blob: cec62ba7922a60da229da60b2c17e89e5272c815 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.freemarker.converter;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.freemarker.converter.ConversionMarkers.Type;
import org.apache.freemarker.core.Version;
import org.apache.freemarker.core.util._NullArgumentException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import freemarker.cache.FileTemplateLoader;
import freemarker.cache.MultiTemplateLoader;
import freemarker.cache.StringTemplateLoader;
import freemarker.cache.StrongCacheStorage;
import freemarker.cache.TemplateLoader;
import freemarker.cache.TemplateLookupStrategy;
import freemarker.core.CSSOutputFormat;
import freemarker.core.FM2ASTToFM3SourceConverter;
import freemarker.core.HTMLOutputFormat;
import freemarker.core.JSONOutputFormat;
import freemarker.core.JavaScriptOutputFormat;
import freemarker.core.MarkupOutputFormat;
import freemarker.core.OutputFormat;
import freemarker.core.ParseException;
import freemarker.core.PlainTextOutputFormat;
import freemarker.core.RTFOutputFormat;
import freemarker.core.UndefinedOutputFormat;
import freemarker.core.XHTMLOutputFormat;
import freemarker.core.XMLOutputFormat;
import freemarker.template.Configuration;
import freemarker.template.Template;
import freemarker.template._TemplateAPI;
* Converts FreeMarker 2 templates to FreeMarker 3 templates, as far as it's possible automatically. While the output
* will contain syntactically correct FreeMarker 3 templates, the templates will have to be reviewed by humans,
* due to the semantic differences (such as a different treatment of {@code null}).
* <p>
* This is work in progress... new conversion are mostly only added when the syntactical change was
* already implemented. Current conversions:
* <ul>
* <li>All FreeMarker defined names are converted camel case
* <li>Renamed setting names in the {@code ftl} heading and in {@code #setting} tags are replaced with the new name.
* <li>Renamed built-in variables are replaced with the new name
* <li>From {@code #else}, {@code #elseif} and {@code #recover} tags that end with {@code "/>"} or {@code "/]"} the
* "/" characters is removed (as it's now illegal)
* <li>{@code #else}, {@code #elseif} and {@code #recover} tags that end with {@code "/>"} or {@code "/]"} the
* "/" characters is removed (as it's now illegal)
* <li>The last tag in {@code <#attempt>...<#recover>...</#recover>} is replaced with {@code </#attempt>}
* </ul>
public class FM2ToFM3Converter extends Converter {
public static final Pattern DEFAULT_INCLUDE = Pattern.compile("(?i).*\\.(fm|ftl(x|h)?)");
public static final Map<String, String> PREDEFINED_FILE_EXTENSION_SUBSTITUTIONS
= new ImmutableMap.Builder<String,String>()
.put("ftl", "f3ac")
.put("ftlh", "f3ah")
.put("ftlx", "f3ax")
.put("fm", "f3ac")
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Converter.class);
private boolean predefinedFileExtensionSubstitutionsEnabled;
private Map<String, String> fileExtensionSubstitutions = PREDEFINED_FILE_EXTENSION_SUBSTITUTIONS;
private Properties freeMarker2Settings;
private Configuration fm2Cfg;
private StringTemplateLoader stringTemplateLoader;
private boolean validateOutput = true;
private boolean skipUnparsableFiles;
protected Pattern getDefaultInclude() {
protected void prepare() throws ConverterException {
fm2Cfg = new Configuration(Configuration.VERSION_2_3_19 /* To fix ignored initial unknown tags */);
if (freeMarker2Settings != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ConverterException("Error while configuring FreeMarker 2", e);
// From now on we will overwrite settings that the user has set with freeMarker2Settings.
_TemplateAPI.setPreventStrippings(fm2Cfg, true);
fm2Cfg.setCacheStorage(new StrongCacheStorage());
stringTemplateLoader = new StringTemplateLoader();
try {
fm2Cfg.setTemplateLoader(new MultiTemplateLoader(new TemplateLoader[] {
new FileTemplateLoader(getSource().isDirectory() ? getSource() : getSource().getParentFile())
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ConverterException("Failed to create template loader", e);
private String getDestinationFileName(Template template) throws ConverterException {
String srcFileName = template.getName();
int lastSlashIdx = srcFileName.lastIndexOf('/');
if (lastSlashIdx != -1) {
srcFileName = srcFileName.substring(lastSlashIdx + 1);
int lastDotIdx = srcFileName.lastIndexOf('.');
if (lastDotIdx == -1) {
return srcFileName;
String ext = srcFileName.substring(lastDotIdx + 1);
String replacementExt = getFileExtensionSubstitutions().get(ext);
if (replacementExt == null) {
replacementExt = getFileExtensionSubstitutions().get(ext.toLowerCase());
if (replacementExt == null && getPredefinedFileExtensionSubstitutionsEnabled()) {
replacementExt = PREDEFINED_FILE_EXTENSION_SUBSTITUTIONS.get(ext.toLowerCase());
if (replacementExt == null) {
return srcFileName;
if (template.getActualTagSyntax() == Configuration.SQUARE_BRACKET_TAG_SYNTAX) {
replacementExt = replacementExt.replace("3a", "3s");
return srcFileName.substring(0, lastDotIdx + 1) + replacementExt;
protected void convertFile(FileConversionContext fileTransCtx) throws ConverterException, IOException {
Template template = null;
try {
template = fm2Cfg.getTemplate(fileTransCtx.getRelativeSourcePathWithSlashes());
} catch (Exception e) {
if (getSkipUnparsableFiles() && e instanceof ParseException) {
ParseException pe = (ParseException) e;
pe.getLineNumber(), pe.getColumnNumber(), Type.WARN, "Skipped file due to parse error: "
+ pe.getEditorMessage());
LOG.debug("Skipped file due to parsing error: {}", fileTransCtx.getRelativeSourcePathWithSlashes());
return; //!
} else {
throw new ConverterException("Failed to load FreeMarker 2.3.x template", e);
FM2ASTToFM3SourceConverter.Result result = FM2ASTToFM3SourceConverter.convert(
template, fm2Cfg, stringTemplateLoader, fileTransCtx.getConversionMarkers()
if (validateOutput) {
try {
org.apache.freemarker.core.Configuration fm3Config = new org.apache.freemarker.core.Configuration
// Uses highest possible version by design:
.Builder(new Version(org.apache.freemarker.core.Configuration.getVersion().toString()))
new org.apache.freemarker.core.Template(null, result.getFM3Content(), fm3Config);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ConverterException(
"The result of the conversion wasn't valid FreeMarker 3 template; see cause exception and "
+ fileTransCtx.getDestinationFile(), e);
private org.apache.freemarker.core.outputformat.OutputFormat converOutputFormat(OutputFormat outputFormat) {
return outputFormat == HTMLOutputFormat.INSTANCE
? org.apache.freemarker.core.outputformat.impl.HTMLOutputFormat.INSTANCE
: outputFormat == XHTMLOutputFormat.INSTANCE
? org.apache.freemarker.core.outputformat.impl.XHTMLOutputFormat.INSTANCE
: outputFormat == XMLOutputFormat.INSTANCE
? org.apache.freemarker.core.outputformat.impl.XMLOutputFormat.INSTANCE
: outputFormat == RTFOutputFormat.INSTANCE
? org.apache.freemarker.core.outputformat.impl.RTFOutputFormat.INSTANCE
: outputFormat == PlainTextOutputFormat.INSTANCE
? org.apache.freemarker.core.outputformat.impl.PlainTextOutputFormat.INSTANCE
: outputFormat == UndefinedOutputFormat.INSTANCE
? org.apache.freemarker.core.outputformat.impl.UndefinedOutputFormat.INSTANCE
: outputFormat == JavaScriptOutputFormat.INSTANCE
? org.apache.freemarker.core.outputformat.impl.JavaScriptOutputFormat.INSTANCE
: outputFormat == JSONOutputFormat.INSTANCE
? org.apache.freemarker.core.outputformat.impl.JSONOutputFormat.INSTANCE
: outputFormat == CSSOutputFormat.INSTANCE
? org.apache.freemarker.core.outputformat.impl.CSSOutputFormat.INSTANCE
: getSimilarOutputFormat(outputFormat);
private org.apache.freemarker.core.outputformat.OutputFormat getSimilarOutputFormat(OutputFormat outputFormat) {
if (outputFormat instanceof MarkupOutputFormat) {
return org.apache.freemarker.core.outputformat.impl.HTMLOutputFormat.INSTANCE;
} else {
return org.apache.freemarker.core.outputformat.impl.PlainTextOutputFormat.INSTANCE;
private String getTemplateEncoding(Template template) {
String encoding = template.getEncoding();
return encoding != null ? encoding : fm2Cfg.getEncoding(template.getLocale());
* Getter pair of {@link #setPredefinedFileExtensionSubstitutionsEnabled(boolean)}
public boolean getPredefinedFileExtensionSubstitutionsEnabled() {
return predefinedFileExtensionSubstitutionsEnabled;
* Whether to use {@link #PREDEFINED_FILE_EXTENSION_SUBSTITUTIONS} when {@link #getFileExtensionSubstitutions()}
* contains no mapping for the source file extension; defaults to {@code true}.
public void setPredefinedFileExtensionSubstitutionsEnabled(boolean predefinedFileExtensionSubstitutionsEnabled) {
this.predefinedFileExtensionSubstitutionsEnabled = predefinedFileExtensionSubstitutionsEnabled;
* Getter pair of {@link #setFileExtensionSubstitutions(Map)} .
public Map<String, String> getFileExtensionSubstitutions() {
return fileExtensionSubstitutions;
* Defines source file file extensions to destination file extensions mappings, in additionally to the
* {@linkplain #setPredefinedFileExtensionSubstitutionsEnabled(boolean) predefined file extension substitutions}.
* It's recommended to use lower case file extensions as keys, as if there's no hit with case sensitive lookup,
* it will be retried with the source file extension converted to lower case (so it will be a case insensitive
* lookup in effect). Mappings given here has higher priority than those coming from the
* {@linkplain #setPredefinedFileExtensionSubstitutionsEnabled(boolean) predefined file extension substitutions}.
public void setFileExtensionSubstitutions(Map<String, String> fileExtensionSubstitutions) {
_NullArgumentException.check("fileExtensionSubstitutions", fileExtensionSubstitutions);
this.fileExtensionSubstitutions = fileExtensionSubstitutions;
public Properties getFreeMarker2Settings() {
return freeMarker2Settings;
public void setFreeMarker2Settings(Properties freeMarker2Settings) {
_NullArgumentException.check("freeMarker2Settings", freeMarker2Settings);
this.freeMarker2Settings = freeMarker2Settings;
public boolean getValidateOutput() {
return validateOutput;
public void setValidateOutput(boolean validateOutput) {
this.validateOutput = validateOutput;
* Getter pair of {@link #setSkipUnparsableFiles(boolean)}.
public boolean getSkipUnparsableFiles() {
return skipUnparsableFiles;
* Sets whether source files that syntactically aren't valid FreeMarker 2 templates should be ignored.
* The problem will be logged as a warning into to the conversion markers file.
* Defaults to {@code false}.
public void setSkipUnparsableFiles(boolean skipUnparsableFiles) {
this.skipUnparsableFiles = skipUnparsableFiles;