blob: 26192b818fc63b92290bb9322666af71680bcbe9 [file] [log] [blame]
Guide to FreeMarker Manual for Editors
- The Template Authror's Guide is for Web designers. Assume that a
designer is not a programmer, (s)he doesn't even know what is Java.
Forget that FM is implemented in Java when you edit the Template
Authror's Guide. Try to avoid technical writing.
- In the Guide chapters, be careful not to mention things that were
not explained earlier. The Guide chapters should be understandable
if you read them continuously.
- If you add a new topic or term, don't forget to add it to the Index.
Also, consider adding entries for it to the Glossary.
- Don't use too sophisticated English. Use basic words and grammar.
- For the editing use XXE (XMLmind XML Editor), with its default XML
*source* formatting settings (identation, max line length and like).
You should install the "DocBook 5 for Freemarker" addon, which you can
find insode the "docgen" top-level SVN module.
- The HTML is generated with Docgen (docgen.jar), which will check some
of the rules described here. To invoke it, issue "ant manual" from
the root of the "freemarker" module. (Note: you may need to check out
and build "docgen" first.)
- Understand all document conventions in the Preface chapter. Note that
all "programlisting"-s should have a "role" attribute with a value that
is either: "template", "dataModel", "output", "metaTemplate" or
"unspecified". (If you miss this, the XXE addon will show the
"programlisting" in red.)
- Verbatim content in flow text:
* In flow text, all data object names, class names, FTL fragments,
HTML fragments, and all other verbatim content is inside "literal"
* Use replaceable element inside literal element for replaceable
parts and meta-variables like:
<literal&lt;if <replaceable>condition</replaceable>></literal>
- Hierarchy:
* The hierarchy should look like:
book -> part -> chapter -> section -> section -> section -> section
where the "part" and the "section"-s are optional.
Instead of chapter you may have "preface" or "appendix".
* Don't use "sect1", "sect2", etc. Instead nest "section"-s into each other,
but not deeper than 3 levels.
* Use "simplesect" if you want to divide up something visually, but
you don't want those sections to appear in the ToC, or go into theor own
HTML page. "simplesect"-s can appear under all "section" nesting
levels, and they always look the same regardless of the "section"
nesting levels.
- Lists:
* When you have list where the list items are short (a few words),
you should give spacing="compact" to the "itemizedlist" or
"orderedlist" element.
* Don't putting listings inside "para"-s. Put them between "para"-s instead.
- Xrefs, id-s, links:
* id-s of parts, chapters, sections and similar elements must
contain US-ASCII lower case letters, US-ASCII nubers, and
underscore only. id-s of parts and chapters are used as the
filenames of HTML-s generated for that block.
When you find out the id, deduce it from the positin in the ToC
hirearchy. The underscore is used as the separator between the path
* All other id-s must use prefix:
- example: E.g.: id="example.foreach"
- ref: Reference information...
* directive: about a directive. E.g.: "ref.directive.foreach"
* builtin
- gloss: Term in the Glossary
- topic: The recommended point of document in a certain topic
* designer: for designers.
E.g.: id="topic.designer.methodDataObject"
* programmer: for programmers
* or omit the secondary cathegoty if it is for everybody
- misc: Anything doesn't fit in the above cathegories
* When you refer to a part, chapter or section, often you should use
xref, not link. The xreflabel attribute of the link-end should not be set;
then it's deduced from the titles.
- The "book" element must have this attribute: conformance="docgen"