blob: 7b765013469d7934338af4fcbd8b0b0674b3ddc9 [file] [log] [blame]
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under the License.
<#setting locale="en_US">
<#setting number_format="0.#########">
<#setting boolean_format="c">
<#assign ls = []?sort>
<#list ls as i>
- ${i}
<@assertEquals expected=0 actual=ls?size />
<@assertEquals expected=3 actual=set?size />
Sorting scalars:
String order:
<#assign ls = ["whale", "Barbara", "zeppelin", "aardvark", "beetroot"]?sort>
<#list ls as i>
- ${i}
First: ${ls?first}
Last: ${ls?last}
Size ${ls?size}
Numerical order:
<#assign ls = [123?byte, 543, -324, -34?float, 0.11, 0, 111?int, 0.1?double, 1, 5]?sort>
<#list ls as i>
- ${i}
First: ${ls?first}
Last: ${ls?last}
Size ${ls?size}
Date/time order:
<#assign x = [
<#list x?sort as i>
- ${i?string('HH:mm')}
Boolean order:
<#assign x = [
<#list x?sort as i>
- ${i}
Sorting hashes:
<#assign ls = [
{"name":"whale", "weight":2000?short},
{"name":"Barbara", "weight":53},
{"name":"zeppelin", "weight":-200?float},
{"name":"aardvark", "weight":30?long},
{"name":"beetroot", "weight":0.3}
Order by name:
<#assign ls = ls?sort_by("name")>
<#list ls as i>
- ${}: ${i.weight}
Order by weight:
<#assign ls = ls?sort_by("weight")>
<#list ls as i>
- ${}: ${i.weight}
Order by a.x.v:
<#assign x = [
{"a": {"x": {"v": "qweqw", "w": "asd"}, "y": '1998-02-20'?date('yyyy-MM-dd')}},
{"a": {"x": {"v": "aqweqw", "w": "asd"}, "y": '1999-01-20'?date('yyyy-MM-dd')}},
{"a": {"x": {"v": "dfgdf", "w": "asd"}, "y": '1999-04-20'?date('yyyy-MM-dd')}},
{"a": {"x": {"v": "utyu", "w": "asd"}, "y": '1999-04-19'?date('yyyy-MM-dd')}}]>
<#list x?sort_by(['a', 'x', 'v']) as i>
- ${i.a.x.v}
Order by a.y, which is a date:
<#list x?sort_by(['a', 'y']) as i>
- ${i.a.y?string('yyyy-MM-dd')}
Order by weight desc:
<#assign ls = ls?reverse>
<#list ls as i>
- ${}: ${i.weight}
Order by weight desc desc:
<#assign ls = ls?reverse>
<#list ls as i>
- ${}: ${i.weight}
Order by weight desc desc desc:
<#assign ls = ls?reverse>
<#list ls as i>
- ${}: ${i.weight}
<#macro test></#macro>
<#assign x = [1, "2", true, [1,2,3], {"a":1}, test, '1992-02-21'?date('yyyy-MM-dd')]>
<#assign x = []>
False: ${x?seq_contains(1)}
<#assign x = [1, "2", true, [1,2,3], {"a":1}, test, '1992-02-21'?date('yyyy-MM-dd')]>
0 = ${x?seq_index_of(1.0)}
1 = ${x?seq_index_of("2")}
2 = ${x?seq_index_of(true)}
6 = ${x?seq_index_of('1992-02-21'?date('yyyy-MM-dd'))}
0 = ${abcSet?seq_index_of("a")}
1 = ${abcSet?seq_index_of("b")}
2 = ${abcSet?seq_index_of("c")}
-1 = ${x?seq_index_of("1")}
-1 = ${x?seq_index_of(2)}
-1 = ${x?seq_index_of(false)}
-1 = ${x?seq_index_of('1992-02-22'?date('yyyy-MM-dd'))}
-1 = ${abcSet?seq_index_of("A")}
-1 = ${abcSet?seq_index_of(1)}
-1 = ${abcSet?seq_index_of(true)}
<#assign x = []>
-1 = ${x?seq_index_of(1)}
<#assign x = [1, "2", true, [1,2,3], {"a":1}, test, 1, '1992-02-21'?date('yyyy-MM-dd')]>
6 = ${x?seq_last_index_of(1.0)}
1 = ${x?seq_last_index_of("2")}
2 = ${x?seq_last_index_of(true)}
7 = ${x?seq_last_index_of('1992-02-21'?date('yyyy-MM-dd'))}
-1 = ${x?seq_last_index_of("1")}
0 = ${abcSet?seq_last_index_of("a")}
1 = ${abcSet?seq_last_index_of("b")}
2 = ${abcSet?seq_last_index_of("c")}
-1 = ${abcSet?seq_last_index_of("A")}
Index_of and last_index_of with starting indices
<#assign names = ["Joe", "Fred", "Joe", "Susan"]>
seq_index_of "Joe":
0 = ${names?seq_index_of("Joe", -2)}
0 = ${names?seq_index_of("Joe", -1)}
0 = ${names?seq_index_of("Joe", 0)}
2 = ${names?seq_index_of("Joe", 1)}
2 = ${names?seq_index_of("Joe", 2)}
-1 = ${names?seq_index_of("Joe", 3)}
-1 = ${names?seq_index_of("Joe", 4)}
seq_last_index_of "Joe":
-1 = ${names?seq_last_index_of("Joe", -2)}
-1 = ${names?seq_last_index_of("Joe", -1)}
0 = ${names?seq_last_index_of("Joe", 0)}
0 = ${names?seq_last_index_of("Joe", 1)}
2 = ${names?seq_last_index_of("Joe", 2)}
2 = ${names?seq_last_index_of("Joe", 3)}
2 = ${names?seq_last_index_of("Joe", 4)}
seq_index_of "Susan":
3 = ${names?seq_index_of("Susan", -2)}
3 = ${names?seq_index_of("Susan", -1)}
3 = ${names?seq_index_of("Susan", 0)}
3 = ${names?seq_index_of("Susan", 1)}
3 = ${names?seq_index_of("Susan", 2)}
3 = ${names?seq_index_of("Susan", 3)}
-1 = ${names?seq_index_of("Susan", 4)}
seq_last_index_of "Susan":
-1 = ${names?seq_last_index_of("Susan", -2)}
-1 = ${names?seq_last_index_of("Susan", -1)}
-1 = ${names?seq_last_index_of("Susan", 0)}
-1 = ${names?seq_last_index_of("Susan", 1)}
-1 = ${names?seq_last_index_of("Susan", 2)}
3 = ${names?seq_last_index_of("Susan", 3)}
3 = ${names?seq_last_index_of("Susan", 4)}
seq_index_of "a":
0 = ${abcSet?seq_index_of("a", -2)}
0 = ${abcSet?seq_index_of("a", -1)}
0 = ${abcSet?seq_index_of("a", 0)}
-1 = ${abcSet?seq_index_of("a", 1)}
-1 = ${abcSet?seq_index_of("a", 2)}
-1 = ${abcSet?seq_index_of("a", 3)}
-1 = ${abcSet?seq_index_of("a", 4)}
seq_index_of "b":
1 = ${abcSet?seq_index_of("b", -2)}
1 = ${abcSet?seq_index_of("b", -1)}
1 = ${abcSet?seq_index_of("b", 0)}
1 = ${abcSet?seq_index_of("b", 1)}
-1 = ${abcSet?seq_index_of("b", 2)}
-1 = ${abcSet?seq_index_of("b", 3)}
seq_index_of "c":
2 = ${abcSet?seq_index_of("c", -2)}
2 = ${abcSet?seq_index_of("c", -1)}
2 = ${abcSet?seq_index_of("c", 0)}
2 = ${abcSet?seq_index_of("c", 1)}
2 = ${abcSet?seq_index_of("c", 2)}
-1 = ${abcSet?seq_index_of("c", 3)}
seq_last_index_of "a":
-1 = ${abcSet?seq_last_index_of("a", -2)}
-1 = ${abcSet?seq_last_index_of("a", -1)}
0 = ${abcSet?seq_last_index_of("a", 0)}
0 = ${abcSet?seq_last_index_of("a", 1)}
0 = ${abcSet?seq_last_index_of("a", 2)}
0 = ${abcSet?seq_last_index_of("a", 3)}
0 = ${abcSet?seq_last_index_of("a", 4)}
seq_last_index_of "b":
-1 = ${abcSet?seq_last_index_of("b", -2)}
-1 = ${abcSet?seq_last_index_of("b", -1)}
-1 = ${abcSet?seq_last_index_of("b", 0)}
1 = ${abcSet?seq_last_index_of("b", 1)}
1 = ${abcSet?seq_last_index_of("b", 2)}
1 = ${abcSet?seq_last_index_of("b", 3)}
seq_last_index_of "c":
-1 = ${abcSet?seq_last_index_of("c", -2)}
-1 = ${abcSet?seq_last_index_of("c", -1)}
-1 = ${abcSet?seq_last_index_of("c", 0)}
-1 = ${abcSet?seq_last_index_of("c", 1)}
2 = ${abcSet?seq_last_index_of("c", 2)}
2 = ${abcSet?seq_last_index_of("c", 3)}
Sequence builtins ignoring nulls
true = ${listWithNull?seq_contains('c')}
2 = ${listWithNull?seq_index_of('c')}
0 = ${listWithNull?seq_last_index_of('a')}
These should throw exception, but for BC they don't:
false = ${listWithNull?seq_contains(noSuchVar)}
-1 = ${listWithNull?seq_index_of(noSuchVar)}
-1 = ${listWithNull?seq_last_index_of(noSuchVar)}
Sequence built-ins failing on date-type mismatch
<#assign x = ['1992-02-21'?date('yyyy-MM-dd'), 'foo']>
<@assertEquals actual=x?seq_index_of('foo') expected=1 />
<@assertEquals actual=x?seq_index_of('1992-02-21'?date('yyyy-MM-dd')) expected=0 />
<@assertFails message="dates of different types">
${x?seq_index_of('1992-02-21 00:00:00'?datetime('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'))}
<#assign ls = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g']>
<#list ['NULL', '-'] as fill>
<#list [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10] as columns>
<@printTable ls, columns, fill />
<@printTable [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], 3, 'NULL' />
<@printTable [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], 3, '-' />
<@printTable [1], 3, 'NULL' />
<@printTable [1], 3, '-' />
<@printTable [], 3, 'NULL' />
<@printTable [], 3, '-' />
<#macro printTable ls columns fill>
columns = ${columns}, fill = ${fill}:<#lt>
<#if fill='NULL'>
<#local rows = ls?chunk(columns)>
<#local rows = ls?chunk(columns, fill)>
Rows: ${rows?size}
<#list rows as row>
<#list row as i>${i} </#list> <-- Columns: ${row?size}
<#assign xs = [1, "two", "three", 4]>
- ${xs?join(", ")}
- ${[]?join(", ")}
- ${xs?join(", ", "(empty)", ".")}
- ${[]?join(", ", "(empty)", ".")}
- ${listWithNull?join(", ")}
- ${listWithNull?join(", ", "(empty)")}
- ${listWithNull?join(", ", "(empty)", ".")}
- ${listWithNullsOnly?join(", ")}
- ${listWithNullsOnly?join(", ", "(empty)")}
- ${listWithNullsOnly?join(", ", "(empty)", ".")}
- ${abcSet?join(", ", "(empty)", ".")}
- ${abcCollection?join(", ", "(empty)", ".")}
<@assertFails message="index 1">${['a', [], 'c']?join(", ", "(empty)", ".")}</@>
First of set 1: ${abcSet?first}
First of set 2: ${abcSetNonSeq?first}