blob: 12dfa36b90a48ab4594137787542ea84f91c3334 [file] [log] [blame]
Examples for using FreeMarker (FM):
webapp1 Building Web app. framework around FM, step 1: Hello World!
webapp2 Building Web app. framework around FM, step 2: Guest-book
struts-webapp Using FM in a Model-2 framework (Struts 1.1) with JSP taglibs
ant Demonstrates the FreeMarker XML transform Ant-task
To build the example webapps, you need Ant ( and run
the following commands from the base FreeMarker directory:
ant example-<example-name>
where <example-name> is the name of the example as struts-webapp or webapp1.
The built Web applications will be in the build/examples directory.
For more information read the help.html or README.txt in the directory of