blob: dfcf262591b965e1f706c587bfb373536be2fcf7 [file] [log] [blame]
package freemarker.ext.jython;
import org.python.core.PySystemState;
import freemarker.template.utility.StringUtil;
* Holds the {@link JythonVersionAdapter} so that it's only initialized when this class is accessed.
* This utilizes that the JVM is required to initialize the fields of a class not earlier than the class is
* first accessed. Furthermore, it utilizes that the JVM guarantees that the objects created as part of the class
* initialization will be visible with their after-initialization state for the threads that access it.
class JythonVersionAdapterHolder {
final static JythonVersionAdapter INSTANCE;
static {
// Note: Only the textual version number is available in Jython 2.0.
int version;
try {
// Although PySystemState.version is present in all versions,
// its type changes, so we must use reflection to get it.
version = StringUtil.versionStringToInt(
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to get Jython version: " + e);
ClassLoader cl = JythonVersionAdapter.class.getClassLoader();
try {
if (version >= 2005000) {
INSTANCE = (JythonVersionAdapter) cl.loadClass(
} else if (version >= 2002000) {
INSTANCE = (JythonVersionAdapter) cl.loadClass(
} else {
INSTANCE = (JythonVersionAdapter) cl.loadClass(
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw adapterCreationException(e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw adapterCreationException(e);
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
throw adapterCreationException(e);
private static RuntimeException adapterCreationException(Exception e) {
return new RuntimeException(
"Unexpected exception when creating JythonVersionAdapter: "
+ e); // No cause exception argument available on Java 1.2.; fix this with Java 5