr;
* Get the length required to represent a given UTF-8 encoded string
* (created using {@link DataOutput::writeUTF} or
* <code></code>) in wide-character format.
* @param value The UTF-8 encoded stream.
* @param length The length of the stream to be read.
* @return The length of the decoded string.
* @see DataOutput::getEncodedLength
static int32_t getDecodedLength(const uint8_t* value, int32_t length) {
const uint8_t* end = value + length;
int32_t decodedLen = 0;
while (value < end) {
// get next byte unsigned
int32_t b = *value++ & 0xff;
int32_t k = b >> 5;
// classify based on the high order 3 bits
switch (k) {
case 6: {
case 7: {
value += 2;
decodedLen += 1;
if (value > end) decodedLen--;
return decodedLen;
/** constructor given a pre-allocated byte array with size */
DataInput(const uint8_t* m_buffer, int32_t len)
: m_buf(m_buffer),
m_poolName(NULL) {}
/** destructor */
~DataInput() {}
* Get the pointer to current buffer position. This should be treated
* as readonly and modification of contents using this internal pointer
* has undefined behavior.
inline const uint8_t* currentBufferPosition() const { return m_buf; }
/** get the number of bytes read in the buffer */
inline int32_t getBytesRead() const {
return static_cast<int32_t>(m_buf - m_bufHead);
/** get the number of bytes remaining to be read in the buffer */
inline int32_t getBytesRemaining() const {
return (m_bufLength - getBytesRead());
/** advance the cursor by given offset */
inline void advanceCursor(int32_t offset) { m_buf += offset; }
/** rewind the cursor by given offset */
inline void rewindCursor(int32_t offset) { m_buf -= offset; }
/** reset the cursor to the start of buffer */
inline void reset() { m_buf = m_bufHead; }
inline void setBuffer() {
m_buf = currentBufferPosition();
m_bufLength = getBytesRemaining();
inline void resetPdx(int32_t offset) { m_buf = m_bufHead + offset; }
inline int32_t getPdxBytes() const { return m_bufLength; }
static uint8_t* getBufferCopy(const uint8_t* from, uint32_t length) {
uint8_t* result;
GF_NEW(result, uint8_t[length]);
memcpy(result, from, length);
return result;
inline void reset(int32_t offset) { m_buf = m_bufHead + offset; }
uint8_t* getBufferCopyFrom(const uint8_t* from, uint32_t length) {
uint8_t* result;
GF_NEW(result, uint8_t[length]);
memcpy(result, from, length);
return result;
* This is for internal use
const char* getPoolName() { return m_poolName; }
* This is for internal use
void setPoolName(const char* poolName) { m_poolName = poolName; }
const uint8_t* m_buf;
const uint8_t* m_bufHead;
int32_t m_bufLength;
const char* m_poolName;
void readObjectInternal(SerializablePtr& ptr, int8_t typeId = -1);
template <typename mType>
void readObject(mType** value, int32_t& length) {
int arrayLen;
length = arrayLen;
mType* objArray;
if (arrayLen > 0) {
objArray = new mType[arrayLen];
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < arrayLen; i++) {
mType tmp = 0;
objArray[i] = tmp; //*value[i] = tmp;
*value = objArray;
inline void readPdxChar(char* value) {
int16_t val = 0;
*value = static_cast<char>(val);
inline void _checkBufferSize(int32_t size, int32_t line) {
if ((m_bufLength - (m_buf - m_bufHead)) < size) {
char exMsg[128];
"DataInput: attempt to read beyond buffer at line %d: "
"available buffer size %d, attempted read of size %d ",
line, m_bufLength - (m_buf - m_bufHead), size);
throw OutOfRangeException(exMsg);
inline void decodeChar(char* str) {
uint8_t bt = *(m_buf++);
if (bt & 0x80) {
if (bt & 0x20) {
// three bytes.
*str =
static_cast<char>(((bt & 0x0f) << 12) | (((*m_buf++) & 0x3f) << 6));
*str |= static_cast<char>((*m_buf++) & 0x3f);
} else {
// two bytes.
*str = static_cast<char>(((bt & 0x1f) << 6) | ((*m_buf++) & 0x3f));
} else {
// single byte...
*str = bt;
inline void decodeChar(wchar_t* str) {
// get next byte unsigned
int32_t b = *m_buf++ & 0xff;
int32_t k = b >> 5;
// classify based on the high order 3 bits
switch (k) {
case 6: {
// two byte encoding
// 110yyyyy 10xxxxxx
// use low order 6 bits
int32_t y = b & 0x1f;
// use low order 6 bits of the next byte
// It should have high order bits 10, which we don't check.
int32_t x = *m_buf++ & 0x3f;
// 00000yyy yyxxxxxx
*str = (y << 6 | x);
case 7: {
// three byte encoding
// 1110zzzz 10yyyyyy 10xxxxxx
// assert ( b & 0x10 )
// == 0 : "UTF8Decoder does not handle 32-bit characters";
// use low order 4 bits
int32_t z = b & 0x0f;
// use low order 6 bits of the next byte
// It should have high order bits 10, which we don't check.
int32_t y = *m_buf++ & 0x3f;
// use low order 6 bits of the next byte
// It should have high order bits 10, which we don't check.
int32_t x = *m_buf++ & 0x3f;
// zzzzyyyy yyxxxxxx
int32_t asint = (z << 12 | y << 6 | x);
*str = asint;
// one byte encoding
// 0xxxxxxx
// use just low order 7 bits
// 00000000 0xxxxxxx
*str = (b & 0x7f);
// disable other constructors and assignment
DataInput(const DataInput&);
DataInput& operator=(const DataInput&);
} // namespace client
} // namespace geode
} // namespace apache