blob: b4b9fe81895e059515df57aa7a1f793418a1c6b8 [file] [log] [blame]
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package freemarker.core;
import freemarker.template.TemplateException;
import freemarker.template.TemplateModel;
class BuiltInsForOutputFormatRelated {
static class no_escBI extends AbstractConverterBI {
protected TemplateModel calculateResult(String lho, MarkupOutputFormat outputFormat, Environment env)
throws TemplateException {
return outputFormat.fromMarkup(lho);
static class escBI extends AbstractConverterBI {
protected TemplateModel calculateResult(String lho, MarkupOutputFormat outputFormat, Environment env)
throws TemplateException {
return outputFormat.fromPlainTextByEscaping(lho);
static abstract class AbstractConverterBI extends MarkupOutputFormatBoundBuiltIn {
protected TemplateModel calculateResult(Environment env) throws TemplateException {
TemplateModel lhoTM = target.eval(env);
Object lhoMOOrStr = EvalUtil.coerceModelToStringOrMarkup(lhoTM, target, null, env);
MarkupOutputFormat contextOF = outputFormat;
if (lhoMOOrStr instanceof String) { // TemplateMarkupOutputModel
return calculateResult((String) lhoMOOrStr, contextOF, env);
} else {
TemplateMarkupOutputModel lhoMO = (TemplateMarkupOutputModel) lhoMOOrStr;
MarkupOutputFormat lhoOF = lhoMO.getOutputFormat();
// ATTENTION: Keep this logic in sync. with ${...}'s logic!
if (lhoOF == contextOF || contextOF.isOutputFormatMixingAllowed()) {
// bypass
return lhoMO;
} else {
// ATTENTION: Keep this logic in sync. with ${...}'s logic!
String lhoPlainTtext = lhoOF.getSourcePlainText(lhoMO);
if (lhoPlainTtext == null) {
throw new _TemplateModelException(target,
"The left side operand of ?", key, " is in ", new _DelayedToString(lhoOF),
" format, which differs from the current output format, ",
new _DelayedToString(contextOF), ". Conversion wasn't possible.");
// Here we know that lho is escaped plain text. So we re-escape it to the current format and
// bypass it, just as if the two output formats were the same earlier.
return contextOF.fromPlainTextByEscaping(lhoPlainTtext);
protected abstract TemplateModel calculateResult(String lho, MarkupOutputFormat outputFormat, Environment env)
throws TemplateException;