blob: 853feb5b738a21bc1d485078a488f5c515437b56 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#mixed_content // f.c.MixedContent
#text // f.c.TextBlock
- content: "1 " // String
@ // f.c.UnifiedCall
- callee: foo // f.c.Identifier
- argument name: "x" // String
- argument value: 1 // f.c.NumberLiteral
- argument name: "y" // String
- argument value: 2 // f.c.NumberLiteral
- target loop variable: "b1" // String
- target loop variable: "b2" // String
#text // f.c.TextBlock
- content: "x" // String
#text // f.c.TextBlock
- content: "\n2 " // String
@ // f.c.UnifiedCall
- callee: . // f.c.Dot
- left-hand operand: ns // f.c.Identifier
- right-hand operand: "bar" // String
- argument value: 1 // f.c.NumberLiteral
- argument value: 2 // f.c.NumberLiteral
- target loop variable: "b1" // String
- target loop variable: "b2" // String
#text // f.c.TextBlock
- content: "y" // String
#text // f.c.TextBlock
- content: "\n3 " // String
#assign // f.c.Assignment
- assignment target: "x" // String
- assignment operator: "=" // String
- assignment source: 123 // f.c.NumberLiteral
- variable scope: "1" // Integer
- namespace: null // Null
#assign // f.c.Assignment
- assignment target: "x" // String
- assignment operator: "=" // String
- assignment source: 123 // f.c.NumberLiteral
- variable scope: "1" // Integer
- namespace: ns // f.c.Identifier
#global // f.c.Assignment
- assignment target: "x" // String
- assignment operator: "=" // String
- assignment source: 123 // f.c.NumberLiteral
- variable scope: "3" // Integer
- namespace: null // Null
#text // f.c.TextBlock
- content: "\n4 " // String
#if-#elseif-#else-container // f.c.IfBlock
#if // f.c.ConditionalBlock
- condition: == // f.c.ComparisonExpression
- left-hand operand: + // f.c.AddConcatExpression
- left-hand operand: x // f.c.Identifier
- right-hand operand: 1 // f.c.NumberLiteral
- right-hand operand: 0 // f.c.NumberLiteral
- AST-node subtype: "0" // Integer
#text // f.c.TextBlock
- content: "foo" // String
${...} // f.c.DollarVariable
- content: y // f.c.Identifier
#text // f.c.TextBlock
- content: "bar" // String
#else // f.c.ConditionalBlock
- condition: null // Null
- AST-node subtype: "1" // Integer
${...} // f.c.DollarVariable
- content: "static" // f.c.StringLiteral
${...} // f.c.DollarVariable
- content: dynamic "..." // f.c.StringLiteral
- value part: "x" // String
- value part: ${...} // f.c.DollarVariable
- content: * // f.c.ArithmeticExpression
- left-hand operand: baaz // f.c.Identifier
- right-hand operand: 10 // f.c.NumberLiteral
- AST-node subtype: "1" // Integer
- value part: "y" // String
#text // f.c.TextBlock
- content: "\n5 " // String
#switch // f.c.SwitchBlock
- value: x // f.c.Identifier
#case // f.c.Case
- condition: 1 // f.c.NumberLiteral
- AST-node subtype: "0" // Integer
#text // f.c.TextBlock
- content: "one" // String
#case // f.c.Case
- condition: 2 // f.c.NumberLiteral
- AST-node subtype: "0" // Integer
#text // f.c.TextBlock
- content: "two" // String
#default // f.c.Case
- condition: null // Null
- AST-node subtype: "1" // Integer
#text // f.c.TextBlock
- content: "more" // String
#text // f.c.TextBlock
- content: "\n6 " // String
#macro // f.c.Macro
- assignment target: "foo" // String
- parameter name: "x" // String
- parameter default: null // Null
- parameter name: "y" // String
- parameter default: 2 // f.c.NumberLiteral
- parameter name: "z" // String
- parameter default: + // f.c.AddConcatExpression
- left-hand operand: y // f.c.Identifier
- right-hand operand: 1 // f.c.NumberLiteral
- catch-all parameter name: "q" // String
- AST-node subtype: "0" // Integer
#nested // f.c.BodyInstruction
- passed value: x // f.c.Identifier
- passed value: y // f.c.Identifier
#text // f.c.TextBlock
- content: "\n7 " // String
#function // f.c.Macro
- assignment target: "foo" // String
- parameter name: "x" // String
- parameter default: null // Null
- parameter name: "y" // String
- parameter default: null // Null
- catch-all parameter name: null // Null
- AST-node subtype: "1" // Integer
#local // f.c.Assignment
- assignment target: "x" // String
- assignment operator: "=" // String
- assignment source: 123 // f.c.NumberLiteral
- variable scope: "2" // Integer
- namespace: null // Null
#return // f.c.ReturnInstruction
- value: 1 // f.c.NumberLiteral
#text // f.c.TextBlock
- content: "\n8 " // String
#list // f.c.IteratorBlock
- list source: xs // f.c.Identifier
- target loop variable: "x" // String
#text // f.c.TextBlock
- content: "\n9 " // String
#list-#else-container // f.c.ListElseContainer
#list // f.c.IteratorBlock
- list source: xs // f.c.Identifier
#text // f.c.TextBlock
- content: "[" // String
#items // f.c.Items
- target loop variable: "x" // String
${...} // f.c.DollarVariable
- content: x // f.c.Identifier
#sep // f.c.Sep
#text // f.c.TextBlock
- content: ", " // String
#text // f.c.TextBlock
- content: "]" // String
#else // f.c.ElseOfList
#text // f.c.TextBlock
- content: "None" // String
#text // f.c.TextBlock
- content: "\n10 " // String
#--...-- // f.c.Comment
- content: " A comment " // String
#text // f.c.TextBlock
- content: "\n11 " // String
#outputformat // f.c.OutputFormatBlock
- value: "XML" // f.c.StringLiteral
#noautoesc // f.c.NoAutoEscBlock
${...} // f.c.DollarVariable
- content: a // f.c.Identifier
#autoesc // f.c.AutoEscBlock
${...} // f.c.DollarVariable
- content: b // f.c.Identifier
${...} // f.c.DollarVariable
- content: c // f.c.Identifier