blob: 25c47c0ed3a7de57e5db58d2851fecdbc2c7fc7a [file] [log] [blame]
${"test"?matches('test')?string} == true
${"test"?matches('test', '')?string} == true
${"TEST"?matches('test')?string} == false
${"TEST"?matches('test', 'i')?string} == true
${"test\nfoo"?matches('.*^foo')?string} == false
${"test\nfoo"?matches(r'.*\n^foo', 'm')?string} == true
${"test\nfoo"?matches('')?string} == false
${"test\nfoo"?matches('', 's')?string} == true
${"test\nFoo"?matches('.*foo', 's')?string} == false
${"test\nFoo"?matches('.*foo', 'i')?string} == false
${"test\nFoo"?matches('.*foo', 'im')?string} == false
${"test\nFoo"?matches('.*foo', 'si')?string} == true
${"test\nFoo"?matches('.*foo', 'is')?string} == true
${"test\nFoo"?matches('.*foo', 'mis')?string} == true
${"test\nFoo"?matches('.*\n^foo', 'm')?string} == false
${"test\nFoo"?matches('.*\n^foo', 'i')?string} == false
${"test\nFoo"?matches('.*\n^foo', 'im')?string} == true
${"test\nFoo"?matches('.*\n^foo', 'mi')?string} == true
${"test\nFoo"?matches('.*^foo', 'ism')?string} == true
${"test\nFoo"?matches('.*^foo', 'smi')?string} == true
<#setting boolean_format="True,False">
<@assert test=false?matches('[eslaF]+') />
<@assert test='False'?matches('[eslaF]+') />
<#assign s = "Code without test coverage\nis considered to be BROKEN">
Lower 'c'-words:
<#list s?matches('c[a-z]*') as m>
- ${m}
Any 'c'-words:
<#list s?matches('c[a-z]*', 'i') as m>
- ${m}
Lower line-last words:
<#list s?matches('[a-z]+$', 'm') as m>
- ${m}
Any line-last words:
<#list s?matches('[a-z]+$', 'mi') as m>
- ${m}
Any last words:
<#list s?matches('[a-z]+$', 'i') as m>
- ${m}
c-word with follower:
<#list s?matches('(c[a-z]*+).([a-z]++)', 'is') as m>
- "${m?j_string}"
Groups: <#list m?groups as g>"${g?j_string}"<#if g_has_next>, </#if></#list>
c-word with follower in the same line:
<#list s?matches('c[a-z]*+.[a-z]++', 'i') as m>
- ${m}
Lower c-word with follower in the same line:
<#list s?matches('c[a-z]*+.[a-z]++', '') as m>
- ${m}
Ignored but logged in 2.3: ${s?matches('broken', 'I')?string} == False
Fails in 2.4
Ignored but logged in 2.3: ${s?matches('broken', 'f')?string} == False
Fails in 2.4
${"foobar"?replace("foo", "FOO")} == FOObar
${"Foobar"?replace("foo", "FOO", "")} == Foobar
${"Foobar"?replace("foo", "FOO", "i")} == FOObar
${"FoobarfOO"?replace("foo", "FOO", "i")} == FOObarFOO
${"FoobarfOO"?replace("foo", "FOO", "if")} == FOObarfOO
${"FoobarfOO"?replace("foo", "FOO", "fi")} == FOObarfOO
${"Foobar"?replace("foo", "FOO", "r")} == Foobar
${"Foobar"?replace("foo", "FOO", "ri")} == FOObar
${"FoobarfOO"?replace("foo", "FOO", "ri")} == FOObarFOO
${"FoobarfOO"?replace("foo", "FOO", "rif")} == FOObarfOO
${"FoobarfOO"?replace("foo", "FOO", "fri")} == FOObarfOO
${"foobar"?replace("fo+", "FOO")} == foobar
${"foobar"?replace("fo+", "FOO", "")} == foobar
${"foobar"?replace("fo+", "FOO", "r")} == FOObar
${"foobarfOo"?replace("fo+", "FOO", "ri")} == FOObarFOO
${"foobarfOo"?replace("fo+", "FOO", "rif")} == FOObarfOo
${false?replace('a', 'A')} == FAlse
${false?replace('[abc]', 'A', 'r')} == FAlse
Ignored but logged in 2.3: ${"foobar"?replace("foo", "FOO", "c")}
Fails in 2.4
<#macro dumpList xs>[<#list xs as x>${x}<#if x_has_next>, </#if></#list>]</#macro>
<@dumpList "fooXbarxbaaz"?split("X") /> == [foo, barxbaaz]
<@dumpList "fooXbarxbaaz"?split("X", "") /> == [foo, barxbaaz]
<@dumpList "fooXbarxbaaz"?split("X", "i") /> == [foo, bar, baaz]
<@dumpList "fooXbarxbaaz"?split("X", "r") /> == [foo, barxbaaz]
<@dumpList "fooXbarxbaaz"?split("X", "ri") /> == [foo, bar, baaz]
<@dumpList "fooXXbarxxbaaz"?split("X+", "i") /> == [fooXXbarxxbaaz]
<@dumpList "fooXXbarxxbaaz"?split("X+", "ri") /> == [foo, bar, baaz]
<@dumpList false?split("[ae]", "r") /> == [F, ls]
<@dumpList false?split("e") /> == [Fals, ]