blob: 23232b865101e145be3d1c5f2a6441713ecc3202 [file] [log] [blame]
FreeMarker: Encoding string built-in tests
<#assign x = r' dieBugsDie! * vazzZE 123456 --cdc-- --<<--@ x ${"kigyo"?upper_case} '>
cap_first: ${x?cap_first}
capitalize: ${x?capitalize}
html: ${x?html}
length: ${x?length}
lower_case: ${x?lower_case}
rtf: ${x?rtf}
trim: ${x?trim}
trim2: ${"foo bar"?trim}
trim3: ${" foo bar"?trim}
trim4: ${"foo bar "?trim}
upper_case: ${x?upper_case}
xml: ${x?xml}
xhtml: ${"\"Blah's is > 1 & < 2\""?xhtml}
<@assertEquals actual="'"?html expected=(iciIntValue gte 2003020)?string("&#39;", "'") />
<@assertEquals actual="'"?xhtml expected="&#39;" />
<@assertEquals actual="'"?xml expected="&apos;" />
<#-- ?substring: -->
<@assertEquals actual="ab"?substring(0) expected="ab" />
<@assertEquals actual="ab"?substring(1) expected="b" />
<@assertEquals actual="ab"?substring(2) expected="" />
<@assertFails message="at least 0">${"ab"?substring(-1)}</@><#t>
<@assertFails message="greater than the length of the string">${"ab"?substring(3)}</@><#t>
<@assertEquals actual="ab"?substring(0, 0) expected="" />
<@assertEquals actual="ab"?substring(0, 1) expected="a" />
<@assertEquals actual="ab"?substring(0, 2) expected="ab" />
<@assertFails message="at least 0">${"ab"?substring(0, -1)}</@><#t>
<@assertFails message="greater than the length of the string">${"ab"?substring(0, 3)}</@><#t>
<@assertEquals actual="ab"?substring(1, 1) expected="" />
<@assertEquals actual="ab"?substring(1, 2) expected="b" />
<@assertFails message="at least 0">${"ab"?substring(1, -1)}</@><#t>
<@assertFails message="greater than the length of the string">${"ab"?substring(1, 3)}</@><#t>
<@assertFails message="shouldn't be greater than the end index">${"ab"?substring(1, 0)}</@><#t>
<#global words = x?word_list>
<#foreach shortvariablenamesmakeyourcodemorereadable in words>- ${shortvariablenamesmakeyourcodemorereadable}
<#global canufeelitbabe = x?interpret>
interpret: <#transform canufeelitbabe></#transform>
<#setting locale="es_ES">number: ${"-123.45"?number + 1.1}
${("INF"?number?is_infinite && "INF"?number > 0)?c}
${("-INF"?number?is_infinite && "-INF"?number < 0)?c}
${("Infinity"?number?is_infinite && "Infinity"?number > 0)?c}
${("-Infinity"?number?is_infinite && "-Infinity"?number < 0)?c}
${"freemarker.test.templatesuite.models.NewTestModel"?new("xxx", "yyy")}
<#assign x = "In the beginning, God created the Heavens and The Earth.">
${x?replace("the", "The Sacred, Holy", "i")} <#-- case insensitive replacement -->
${x?replace("the", "the very", "f")} <#-- replace only the first one -->
${x?replace("", "|")} <#-- replace empry string -->
${x?replace("", "|", "f")} <#-- replace first empty string -->
${x?replace("the H[a-z]+", "the sky", "r")} <#-- regexp replacement -->
<#if x?matches(".*Heav..s.*")>matches<#else>Really?</#if>
<#list x?matches("(the) ([a-z]+)", "i") as match>
${match?groups[1]} sacred ${match?groups[2]}
<#assign matches = x?matches("In the ([a-z]+), God created (.*)")>
<#assign x="foo, bar;baz, foobar">
<#list x?split("[,;] ?", "r") as word>
<#assign a = "foo", b="bar", c="(a+b)?upper_case">
[${"a"?j_string}] = [a]
[${"a\\'x'\nb"?j_string}] = [a\\'x'\nb]
[${"\x1\x1A\x20"?j_string}] = [\u0001\u001a ]
[${"a"?js_string}] = [a]
[${"a\\'x'\nb"?js_string}] = [a\\\'x\'\nb]
[${"\x1\x1A\x20"?js_string}] = [\x01\x1A ]
[${"<![CDATA["?js_string}] = [\x3C![CDATA[]
[${"]]>"?js_string}] = []]\>]
[${"a"?json_string}] = [a]
[${"a\\'x'\nb"?json_string}] = [a\\'x'\nb]
[${"\x1\x1A\x20"?json_string}] = [\u0001\u001A ]
[${"\n\r\t\f\b\""?json_string}] = [\n\r\t\f\b\"]
[${"/"?json_string}] = [\/]
[${"a/b"?json_string}] = [a/b]
[${"</script>"?json_string}] = [<\/script>]
[${"<![CDATA["?json_string}] = [\u003C![CDATA[]
[${"]]>"?json_string}] = []]\u003E]