blob: bbd7463c29d4a9894fd395e28ea1f462d7a74519 [file] [log] [blame]
static int getArgumentConversionPrice(Class fromC, Class toC) {
// DO NOT EDIT, generated code!
// See: src\main\misc\overloadedNumberRules\README.txt
if (toC == fromC) {
return 0;
<#list toCsFreqSorted as toC><#t>
} else if (toC == ${toC}.class) {
<#assign firstFromC = true>
<#list fromCsFreqSorted as fromC>
<#if toC != fromC>
<#assign row = []>
<#list t as i>
<#if i[0] == fromC>
<#assign row = i>
<#if !row?has_content><#stop "Not found: " + fromC></#if>
<#if !firstFromC>else </#if>if (fromC == ${fromC}.class) return ${toPrice(row[toC], toCsCostBoosts[toC])};
<#assign firstFromC = false>
else return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
} else {
// Unknown toC; we don't know how to convert to it:
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
static int compareNumberTypeSpecificity(Class c1, Class c2) {
// DO NOT EDIT, generated code!
// See: src\main\misc\overloadedNumberRules\README.txt
c1 = ClassUtil.primitiveClassToBoxingClass(c1);
c2 = ClassUtil.primitiveClassToBoxingClass(c2);
if (c1 == c2) return 0;
<#list toCsFreqSorted as c1><#t>
if (c1 == ${c1}.class) {
<#list toCsFreqSorted as c2><#if c1 != c2><#t>
if (c2 == ${c2}.class) return ${toCsCostBoosts[c2]} - ${toCsCostBoosts[c1]};
return 0;
return 0;
<#function toPrice cellValue, boost>
<#if cellValue?starts_with("BC ")>
<#local cellValue = cellValue[3..]>
<#elseif cellValue == '-' || cellValue == 'N/A'>
<#return 'Integer.MAX_VALUE'>
<#local cellValue = cellValue?number>
<#if cellValue != 0>
<#return cellValue * 10000 + boost>
<#return 0>