blob: 1f58955dd165c362bb0bc725ea4ecea0881c4135 [file] [log] [blame]
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This is the (draft) of the 2.4.0 change log so far. It's not in the Manual yet, as merging in XDocBook XML
changes from the 2.3 branch would be rather difficult.
Non-backward compatible (all are unlikely to affect real world applications):
- Removed command-line tools (main methods in a library, often classified as CWE-489 "Leftover Debug Code"):
- freemarker.core.CommandLine (jar main-class). This has only printed the current version and copyright.
- freemarker.ext.dom.Transform. This was used to transform an XML file to output file via a template file.
Surpassed by FMPP long ago. (If there will be demand for it, it can be still reintroduced in a separate jar.)
- freemarker.template.utility.ToCanonical class: Converted a template to its canonical form. As the canonical
form was heavily broken before 2.3.21, and is still not perfect, yet nobody has complained, it's assumed
that canonicalization isn't used, hence nor the CLI to it.
- freemarker.ext.jdom.NodeListModel.main() method: Was used to transform an XML given on stdin with the specified
template file and write the output to stdout. The data model used for this transformation (JDOM NodeListModel) was
deprecated long ago.
- Removed TemplateObject.getTemplate(), added getUnboundTemplate() instead. TemplateObject is not to be confused with
Template, and is only exploited by very few for some deeper tricks. Although TemplateObject is technically
(historically) public, it was marked as internal API and was excluded from the JavaDoc for a while.
- When TemplateCache2 will be merged in: In 2.3.x, a cached error was thrown as a plain IOException with the original
(cached) exception as its cause exception.
This is not possible starting from 2.4.x, because to prevent memory leaks, the cache doesn't hold reference to the
cached exception any more, instead it only stores a String description of it (class name, message, and the same for
each its cause exceptions). The cached error will be throw as a CachedTemplateLoadingException (an IOException
subclass), which contains the string description of the original exception in its getMessage() value.
- Removed deprecated *package visible* method:
Template#Template(String name, TemplateElement root, Configuration cfg)
- freemarker.core.FMParser API changes. These were marked as internal and deprecated for a while,
and are very unlikely to be used. They could be exploited for tools that try to tokenize String-s as FTL or such.
- freemarker.core.FMParser constructors were removed or has become non-public
- freemarker.core.FMParser.createExpressionParser war removed
New features:
- There are no separate org.freemarker:freemarker-gae and org.freemarker:freemarker artifacts any more.
There's only org.freemarker:freemarker, which is GAE compatible.
- TemplateLoader.getLastModified(Object templateSource) can now throw GetLastModifiedException to indicate an
error instead of returning -1 (which doesn't count as an error).
- Custom attributes now keep the order of adding them
- Bug fixed: When the same template was both #include-d and #import-ed, the macros from the #import-ed template has
ran in the namespace of the #import-ed template.
Notes on internal changes (some of this need not be in Version History):
- The main change is splitting Template to Template and UnboundTemplate. With an analogy, if UnboundTemplate is
the class of the template, then Template is the instance of the template. The content of UnboundTemplate only
depends on the content of the actual template file, the ParserSettings, and on its *source* path, while Template
contains all the settings defined in by the Configurable class and the name with which the template was requested.
This splitting allows more efficient caching when due to the template lookup mechanism, multiple Template-s
share the same actual template file.