blob: 0a7241b5a9dd8042e8b74b7fc811785a66d15817 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "FwkBBServer.hpp"
#include <set>
#include "FwkLog.hpp"
#include "FwkStrCvt.hpp"
#include "UDPIpc.hpp"
namespace apache {
namespace geode {
namespace client {
namespace testframework {
FwkBBServer::~FwkBBServer() {
// stop();
// void FwkBBServer::stop() {
// m_farm->stopThreads();
// clear();
// delete m_farm;
// void FwkBBServer::start( uint32_t port ) {
// UDPMessageQueues * shared = new UDPMessageQueues( "BlackBoard" );
// m_farm = new Service( 10 );
// Receiver recv( shared, port );
// BBProcessor serv( shared, this );
// Responder resp( shared, port );
// uint32_t thrds = m_farm->runThreaded( &recv, 5 );
// thrds = m_farm->runThreaded( &resp, 4 );
// thrds = m_farm->runThreaded( &serv, 1 );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void FwkBBServer::clear() {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// <start><id>IIII<c>dump<end>
// bool dump(std::string& result);
// <start><id>IIII<c>dump<p>BBName<end>
// bool dump(const char* BBName, std::string& result)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void FwkBBServer::onDump(FwkBBMessage& message, FwkBBMessage& reply) {
std::string sParameter1 = message.getParameter(0);
std::string response;
if (sParameter1.size()) {
dump(sParameter1, response);
} else { // dump all
void FwkBBServer::onClearBB(FwkBBMessage& message) {
std::string sParameter1 = message.getParameter(0);
if (sParameter1.size()) clearBB(sParameter1);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// <start><id>IIII<c>get<p>key<p>BBName<p>Key<end>
// bool get(const char* BBName, const char* Key, std::string& result)
// <start><id>IIII<c>get<p>counter<p>BBName<p>Key<end>
// bool get(const char* BBName, const char* Key,
// int64_t* piResult)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void FwkBBServer::onGet(FwkBBMessage& message, FwkBBMessage& reply) {
std::string sParameter1 = message.getParameter(0);
std::string sParameter2 = message.getParameter(1);
std::string sParameter3 = message.getParameter(2);
if (sParameter1.size() && sParameter2.size() && sParameter3.size()) {
if (sParameter1 == "key") {
reply.setResult(getString(sParameter2, sParameter3));
} else if (sParameter1 == "counter") {
int64_t result = get(sParameter2, sParameter3);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// <start><id>IIII<c>set<p>key<p>BBName<p>Key<p>pszValue<end>
// bool set(const char* BBName, const char* Key, const char* pszValue)
// <start><id>IIII<c>set<p>counter<p>BBName<p>Key<p>Value<end>
// bool set(const char* BBName, const char* Key,
// const int64_t Value)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void FwkBBServer::onSet(FwkBBMessage& message) {
std::string sParameter1 = message.getParameter(0);
std::string sParameter2 = message.getParameter(1);
std::string sParameter3 = message.getParameter(2);
std::string sParameter4 = message.getParameter(3);
if (sParameter1.size() && sParameter2.size() && sParameter3.size() &&
sParameter4.size()) {
if (sParameter1 == "key") {
set(sParameter2, sParameter3, sParameter4);
} else if (sParameter1 == "counter") {
int64_t Value = FwkStrCvt(sParameter4.c_str()).toInt64();
set(sParameter2, sParameter3, Value);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// <start><id>IIII<c>add<p>BBName<p>Key<p>Value<end>
// bool add(const char* BBName, const char* Key,
// const int64_t Value, int64_t* piResult)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void FwkBBServer::onAdd(FwkBBMessage& message, FwkBBMessage& reply) {
int64_t result = 0;
std::string sParameter1 = message.getParameter(0);
std::string sParameter2 = message.getParameter(1);
std::string sParameter3 = message.getParameter(2);
if (sParameter1.size() && sParameter2.size() && sParameter3.size()) {
int64_t Value = FwkStrCvt(sParameter3).toInt64();
result = add(sParameter1, sParameter2, Value);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// <start><id>IIII<c>subtract<p>BBName<p>Key<p>Value<end>
// bool subtract(const char* BBName, const char* Key,
// const int64_t Value, int64_t* piResult)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void FwkBBServer::onSubtract(FwkBBMessage& message, FwkBBMessage& reply) {
int64_t result = 0;
std::string sParameter1 = message.getParameter(0);
std::string sParameter2 = message.getParameter(1);
std::string sParameter3 = message.getParameter(2);
if (sParameter1.size() && sParameter2.size() && sParameter3.size()) {
int64_t Value = FwkStrCvt(sParameter3).toInt64();
result = subtract(sParameter1, sParameter2, Value);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// <start><id>IIII<c>increment<p>BBName<p>Key<p>Value<end>
// bool increment(const char* BBName, const char* Key,
// int64_t* piResult)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void FwkBBServer::onIncrement(FwkBBMessage& message, FwkBBMessage& reply) {
int64_t result = 0;
std::string sParameter1 = message.getParameter(0);
std::string sParameter2 = message.getParameter(1);
if (sParameter1.size() && sParameter2.size()) {
result = increment(sParameter1, sParameter2);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// <start><id>IIII<c>decrement<p>BBName<p>Key<p>Value<end>
// bool decrement(const char* BBName, const char* Key,
// int64_t* piResult)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void FwkBBServer::onDecrement(FwkBBMessage& message, FwkBBMessage& reply) {
int64_t result = 0;
std::string sParameter1 = message.getParameter(0);
std::string sParameter2 = message.getParameter(1);
if (sParameter1.size() && sParameter2.size()) {
result = decrement(sParameter1, sParameter2);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// <start><id>IIII<c>zero<p>BBName<p>Key<end>
// bool zero(const char* BBName, const char* Key)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void FwkBBServer::onZero(FwkBBMessage& message) {
std::string sParameter1 = message.getParameter(0);
std::string sParameter2 = message.getParameter(1);
if (sParameter1.size() && sParameter2.size()) zero(sParameter1, sParameter2);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// <start><id>IIII<c>setIfGreater<p>BBName<p>Key<p>Value<end>
// bool setIfGreater(const char* BBName,
// const char* Key, const int64_t Value, int64_t* piResult)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void FwkBBServer::onSetIfGreater(FwkBBMessage& message, FwkBBMessage& reply) {
int64_t result = 0;
std::string sParameter1 = message.getParameter(0);
std::string sParameter2 = message.getParameter(1);
std::string sParameter3 = message.getParameter(2);
if (sParameter1.size() && sParameter2.size() && sParameter3.size()) {
int64_t Value = FwkStrCvt(sParameter3).toInt64();
result = setIfGreater(sParameter1, sParameter2, Value);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// <start><id>IIII<c>setIfLess<p>BBName<p>Key<p>Value<end>
// bool setIfLess(const char* BBName,
// const char* Key, const int64_t Value, int64_t* piResult)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void FwkBBServer::onSetIfLess(FwkBBMessage& message, FwkBBMessage& reply) {
int64_t result = 0;
std::string sParameter1 = message.getParameter(0);
std::string sParameter2 = message.getParameter(1);
std::string sParameter3 = message.getParameter(2);
if (sParameter1.size() && sParameter2.size() && sParameter3.size()) {
int64_t Value = FwkStrCvt(sParameter3).toInt64();
result = setIfLess(sParameter1, sParameter2, Value);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void FwkBBServer::dump(std::string& result) {
// set of all bb's
std::set<std::string> bbSet;
// get all bbNames in nameKeyMap
NameKeyMap::iterator nameKeyIt = m_nameKeyMap.begin();
while (nameKeyIt != m_nameKeyMap.end()) {
// get all bbnames in nameCounterMap
NameCounterMap::iterator nameCounterIt = m_nameCounterMap.begin();
while (nameCounterIt != m_nameCounterMap.end()) {
// dump all bb's
std::set<std::string>::iterator bbIt = bbSet.begin();
while (bbIt != bbSet.end()) {
std::string bb(*bbIt);
std::string response;
dump(bb, response);
result += response;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void FwkBBServer::dump(const std::string& BBName, std::string& result) {
result = "\nBlack Board: ";
result += BBName;
result += "\n";
// get keys
NameKeyMap::iterator nameKeyIt = m_nameKeyMap.begin();
while (nameKeyIt != m_nameKeyMap.end()) {
if (nameKeyIt->first.getName() == BBName) {
result += " Key: ";
result += nameKeyIt->first.getKey();
result += " Value: ";
result += nameKeyIt->second;
result += "\n";
// get counters
NameCounterMap::iterator nameCounterIt = m_nameCounterMap.begin();
while (nameCounterIt != m_nameCounterMap.end()) {
if (nameCounterIt->first.getName() == BBName) {
result += " Counter: ";
result += nameCounterIt->first.getKey();
result += " Value: ";
result += FwkStrCvt(nameCounterIt->second).toString();
result += "\n";
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void FwkBBServer::clearBB(const std::string& BBName) {
NameKeyMap::iterator nameKeyIt = m_nameKeyMap.begin();
NameKeyMap::iterator prevK = m_nameKeyMap.begin();
while (nameKeyIt != m_nameKeyMap.end()) {
// FWKINFO( "Looking at: " << nameKeyIt->first.getName() << " Key: " <<
// nameKeyIt->first.getKey() );
if (nameKeyIt->first.getName() == BBName) {
// FWKINFO( "Calling erase." );
nameKeyIt = prevK;
} else {
prevK = nameKeyIt;
NameCounterMap::iterator nameCounterIt = m_nameCounterMap.begin();
NameCounterMap::iterator prevC = m_nameCounterMap.begin();
while (nameCounterIt != m_nameCounterMap.end()) {
// FWKINFO( "Looking at: " << nameCounterIt->first.getName() << "
// Counter: " << nameCounterIt->first.getKey() );
if (nameCounterIt->first.getName() == BBName) {
// FWKINFO( "Calling erase." );
nameCounterIt = prevC;
} else {
prevC = nameCounterIt;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
std::string FwkBBServer::getString(const std::string& BBName,
const std::string& Key) {
std::string result;
NameKeyPair nameKeyPair(BBName, Key);
NameKeyMap::iterator it = m_nameKeyMap.find(nameKeyPair);
if (it != m_nameKeyMap.end()) { // if found
result = it->second;
return result;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int64_t FwkBBServer::get(const std::string& BBName, const std::string& Key) {
int64_t result = 0;
NameKeyPair nameKeyPair(BBName, Key);
NameCounterMap::iterator it = m_nameCounterMap.find(nameKeyPair);
if (it != m_nameCounterMap.end()) { // if found
result = it->second;
} else { // not found, set to Value;
m_nameCounterMap[nameKeyPair] = 0;
return result;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void FwkBBServer::set(const std::string& BBName, const std::string& Key,
const std::string& Value) {
NameKeyPair nameKeyPair(BBName, Key);
NameKeyMap::iterator it = m_nameKeyMap.find(nameKeyPair);
if (it != m_nameKeyMap.end()) { // if found
it->second = std::string(Value);
} else { // not found, set to Value;
m_nameKeyMap[nameKeyPair] = std::string(Value);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void FwkBBServer::set(const std::string& BBName, const std::string& Key,
const int64_t Value) {
NameKeyPair nameKeyPair(BBName, Key);
NameCounterMap::iterator it = m_nameCounterMap.find(nameKeyPair);
if (it != m_nameCounterMap.end()) { // if found
it->second = Value;
} else { // not found, set to Value;
m_nameCounterMap[nameKeyPair] = Value;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int64_t FwkBBServer::add(const std::string& BBName, const std::string& Key,
const int64_t Value) {
int64_t result = Value;
NameKeyPair nameKeyPair(BBName, Key);
NameCounterMap::iterator it = m_nameCounterMap.find(nameKeyPair);
if (it != m_nameCounterMap.end()) { // if found
it->second = it->second + Value;
result = it->second;
} else { // not found, set to Value;
m_nameCounterMap[nameKeyPair] = Value;
return result;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int64_t FwkBBServer::subtract(const std::string& BBName, const std::string& Key,
const int64_t Value) {
return add(BBName, Key, Value * -1);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int64_t FwkBBServer::increment(const std::string& BBName,
const std::string& Key) {
return add(BBName, Key, 1);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int64_t FwkBBServer::decrement(const std::string& BBName,
const std::string& Key) {
return add(BBName, Key, -1);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void FwkBBServer::zero(const std::string& BBName, const std::string& Key) {
set(BBName, Key, 0ll);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int64_t FwkBBServer::setIfGreater(const std::string& BBName,
const std::string& Key, const int64_t Value) {
int64_t result = Value;
NameKeyPair nameKeyPair(BBName, Key);
NameCounterMap::iterator it = m_nameCounterMap.find(nameKeyPair);
if (it != m_nameCounterMap.end()) { // if found
if (Value > it->second) it->second = Value;
result = it->second;
} else { // not found, set to Value;
m_nameCounterMap[nameKeyPair] = Value;
return result;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int64_t FwkBBServer::setIfLess(const std::string& BBName,
const std::string& Key, const int64_t Value) {
int64_t result = Value;
NameKeyPair nameKeyPair(BBName, Key);
NameCounterMap::iterator it = m_nameCounterMap.find(nameKeyPair);
if (it != m_nameCounterMap.end()) { // if found
if (Value < it->second) it->second = Value;
result = it->second;
} else { // not found, set to Value;
m_nameCounterMap[nameKeyPair] = Value;
return result;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
} // namespace testframework
} // namespace client
} // namespace geode
} // namespace apache