blob: 14cae161eea2835b91091cc7238af78d8074c151 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "../begin_native.hpp"
#include <geode/Cache.hpp>
#include <CacheRegionHelper.hpp>
#include <CacheImpl.hpp>
#include <CachePerfStats.hpp>
#include <Utils.hpp>
#include "../end_native.hpp"
#include "PdxInstanceImpl.hpp"
#include "PdxHelper.hpp"
#include "PdxTypeRegistry.hpp"
#include "PdxType.hpp"
#include "PdxLocalWriter.hpp"
#include "../DataInput.hpp"
#include "DotNetTypes.hpp"
#include "PdxType.hpp"
#include "../Cache.hpp"
#include "../GeodeClassIds.hpp"
namespace Apache
namespace Geode
namespace Client
namespace Internal
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Text;
//this is for PdxInstanceFactory
PdxInstanceImpl::PdxInstanceImpl(Dictionary<String^, Object^>^ fieldVsValue, PdxType^ pdxType, Apache::Geode::Client::Cache^ cache)
m_updatedFields = fieldVsValue;
m_typeId = 0;
m_own = false;
m_buffer = NULL;
m_bufferLength = 0;
m_pdxType = pdxType;
m_cache = cache;
m_cachePerfStats = &CacheRegionHelper::getCacheImpl(cache->GetNative().get())->getCachePerfStats();
m_pdxType->InitializeType(cache);//to generate static position map
//need to initialize stream. this will call todata and in toData we will have stream
auto output = m_cache->GetNative()->createDataOutput();
Apache::Geode::Client::DataOutput mg_output(&output, true, cache);
Apache::Geode::Client::Internal::PdxHelper::SerializePdx(%mg_output, this);
String^ PdxInstanceImpl::GetClassName()
if (m_typeId != 0)
PdxType^ pdxtype = m_cache->GetPdxTypeRegistry()->GetPdxType(m_typeId);
if (pdxtype == nullptr)//will it ever happen
throw gcnew IllegalStateException("PdxType is not defined for PdxInstance: " + m_typeId);
return pdxtype->PdxClassName;
//will it ever happen
throw gcnew IllegalStateException("PdxInstance typeid is not defined yet, to get classname.");
Object^ PdxInstanceImpl::GetObject()
DataInput^ dataInput = gcnew DataInput(m_buffer, m_bufferLength, m_cache);
System::Int64 sampleStartNanos = Utils::startStatOpTime();
Object^ ret = Internal::PdxHelper::DeserializePdx(dataInput, true, m_typeId, m_bufferLength,
return ret;
bool PdxInstanceImpl::HasField(String^ fieldName)
PdxType^ pt = getPdxType();
return pt->GetPdxField(fieldName) != nullptr;
IList<String^>^ PdxInstanceImpl::GetFieldNames()
PdxType^ pt = getPdxType();
IList<PdxFieldType^>^ pdxFieldList = pt->PdxFieldList;
IList<String^>^ retList = gcnew List<String^>();
for (int i = 0; i < pdxFieldList->Count; i++)
PdxFieldType^ currPf = pdxFieldList[i];
return retList;
bool PdxInstanceImpl::IsIdentityField(String^ fieldName)
PdxType^ pt = getPdxType();
PdxFieldType^ pft = pt->GetPdxField(fieldName);
return pft != nullptr && pft->IdentityField;
Object^ PdxInstanceImpl::GetField(String^ fieldName)
PdxType^ pt = getPdxType();
PdxFieldType^ pft = pt->GetPdxField(fieldName);
if (pft == nullptr)
// throw gcnew IllegalStateException("PdxInstance doesn't has field " + fieldName);
return nullptr;
DataInput^ dataInput = gcnew DataInput(m_buffer, m_bufferLength, m_cache);
int pos = getOffset(dataInput, pt, pft->SequenceId);
//Log::Debug("PdxInstanceImpl::GetField object pos " + (pos + 8) );
Object^ tmp = this->readField(dataInput, fieldName, pft->TypeId);
return tmp;
return nullptr;
void PdxInstanceImpl::setOffsetForObject(DataInput^ dataInput, PdxType^ pt, int sequenceId)
int pos = getOffset(dataInput, pt, sequenceId);
int PdxInstanceImpl::getOffset(DataInput^ dataInput, PdxType^ pt, int sequenceId)
int offsetSize = 0;
int serializedLength = 0;
int pdxSerializedLength = dataInput->GetPdxBytes();
if (pdxSerializedLength <= 0xff)
offsetSize = 1;
else if (pdxSerializedLength <= 0xffff)
offsetSize = 2;
offsetSize = 4;
if (pt->NumberOfVarLenFields > 0)
serializedLength = pdxSerializedLength - ((pt->NumberOfVarLenFields - 1) * offsetSize);
serializedLength = pdxSerializedLength;
System::Byte* offsetsBuffer = dataInput->GetCursor() + serializedLength;
return pt->GetFieldPosition(sequenceId, offsetsBuffer, offsetSize, serializedLength);
int PdxInstanceImpl::getSerializedLength(DataInput^ dataInput, PdxType^ pt)
int offsetSize = 0;
int serializedLength = 0;
int pdxSerializedLength = dataInput->GetPdxBytes();
if (pdxSerializedLength <= 0xff)
offsetSize = 1;
else if (pdxSerializedLength <= 0xffff)
offsetSize = 2;
offsetSize = 4;
if (pt->NumberOfVarLenFields > 0)
serializedLength = pdxSerializedLength - ((pt->NumberOfVarLenFields - 1) * offsetSize);
serializedLength = pdxSerializedLength;
return serializedLength;
bool PdxInstanceImpl::Equals(Object^ other)
if (other == nullptr)
return false;
PdxInstanceImpl^ otherPdx = dynamic_cast<PdxInstanceImpl^>(other);
if (otherPdx == nullptr)
return false;
PdxType^ myPdxType = getPdxType();
PdxType^ otherPdxType = otherPdx->getPdxType();
if (!otherPdxType->PdxClassName->Equals(myPdxType->PdxClassName))
return false;
int hashCode = 1;
//PdxType^ pt = getPdxType();
IList<PdxFieldType^>^ myPdxIdentityFieldList = getIdentityPdxFields(myPdxType);
IList<PdxFieldType^>^ otherPdxIdentityFieldList = otherPdx->getIdentityPdxFields(otherPdxType);
equatePdxFields(myPdxIdentityFieldList, otherPdxIdentityFieldList);
equatePdxFields(otherPdxIdentityFieldList, myPdxIdentityFieldList);
DataInput^ myDataInput = gcnew DataInput(m_buffer, m_bufferLength, m_cache);
DataInput^ otherDataInput = gcnew DataInput(otherPdx->m_buffer, otherPdx->m_bufferLength, m_cache);
bool isEqual = false;
int fieldTypeId = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < myPdxIdentityFieldList->Count; i++)
PdxFieldType^ myPFT = myPdxIdentityFieldList[i];
PdxFieldType^ otherPFT = otherPdxIdentityFieldList[i];
// Log::Debug("pdxfield " + ((myPFT != Default_PdxFieldType)? myPFT->FieldName: otherPFT->FieldName));
if (myPFT == Default_PdxFieldType)
fieldTypeId = otherPFT->TypeId;
/*Object^ val = otherPdx->GetField(otherPFT->FieldName);
if(val == nullptr || (int)val == 0 || (bool)val == false)
else if (otherPFT == Default_PdxFieldType)
fieldTypeId = myPFT->TypeId;
/*Object^ val = this->GetField(myPFT->FieldName);
if(val == nullptr || (int)val == 0 || (bool)val == false)
fieldTypeId = myPFT->TypeId;
switch (fieldTypeId)
case PdxFieldTypes::CHAR:
case PdxFieldTypes::BOOLEAN:
case PdxFieldTypes::BYTE:
case PdxFieldTypes::SHORT:
case PdxFieldTypes::INT:
case PdxFieldTypes::LONG:
case PdxFieldTypes::DATE:
case PdxFieldTypes::FLOAT:
case PdxFieldTypes::DOUBLE:
case PdxFieldTypes::STRING:
case PdxFieldTypes::BOOLEAN_ARRAY:
case PdxFieldTypes::CHAR_ARRAY:
case PdxFieldTypes::BYTE_ARRAY:
case PdxFieldTypes::SHORT_ARRAY:
case PdxFieldTypes::INT_ARRAY:
case PdxFieldTypes::LONG_ARRAY:
case PdxFieldTypes::FLOAT_ARRAY:
case PdxFieldTypes::DOUBLE_ARRAY:
case PdxFieldTypes::STRING_ARRAY:
case PdxFieldTypes::ARRAY_OF_BYTE_ARRAYS:
if (!compareRawBytes(otherPdx, myPdxType, myPFT, myDataInput, otherPdxType, otherPFT, otherDataInput))
return false;
case PdxFieldTypes::OBJECT:
Object^ object = nullptr;
Object^ otherObject = nullptr;
if (myPFT != Default_PdxFieldType)
setOffsetForObject(myDataInput, myPdxType, myPFT->SequenceId);
object = myDataInput->ReadObject();
if (otherPFT != Default_PdxFieldType)
otherPdx->setOffsetForObject(otherDataInput, otherPdxType, otherPFT->SequenceId);
otherObject = otherDataInput->ReadObject();
if (object != nullptr)
if (object->GetType()->IsArray)
if (object->GetType()->GetElementType()->IsPrimitive)//primitive type
if (!compareRawBytes(otherPdx, myPdxType, myPFT, myDataInput, otherPdxType, otherPFT, otherDataInput))
return false;
else//array of objects
if (!deepArrayEquals(object, otherObject))
return false;
else//object but can be hashtable, list etc
if (!deepArrayEquals(object, otherObject))
return false;
else if (otherObject != nullptr)
return false;
//hashCode = 31 * hashCode; // this may be issue
case PdxFieldTypes::OBJECT_ARRAY:
Object^ objectArray = nullptr;
Object^ otherObjectArray = nullptr;
if (myPFT != Default_PdxFieldType)
setOffsetForObject(myDataInput, myPdxType, myPFT->SequenceId);
objectArray = myDataInput->ReadObjectArray();
if (otherPFT != Default_PdxFieldType)
otherPdx->setOffsetForObject(otherDataInput, otherPdxType, otherPFT->SequenceId);
otherObjectArray = otherDataInput->ReadObjectArray();
if (!deepArrayEquals(objectArray, otherObjectArray))
return false;
throw gcnew IllegalStateException("PdxInstance not found typeid " + myPFT->TypeId);
return true;
bool PdxInstanceImpl::compareRawBytes(PdxInstanceImpl^ other, PdxType^ myPT, PdxFieldType^ myF, DataInput^ myDataInput, PdxType^ otherPT, PdxFieldType^ otherF, DataInput^ otherDataInput)
if (myF != Default_PdxFieldType && otherF != Default_PdxFieldType)
int pos = getOffset(myDataInput, myPT, myF->SequenceId);
int nextpos = getNextFieldPosition(myDataInput, myF->SequenceId + 1, myPT);
int otherPos = other->getOffset(otherDataInput, otherPT, otherF->SequenceId);
int otherNextpos = other->getNextFieldPosition(otherDataInput, otherF->SequenceId + 1, otherPT);
if ((nextpos - pos) != (otherNextpos - otherPos))
return false;
for (int i = pos; i < nextpos; i++)
if (myDataInput->ReadSByte() != otherDataInput->ReadSByte())
return false;
//Log::Debug("compareRawBytes returns true" );
return true;
DataInput^ tmpDI = nullptr;
if (myF == Default_PdxFieldType)
int otherPos = other->getOffset(otherDataInput, otherPT, otherF->SequenceId);
int otherNextpos = other->getNextFieldPosition(otherDataInput, otherF->SequenceId + 1, otherPT);
return hasDefaultBytes(otherF, otherDataInput, otherPos, otherNextpos);
int pos = getOffset(myDataInput, myPT, myF->SequenceId);
int nextpos = getNextFieldPosition(myDataInput, myF->SequenceId + 1, myPT);
return hasDefaultBytes(myF, myDataInput, pos, nextpos);
void PdxInstanceImpl::equatePdxFields(IList<PdxFieldType^>^ my, IList<PdxFieldType^>^ other)
for (int i = 0; i < my->Count; i++)
PdxFieldType^ myF = my[i];
if (myF != Default_PdxFieldType)
Log::Debug("field name " + myF->ToString());
int otherIdx = other->IndexOf(myF);
if (otherIdx == -1)//field not there
if (i < other->Count)
PdxFieldType^ tmp = other[i];
other[i] = Default_PdxFieldType;
else if (otherIdx != i)
PdxFieldType^ tmp = other[i];
other[i] = other[otherIdx];
other[otherIdx] = tmp;
//if(my->Count != other->Count)
// for(int i = 0; i < other->Count; i++)
// {
// PdxFieldType^ otherF = other[i];
// int myIdx = my->IndexOf(otherF);
// if(myIdx == -1)//this is the field not there
// {
// my[i] = otherF;
// }
// }
bool PdxInstanceImpl::deepArrayEquals(Object^ obj, Object^ otherObj)
if (obj == nullptr && otherObj == nullptr)
return true;
else if (obj == nullptr && otherObj != nullptr)
return false;
else if (obj != nullptr && otherObj == nullptr)
return false;
Type^ objT = obj->GetType();
Type^ otherObjT = otherObj->GetType();
if (!objT->Equals(otherObjT))
return false;
if (objT->IsArray)
return enumerableEquals((System::Collections::IEnumerable^)obj, (System::Collections::IEnumerable^)otherObj);
else if (objT->GetInterface("System.Collections.IDictionary"))
// Log::Debug(" in map");
return enumerateDictionaryForEqual((System::Collections::IDictionary^)obj, (System::Collections::IDictionary^)otherObj);
else if (objT->GetInterface("System.Collections.IList"))
// Log::Debug(" in list");
return enumerableEquals((System::Collections::IEnumerable^)obj, (System::Collections::IEnumerable^)otherObj);
// Log::Debug("final object hashcode " + obj->GetHashCode());
return obj->Equals(otherObj);
bool PdxInstanceImpl::enumerableEquals(System::Collections::IEnumerable^ enumObj, System::Collections::IEnumerable^ enumOtherObj)
if (enumObj == nullptr && enumOtherObj == nullptr)
return true;
else if (enumObj == nullptr && enumOtherObj != nullptr)
return false;
else if (enumObj != nullptr && enumOtherObj == nullptr)
return false;
System::Collections::IEnumerator^ my = enumObj->GetEnumerator();
System::Collections::IEnumerator^ other = enumOtherObj->GetEnumerator();
while (true)
bool m = my->MoveNext();
bool o = other->MoveNext();
if (m && o)
if (!my->Current->Equals(other->Current))
return false;
else if (!m && !o)
return true;
return false;
// Log::Debug(" in enumerableHashCode FINAL hc " + h);
return true;
bool PdxInstanceImpl::enumerateDictionaryForEqual(System::Collections::IDictionary^ iDict, System::Collections::IDictionary^ otherIDict)
if (iDict == nullptr && otherIDict == nullptr)
return true;
else if (iDict == nullptr && otherIDict != nullptr)
return false;
else if (iDict != nullptr && otherIDict == nullptr)
return false;
if (iDict->Count != otherIDict->Count)
return false;
System::Collections::IDictionaryEnumerator^ dEnum = iDict->GetEnumerator();
for each(System::Collections::DictionaryEntry^ de in iDict)
Object^ other = nullptr;
if (otherIDict->Contains(de->Key))
if (!deepArrayEquals(de->Value, otherIDict[de->Key]))
return false;
return false;
// Log::Debug(" in enumerateDictionary FINAL hc " + h);
return true;
int PdxInstanceImpl::GetHashCode()
int hashCode = 1;
PdxType^ pt = getPdxType();
IList<PdxFieldType^>^ pdxIdentityFieldList = getIdentityPdxFields(pt);
DataInput^ dataInput = gcnew DataInput(m_buffer, m_bufferLength, m_cache);
for (int i = 0; i < pdxIdentityFieldList->Count; i++)
PdxFieldType^ pField = pdxIdentityFieldList[i];
//Log::Debug("hashcode for pdxfield " + pField->FieldName + " hashcode is " + hashCode);
switch (pField->TypeId)
case PdxFieldTypes::CHAR:
case PdxFieldTypes::BOOLEAN:
case PdxFieldTypes::BYTE:
case PdxFieldTypes::SHORT:
case PdxFieldTypes::INT:
case PdxFieldTypes::LONG:
case PdxFieldTypes::DATE:
case PdxFieldTypes::FLOAT:
case PdxFieldTypes::DOUBLE:
case PdxFieldTypes::STRING:
case PdxFieldTypes::BOOLEAN_ARRAY:
case PdxFieldTypes::CHAR_ARRAY:
case PdxFieldTypes::BYTE_ARRAY:
case PdxFieldTypes::SHORT_ARRAY:
case PdxFieldTypes::INT_ARRAY:
case PdxFieldTypes::LONG_ARRAY:
case PdxFieldTypes::FLOAT_ARRAY:
case PdxFieldTypes::DOUBLE_ARRAY:
case PdxFieldTypes::STRING_ARRAY:
case PdxFieldTypes::ARRAY_OF_BYTE_ARRAYS:
int retH = getRawHashCode(pt, pField, dataInput);
if (retH != 0)
hashCode = 31 * hashCode + retH;
case PdxFieldTypes::OBJECT:
setOffsetForObject(dataInput, pt, pField->SequenceId);
Object^ object = dataInput->ReadObject();
if (object != nullptr)
if (object->GetType()->IsArray)
if (object->GetType()->GetElementType()->IsPrimitive)//primitive type
int retH = getRawHashCode(pt, pField, dataInput);
if (retH != 0)
hashCode = 31 * hashCode + retH;
else//array of objects
hashCode = 31 * hashCode + deepArrayHashCode(object);
else//object but can be hashtable, list etc
hashCode = 31 * hashCode + deepArrayHashCode(object);
//hashCode = 31 * hashCode; // this may be issue
case PdxFieldTypes::OBJECT_ARRAY:
setOffsetForObject(dataInput, pt, pField->SequenceId);
Object^ objectArray = dataInput->ReadObjectArray();
hashCode = 31 * hashCode + (objectArray != nullptr) ? deepArrayHashCode(objectArray) : 0;
throw gcnew IllegalStateException("PdxInstance not found typeid " + pField->TypeId);
return hashCode;
int PdxInstanceImpl::deepArrayHashCode(Object^ obj)
if (obj == nullptr)
return 0;
Type^ objT = obj->GetType();
/*for each(Type^ tmp in objT->GetInterfaces())
//Log::Debug("interfaces " + tmp);*/
if (objT->IsArray)
//{//primitive array
// return primitiveArrayHashCode((array<int>^)obj);
{//object array
return enumerableHashCode((System::Collections::IEnumerable^)obj);
else if (objT->GetInterface("System.Collections.IDictionary"))
// Log::Debug(" in map");
return enumerateDictionary((System::Collections::IDictionary^)obj);
else if (objT->GetInterface("System.Collections.IList"))
// Log::Debug(" in list");
return enumerableHashCode((System::Collections::IEnumerable^)obj);
// Log::Debug("final object hashcode " + obj->GetHashCode());
if (obj->GetType()->Equals(DotNetTypes::BooleanType))
if ((bool)obj)
return 1231;
return 1237;
else if (obj->GetType()->Equals(DotNetTypes::StringType))
String^ str = (String^)obj;
int prime = 31;
int h = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < str->Length; i++)
h = prime*h + str[i];
return h;
return obj->GetHashCode();
int PdxInstanceImpl::enumerableHashCode(System::Collections::IEnumerable^ enumObj)
int h = 1;
for each(Object^ o in enumObj)
h = h * 31 + deepArrayHashCode(o);
// Log::Debug(" in enumerableHashCode hc " + h);
// Log::Debug(" in enumerableHashCode FINAL hc " + h);
return h;
int PdxInstanceImpl::enumerateDictionary(System::Collections::IDictionary^ iDict)
int h = 0;
System::Collections::IDictionaryEnumerator^ dEnum = iDict->GetEnumerator();
for each(System::Collections::DictionaryEntry^ de in iDict)
//System::Collections::DictionaryEntry^ de = (System::Collections::DictionaryEntry^)o;
h = h + ((deepArrayHashCode(de->Key)) ^ ((de->Value != nullptr) ? deepArrayHashCode(de->Value) : 0));
// Log::Debug(" in enumerateDictionary FINAL hc " + h);
return h;
generic <class T>
int PdxInstanceImpl::primitiveArrayHashCode(T objArray)
if (objArray == nullptr)
return 0;
bool isBooleanType = false;
if (objArray->Count > 0 && objArray->GetType()->GetElementType()->Equals(DotNetTypes::BooleanType))
isBooleanType = true;
//Log::Debug("primitiveArrayHashCode isbool " + isBooleanType);
int h = 1;
for each(Object^ o in objArray)
if (isBooleanType)
if ((bool)o)
h = h * 31 + 1231;
h = h * 31 + 1237;
h = h * 31 + o->GetHashCode();
// Log::Debug(" primitiveArrayHashCode final hc " + h);
return h;
int PdxInstanceImpl::getRawHashCode(PdxType^ pt, PdxFieldType^ pField, DataInput^ dataInput)
int pos = getOffset(dataInput, pt, pField->SequenceId);
int nextpos = getNextFieldPosition(dataInput, pField->SequenceId + 1, pt);
if (hasDefaultBytes(pField, dataInput, pos, nextpos))
return 0;//matched default bytes
dataInput->ResetAndAdvanceCursorPdx(nextpos - 1);
int h = 1;
for (int i = nextpos - 1; i >= pos; i--)
h = 31 * h + (int)dataInput->ReadSByte();
dataInput->ResetAndAdvanceCursorPdx(i - 1);
//Log::Debug("getRawHashCode nbytes " + (nextpos - pos) + " final hashcode" + h);
return h;
bool PdxInstanceImpl::compareDefaulBytes(DataInput^ dataInput, int start, int end, array<SByte>^ defaultBytes)
if ((end - start) != defaultBytes->Length)
return false;
int j = 0;
for (int i = start; i < end; i++)
if (defaultBytes[j++] != dataInput->ReadSByte())
return false;
return true;
bool PdxInstanceImpl::hasDefaultBytes(PdxFieldType^ pField, DataInput^ dataInput, int start, int end)
switch (pField->TypeId)
case PdxFieldTypes::INT:
return compareDefaulBytes(dataInput, start, end, Int_DefaultBytes);
case PdxFieldTypes::STRING:
return compareDefaulBytes(dataInput, start, end, String_DefaultBytes);
case PdxFieldTypes::BOOLEAN:
return compareDefaulBytes(dataInput, start, end, Boolean_DefaultBytes);
case PdxFieldTypes::FLOAT:
return compareDefaulBytes(dataInput, start, end, Float_DefaultBytes);
case PdxFieldTypes::DOUBLE:
return compareDefaulBytes(dataInput, start, end, Double_DefaultBytes);
case PdxFieldTypes::CHAR:
return compareDefaulBytes(dataInput, start, end, Char_DefaultBytes);
case PdxFieldTypes::BYTE:
return compareDefaulBytes(dataInput, start, end, Byte_DefaultBytes);
case PdxFieldTypes::SHORT:
return compareDefaulBytes(dataInput, start, end, Short_DefaultBytes);
case PdxFieldTypes::LONG:
return compareDefaulBytes(dataInput, start, end, Long_DefaultBytes);
case PdxFieldTypes::BYTE_ARRAY:
case PdxFieldTypes::DOUBLE_ARRAY:
case PdxFieldTypes::FLOAT_ARRAY:
case PdxFieldTypes::SHORT_ARRAY:
case PdxFieldTypes::INT_ARRAY:
case PdxFieldTypes::LONG_ARRAY:
case PdxFieldTypes::BOOLEAN_ARRAY:
case PdxFieldTypes::CHAR_ARRAY:
case PdxFieldTypes::STRING_ARRAY:
case PdxFieldTypes::ARRAY_OF_BYTE_ARRAYS:
case PdxFieldTypes::OBJECT_ARRAY:
return compareDefaulBytes(dataInput, start, end, NULL_ARRAY_DefaultBytes);
case PdxFieldTypes::DATE:
return compareDefaulBytes(dataInput, start, end, Date_DefaultBytes);
case PdxFieldTypes::OBJECT:
return compareDefaulBytes(dataInput, start, end, Object_DefaultBytes);
throw gcnew IllegalStateException("hasDefaultBytes unable to find typeID " + pField->TypeId);
bool PdxInstanceImpl::isPrimitiveArray(Object^ object)
Type^ type = object->GetType();
if (type->IsArray)
return type->GetElementType()->IsPrimitive;
return false;
IList<PdxFieldType^>^ PdxInstanceImpl::getIdentityPdxFields(PdxType^ pt)
System::Comparison<PdxFieldType^>^ cd = gcnew System::Comparison<PdxFieldType^>(PdxInstanceImpl::comparePdxField);
IList<PdxFieldType^>^ pdxFieldList = pt->PdxFieldList;
List<PdxFieldType^>^ retList = gcnew List<PdxFieldType^>();
for (int i = 0; i < pdxFieldList->Count; i++)
PdxFieldType^ pft = pdxFieldList[i];
if (pft->IdentityField)
if (retList->Count > 0)
return retList;
for (int i = 0; i < pdxFieldList->Count; i++)
PdxFieldType^ pft = pdxFieldList[i];
return retList;
int PdxInstanceImpl::comparePdxField(PdxFieldType^ a, PdxFieldType^ b)
return a->FieldName->CompareTo(b->FieldName);
String^ PdxInstanceImpl::ToString()
PdxType^ pt = getPdxType();
StringBuilder^ result = gcnew StringBuilder();
bool firstElement = true;
for each(PdxFieldType^ fieldType in getIdentityPdxFields(pt))
if (firstElement)
firstElement = false;
result->Append(", ");
// TODO check to see if getField returned an array and if it did use Arrays.deepToString
catch (System::Exception^ e)
return result->ToString();
IWritablePdxInstance^ PdxInstanceImpl::CreateWriter()
return gcnew PdxInstanceImpl(m_buffer, m_bufferLength, m_typeId, false, m_cache);//need to create duplicate byte stream
void PdxInstanceImpl::SetField(String^ fieldName, Object^ value)
PdxType^ pt = getPdxType();
PdxFieldType^ pft = pt->GetPdxField(fieldName);
if (pft != nullptr && checkType(value->GetType(), pft->TypeId))//TODO::need to check typeas well
if (m_updatedFields == nullptr)
m_updatedFields = gcnew Dictionary<String^, Object^>();
m_updatedFields[fieldName] = value;
throw gcnew IllegalStateException("PdxInstance doesn't has field " + fieldName + " or type of field not matched " + (pft != nullptr ? pft->ToString() : ""));
void PdxInstanceImpl::ToData(IPdxWriter^ writer)
PdxType^ pt = getPdxType();
IList<PdxFieldType^>^ pdxFieldList = pt->PdxFieldList;
int position = 0;//ignore typeid and length
int nextFieldPosition;
if (m_buffer != NULL)
System::Byte* copy = m_buffer;
if (!m_own)
copy = apache::geode::client::DataInput::getBufferCopy(m_buffer, m_bufferLength);
DataInput^ dataInput = gcnew DataInput(copy, m_bufferLength, m_cache);//this will delete buffer
//but new stream is set for this from pdxHelper::serialize function
for (int i = 0; i < pdxFieldList->Count; i++)
PdxFieldType^ currPf = pdxFieldList[i];
Object^ value = nullptr;
m_updatedFields->TryGetValue(currPf->FieldName, value);
//Log::Debug("field name " + currPf->FieldName);
if (value != nullptr)
//Log::Debug("field updating " + value);
writeField(writer, currPf->FieldName, currPf->TypeId, value);
position = getNextFieldPosition(dataInput, i + 1, pt);
if (currPf->IsVariableLengthType)
{//need to add offset
//write raw byte array...
nextFieldPosition = getNextFieldPosition(dataInput, i + 1, pt);
writeUnmodifieldField(dataInput, position, nextFieldPosition, static_cast<PdxLocalWriter^>(writer));
position = nextFieldPosition;//mark next field;
for (int i = 0; i < pdxFieldList->Count; i++)
PdxFieldType^ currPf = pdxFieldList[i];
Object^ value = m_updatedFields[currPf->FieldName];
//Log::Debug("field updating " + value);
writeField(writer, currPf->FieldName, currPf->TypeId, value);
//now update the raw data...which will happen in PdxHelper
void PdxInstanceImpl::cleanup()
if (m_own)
m_own = false;
void PdxInstanceImpl::updatePdxStream(System::Byte* newPdxStream, int len)
m_buffer = newPdxStream;
m_own = true;
m_bufferLength = len;
void PdxInstanceImpl::writeUnmodifieldField(DataInput^ dataInput, int startPos, int endPos, PdxLocalWriter^ localWriter)
//Log::Debug("writeUnmodifieldField startpos " + startPos + " endpos " + endPos);
for (; startPos < endPos; startPos++)
int PdxInstanceImpl::getNextFieldPosition(DataInput^ dataInput, int fieldId, PdxType^ pt)
if (fieldId == pt->Totalfields)
{//return serialized length
return getSerializedLength(dataInput, pt);
return getOffset(dataInput, pt, fieldId);
void PdxInstanceImpl::FromData(IPdxReader^ reader)
throw gcnew IllegalStateException("PdxInstance::FromData( .. ) shouldn't have called");
PdxType^ PdxInstanceImpl::getPdxType()
if (m_typeId == 0)
if (m_pdxType == nullptr)
throw gcnew IllegalStateException("PdxType should not be null..");
return m_pdxType;
PdxType^ pType = m_cache->GetPdxTypeRegistry()->GetPdxType(m_typeId);
return pType;
void PdxInstanceImpl::setPdxId(Int32 typeId)
if (m_typeId == 0)
m_typeId = typeId;
m_pdxType = nullptr;
throw gcnew IllegalStateException("PdxInstance's typeId is already set.");
Object^ PdxInstanceImpl::readField(DataInput^ dataInput, String^ fieldName, int typeId)
switch (typeId)
case PdxFieldTypes::INT:
return dataInput->ReadInt32();
case PdxFieldTypes::STRING:
return dataInput->ReadString();
case PdxFieldTypes::BOOLEAN:
return dataInput->ReadBoolean();
case PdxFieldTypes::FLOAT:
return dataInput->ReadFloat();
case PdxFieldTypes::DOUBLE:
return dataInput->ReadDouble();
case PdxFieldTypes::CHAR:
return dataInput->ReadChar();
case PdxFieldTypes::BYTE:
return dataInput->ReadSByte();
case PdxFieldTypes::SHORT:
return dataInput->ReadInt16();
case PdxFieldTypes::LONG:
return dataInput->ReadInt64();
case PdxFieldTypes::BYTE_ARRAY:
return dataInput->ReadBytes();
case PdxFieldTypes::DOUBLE_ARRAY:
return dataInput->ReadDoubleArray();
case PdxFieldTypes::FLOAT_ARRAY:
return dataInput->ReadFloatArray();
case PdxFieldTypes::SHORT_ARRAY:
return dataInput->ReadShortArray();
case PdxFieldTypes::INT_ARRAY:
return dataInput->ReadIntArray();
case PdxFieldTypes::LONG_ARRAY:
return dataInput->ReadLongArray();
case PdxFieldTypes::BOOLEAN_ARRAY:
return dataInput->ReadBooleanArray();
case PdxFieldTypes::CHAR_ARRAY:
return dataInput->ReadCharArray();
case PdxFieldTypes::STRING_ARRAY:
return dataInput->ReadStringArray();
case PdxFieldTypes::DATE:
return dataInput->ReadDate();
case PdxFieldTypes::ARRAY_OF_BYTE_ARRAYS:
return dataInput->ReadArrayOfByteArrays();
case PdxFieldTypes::OBJECT_ARRAY:
return dataInput->ReadObjectArray();
return dataInput->ReadObject();
//throw gcnew IllegalStateException("ReadField unable to de-serialize "
// + fieldName + " of " + type);
bool PdxInstanceImpl::checkType(Type^ type, int typeId)
// Log::Fine("PdxInstanceImpl::checkType1 " + type->ToString() + " " + typeId);
switch (typeId)
case PdxFieldTypes::INT:
// Log::Fine("PdxInstanceImpl::checkType " + type->ToString() + " : " +DotNetTypes::IntType->ToString());
return type->Equals(DotNetTypes::IntType);
case PdxFieldTypes::STRING:
return type->Equals(DotNetTypes::StringType);
case PdxFieldTypes::BOOLEAN:
return type->Equals(DotNetTypes::BooleanType);
case PdxFieldTypes::FLOAT:
return type->Equals(DotNetTypes::FloatType);
case PdxFieldTypes::DOUBLE:
return type->Equals(DotNetTypes::DoubleType);
case PdxFieldTypes::CHAR:
return type->Equals(DotNetTypes::CharType);
case PdxFieldTypes::BYTE:
return type->Equals(DotNetTypes::SByteType);
case PdxFieldTypes::SHORT:
return type->Equals(DotNetTypes::ShortType);
case PdxFieldTypes::LONG:
return type->Equals(DotNetTypes::LongType);
case PdxFieldTypes::BYTE_ARRAY:
return type->Equals(DotNetTypes::ByteArrayType);
case PdxFieldTypes::DOUBLE_ARRAY:
return type->Equals(DotNetTypes::DoubleArrayType);
case PdxFieldTypes::FLOAT_ARRAY:
return type->Equals(DotNetTypes::FloatArrayType);
case PdxFieldTypes::SHORT_ARRAY:
return type->Equals(DotNetTypes::ShortArrayType);
case PdxFieldTypes::INT_ARRAY:
return type->Equals(DotNetTypes::IntArrayType);
case PdxFieldTypes::LONG_ARRAY:
return type->Equals(DotNetTypes::LongArrayType);
case PdxFieldTypes::BOOLEAN_ARRAY:
return type->Equals(DotNetTypes::BoolArrayType);
case PdxFieldTypes::CHAR_ARRAY:
return type->Equals(DotNetTypes::CharArrayType);
case PdxFieldTypes::STRING_ARRAY:
return type->Equals(DotNetTypes::StringArrayType);
case PdxFieldTypes::DATE:
return type->Equals(DotNetTypes::DateType);
case PdxFieldTypes::ARRAY_OF_BYTE_ARRAYS:
return type->Equals(DotNetTypes::ByteArrayOfArrayType);
case PdxFieldTypes::OBJECT_ARRAY:
return type->Equals(DotNetTypes::ObjectArrayType);
return true;
//throw gcnew IllegalStateException("ReadField unable to de-serialize "
// + fieldName + " of " + type);
void PdxInstanceImpl::writeField(IPdxWriter^ writer, String^ fieldName, int typeId, Object^ value)
switch (typeId)
case PdxFieldTypes::INT:
writer->WriteInt(fieldName, (int)value);
case PdxFieldTypes::STRING:
writer->WriteString(fieldName, (String^)value);
case PdxFieldTypes::BOOLEAN:
writer->WriteBoolean(fieldName, (bool)value);
case PdxFieldTypes::FLOAT:
writer->WriteFloat(fieldName, (float)value);
case PdxFieldTypes::DOUBLE:
writer->WriteDouble(fieldName, (double)value);
case PdxFieldTypes::CHAR:
writer->WriteChar(fieldName, (Char)value);
case PdxFieldTypes::BYTE:
writer->WriteByte(fieldName, (SByte)value);
case PdxFieldTypes::SHORT:
writer->WriteShort(fieldName, (short)value);
case PdxFieldTypes::LONG:
writer->WriteLong(fieldName, (Int64)value);
case PdxFieldTypes::BYTE_ARRAY:
writer->WriteByteArray(fieldName, (array<Byte>^)value);
case PdxFieldTypes::DOUBLE_ARRAY:
writer->WriteDoubleArray(fieldName, (array<double>^)value);
case PdxFieldTypes::FLOAT_ARRAY:
writer->WriteFloatArray(fieldName, (array<float>^)value);
case PdxFieldTypes::SHORT_ARRAY:
writer->WriteShortArray(fieldName, (array<short>^)value);
case PdxFieldTypes::INT_ARRAY:
writer->WriteIntArray(fieldName, (array<int>^)value);
case PdxFieldTypes::LONG_ARRAY:
writer->WriteLongArray(fieldName, (array<Int64>^)value);
case PdxFieldTypes::BOOLEAN_ARRAY:
writer->WriteBooleanArray(fieldName, (array<bool>^)value);
case PdxFieldTypes::CHAR_ARRAY:
writer->WriteCharArray(fieldName, (array<Char>^)value);
case PdxFieldTypes::STRING_ARRAY:
writer->WriteStringArray(fieldName, (array<String^>^)value);
case PdxFieldTypes::DATE:
writer->WriteDate(fieldName, (DateTime)value);
case PdxFieldTypes::ARRAY_OF_BYTE_ARRAYS:
writer->WriteArrayOfByteArrays(fieldName, (array<array<Byte>^>^)value);
case PdxFieldTypes::OBJECT_ARRAY:
writer->WriteObjectArray(fieldName, (List<Object^>^)value);
writer->WriteObject(fieldName, value);
} // namespace Internal
} // namespace Client
} // namespace Geode
} // namespace Apache