blob: f87fbd62b0ef824e7da242a31ecc920d89eb9f52 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more *
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this
* work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF
* licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <geode/Cache.hpp>
#include <geode/CacheFactory.hpp>
#include <geode/CacheListener.hpp>
#include <geode/PoolManager.hpp>
#include <geode/QueryService.hpp>
#include <geode/RegionFactory.hpp>
#include <geode/RegionShortcut.hpp>
#include "framework/Cluster.h"
#include "framework/Framework.h"
#include "gmock_actions.hpp"
#include "mock/CacheListenerMock.hpp"
#include "util/concurrent/binary_semaphore.hpp"
namespace {
using apache::geode::client::binary_semaphore;
using apache::geode::client::Cache;
using apache::geode::client::CacheableInt16;
using apache::geode::client::CacheFactory;
using apache::geode::client::CacheListener;
using apache::geode::client::CacheListenerMock;
using apache::geode::client::NotConnectedException;
using apache::geode::client::PdxFieldTypes;
using apache::geode::client::PdxInstance;
using apache::geode::client::Region;
using apache::geode::client::RegionEvent;
using apache::geode::client::RegionShortcut;
using apache::geode::client::SelectResults;
using ::testing::_;
using ::testing::DoAll;
using ::testing::InvokeWithoutArgs;
using ::testing::Return;
Cache createTestCache() {
CacheFactory cacheFactory;
return cacheFactory.set("log-level", "none")
.set("connect-timeout", "2s")
.set("statistic-sampling-enabled", "false")
.set("on-client-disconnect-clear-pdxType-Ids", "true")
void createTestPool(Cluster& cluster, Cache& cache) {
auto poolFactory = cache.getPoolManager()
std::shared_ptr<Region> createTestRegion(
Cache& cache, std::shared_ptr<CacheListener> listener) {
auto regionFactory = cache.createRegionFactory(RegionShortcut::PROXY);
return regionFactory.setPoolName("pool").setCacheListener(listener).create(
std::shared_ptr<PdxInstance> createTestPdxInstance(Cache& cache,
const std::string& entry) {
auto factory = cache.createPdxInstanceFactory("__GEMFIRE_JSON", false);
return factory.writeString("entryName", entry)
.writeInt("int_value", -1)
* The purpose of this test case is to verify that PdxTypeRegistry is cleaned up
* under the following scenario:
* 1 - Spin up a cluster and create a PARTITION region called 'region'. Note
* that this region won't be persisting any data.
* 2 - A cache with is on-client-disconnect-clear-pdxType-Ids=true, meaning
* it should cleanup the PdxTypeRegistry upon cluster disconnection.
* 3 - A PdxInstance with is put into key 'entry' and region 'region'
* Before inserting the entry, its PdxType will be created on the cluster,
* as it should not be present.
* 4 - Restart the cluster. Region 'region' should be empty as it was
* persisting no data.
* 5 - Cache should automatically cleanup PdxTypeRegistry, containing the
* cache of PdxType's handled by this cache.
* 6 - Insert again the entry inserted in step 3. If the registry was correctly
* cleaned up as stated in state 5, PdxType will be inserted again before
* inserting the entry. If PdxTypeRegistry clean up did not happen, the old
* PdxTypeId will be used when inserting this entry.
* 7 - Fetch all of the 'region' entries using an OQL query, hence, forcing the
* members to deserialize the entries contained on the region. The query
* should not throw any exception and return exactly one entry, inserted on
* step 6. If PdxTypeRegistry cleanup fails, then the old PdxTypeId will be
* used when inserting the entry on step 6 and consequently members will
* fail to deserialize the entry as there will be no PdxType matching the
* given PdxTypeId, consequently leading to an UnknownPdxException being
* thrown.
TEST(PdxTypeRegistryTest, cleanupOnClusterRestartAndPut) {
Cluster cluster{LocatorCount{1}, ServerCount{2}};
auto& gfsh = cluster.getGfsh();
binary_semaphore live_sem{0};
binary_semaphore shut_sem{1};
auto listener = std::make_shared<CacheListenerMock>();
EXPECT_CALL(*listener, afterRegionLive(_))
.WillRepeatedly(DoAll(ReleaseSem(&live_sem), AcquireSem(&shut_sem)));
EXPECT_CALL(*listener, afterRegionDisconnected(_))
.WillRepeatedly(DoAll(ReleaseSem(&shut_sem), AcquireSem(&live_sem)));
EXPECT_CALL(*listener, afterCreate(_)).WillRepeatedly(Return());
EXPECT_CALL(*listener, afterRegionDestroy(_)).WillRepeatedly(Return());
EXPECT_CALL(*listener, close(_)).WillRepeatedly(Return());
auto cache = createTestCache();
createTestPool(cluster, cache);
auto qs = cache.getQueryService("pool");
auto region = createTestRegion(cache, listener);
std::string key = "entry";
auto pdx = createTestPdxInstance(cache, key);
region->put(key, pdx);
// Shutdown and wait for some time
for (auto& server : cluster.getServers()) {
region->put(key, pdx);
std::shared_ptr<SelectResults> result;
auto query = qs->newQuery("SELECT * FROM /region WHERE entryName = 'entry'");
// If PdxTypeRegistry was not correctly cleaned up, this query will throw
// UnknownPdxTypeException. See the comment at the beginning of the test for
// additional info.
EXPECT_NO_THROW(result = query->execute());
EXPECT_EQ(result->size(), 1);
* The purpose of this test case is to verify that there are no coredumps when
* calling several PdxInstance's methods due to PdxTypeRegistry cleanup under
* the following scenario:
* 1 - Spin up a cluster and create a PARTITION region called 'region'. Note
* that this region won't be persisting any data.
* 2 - A cache with is on-client-disconnect-clear-pdxType-Ids=true, meaning
* it should cleanup the PdxTypeRegistry upon cluster disconnection.
* 3 - Create and put PdxInstance with is put into key 'entry' and region
* 'region'.
* 4 - Restart the cluster. Region 'region' should be empty as it was
* persisting no data.
* 5 - Cache should automatically cleanup PdxTypeRegistry, containing the
* cache of PdxType's handled by this cache.
* 6 - If PdxInstance's PdxType object is stored inside the PdxInstance rather
* than its PdxTypeId, all of the accessors could be called for the
* PdxInstance even if this PdxType was not added to the PdxTypeRegistry.
* If instead the PdxTypeId is stored, this will cause an coredump given
* that the cache won't be able to find the PdxType for the above mentioned
* PdxTypeId.
TEST(PdxTypeRegistryTest, cleanupOnClusterRestartAndCallAccessors) {
Cluster cluster{LocatorCount{1}, ServerCount{2}};
auto& gfsh = cluster.getGfsh();
binary_semaphore live_sem{0};
binary_semaphore shut_sem{1};
auto listener = std::make_shared<CacheListenerMock>();
EXPECT_CALL(*listener, afterRegionLive(_))
.WillRepeatedly(DoAll(ReleaseSem(&live_sem), AcquireSem(&shut_sem)));
EXPECT_CALL(*listener, afterRegionDisconnected(_))
.WillRepeatedly(DoAll(ReleaseSem(&shut_sem), AcquireSem(&live_sem)));
EXPECT_CALL(*listener, afterCreate(_)).WillRepeatedly(Return());
EXPECT_CALL(*listener, afterRegionDestroy(_)).WillRepeatedly(Return());
EXPECT_CALL(*listener, close(_)).WillRepeatedly(Return());
auto cache = createTestCache();
createTestPool(cluster, cache);
auto qs = cache.getQueryService("pool");
auto region = createTestRegion(cache, listener);
std::string key = "entry";
region->put(key, createTestPdxInstance(cache, key));
auto object = region->get(key);
auto pdx = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<PdxInstance>(object);
// Shutdown and wait for some time
for (auto& server : cluster.getServers()) {
// Checking no coredump is happening when calling isIdentityField
// Checking no coredump is happening when calling hasField
// Checking no coredump is happening when calling getFieldNames
auto fields = pdx->getFieldNames();
std::set<std::string> fieldsSet;
for (auto field : fields->value()) {
EXPECT_EQ(fieldsSet.count("entryName"), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(fieldsSet.count("int_value"), 1);
// Checking no coredump is happening when calling getFieldType
EXPECT_EQ(pdx->getFieldType("entryName"), PdxFieldTypes::STRING);
EXPECT_EQ(pdx->getFieldType("int_value"), PdxFieldTypes::INT);
// Checking no coredump is happening when calling getStringField
EXPECT_EQ(pdx->getStringField("entryName"), key);
// Checking no coredump is happening when calling getIntField
EXPECT_EQ(pdx->getIntField("int_value"), -1);
// Checking no coredump is happening when calling objectSize
EXPECT_NE(pdx->objectSize(), 0);
// Checking no coredump is happening when calling hashcode
EXPECT_NE(pdx->hashcode(), 0);
// Checking no coredump is happening when calling getClassName
EXPECT_EQ(pdx->getClassName(), "__GEMFIRE_JSON");
// Checking no coredump is happening when calling getClassName
EXPECT_EQ(pdx->getClassName(), "__GEMFIRE_JSON");
// Checking no coredump is happening when calling toString
} // namespace