Prevent Travis build timeout (#145)

- Add output after each test completes, as Travis declares a task hung
if no output is written for 10 minutes, which is longer than the build
and tests take to complete

Authored-by: Donal Evans <>
diff --git a/geode-benchmarks/build.gradle b/geode-benchmarks/build.gradle
index c6af68f..b3a7dd4 100644
--- a/geode-benchmarks/build.gradle
+++ b/geode-benchmarks/build.gradle
@@ -51,7 +51,12 @@
   testImplementation(group: 'org.assertj', name: 'assertj-core', version: project.'assertj-core.version')
-test{ useJUnitPlatform() }
+  afterTest { desc, result ->
+    logger.quiet "Executing test ${desc.className}.${} with result: ${result.resultType}"
+  }
+  useJUnitPlatform()
 task benchmark(type: Test) {
   if (project.hasProperty('testJVM') && !testJVM.trim().isEmpty()) {