tree: 0eb6cbada7952612184abec4f53e68207ba4b814 [path history] [tgz]
  1. scripts/
  2. src/
  3. build.gradle

Geode for Redis Example using Jedis Client

This example demonstrates simple operations on a Geode for Redis cluster using the Jedis Client. For more information on starting and configuring a Geode for Redis cluster, please refer to the Geode documentation for Geode for Redis.

In this example, two servers are started with geode-for-redis enabled, some data is added to the cluster using the Jedis client.

This example assumes that Java and Geode are installed.

Set up the cluster

  1. Set directory geode-examples/geodeForRedis to be the current working directory. Each step in this example specifies paths relative to that directory.

  2. Build the example

     $ ../gradlew build
  3. Run a script that starts a locator and two servers with geode-for-redis enabled.

     $ ../gradlew start

Run the example program

Run the example to populate the cluster with some initial leaderboard data, increment the scores associated with each member, then remove the lowest scoring member, printing the contents of the leaderboard at each step.

    $ ../gradlew run

Optionally use the redis-cli to issue additional commands

  1. If you do not have redis-cli installed, follow the “Installing Redis” instructions at:

  2. Start the redis-cli in cluster mode, specifying the port used to start the geode-for-redis server:

     $ redis-cli -c -p 6379
  3. Experiment with other commands:

     $ set stringKey aString
     $ get stringKey
     $ append stringKey WithAppendedData
     (integer) 23
     $ get stringKey
     $ del stringKey
     (integer) 1
     $ get stringKey

Other supported commands can be listed using the COMMAND command.

Shut down the cluster and (optionally) clean up the directory

  1. Shut down the cluster:

     $ ../gradlew stop
  2. If desired, clean up the generated directories containing logs:

     $ ../gradlew cleanServer