blob: a3cdd81c3cd9ba4c72414604507d62f28d596d4b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <string>
#include <msclr/marshal_cppstd.h>
#include "QueryStringsM.hpp"
namespace Apache
namespace Geode
namespace Client
namespace Tests
using namespace msclr::interop;
// Region: QueryStrings method definitions
void QueryStrings::Init( QueryCategory pcategory, String^ pquery,
Boolean pisLargeResultset )
auto nativeptr = std::unique_ptr<testData::QueryStrings>(new testData::QueryStrings(
static_cast<testData::queryCategory>( pcategory ),
marshal_as<std::string>(pquery), pisLargeResultset ));
m_nativeptr = gcnew native_conditional_unique_ptr<testData::QueryStrings>(std::move(nativeptr));
Int32 QueryStrings::RSsize::get( )
return testData::QueryStrings::RSsize( );
Int32 QueryStrings::RSPsize::get( )
return testData::QueryStrings::RSPsize( );
Int32 QueryStrings::SSsize::get( )
return testData::QueryStrings::SSsize( );
Int32 QueryStrings::SSPsize::get( )
return testData::QueryStrings::SSPsize( );
Int32 QueryStrings::RQsize::get( )
return testData::QueryStrings::RQsize( );
Int32 QueryStrings::CQRSsize::get( )
return testData::QueryStrings::CQRSsize( );
QueryCategory QueryStrings::Category::get()
return static_cast<QueryCategory>( m_nativeptr->get()->category );
String^ QueryStrings::Query::get( )
return marshal_as<String^>( m_nativeptr->get()->query( ) );
bool QueryStrings::IsLargeResultset::get( )
return m_nativeptr->get()->haveLargeResultset;
// End Region: QueryStrings method definitions
// Region: QueryStatics method definitions
static QueryStatics::QueryStatics( )
ResultSetQueries = gcnew array<QueryStrings^>(
testData::RS_ARRAY_SIZE );
for (Int32 index = 0; index < testData::RS_ARRAY_SIZE; ++index) {
ResultSetQueries[ index ] =
gcnew QueryStrings( const_cast<testData::QueryStrings*>(
&testData::resultsetQueries[ index ] ) );
ResultSetParamQueries = gcnew array<QueryStrings^>(
testData::RSP_ARRAY_SIZE );
for (Int32 index = 0; index < testData::RSP_ARRAY_SIZE; ++index) {
ResultSetParamQueries[ index ] =
gcnew QueryStrings( const_cast<testData::QueryStrings*>(
&testData::resultsetparamQueries[ index ] ) );
ResultSetRowCounts = gcnew array<Int32>( testData::RS_ARRAY_SIZE );
for (Int32 index = 0; index < testData::RS_ARRAY_SIZE; ++index) {
ResultSetRowCounts[ index ] =
testData::resultsetRowCounts[ index ];
ResultSetPQRowCounts = gcnew array<Int32>( testData::RSP_ARRAY_SIZE );
for (Int32 index = 0; index < testData::RSP_ARRAY_SIZE; ++index) {
ResultSetPQRowCounts[ index ] =
testData::resultsetRowCountsPQ[ index ];
NoOfQueryParam = gcnew array<Int32>( testData::RSP_ARRAY_SIZE );
for (Int32 index = 0; index < testData::RSP_ARRAY_SIZE; ++index) {
NoOfQueryParam[ index ] =
testData::noofQueryParam[ index ];
NoOfQueryParamSS = gcnew array<Int32>( testData::SSP_ARRAY_SIZE );
for (Int32 index = 0; index < testData::SSP_ARRAY_SIZE; ++index) {
NoOfQueryParamSS[ index ] =
testData::numSSQueryParam[ index ];
QueryParamSet = gcnew array<array <String^>^>(testData::RSP_ARRAY_SIZE);
for (Int32 index=0; index<testData::RSP_ARRAY_SIZE; index++)
QueryParamSet[index] = gcnew array<String^>(NoOfQueryParam[index]);
for (Int32 index2=0; index2<NoOfQueryParam[index]; index2++)
QueryParamSet[index][index2] = gcnew String(testData::queryparamSet[index][index2]);
QueryParamSetSS = gcnew array<array <String^>^>(testData::SSP_ARRAY_SIZE);
for (Int32 index=0; index<testData::SSP_ARRAY_SIZE; index++)
QueryParamSetSS[index] = gcnew array<String^>(NoOfQueryParamSS[index]);
for (Int32 index2=0; index2 < NoOfQueryParamSS[index]; index2++)
QueryParamSetSS[index][index2] = gcnew String(testData::queryparamSetSS[index][index2]);
Int32 constantRowsRS = (Int32)(sizeof( testData::constantExpectedRowsRS )
/ sizeof( int ));
ConstantExpectedRowsRS = gcnew array<Int32>( constantRowsRS );
for (Int32 index = 0; index < constantRowsRS; ++index) {
ConstantExpectedRowsRS[ index ] =
testData::constantExpectedRowsRS[ index ];
Int32 constantRowsPQRS = (Int32)(sizeof( testData::constantExpectedRowsPQRS )
/ sizeof( int ));
ConstantExpectedRowsPQRS = gcnew array<Int32>( constantRowsPQRS );
for (Int32 index = 0; index < constantRowsPQRS; ++index) {
ConstantExpectedRowsPQRS[ index ] =
testData::constantExpectedRowsPQRS[ index ];
StructSetQueries = gcnew array<QueryStrings^>(
testData::SS_ARRAY_SIZE );
for (Int32 index = 0; index < testData::SS_ARRAY_SIZE; ++index) {
StructSetQueries[ index ] =
gcnew QueryStrings( const_cast<testData::QueryStrings*>(
&testData::structsetQueries[ index ] ) );
StructSetParamQueries = gcnew array<QueryStrings^>(
testData::SSP_ARRAY_SIZE );
for (Int32 index = 0; index < testData::SSP_ARRAY_SIZE; ++index) {
StructSetParamQueries[ index ] =
gcnew QueryStrings( const_cast<testData::QueryStrings*>(
&testData::structsetParamQueries[ index ] ) );
StructSetRowCounts = gcnew array<Int32>( testData::SS_ARRAY_SIZE );
for (Int32 index = 0; index < testData::SS_ARRAY_SIZE; ++index) {
StructSetRowCounts[ index ] = static_cast<int32_t>(
testData::structsetRowCounts[ index ]);
StructSetPQRowCounts = gcnew array<Int32>( testData::SSP_ARRAY_SIZE );
for (Int32 index = 0; index < testData::SSP_ARRAY_SIZE; ++index) {
StructSetPQRowCounts[ index ] =
testData::structsetRowCountsPQ[ index ];
StructSetFieldCounts = gcnew array<Int32>( testData::SS_ARRAY_SIZE );
for (Int32 index = 0; index < testData::SS_ARRAY_SIZE; ++index) {
StructSetFieldCounts[ index ] =
testData::structsetFieldCounts[ index ];
StructSetPQFieldCounts = gcnew array<Int32>( testData::SSP_ARRAY_SIZE );
for (Int32 index = 0; index < testData::SSP_ARRAY_SIZE; ++index) {
StructSetPQFieldCounts[ index ] =
testData::structsetFieldCountsPQ[ index ];
Int32 constantRowsSS = (Int32)(sizeof( testData::constantExpectedRowsSS )
/ sizeof( int ));
ConstantExpectedRowsSS = gcnew array<Int32>( constantRowsSS );
for (Int32 index = 0; index < constantRowsSS; ++index) {
ConstantExpectedRowsSS[ index ] =
testData::constantExpectedRowsSS[ index ];
Int32 constantRowsPQSS = (Int32)(sizeof( testData::constantExpectedRowsSSPQ )
/ sizeof( int ));
ConstantExpectedRowsPQSS = gcnew array<Int32>( constantRowsPQSS );
for (Int32 index = 0; index < constantRowsPQSS; ++index) {
ConstantExpectedRowsPQSS[ index ] =
testData::constantExpectedRowsSSPQ[ index ];
RegionQueries = gcnew array<QueryStrings^>(
testData::RQ_ARRAY_SIZE );
for (Int32 index = 0; index < testData::RQ_ARRAY_SIZE; ++index) {
RegionQueries[ index ] =
gcnew QueryStrings( const_cast<testData::QueryStrings*>(
&testData::regionQueries[ index ] ) );
RegionQueryRowCounts = gcnew array<Int32>( testData::RQ_ARRAY_SIZE );
for (Int32 index = 0; index < testData::RQ_ARRAY_SIZE; ++index) {
RegionQueryRowCounts[ index ] = static_cast<int32_t>(
testData::regionQueryRowCounts[ index ]);
CqResultSetQueries = gcnew array<QueryStrings^>(
testData::CQRS_ARRAY_SIZE );
for (Int32 index = 0; index < testData::CQRS_ARRAY_SIZE; ++index) {
CqResultSetQueries[ index ] =
gcnew QueryStrings( const_cast<testData::QueryStrings*>(
&testData::cqResultsetQueries[ index ] ) );
CqResultSetRowCounts = gcnew array<Int32>( testData::CQRS_ARRAY_SIZE );
for (Int32 index = 0; index < testData::CQRS_ARRAY_SIZE; ++index) {
CqResultSetRowCounts[ index ] =
testData::cqResultsetRowCounts[ index ];
Int32 constantRowsCQRS = (Int32)(sizeof( testData::constantExpectedRowsCQRS )
/ sizeof( int ));
ConstantExpectedRowsCQRS = gcnew array<Int32>( constantRowsCQRS );
for (Int32 index = 0; index < constantRowsCQRS; ++index) {
ConstantExpectedRowsCQRS[ index ] =
testData::constantExpectedRowsCQRS[ index ];
// End Region: QueryStatics method definitions