blob: 48f0ab09ac45ef45652b8ecc5645cb278e3ddf20 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
/** @file CacheableBuiltins.hpp
* @brief Contains generic template definitions for Cacheable types
* and instantiations for built-in types.
#include <cstring>
#include "Serializable.hpp"
#include "CacheableKey.hpp"
#include "Serializer.hpp"
#include "internal/CacheableKeys.hpp"
#include "CacheableString.hpp"
namespace apache {
namespace geode {
namespace client {
using internal::DataSerializablePrimitive;
/** Template CacheableKey class for primitive types. */
template <typename TObj, DSCode TYPEID, const char* TYPENAME>
class APACHE_GEODE_EXPORT CacheableKeyType : public DataSerializablePrimitive,
public CacheableKey {
TObj m_value;
inline CacheableKeyType()
: m_value(apache::geode::client::serializer::zeroObject<TObj>()) {}
inline explicit CacheableKeyType(const TObj value) : m_value(value) {}
/** Gets the contained value. */
inline TObj value() const { return m_value; }
// Cacheable methods
virtual void toData(DataOutput& output) const override {
apache::geode::client::serializer::writeObject(output, m_value);
virtual void fromData(DataInput& input) override {
apache::geode::client::serializer::readObject(input, m_value);
virtual DSCode getDsCode() const override { return TYPEID; }
/** Return a string representation of the object. */
virtual std::string toString() const override {
return std::to_string(m_value);
// CacheableKey methods
/** Return the hashcode for this key. */
virtual int32_t hashcode() const override {
return internal::hashcode(m_value);
/** Return true if this key matches other. */
virtual bool operator==(const CacheableKey& other) const override {
if (const auto otherPrimitive =
dynamic_cast<const DataSerializablePrimitive*>(&other)) {
if (otherPrimitive->getDsCode() != TYPEID) {
return false;
auto& otherValue = static_cast<const CacheableKeyType&>(other);
return internal::equals(m_value, otherValue.m_value);
/** Return true if this key matches other key value. */
inline bool operator==(const TObj other) const {
return internal::equals(m_value, other);
* Return the size in bytes of the instance being serialized.
* This is used to determine whether the cache is using up more
* physical memory than it has been configured to use. The method can
* return zero if the user does not require the ability to control
* cache memory utilization.
virtual size_t objectSize() const override {
return sizeof(CacheableKeyType);
/** Function to copy an array from source to destination. */
template <typename TObj>
inline void copyArray(TObj* dest, const TObj* src, size_t length) {
std::memcpy(dest, src, length * sizeof(TObj));
* Function to copy an array of <code>std::shared_ptr</code>s from
* source to destination.
template <typename TObj>
inline void copyArray(std::shared_ptr<TObj>* dest,
const std::shared_ptr<TObj>* src, size_t length) {
for (size_t index = 0; index < length; index++) {
dest[index] = src[index];
/** Template class for container Cacheable types. */
template <typename TBase, DSCode TYPEID>
class APACHE_GEODE_EXPORT CacheableContainerType
: public DataSerializablePrimitive,
public TBase {
inline CacheableContainerType() : TBase() {}
inline explicit CacheableContainerType(const int32_t n) : TBase(n) {}
// Cacheable methods
void toData(DataOutput& output) const override {
apache::geode::client::serializer::writeObject(output, *this);
void fromData(DataInput& input) override {
apache::geode::client::serializer::readObject(input, *this);
DSCode getDsCode() const override { return TYPEID; }
size_t objectSize() const override {
return sizeof(CacheableContainerType) + serializer::objectSize(*this);
// Disable extern template warning on MSVC compiler
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable : 4231)
extern const char tName_##k[]; \
template class CacheableKeyType<p, DSCode::k, tName_##k>; \
typedef CacheableKeyType<p, DSCode::k, tName_##k> _##k;
// use a class instead of typedef for bug #283
#define _GEODE_CACHEABLE_KEY_TYPE_(p, k) \
class APACHE_GEODE_EXPORT k : public _##k { \
public: \
inline k() : _##k() {} \
inline explicit k(const p value) : _##k(value) {} \
/** Factory function registered with serialization registry. */ \
static std::shared_ptr<Serializable> createDeserializable() { \
return std::make_shared<k>(); \
} \
/** Factory function to create a new default instance. */ \
inline static std::shared_ptr<k> create() { \
return std::make_shared<k>(); \
} \
/** Factory function to create an instance with the given value. */ \
inline static std::shared_ptr<k> create(const p value) { \
return std::make_shared<k>(value); \
} \
}; \
template <> \
inline std::shared_ptr<CacheableKey> CacheableKey::create(p value) { \
return k::create(value); \
} \
template <> \
inline std::shared_ptr<Cacheable> Serializable::create(p value) { \
return k::create(value); \
template class CacheableContainerType<p, DSCode::c>; \
typedef CacheableContainerType<p, DSCode::c> _##c;
// use a class instead of typedef for bug #283
class APACHE_GEODE_EXPORT c : public _##c { \
public: \
inline c() : _##c() {} \
inline explicit c(const int32_t n) : _##c(n) {} \
/** Factory function registered with serialization registry. */ \
static std::shared_ptr<Serializable> createDeserializable() { \
return std::make_shared<c>(); \
} \
/** Factory function to create a default instance. */ \
inline static std::shared_ptr<c> create() { \
return std::make_shared<c>(); \
} \
/** Factory function to create an instance with the given size. */ \
inline static std::shared_ptr<c> create(const int32_t n) { \
return std::make_shared<c>(n); \
} \
// Instantiations for the built-in CacheableKeys
_GEODE_CACHEABLE_KEY_TYPE_DEF_(bool, CacheableBoolean)
* An immutable wrapper for booleans that can serve as
* a distributable key object for caching.
_GEODE_CACHEABLE_KEY_TYPE_(bool, CacheableBoolean)
_GEODE_CACHEABLE_KEY_TYPE_DEF_(int8_t, CacheableByte)
* An immutable wrapper for bytes that can serve as
* a distributable key object for caching.
_GEODE_CACHEABLE_KEY_TYPE_(int8_t, CacheableByte)
_GEODE_CACHEABLE_KEY_TYPE_DEF_(double, CacheableDouble)
* An immutable wrapper for doubles that can serve as
* a distributable key object for caching.
_GEODE_CACHEABLE_KEY_TYPE_(double, CacheableDouble)
_GEODE_CACHEABLE_KEY_TYPE_DEF_(float, CacheableFloat)
* An immutable wrapper for floats that can serve as
* a distributable key object for caching.
_GEODE_CACHEABLE_KEY_TYPE_(float, CacheableFloat)
_GEODE_CACHEABLE_KEY_TYPE_DEF_(int16_t, CacheableInt16)
* An immutable wrapper for 16-bit integers that can serve as
* a distributable key object for caching.
_GEODE_CACHEABLE_KEY_TYPE_(int16_t, CacheableInt16)
_GEODE_CACHEABLE_KEY_TYPE_DEF_(int32_t, CacheableInt32)
* An immutable wrapper for 32-bit integers that can serve as
* a distributable key object for caching.
_GEODE_CACHEABLE_KEY_TYPE_(int32_t, CacheableInt32)
_GEODE_CACHEABLE_KEY_TYPE_DEF_(int64_t, CacheableInt64)
* An immutable wrapper for 64-bit integers that can serve as
* a distributable key object for caching.
_GEODE_CACHEABLE_KEY_TYPE_(int64_t, CacheableInt64)
_GEODE_CACHEABLE_KEY_TYPE_DEF_(char16_t, CacheableCharacter)
* An immutable wrapper for characters that can serve as
* a distributable key object for caching.
_GEODE_CACHEABLE_KEY_TYPE_(char16_t, CacheableCharacter)
// Instantiations for array built-in Cacheables
template <typename T, DSCode GeodeTypeId>
class APACHE_GEODE_EXPORT CacheableArray : public DataSerializablePrimitive {
DSCode getDsCode() const override { return GeodeTypeId; }
size_t objectSize() const override {
return static_cast<uint32_t>(
std::vector<T> m_value;
inline CacheableArray() = default;
template <typename TT>
inline explicit CacheableArray(TT&& value)
: m_value(std::forward<TT>(value)) {}
~CacheableArray() noexcept override = default;
CacheableArray(const CacheableArray& other) = delete;
CacheableArray& operator=(const CacheableArray& other) = delete;
inline const std::vector<T>& value() const { return m_value; }
inline int32_t length() const { return static_cast<int32_t>(m_value.size()); }
static std::shared_ptr<Serializable> createDeserializable() {
return std::make_shared<CacheableArray<T, GeodeTypeId>>();
inline static std::shared_ptr<CacheableArray<T, GeodeTypeId>> create() {
return std::make_shared<CacheableArray<T, GeodeTypeId>>();
inline static std::shared_ptr<CacheableArray<T, GeodeTypeId>> create(
const std::vector<T>& value) {
return std::make_shared<CacheableArray<T, GeodeTypeId>>(value);
inline static std::shared_ptr<CacheableArray<T, GeodeTypeId>> create(
std::vector<T>&& value) {
return std::make_shared<CacheableArray<T, GeodeTypeId>>(std::move(value));
inline T operator[](int32_t index) const {
if (index >= static_cast<int32_t>(m_value.size())) {
throw OutOfRangeException(
"CacheableArray::operator[]: Index out of range.");
return m_value[index];
virtual void toData(DataOutput& output) const override {
apache::geode::client::serializer::writeArrayObject(output, m_value);
virtual void fromData(DataInput& input) override {
m_value = apache::geode::client::serializer::readArrayObject<T>(input);
* An immutable wrapper for byte arrays that can serve as
* a distributable object for caching.
using CacheableBytes = CacheableArray<int8_t, DSCode::CacheableBytes>;
* An immutable wrapper for array of booleans that can serve as
* a distributable object for caching.
using BooleanArray = CacheableArray<bool, DSCode::BooleanArray>;
* An immutable wrapper for array of wide-characters that can serve as
* a distributable object for caching.
using CharArray = CacheableArray<char16_t, DSCode::CharArray>;
* An immutable wrapper for array of doubles that can serve as
* a distributable object for caching.
using CacheableDoubleArray =
CacheableArray<double, DSCode::CacheableDoubleArray>;
* An immutable wrapper for array of floats that can serve as
* a distributable object for caching.
using CacheableFloatArray = CacheableArray<float, DSCode::CacheableFloatArray>;
* An immutable wrapper for array of 16-bit integers that can serve as
* a distributable object for caching.
using CacheableInt16Array =
CacheableArray<int16_t, DSCode::CacheableInt16Array>;
* An immutable wrapper for array of 32-bit integers that can serve as
* a distributable object for caching.
using CacheableInt32Array =
CacheableArray<int32_t, DSCode::CacheableInt32Array>;
* An immutable wrapper for array of 64-bit integers that can serve as
* a distributable object for caching.
using CacheableInt64Array =
CacheableArray<int64_t, DSCode::CacheableInt64Array>;
* An immutable wrapper for array of strings that can serve as
* a distributable object for caching.
using CacheableStringArray = CacheableArray<std::shared_ptr<CacheableString>,
// Instantiations for container types (Vector/HashMap/HashSet) Cacheables
* A mutable <code>Cacheable</code> vector wrapper that can serve as
* a distributable object for caching.
_GEODE_CACHEABLE_CONTAINER_TYPE_DEF_(HashMapOfCacheable, CacheableHashMap)
* A mutable <code>CacheableKey</code> to <code>Serializable</code>
* hash map that can serve as a distributable object for caching.
_GEODE_CACHEABLE_CONTAINER_TYPE_(HashMapOfCacheable, CacheableHashMap)
_GEODE_CACHEABLE_CONTAINER_TYPE_DEF_(HashSetOfCacheableKey, CacheableHashSet)
* A mutable <code>CacheableKey</code> hash set wrapper that can serve as
* a distributable object for caching.
_GEODE_CACHEABLE_CONTAINER_TYPE_(HashSetOfCacheableKey, CacheableHashSet)
* A mutable <code>Cacheable</code> array list wrapper that can serve as
* a distributable object for caching.
// linketlist for JSON formattor issue
* A mutable <code>Cacheable</code> array list wrapper that can serve as
* a distributable object for caching.
* A mutable <code>Cacheable</code> stack wrapper that can serve as
* a distributable object for caching.
_GEODE_CACHEABLE_CONTAINER_TYPE_DEF_(HashMapOfCacheable, CacheableHashTable)
* A mutable <code>CacheableKey</code> to <code>Serializable</code>
* hash map that can serve as a distributable object for caching.
_GEODE_CACHEABLE_CONTAINER_TYPE_(HashMapOfCacheable, CacheableHashTable)
* A mutable <code>CacheableKey</code> to <code>Serializable</code>
* hash map that can serve as a distributable object for caching. This is
* provided for compability with java side, though is functionally identical
* to <code>CacheableHashMap</code> i.e. does not provide the semantics of
* java <code>IdentityHashMap</code>.
_GEODE_CACHEABLE_CONTAINER_TYPE_(HashMapOfCacheable, CacheableIdentityHashMap)
* A mutable <code>CacheableKey</code> hash set wrapper that can serve as
* a distributable object for caching. This is provided for compability
* with java side, though is functionally identical to
* <code>CacheableHashSet</code> i.e. does not provide the predictable
* iteration semantics of java <code>LinkedHashSet</code>.
_GEODE_CACHEABLE_CONTAINER_TYPE_(HashSetOfCacheableKey, CacheableLinkedHashSet)
} // namespace client
} // namespace geode
} // namespace apache