blob: 4780b7bc2f4d436c3f8c870ea18abba52dd22c4b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.freemarker.core;
import org.apache.freemarker.core.arithmetic.ArithmeticEngine;
import org.apache.freemarker.core.model.TemplateMarkupOutputModel;
import org.apache.freemarker.core.outputformat.MarkupOutputFormat;
import org.apache.freemarker.core.outputformat.OutputFormat;
import org.apache.freemarker.core.outputformat.impl.HTMLOutputFormat;
import org.apache.freemarker.core.outputformat.impl.PlainTextOutputFormat;
import org.apache.freemarker.core.outputformat.impl.UndefinedOutputFormat;
import org.apache.freemarker.core.outputformat.impl.XMLOutputFormat;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
* Implemented by FreeMarker core classes (not by you) that provide configuration settings that affect template parsing
* (as opposed to {@linkplain Template#process (Object, Writer) template processing}). <b>New methods may be added
* any time in future FreeMarker versions, so don't try to implement this interface yourself!</b>
* @see ProcessingConfiguration
* @see ParsingAndProcessingConfiguration
public interface ParsingConfiguration {
* The template language used; this is often overridden for certain file extensions with
* {@link #getRecognizeStandardFileExtensions()} and/or
* {@link Configuration#getTemplateConfigurations() templateConfigurations} setting of the {@link Configuration}.
* <p>If a {@link TemplateLanguage} specifies a non-{@code null}
* {@link TemplateLanguage#getOutputFormat(Configuration) outputFormat}, or a non-{@code null}
* {@link TemplateLanguage#getAutoEscapingPolicy() autoEscapingPolicy}, that overrides the value of
* the {@linkplain #getOutputFormat() outputFormat} and {@link #getAutoEscapingPolicy() autoEscapingPolicy}
* settings that are coming from {@link Configuration#getTemplateConfigurations templateConfigurations}, from the
* {@link Configuration}, or from any other {@link ParsingConfiguration}. Most {@link TemplateLanguage}-s should
* have non-{@code null} for those settings, to prevent confusion on the template author side. There can be
* exceptions from this though, like {@link DefaultTemplateLanguage#F3AC} (where the "C" at the end stands for
* "configurable") has {@code null} for these settings.
* @see ParsingConfiguration#getRecognizeStandardFileExtensions()
TemplateLanguage getTemplateLanguage();
boolean isTemplateLanguageSet();
* Whether the template parser will try to remove superfluous white-space around certain tags.
boolean getWhitespaceStripping();
* Tells if this setting is set directly in this object. If not, then depending on the implementing class, reading
* the setting might return a default value, or returns the value of the setting from a parent parsing
* configuration or throws a {@link CoreSettingValueNotSetException}.
boolean isWhitespaceStrippingSet();
* Overlaps with {@link ProcessingConfiguration#getArithmeticEngine()}; the parser needs this for creating numerical
* literals.
ArithmeticEngine getArithmeticEngine();
* Tells if this setting is set directly in this object. If not, then depending on the implementing class, reading
* the setting might return a default value, or returns the value of the setting from a parent parsing
* configuration or throws a {@link CoreSettingValueNotSetException}.
boolean isArithmeticEngineSet();
* Specifies when auto-escaping should be enabled depending on the current {@linkplain OutputFormat output format};
* default is {@link AutoEscapingPolicy#ENABLE_IF_DEFAULT}. It's important to know that the
* {@link #getTemplateLanguage() templateLanguage} setting will override this, if the {@link TemplateLanguage}
* specifies a non-{@code null} {@link TemplateLanguage#getAutoEscapingPolicy() autoEscapingPolicy}.
* <p>Note that the default output format, {@link UndefinedOutputFormat}, is a non-escaping format, so there
* auto-escaping will be off. For most templates that's no used though, as the standard file extensions will set
* a {@link TemplateLanguage} that uses a different {@link OutputFormat}.
* <p>Note that the templates can turn auto-escaping on/off locally with directives like
* {@code <#ftl auto_esc=...>}, {@code <#autoEsc>...</#autoEsc>}, and {@code <#noAutoEsc>...</#noAutoEsc>}, which
* are ignoring the auto-escaping policy.
* <p><b>About auto-escaping</b></p>
* <p>
* Auto-escaping has significance when a value is printed with <code>${...}</code>. If
* auto-escaping is on, FreeMarker will assume that the value is plain text (as opposed to markup or some kind of
* rich text), so it will escape it according the current output format (see {@link #getOutputFormat()}
* and {@link TemplateConfiguration.Builder#setOutputFormat(OutputFormat)}). If auto-escaping is off, FreeMarker
* will assume that the string value is already in the output format, so it prints it as is to the output.
* <p>Further notes on auto-escaping:
* <ul>
* <li>When printing numbers, dates, and other kind of non-string values with <code>${...}</code>, they will be
* first converted to string (according the formatting settings and locale), then they are escaped just like
* string values.
* <li>When printing {@link TemplateMarkupOutputModel}-s, they aren't escaped again (they are already escaped).
* <li>Auto-escaping doesn't do anything if the current output format isn't an {@link MarkupOutputFormat}.
* That's the case for the default output format, {@link UndefinedOutputFormat}, and also for
* {@link PlainTextOutputFormat}.
* <li>The output format inside a string literal expression is always {@link PlainTextOutputFormat}
* (regardless of the output format of the containing template), which is a non-escaping format. Thus for
* example, with <code>&lt;#assign s = "foo${bar}"&gt;</code>, {@code bar} will always get into {@code s}
* without escaping, but with <code>&lt;#assign s&gt;foo${bar}&lt;#assign&gt;</code> it may will be escaped.
* </ul>
* <p>Note that what you set here is just a default, which can be overridden for individual templates with the
* {@linkplain Configuration#getTemplateConfigurations() template configurations setting}. This setting is also
* overridden by the standard file extensions; see them at {@link #getRecognizeStandardFileExtensions()}.
* @see Configuration.Builder#setAutoEscapingPolicy(AutoEscapingPolicy)
* @see TemplateConfiguration.Builder#setAutoEscapingPolicy(AutoEscapingPolicy)
* @see Configuration.Builder#setOutputFormat(OutputFormat)
* @see TemplateConfiguration.Builder#setOutputFormat(OutputFormat)
AutoEscapingPolicy getAutoEscapingPolicy();
* Tells if this setting is set directly in this object. If not, then depending on the implementing class, reading
* the setting might return a default value, or returns the value of the setting from a parent parsing
* configuration or throws a {@link CoreSettingValueNotSetException}.
boolean isAutoEscapingPolicySet();
* The output format to use, which among others influences auto-escaping (see {@link #getAutoEscapingPolicy}
* autoEscapingPolicy}), and possibly the MIME type of the output. It's important to know that the
* {@link #getTemplateLanguage() templateLanguage} setting will override this, if the
* {@link TemplateLanguage} specifies a non-{@code null}
* {@link TemplateLanguage#getOutputFormat(Configuration) outputFormat} (and most languages do).
* <p>
* On the {@link Configuration} level, usually, you should leave this on its default, which is
* {@link UndefinedOutputFormat#INSTANCE}, and then use standard file extensions like "f3ah" (for HTML) or "f3ax"
* (for XML) will set the {@link TemplateLanguage} and hence the output format as well (assuming that
* {@link #getRecognizeStandardFileExtensions() recognizeStandardFileExtensions} is on its default, {@code true}).
* Where you can't use the standard extensions, templates still can be associated
* to output formats with patterns matching their name (their path) using the
* {@link Configuration#getTemplateConfigurations() templateConfigurations} setting of the {@link Configuration}.
* But if all templates will have the same output format, you may set the
* {@link #getOutputFormat() outputFormat} setting of the {@link Configuration}
* after all, to a value like {@link HTMLOutputFormat#INSTANCE}, {@link XMLOutputFormat#INSTANCE}, etc. Also
* note that templates can specify their own output format like {@code <#ftl outputFormat="HTML">}, which
* overrides any configuration settings.
* @see Configuration#getRegisteredCustomOutputFormats()
* @see Configuration#getTemplateConfigurations()
* @see #getRecognizeStandardFileExtensions()
* @see #getAutoEscapingPolicy()
OutputFormat getOutputFormat();
* Tells if this setting is set directly in this object. If not, then depending on the implementing class, reading
* the setting might return a default value, or returns the value of the setting from a parent parsing
* configuration or throws a {@link CoreSettingValueNotSetException}.
boolean isOutputFormatSet();
* Tells if the "file" extension part of the source name ({@link Template#getSourceName()}) will set the
* {@linkplain #getTemplateLanguage() template language setting}, when the file extension matches
* the {@link TemplateLanguage#getFileExtension()} of the {@link TemplateLanguage}-s known by the
* {@link Configuration}. Defaults to {@code true} This overrides the {@link TemplateLanguage} coming from
* {@link Configuration#getTemplateConfigurations templateConfigurations}, from the {@link Configuration}, or from
* any other {@link ParsingConfiguration}.
* <p>As of this writing (2018-04-11; TODO [FM3] ensure this is up to date), the standard extensons are
* {@code f3ah}, {@code f3ax}, {@code f3au}, {@code f3ac},
* {@code f3sh}, {@code f3sx}, {@code f3su}, {@code f3sc},
* {@code f3uu}.
* <p>The part after "f3" but before the last letter of the file extension specifies the syntax of the template:
* <ul>
* <li>"a": {@link DefaultTemplateLanguage} where {@link DefaultTemplateLanguage#getTagSyntax()}
* is {@link TagSyntax#ANGLE_BRACKET} and {@link DefaultTemplateLanguage#getInterpolationSyntax()} is
* {@link InterpolationSyntax#DOLLAR}.
* <li>"s": {@link DefaultTemplateLanguage} where {@link DefaultTemplateLanguage#getTagSyntax()}
* is {@link TagSyntax#SQUARE_BRACKET} and {@link DefaultTemplateLanguage#getInterpolationSyntax()} is also
* {@link InterpolationSyntax#SQUARE_BRACKET}.
* </ul>
* <p>The last letter of the file extension specifies the {@link OutputFormat} and the {@link AutoEscapingPolicy}
* used by the template:
* <ul>
* <li>"h": {@code "HTML"} (i.e., {@link HTMLOutputFormat#INSTANCE}, unless the {@code "HTML"} name is overridden
* by the {@link Configuration#getRegisteredCustomOutputFormats registeredOutputFormats} setting) and
* the {@link #getAutoEscapingPolicy() autoEscapingPolicy} will be
* {@link AutoEscapingPolicy#ENABLE_IF_DEFAULT}.
* <li>"x": {@code "XML"} (i.e., {@link XMLOutputFormat#INSTANCE}, unless the {@code "XML"} name is overridden by
* the {@link Configuration#getRegisteredCustomOutputFormats registeredOutputFormats} setting) and
* the {@link #getAutoEscapingPolicy() autoEscapingPolicy} will be
* {@link AutoEscapingPolicy#ENABLE_IF_DEFAULT}.
* <li>"u": {@code "undefined"} (i.e., {@link UndefinedOutputFormat#INSTANCE}, unless the {@code "undefined"}
* name is overridden by the {@link Configuration#getRegisteredCustomOutputFormats registeredOutputFormats}
* setting) and the {@link #getAutoEscapingPolicy() autoEscapingPolicy} will be
* {@link AutoEscapingPolicy#ENABLE_IF_DEFAULT}.
* <li>"c": The output format comes from the "configuration", i.e., from {@link #getOutputFormat()}, also the
* auto escaping policy comes from {@link #getAutoEscapingPolicy()}.
* </ul>
// TODO [FM3] If we will support user-defined languages, then this won't be "Standard" after all.
boolean getRecognizeStandardFileExtensions();
* Tells if this setting is set directly in this object. If not, then depending on the implementing class, reading
* the setting might return a default value, or returns the value of the setting from a parent parsing
* configuration or throws a {@link CoreSettingValueNotSetException}.
boolean isRecognizeStandardFileExtensionsSet();
* See {@link TopLevelConfiguration#getIncompatibleImprovements()}; this is normally directly delegates to
* {@link Configuration#getIncompatibleImprovements()}, and that's always set.
Version getIncompatibleImprovements();
* Tells if this setting is set directly in this object. If not, then depending on the implementing class, reading
* the setting might return a default value, or returns the value of the setting from a parent parsing
* configuration or throws a {@link CoreSettingValueNotSetException}.
boolean isIncompatibleImprovementsSet();
* The assumed display width of the tab character (ASCII 9), which influences the column number shown in error
* messages (or the column number you get through other API-s). So for example if the users edit templates in an
* editor where the tab width is set to 4, you should set this to 4 so that the column numbers printed by FreeMarker
* will match the column number shown in the editor. This setting doesn't affect the output of templates, as a tab
* in the template will remain a tab in the output too. The value of this setting is at least 1, and at most 256.
* When it's 1, tab characters will be kept in the return value of {@link Template#getSource(int, int, int, int)},
* otherwise they will be replaced with the appropriate number of spaces.
int getTabSize();
* Tells if this setting is set directly in this object. If not, then depending on the implementing class, reading
* the setting might return a default value, or returns the value of the setting from a parent parsing
* configuration or throws a {@link CoreSettingValueNotSetException}.
boolean isTabSizeSet();
* Sets the charset used for decoding template files.
* <p>
* Defaults to {@code "UTF-8"}. (On some desktop applications {@link Charset#defaultCharset()} is maybe preferable.)
* <p>
* When a project contains groups (like folders) of template files where the groups use different encodings,
* consider using the {@link Configuration#getTemplateConfigurations() templateConfigurations} setting on the
* {@link Configuration} level.
* <p>
* Individual templates may specify their own charset by starting with
* <code>&lt;#ftl sourceEncoding="..."&gt;</code>. However, before that's detected, at least part of template must be
* decoded with some charset first, so this setting (and
* {@link Configuration#getTemplateConfigurations() templateConfigurations}) still have role.
Charset getSourceEncoding();
* Tells if this setting is set directly in this object. If not, then depending on the implementing class, reading
* the setting might return a default value, or returns the value of the setting from a parent parsing
* configuration or throws a {@link CoreSettingValueNotSetException}.
boolean isSourceEncodingSet();