blob: d75f3acfb614e8dc6437625f0be4361dbaa6b197 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
* agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding
* copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.geode.kafka.utils;
import org.apache.kafka.common.config.types.Password;
public class GeodeConfigurationConstants {
// Identifier for each task
public static final String TASK_ID = "GEODE_TASK_ID"; // One config per task
// Specifies which Locators to connect to Apache Geode
public static final String LOCATORS = "locators";
public static final String DEFAULT_LOCATOR = "localhost[10334]";
public static final String SECURITY_CLIENT_AUTH_INIT = "security-client-auth-init";
public static final Password DEFAULT_SECURITY_AUTH_INIT =
new Password("");
public static final String SECURITY_USER = "security-username";
public static final String SECURITY_PASSWORD = "security-password";
public static final String TASK_ID_DOCUMENTATION = "Internally used to identify each task";
public static final String LOCATORS_DOCUMENTATION =
"A comma separated string of locators that configure which locators to connect to";
public static final String SECURITY_USER_DOCUMENTATION =
"Supply a username to be used to authenticate with Geode. Will automatically set the security-client-auth-init to use a SystemPropertyAuthInit if one isn't supplied by the user";
public static final String SECURITY_PASSWORD_DOCUMENTATION =
"Supply a password to be used to authenticate with Geode";
"Point to the Java class that implements the [AuthInitialize Interface](";
public static final String GEODE_GROUP = "Geode-Configurations";
public static final String SECURITY_PASSWORD_DISPLAY_NAME = "Apache Geode Password";
public static final String SECURITY_CLIENT_AUTH_INIT_DISPLAY_NAME = "Authentication Class";
public static final String SECURITY_USER_DISPLAY_NAME = "Apache Geode username";
public static final String LOCATORS_DISPLAY_NAME = "Locators";
public static final String TASK_ID_DISPLAY_NAME = "Task ID";