blob: 71366e69d2f72b3550639a9a1ffc0e0af7f72ca1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package freemarker.core;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.junit.Test;
import freemarker.cache.StringTemplateLoader;
import freemarker.template.Configuration;
import freemarker.template.SimpleNumber;
import freemarker.template.TemplateDirectiveBody;
import freemarker.template.TemplateDirectiveModel;
import freemarker.template.TemplateException;
import freemarker.template.TemplateMethodModel;
import freemarker.template.TemplateModel;
import freemarker.template.TemplateModelException;
import freemarker.test.TemplateTest;
public class WithArgsBuiltInTest extends TemplateTest {
private static final String PRINT_O = "o=<#if o?isSequence>[<#list o as v>${v!'null'}<#sep>, </#list>]" +
"<#else>{<#list o as k,v>${k}=${v!'null'}<#sep>, </#list>}" +
protected Configuration createConfiguration() throws Exception {
Configuration cfg = super.createConfiguration();
StringTemplateLoader templateLoader = new StringTemplateLoader();
templateLoader.putTemplate("callables.ftl", "" +
// Macro with default:
"<#macro m a b c='d3'>" +
"a=${a}; b=${b}; c=${c}" +
"</#macro>" +
// Macro with Catch-All:
"<#macro mCA a b o...>" +
"a=${a}; b=${b}; " + PRINT_O +
"</#macro>" +
// Macro with Catch-All Only:
"<#macro mCAO o...>" + PRINT_O +
"</#macro>" +
// Function with default:
"<#function f(a, b, c='d3')>" +
"<#return 'a=${a}; b=${b}; c=${c}'>" +
"</#function>" +
// Function with Catch-All:
"<#function fCA(a, b, o...)>" +
"<#local r>" +
"a=${a}; b=${b}; " + PRINT_O +
"</#local>" +
"<#return r>" +
"</#function>" +
// Function with Catch-All Only:
"<#function fCAO(o...)>" +
"<#local r>" + PRINT_O +
"</#local>" +
"<#return r>" +
return cfg;
public void testMacroWithNamedWithArgs() throws Exception {
assertOutput("<@m b=2 a=1 />", "a=1; b=2; c=d3");
assertOutput("<@m?withArgs({'b': 2, 'a': 1}) />", "a=1; b=2; c=d3");
assertOutput("<@m?withArgs({'b': 2, 'a': 1}) a=11 />", "a=11; b=2; c=d3");
assertOutput("<@m?withArgs({'b': 2, 'a': 1}) a=11 b=22 />", "a=11; b=22; c=d3");
assertOutput("<@m?withArgs({'b': 2, 'c': 3}) a=1 />", "a=1; b=2; c=3");
assertOutput("<@m?withArgs({}) b=2 c=3 a=1 />", "a=1; b=2; c=3");
assertOutput("<@mCA a=1 b=2 />", "a=1; b=2; o={}");
assertOutput("<@mCA?withArgs({'a': 1, 'b': 2}) />", "a=1; b=2; o={}");
assertOutput("<@mCA?withArgs({'a': 1}) b=2 />", "a=1; b=2; o={}");
assertOutput("<@mCA?withArgs({}) a=1 b=2 />", "a=1; b=2; o={}");
assertOutput("<@mCA?withArgs({'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}) />", "a=1; b=2; o={c=3}");
assertOutput("<@mCA?withArgs({'a': 1, 'b': 2}) c=3 />", "a=1; b=2; o={c=3}");
assertOutput("<@mCA?withArgs({'a': 1}) b=2 c=3 />", "a=1; b=2; o={c=3}");
assertOutput("<@mCA?withArgs({}) a=1 b=2 c=3 />", "a=1; b=2; o={c=3}");
assertOutput("<@mCA a=1 b=2 c=3 />", "a=1; b=2; o={c=3}");
assertOutput("<@mCA a=1 b=2 c=3 d=4 />", "a=1; b=2; o={c=3, d=4}");
assertOutput("<@mCA?withArgs({'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4}) />", "a=1; b=2; o={c=3, d=4}");
assertOutput("<@mCA?withArgs({'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4}) b=22 />", "a=1; b=22; o={c=3, d=4}");
assertOutput("<@mCA?withArgs({'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4}) b=22 e=5 />", "a=1; b=22; o={c=3, d=4, e=5}");
assertOutput("<@mCA?withArgs({'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4}) 11 22 />", "a=11; b=22; o={c=3, d=4}");
assertOutput("<@mCA?withArgs({'a': 1, 'b': 2}) 11 22 33 />", "a=11; b=22; o=[33]");
assertErrorContains("<@mCA?withArgs({'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}) 11 22 33 />",
"both named and positional", "catch-all");
assertOutput("<@mCAO?withArgs({'a': 1, 'b': 2}) />", "o={a=1, b=2}");
assertOutput("<@mCAO?withArgs({'a': 1}) b=2 />", "o={a=1, b=2}");
assertOutput("<@mCAO?withArgs({}) a=1 b=2 />", "o={a=1, b=2}");
assertOutput("<@mCAO a=1 b=2 />", "o={a=1, b=2}");
assertOutput("<@mCAO />", "o=[]");
assertOutput("<@mCAO?withArgs({}) />", "o={}");
assertOutput("<@m b=2 a=1 c=null />", "a=1; b=2; c=d3");
Map<String, Integer> cNull = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
cNull.put("c", null);
addToDataModel("cNull", cNull);
assertOutput("<@m?withArgs(cNull) b=2 a=1 />", "a=1; b=2; c=d3");
public void testNullsWithMacroWithNamedWithArgs() throws Exception {
// Null-s in ?withArgs should behave similarly as if they were given directly as argument.
assertOutput("<@mCAO a=null b=null />", "o={a=null, b=null}");
Map<String, Integer> aNullBNull = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>();
aNullBNull.put("a", null);
aNullBNull.put("b", null);
addToDataModel("aNullBNull", aNullBNull);
assertOutput("<@mCAO?withArgs(aNullBNull) />", "o={a=null, b=null}");
assertOutput("<@m?withArgs({'a': 11, 'b': 22, 'c': 33}) a=111 b=222 c=null />", "a=111; b=222; c=d3");
assertErrorContains("<@m?withArgs({'a': 11, 'b': 22, 'c': 33}) a=111 b=null c=333 />", "required", "\"b\"");
assertOutput("<@mCAO?withArgs({'a': 1, 'b': 2}) a=null b=22 c=33 />", "o={a=null, b=22, c=33}");
public void testMacroWithPositionalWithArgs() throws Exception {
assertOutput("<@m 1 2 />", "a=1; b=2; c=d3");
assertOutput("<@m?withArgs([1, 2]) />", "a=1; b=2; c=d3");
assertOutput("<@m?withArgs([1]) 2 />", "a=1; b=2; c=d3");
assertOutput("<@m?withArgs([]) 1 2 />", "a=1; b=2; c=d3");
assertOutput("<@m 1 2 3 />", "a=1; b=2; c=3");
assertOutput("<@m?withArgs([1, 2, 3]) />", "a=1; b=2; c=3");
assertOutput("<@m?withArgs([1, 2]) c=3 />", "a=1; b=2; c=3");
assertOutput("<@m?withArgs([1, 2, 0]) c=3 />", "a=1; b=2; c=3");
assertOutput("<@m?withArgs([1, 0, 3]) b=2 />", "a=1; b=2; c=3");
assertOutput("<@mCA 1 2 />", "a=1; b=2; o=[]");
assertOutput("<@mCA?withArgs([1, 2]) />", "a=1; b=2; o=[]");
assertOutput("<@mCA?withArgs([1]) 2 />", "a=1; b=2; o=[]");
assertOutput("<@mCA?withArgs([]) 1 2 />", "a=1; b=2; o=[]");
assertOutput("<@mCA 1 2 3 />", "a=1; b=2; o=[3]");
assertOutput("<@mCA?withArgs([1, 2, 3]) />", "a=1; b=2; o=[3]");
assertOutput("<@mCA?withArgs([1]) 2, 3 />", "a=1; b=2; o=[3]");
assertOutput("<@mCA?withArgs([1, 2]) 3 />", "a=1; b=2; o=[3]");
assertOutput("<@mCA?withArgs([1]) b=2 c=3 />", "a=1; b=2; o={c=3}");
assertOutput("<@mCA?withArgs([]) a=1 b=2 c=3 />", "a=1; b=2; o={c=3}");
assertOutput("<@mCA?withArgs([1, 2]) c=3 />", "a=1; b=2; o={c=3}");
assertOutput("<@mCA?withArgs([1, 0]) b=2 c=3 />", "a=1; b=2; o={c=3}");
assertErrorContains("<@mCA?withArgs([1, 2, 3]) d=4 />",
"both named and positional", "catch-all");
assertOutput("<@mCAO?withArgs([1, 2]) />", "o=[1, 2]");
assertOutput("<@mCAO?withArgs([1]) 2 />", "o=[1, 2]");
assertOutput("<@mCAO 1, 2 />", "o=[1, 2]");
assertOutput("<@mCAO?withArgs([]) />", "o=[]");
public void testNullsWithMacroWithPositionalWithArgs() throws Exception {
// Null-s in ?withArgs should behave similarly as if they were given directly as argument.
assertOutput("<@mCAO 1 null null 4 />", "o=[1, null, null, 4]");
addToDataModel("args", Arrays.asList(1, null, null, 4));
assertOutput("<@mCAO?withArgs(args) />", "o=[1, null, null, 4]");
assertOutput("<@mCAO?withArgs(args) null 5 6 />", "o=[1, null, null, 4, null, 5, 6]");
public void testFunction() throws Exception {
assertOutput("${f(1, 2)}", "a=1; b=2; c=d3");
assertOutput("${f?withArgs([1, 2])()}", "a=1; b=2; c=d3");
assertOutput("${f?withArgs([1])(2)}", "a=1; b=2; c=d3");
assertOutput("${f?withArgs([])(1, 2)}", "a=1; b=2; c=d3");
assertOutput("${f(1, 2, 3)}", "a=1; b=2; c=3");
assertOutput("${f?withArgs([1, 2, 3])()}", "a=1; b=2; c=3");
assertOutput("${fCA(1, 2)}", "a=1; b=2; o=[]");
assertOutput("${fCA?withArgs([1, 2])()}", "a=1; b=2; o=[]");
assertOutput("${fCA?withArgs([1])(2)}", "a=1; b=2; o=[]");
assertOutput("${fCA?withArgs([])(1, 2)}", "a=1; b=2; o=[]");
assertOutput("${fCA(1, 2, 3)}", "a=1; b=2; o=[3]");
assertOutput("${fCA?withArgs([1, 2, 3])()}", "a=1; b=2; o=[3]");
assertOutput("${fCA?withArgs([1])(2, 3)}", "a=1; b=2; o=[3]");
assertOutput("${fCA?withArgs([1, 2])(3)}", "a=1; b=2; o=[3]");
assertOutput("${fCA?withArgs([])(1, 2, 3)}", "a=1; b=2; o=[3]");
assertOutput("${fCAO(1, 2)}", "o=[1, 2]");
assertOutput("${fCAO?withArgs([1, 2])()}", "o=[1, 2]");
assertOutput("${fCAO?withArgs([1])(2)}", "o=[1, 2]");
assertOutput("${fCAO?withArgs([])(1, 2)}", "o=[1, 2]");
assertErrorContains("${f?withArgs({'a': 1, 'b': 2})}",
"function", "hash", "sequence", "?withArgs");
public void testNullsWithFunction() throws Exception {
// Null-s in ?withArgs should behave similarly as if they were given directly as argument.
assertOutput("${fCAO(1, null, null, 4)}", "o=[1, null, null, 4]");
addToDataModel("args", Arrays.asList(1, null, null, 4));
assertOutput("${fCAO?withArgs(args)()}", "o=[1, null, null, 4]");
assertOutput("${fCAO?withArgs(args)(null, 5, 6)}", "o=[1, null, null, 4, null, 5, 6]");
public void testCurrentNamespaceWorks() throws Exception {
addTemplate("ns1.ftl", "" +
"<#assign v = 'NS1'>" +
"<#macro m p>" +
"p=${p} " +
"v=${v} " +
"<#local v = 'L'>" +
"v=${v} " +
"{<#nested p>} " +
"v=${v}" +
assertOutput("" +
"<#import 'ns1.ftl' as ns1>" +
"<#assign v = 'NS0'>" +
"<@ns1.m 1; n>n=${n} v=${v}</@>; " +
"<#assign m2 = ns1.m?withArgs([2])>" +
"<@m2; n>n=${n} v=${v}</@>",
"p=1 v=NS1 v=L {n=1 v=NS0} v=L; " +
"p=2 v=NS1 v=L {n=2 v=NS0} v=L");
public void testArgCountCheck() throws Exception {
String macroDef = "<#macro m a b c>${a}, ${b}, ${c}</#macro>";
// No error:
assertOutput(macroDef + "<@m 1 2 3 />", "1, 2, 3");
assertOutput(macroDef + "<@m?with_args([1, 2, 3]) />", "1, 2, 3");
assertOutput(macroDef + "<@m?with_args([1, 2]) 3 />", "1, 2, 3");
// Too many args:
assertErrorContains(macroDef + "<@m 1 2 3 4 />", "accepts 3", "got 4");
assertErrorContains(macroDef + "<@m?with_args([1, 2, 3, 4]) />", "accepts 3", "got 4");
assertErrorContains(macroDef + "<@m?with_args([1, 2, 3]) 5 />", "accepts 3", "got 4");
assertErrorContains(macroDef + "<@m?with_args([1]) 2 3 4 />", "accepts 3", "got 4");
// Too few args:
assertErrorContains(macroDef + "<@m 1 2 />", "\"c\"", "was not specified");
assertErrorContains(macroDef + "<@m?with_args([1, 2]) />", "\"c\"", "was not specified");
assertErrorContains(macroDef + "<@m?with_args([1]) 2 />", "\"c\"", "was not specified");
assertErrorContains(macroDef + "<@m?with_args([]) 1 2 />", "\"c\"", "was not specified");
public void testDefaultsThenCatchAll() throws IOException, TemplateException {
String macroDef = "<#macro m a=1 b=2 c=3 o...>a=${a} b=${b} c=${c} " + PRINT_O + "</#macro>";
assertOutput(macroDef + "<@m?withArgs([]) />", "a=1 b=2 c=3 o=[]");
assertOutput(macroDef + "<@m?withArgs([11]) />", "a=11 b=2 c=3 o=[]");
assertOutput(macroDef + "<@m?withArgs([11, 22]) />", "a=11 b=22 c=3 o=[]");
assertOutput(macroDef + "<@m?withArgs([11, 22, 33]) />", "a=11 b=22 c=33 o=[]");
assertOutput(macroDef + "<@m?withArgs([11, 22, 33, 44]) />", "a=11 b=22 c=33 o=[44]");
assertOutput(macroDef + "<@m?withArgs([11, 22, 33, 44, 55]) />", "a=11 b=22 c=33 o=[44, 55]");
assertOutput(macroDef + "<@m?withArgs([]) 11 />", "a=11 b=2 c=3 o=[]");
assertOutput(macroDef + "<@m?withArgs([11]) 22 />", "a=11 b=22 c=3 o=[]");
assertOutput(macroDef + "<@m?withArgs([11, 22]) 33 />", "a=11 b=22 c=33 o=[]");
assertOutput(macroDef + "<@m?withArgs([11, 22, 33]) 44 />", "a=11 b=22 c=33 o=[44]");
assertOutput(macroDef + "<@m?withArgs([11, 22, 33, 44]) 55 />", "a=11 b=22 c=33 o=[44, 55]");
assertOutput(macroDef + "<@m?withArgs({}) />", "a=1 b=2 c=3 o={}");
assertOutput(macroDef + "<@m?withArgs({'b':22}) />", "a=1 b=22 c=3 o={}");
assertOutput(macroDef + "<@m?withArgs({'b':22, 'c':33}) />", "a=1 b=22 c=33 o={}");
assertOutput(macroDef + "<@m?withArgs({'b':22, 'c':33, 'd':55}) />", "a=1 b=22 c=33 o={d=55}");
assertOutput(macroDef + "<@m?withArgs({'b':22, 'd':55, 'e':66}) />", "a=1 b=22 c=3 o={d=55, e=66}");
assertOutput(macroDef + "<@m?withArgs({}) b=22 />", "a=1 b=22 c=3 o={}");
assertOutput(macroDef + "<@m?withArgs({'b':22}) c=33 />", "a=1 b=22 c=33 o={}");
assertOutput(macroDef + "<@m?withArgs({'b':22, 'c':33}) d=55 />", "a=1 b=22 c=33 o={d=55}");
assertOutput(macroDef + "<@m?withArgs({'b':22, 'd':55}) e=66 />", "a=1 b=22 c=3 o={d=55, e=66}");
public void testMethod() throws IOException, TemplateException {
addToDataModel("obj", new MethodHolder());
assertOutput("${obj.m3p(1, 2, 3)}", "1, 2, 3");
assertOutput("${obj.m3p?withArgs([1, 2, 3])()}", "1, 2, 3");
assertOutput("${obj.m3p?withArgs([1, 2])(3)}", "1, 2, 3");
assertOutput("${obj.m3p?withArgs([1])(2, 3)}", "1, 2, 3");
assertOutput("${obj.m3p?withArgs([])(1, 2, 3)}", "1, 2, 3");
assertOutput("${obj.m0p()}", "OK");
assertOutput("${obj.m0p?withArgs([])()}", "OK");
assertOutput("${obj.mVA(1, 2, 3, 4)}", "1, 2, o=[3, 4]");
assertOutput("${obj.mVA?withArgs([1, 2, 3, 4])()}", "1, 2, o=[3, 4]");
assertOutput("${obj.mVA?withArgs([1, 2, 3])(4)}", "1, 2, o=[3, 4]");
assertOutput("${obj.mVA?withArgs([1, 2])(3, 4)}", "1, 2, o=[3, 4]");
assertOutput("${obj.mVA?withArgs([1])(2, 3, 4)}", "1, 2, o=[3, 4]");
assertOutput("${obj.mVA?withArgs([])(1, 2, 3, 4)}", "1, 2, o=[3, 4]");
assertErrorContains("${obj.mVA?withArgs({})}", "hash", "sequence", "argument");
assertOutput("${obj.mNullable(null, 2, null)}", "null, 2, null");
addToDataModel("args", Arrays.asList(null, 2, null));
assertOutput("${obj.mNullable?withArgs(args)()}", "null, 2, null");
public void testMethodWithArgsLast() throws IOException, TemplateException {
addToDataModel("obj", new MethodHolder());
assertOutput("${obj.m3p?withArgsLast([1, 2, 3])()}", "1, 2, 3");
assertOutput("${obj.m3p?withArgsLast([1, 2])(3)}", "3, 1, 2");
assertOutput("${obj.m3p?withArgsLast([1])(2, 3)}", "2, 3, 1");
assertOutput("${obj.m3p?withArgsLast([])(1, 2, 3)}", "1, 2, 3");
addToDataModel("args", Arrays.asList(null, 2));
assertOutput("${obj.mNullable?withArgsLast(args)(1)}", "1, null, 2");
public static class MethodHolder {
public String m3p(int a, int b, int c) {
return a + ", " + b + ", " + c;
public String m0p() {
return "OK";
public String mVA(int a, int b, int... others) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder()
.append(a).append(", ").append(b);
sb.append(", o=[");
for (int i = 0; i < others.length; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
sb.append(", ");
return sb.toString();
public String mNullable(Integer a, Integer b, Integer c) {
return a + ", " + b + ", " + c;
public void testLegacyMethod() throws IOException, TemplateException {
addToDataModel("legacyMethod", new LegacyMethodModel());
assertOutput("${legacyMethod(1, '2')}", "[1.00, 2]");
assertOutput("${legacyMethod?withArgs([1, '2'])()}", "[1.00, 2]");
assertOutput("${legacyMethod?withArgs([1])('2')}", "[1.00, 2]");
assertOutput("${legacyMethod?withArgs([])(1, '2')}", "[1.00, 2]");
private static class LegacyMethodModel implements TemplateMethodModel {
public Object exec(List arguments) throws TemplateModelException {
for (Object argument : arguments) {
if (!(argument instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Arguments should be String-s");
return arguments.toString();
public void testTemplateDirectiveModel() throws IOException, TemplateException {
addToDataModel("directive", new TestTemplateDirectiveModel());
assertOutput("<@directive a=1 b=2 c=3; u, v>${u} ${v}</@>",
"{a=1, b=2, c=3}{11 22}");
assertOutput("<@directive?withArgs({'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}); u, v>${u} ${v}</@>",
"{a=1, b=2, c=3}{11 22}");
assertOutput("<@directive?withArgs({'a': 1, 'b': 2}) c=3; u, v>${u} ${v}</@>",
"{a=1, b=2, c=3}{11 22}");
assertOutput("<@directive?withArgs({'a': 1}) b=2 c=3; u, v>${u} ${v}</@>",
"{a=1, b=2, c=3}{11 22}");
assertOutput("<@directive?withArgs({}) a=1 b=2 c=3; u, v>${u} ${v}</@>",
"{a=1, b=2, c=3}{11 22}");
assertOutput("<@directive?withArgs({}); u, v>${u} ${v}</@>",
"{}{11 22}");
assertOutput("<@directive?withArgs({'a': 1, 'b': 2}) b=22 c=3; u>${u}</@>",
"{a=1, b=22, c=3}{11}");
Map<String, Integer> args = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>();
args.put("a", null);
args.put("b", 2);
args.put("c", 3);
args.put("e", 6);
addToDataModel("args", args);
assertOutput("<@directive?withArgs(args) b=22 c=null d=55 />",
"{a=null, b=22, c=null, e=6, d=55}{}");
public void testTemplateDirectiveModelWithArgsLast() throws IOException, TemplateException {
addToDataModel("directive", new TestTemplateDirectiveModel());
Map<String, Integer> args = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>();
args.put("a", null);
args.put("b", 2);
args.put("c", 3);
args.put("e", 6);
args.put("f", 7);
args.put("g", null);
addToDataModel("args", args);
assertOutput("<@directive?withArgsLast(args) b=22 c=null d=55 />",
"{b=22, c=null, d=55, a=null, e=6, f=7, g=null}{}");
assertOutput("<@directive?withArgsLast({}) b=22 c=null d=55 />",
"{b=22, c=null, d=55}{}");
assertOutput("<@directive?withArgsLast(args) />",
"{a=null, b=2, c=3, e=6, f=7, g=null}{}");
public void testMacroWithArgsLastNamed() throws IOException, TemplateException {
assertOutput("<@m?withArgsLast({'a': 1, 'b': 2}) />", "a=1; b=2; c=d3");
assertOutput("<@m?withArgsLast({'b': 2}) a=1 />", "a=1; b=2; c=d3");
assertOutput("<@m?withArgsLast({}) a=1 b=2 />", "a=1; b=2; c=d3");
assertOutput("<@m?withArgsLast({'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}) />", "a=1; b=2; c=3");
assertOutput("<@m?withArgsLast({'b': 2}) a=1 c=3 />", "a=1; b=2; c=3");
assertOutput("<@m?withArgsLast({'c': 3}) a=1 b=2 />", "a=1; b=2; c=3");
assertOutput("<@m?withArgsLast({}) a=1 b=2 c=3 />", "a=1; b=2; c=3");
assertOutput("<@m?withArgsLast({'b': 2}) 1 />", "a=1; b=2; c=d3");
assertOutput("<@m?withArgsLast({'c': 3}) 1 2 />", "a=1; b=2; c=3");
assertOutput("<@m?withArgsLast({'b': 22, 'c': 3}) 1 2 />", "a=1; b=2; c=3");
assertOutput("<@mCA?withArgsLast({'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4}) />", "a=1; b=2; o={c=3, d=4}");
assertOutput("<@mCA?withArgsLast({'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4}) a=1 />", "a=1; b=2; o={c=3, d=4}");
assertOutput("<@mCA?withArgsLast({'c': 3, 'd': 4}) a=1 b=2 />", "a=1; b=2; o={c=3, d=4}");
assertOutput("<@mCA?withArgsLast({'d': 4}) a=1 b=2 c=3 />", "a=1; b=2; o={c=3, d=4}");
assertOutput("<@mCA?withArgsLast({}) a=1 b=2 c=3 d=4 />", "a=1; b=2; o={c=3, d=4}");
assertOutput("<@mCA?withArgsLast({'a': 11}) 1 2 />", "a=1; b=2; o=[]");
assertOutput("<@mCA?withArgsLast({'a': 11, 'c': 3}) 1 2 />", "a=1; b=2; o={c=3}");
assertErrorContains("<@mCA?withArgsLast({'a': 11, 'c': 3}) 1 2 3 />", "both named and positional", "catch-all");
assertOutput("<@mCA?withArgsLast({'a': 11, 'b': 22}) 1 2 3 />", "a=1; b=2; o=[3]");
assertOutput("<@mCAO?withArgsLast({'a': 1, 'b': 2}) />", "o={a=1, b=2}");
assertOutput("<@mCAO?withArgsLast({'b': 2}) a=1 />", "o={a=1, b=2}");
assertOutput("<@mCAO?withArgsLast({}) a=1 b=2 />", "o={a=1, b=2}");
assertOutput("<@mCAO?withArgsLast({}) />", "o={}");
// Ordering of "real" args win:
assertOutput("<@mCA?withArgsLast({'c': 3, 'd': 4}) a=1 b=2 />", "a=1; b=2; o={c=3, d=4}");
assertOutput("<@mCA?withArgsLast({'c': 3, 'd': 4}) a=1 d=44 b=2 />", "a=1; b=2; o={d=44, c=3}");
public void testMacroWithArgsLastNamedNullArgs() throws IOException, TemplateException {
assertOutput("<@mCA?withArgsLast({'c': 3, 'd': 4}) a=1 d=null b=2 />", "a=1; b=2; o={d=null, c=3}");
Map<String, Integer> cAndDNull = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>();
cAndDNull.put("c", 3);
cAndDNull.put("d", null);
addToDataModel("cAndDNull", cAndDNull);
assertOutput("<@mCA?withArgsLast(cAndDNull) a=1 b=2 />", "a=1; b=2; o={c=3, d=null}");
assertOutput("<@mCA?withArgsLast(cAndDNull) a=1 d=null b=2 />", "a=1; b=2; o={d=null, c=3}");
public void testMacroWithArgsLastPositional() throws IOException, TemplateException {
assertOutput("<@m?withArgsLast([1, 2, 3]) />", "a=1; b=2; c=3");
assertOutput("<@m?withArgsLast([2, 3]) 1 />", "a=1; b=2; c=3");
assertOutput("<@m?withArgsLast([3]) 1 2 />", "a=1; b=2; c=3");
assertOutput("<@m?withArgsLast([]) 1 2 3 />", "a=1; b=2; c=3");
assertOutput("<@m?withArgsLast([]) a=1 b=2 />", "a=1; b=2; c=d3");
assertErrorContains("<@m?withArgsLast([3]) a=1 b=2 />", "by name", "by position", "last");
assertOutput("<@m?withArgsLast([1, 2]) />", "a=1; b=2; c=d3");
assertOutput("<@m?withArgsLast([2]) 1 />", "a=1; b=2; c=d3");
assertOutput("<@m?withArgsLast([]) 1 2 />", "a=1; b=2; c=d3");
assertOutput("<@mCA?withArgsLast([1, 2, 3, 4]) />", "a=1; b=2; o=[3, 4]");
assertOutput("<@mCA?withArgsLast([2, 3, 4]) 1 />", "a=1; b=2; o=[3, 4]");
assertOutput("<@mCA?withArgsLast([3, 4]) 1 2 />", "a=1; b=2; o=[3, 4]");
assertOutput("<@mCA?withArgsLast([4]) 1 2 3 />", "a=1; b=2; o=[3, 4]");
assertOutput("<@mCA?withArgsLast([]) 1 2 3 4 />", "a=1; b=2; o=[3, 4]");
assertOutput("<@mCAO?withArgsLast([1, 2, 3, 4]) />", "o=[1, 2, 3, 4]");
assertOutput("<@mCAO?withArgsLast([3, 4]) 1 2 />", "o=[1, 2, 3, 4]");
assertOutput("<@mCAO?withArgsLast([]) 1 2 3 4 />", "o=[1, 2, 3, 4]");
assertOutput("<@mCAO?withArgsLast([]) a=1 b=2 />", "o={a=1, b=2}");
assertErrorContains("<@mCAO?withArgsLast([3]) a=1 b=2 />", "by name", "by position", "last");
assertOutput("<@mCAO?withArgsLast([]) />", "o=[]");
assertErrorContains("<@m?withArgsLast([0, 0, 0, 0]) />", "3", "4", "parameter");
assertErrorContains("<@m?withArgsLast([0, 0, 0]) 0 />", "3", "4", "parameter");
assertErrorContains("<@m?withArgsLast([]) 0 0 0 0 />", "3", "4", "parameter");
public void testMacroWithArgsLastPositionalNullArgs() throws IOException, TemplateException {
ArrayList<Object> twoAndNull = new ArrayList<Object>();
addToDataModel("twoAndNull", twoAndNull);
assertOutput("<@m?withArgsLast(twoAndNull) 1 />", "a=1; b=2; c=d3");
assertErrorContains("<@m?withArgsLast([3]) null 2 />", "\"a\"", "null");
assertOutput("<@m?withArgsLast([]) 1 2 null />", "a=1; b=2; c=d3");
assertOutput("<@mCAO?withArgsLast(twoAndNull) 1 />", "o=[1, 2, null]");
assertOutput("<@mCAO?withArgsLast([3]) null 2 />", "o=[null, 2, 3]");
private static class TestTemplateDirectiveModel implements TemplateDirectiveModel {
public void execute(Environment env, Map params, TemplateModel[] loopVars, TemplateDirectiveBody body) throws
TemplateException, IOException {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
boolean first = true;
for (Map.Entry<String, TemplateModel> param : ((Map<String, TemplateModel>) params).entrySet()) {
if (!first) {
sb.append(", ");
} else {
first = false;
TemplateModel value = param.getValue();
sb.append(value != null ? EvalUtil.coerceModelToPlainText(value, null, null, env) : "null");
if (loopVars.length > 0) {
loopVars[0] = new SimpleNumber(11);
if (loopVars.length > 1) {
loopVars[1] = new SimpleNumber(22);
if (loopVars.length > 2) {
throw new TemplateModelException("Too many loop vars");
if (body != null) {