blob: 4ab892e7544e95287c3db13c19b6b718ac2e5573 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 Attila Szegedi, Daniel Dekany, Jonathan Revusky
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package freemarker.core;
import java.text.Collator;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import freemarker.cache.TemplateNameFormat;
import freemarker.cache._CacheAPI;
import freemarker.ext.beans.BeansWrapper;
import freemarker.log.Logger;
import freemarker.template.Configuration;
import freemarker.template.MalformedTemplateNameException;
import freemarker.template.ObjectWrapper;
import freemarker.template.SimpleHash;
import freemarker.template.SimpleSequence;
import freemarker.template.Template;
import freemarker.template.TemplateCollectionModel;
import freemarker.template.TemplateDateModel;
import freemarker.template.TemplateDirectiveBody;
import freemarker.template.TemplateDirectiveModel;
import freemarker.template.TemplateException;
import freemarker.template.TemplateExceptionHandler;
import freemarker.template.TemplateHashModel;
import freemarker.template.TemplateHashModelEx;
import freemarker.template.TemplateModel;
import freemarker.template.TemplateModelException;
import freemarker.template.TemplateModelIterator;
import freemarker.template.TemplateNodeModel;
import freemarker.template.TemplateScalarModel;
import freemarker.template.TemplateSequenceModel;
import freemarker.template.TemplateTransformModel;
import freemarker.template.TransformControl;
import freemarker.template._TemplateAPI;
import freemarker.template.utility.DateUtil;
import freemarker.template.utility.DateUtil.DateToISO8601CalendarFactory;
import freemarker.template.utility.NullWriter;
import freemarker.template.utility.UndeclaredThrowableException;
* Object that represents the runtime environment during template processing.
* For every invocation of a <tt>Template.process()</tt> method, a new instance
* of this object is created, and then discarded when <tt>process()</tt> returns.
* This object stores the set of temporary variables created by the template,
* the value of settings set by the template, the reference to the data model root,
* etc. Everything that is needed to fulfill the template processing job.
* <p>Data models that need to access the <tt>Environment</tt>
* object that represents the template processing on the current thread can use
* the {@link #getCurrentEnvironment()} method.
* <p>If you need to modify or read this object before or after the <tt>process</tt>
* call, use {@link Template#createProcessingEnvironment(Object rootMap, Writer out, ObjectWrapper wrapper)}
public final class Environment extends Configurable {
private static final ThreadLocal threadEnv = new ThreadLocal();
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger("freemarker.runtime");
private static final Logger ATTEMPT_LOGGER = Logger.getLogger("freemarker.runtime.attempt");
private static final Map JAVA_NUMBER_FORMATS = new HashMap();
// Do not use this object directly; clone it first! DecimalFormat isn't
// thread-safe.
private static final DecimalFormat C_NUMBER_FORMAT
= new DecimalFormat(
new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US));
static {
private final TemplateHashModel rootDataModel;
private final ArrayList/*<TemplateElement>*/ instructionStack = new ArrayList();
private final ArrayList recoveredErrorStack = new ArrayList();
private NumberFormat cachedNumberFormat;
private Map cachedNumberFormats;
* Stores the date/time/date-time formatters that are used when no format is explicitly given at the place of
* formatting. That is, in situations like ${lastModified} or even ${lastModified?date}, but not in situations
* like ${lastModified?string.iso}.
* <p>The index of the array is calculated from what kind of formatter we want
* (see {@link #getCachedTemplateDateFormatIndex(int, boolean, boolean)}):<br>
* Zoned input: 0: U, 1: T, 2: D, 3: DT<br>
* Zoneless input: 4: U, 5: T, 6: D, 7: DT<br>
* Sys def TZ + Zoned input: 8: U, 9: T, 10: D, 11: DT<br>
* Sys def TZ + Zoneless input: 12: U, 13: T, 14: D, 15: DT
* <p>This is a lazily filled cache. It starts out as {@code null}, then
* when first needed the array will be created. The array elements also start out as {@code null}-s, and they
* are filled as the particular kind of formatter is first needed.
private TemplateDateFormat[] cachedTemplateDateFormats;
private static final int CACHED_TDFS_ZONELESS_INPUT_OFFS = 4;
private static final int CACHED_TDFS_LENGTH = CACHED_TDFS_DEF_SYS_TZ_OFFS * 2;
private XSTemplateDateFormatFactory cachedXSTemplateDateFormatFactory;
private XSTemplateDateFormatFactory cachedSQLDTXSTemplateDateFormatFactory;
private ISOTemplateDateFormatFactory cachedISOTemplateDateFormatFactory;
private ISOTemplateDateFormatFactory cachedSQLDTISOTemplateDateFormatFactory;
private JavaTemplateDateFormatFactory cachedJavaTemplateDateFormatFactory;
private JavaTemplateDateFormatFactory cachedSQLDTJavaTemplateDateFormatFactory;
/** Caches the result of {@link #isSQLDateAndTimeTimeZoneSameAsNormal()}. */
private Boolean cachedSQLDateAndTimeTimeZoneSameAsNormal;
private NumberFormat cNumberFormat;
* Used by the "iso_" built-ins to accelerate formatting.
* @see #getISOBuiltInCalendarFactory()
private DateToISO8601CalendarFactory isoBuiltInCalendarFactory;
private Collator cachedCollator;
private Writer out;
private Macro.Context currentMacroContext;
private ArrayList localContextStack;
private final Namespace mainNamespace;
private Namespace currentNamespace, globalNamespace;
private HashMap loadedLibs;
private boolean inAttemptBlock;
private Throwable lastThrowable;
private TemplateModel lastReturnValue;
private HashMap macroToNamespaceLookup = new HashMap();
private TemplateNodeModel currentVisitorNode;
private TemplateSequenceModel nodeNamespaces;
// Things we keep track of for the fallback mechanism.
private int nodeNamespaceIndex;
private String currentNodeName, currentNodeNS;
private String cachedURLEscapingCharset;
private boolean cachedURLEscapingCharsetSet;
private boolean fastInvalidReferenceExceptions;
* Retrieves the environment object associated with the current
* thread. Data model implementations that need access to the
* environment can call this method to obtain the environment object
* that represents the template processing that is currently running
* on the current thread.
public static Environment getCurrentEnvironment()
return (Environment)threadEnv.get();
public Environment(Template template, final TemplateHashModel rootDataModel, Writer out)
this.globalNamespace = new Namespace(null);
this.currentNamespace = mainNamespace = new Namespace(template);
this.out = out;
this.rootDataModel = rootDataModel;
* Despite its name it just returns {@link #getParent()}. If {@link Configuration#getIncompatibleImprovements()} is
* at least 2.3.22, then that will be the same as {@link #getMainTemplate()}. Otherwise the returned value follows
* the {@link Environment} parent switchings that occur at {@code #include}/{@code #import} and {@code #nested}
* directive calls, that is, it's not very meaningful outside FreeMarker internals.
* @deprecated Use {@link #getMainTemplate()} instead (or {@link #getCurrentNamespace()} and then
* {@link Namespace#getTemplate()}); the value returned by this method is often not what you expect when
* it comes to macro/function invocations.
public Template getTemplate() {
return (Template)getParent();
* Returns the topmost {@link Template}, with other words, the one for which this {@link Environment} was created.
* That template will never change, like {@code #include} or macro calls don't change it.
* @see #getCurrentNamespace()
* @since 2.3.22
public Template getMainTemplate() {
return mainNamespace.getTemplate();
* Used only internally as of yet, no backward compatibility - Returns the {@link Template} that we are "lexically"
* inside at moment. This template will change when entering an {@code #include} or calling a macro or function in
* another template, or returning to yet another template with {@code #nested}. As such, it's useful in
* {@link TemplateDirectiveModel} to find out if from where the directive was called.
* @see #getMainTemplate()
* @see #getCurrentNamespace()
Template getCurrentTemplate() {
int ln = instructionStack.size();
return ln == 0 ? getMainTemplate() : ((TemplateObject) instructionStack.get(ln - 1)).getTemplate();
* Gets the currently executing <em>custom</em> directive's call place information, or {@code null} if there's no
* executing custom directive. This method currently only works calls made from templates with the {@code <@...>}
* syntax. This should only be called from the {@link TemplateDirectiveModel} that was invoked with {@code <@...>},
* otherwise it's return value is not defined by this API (it's usually {@code null}).
* @since 2.3.22
public DirectiveCallPlace getCurrentDirectiveCallPlace() {
int ln = instructionStack.size();
if (ln == 0) return null;
TemplateElement te = (TemplateElement) instructionStack.get(ln - 1);
if (te instanceof UnifiedCall) return (UnifiedCall) te;
if (te instanceof Macro && ln > 1 && instructionStack.get(ln - 2) instanceof UnifiedCall) {
return (UnifiedCall) instructionStack.get(ln - 2);
return null;
* Deletes cached values that meant to be valid only during a single
* template execution.
private void clearCachedValues() {
cachedNumberFormats = null;
cachedNumberFormat = null;
cachedTemplateDateFormats = null;
cachedXSTemplateDateFormatFactory = cachedSQLDTXSTemplateDateFormatFactory = null;
cachedISOTemplateDateFormatFactory = cachedSQLDTISOTemplateDateFormatFactory = null;
cachedJavaTemplateDateFormatFactory = cachedSQLDTJavaTemplateDateFormatFactory = null;
cachedCollator = null;
cachedURLEscapingCharset = null;
cachedURLEscapingCharsetSet = false;
* Processes the template to which this environment belongs to.
public void process() throws TemplateException, IOException {
Object savedEnv = threadEnv.get();
try {
// Cached values from a previous execution are possibly outdated.
try {
// It's here as we must not flush if there was an exception.
if (getAutoFlush()) {
} finally {
// It's just to allow the GC to free memory...
} finally {
* "Visit" the template element.
void visit(TemplateElement element)
throws TemplateException, IOException
try {
catch (TemplateException te) {
finally {
* Instead of pushing into the element stack, we replace the top element for the time the parameter element is
* visited, and then we restore the top element. The main purpose of this is to get rid of elements in the error
* stack trace that from user perspective shouldn't have a stack frame. These typical example is
* {@code [#if foo]...[@failsHere/]...[/#if]}, where the #if call shouldn't be in the stack trace. (Simply marking
* #if as hidden in stack traces would be wrong, because we still want to show #if when its test expression fails.)
void visitByHiddingParent(TemplateElement element)
throws TemplateException, IOException {
TemplateElement parent = replaceTopElement(element);
try {
} catch (TemplateException te) {
} finally {
private TemplateElement replaceTopElement(TemplateElement element) {
return (TemplateElement) instructionStack.set(instructionStack.size() - 1, element);
private static final TemplateModel[] NO_OUT_ARGS = new TemplateModel[0];
public void visit(final TemplateElement element,
TemplateDirectiveModel directiveModel, Map args,
final List bodyParameterNames) throws TemplateException, IOException {
TemplateDirectiveBody nested;
if(element == null) {
nested = null;
else {
nested = new TemplateDirectiveBody() {
public void render(Writer newOut) throws TemplateException, IOException {
Writer prevOut = out;
out = newOut;
try {
finally {
out = prevOut;
final TemplateModel[] outArgs;
if(bodyParameterNames == null || bodyParameterNames.isEmpty()) {
outArgs = NO_OUT_ARGS;
else {
outArgs = new TemplateModel[bodyParameterNames.size()];
if(outArgs.length > 0) {
pushLocalContext(new LocalContext() {
public TemplateModel getLocalVariable(String name) {
int index = bodyParameterNames.indexOf(name);
return index != -1 ? outArgs[index] : null;
public Collection getLocalVariableNames() {
return bodyParameterNames;
try {
directiveModel.execute(this, args, outArgs, nested);
finally {
if(outArgs.length > 0) {
* "Visit" the template element, passing the output
* through a TemplateTransformModel
* @param element the element to visit through a transform
* @param transform the transform to pass the element output
* through
* @param args optional arguments fed to the transform
void visitAndTransform(TemplateElement element,
TemplateTransformModel transform,
Map args)
throws TemplateException, IOException
try {
Writer tw = transform.getWriter(out, args);
if (tw == null) tw = EMPTY_BODY_WRITER;
TransformControl tc =
tw instanceof TransformControl
? (TransformControl)tw
: null;
Writer prevOut = out;
out = tw;
try {
if(tc == null || tc.onStart() != TransformControl.SKIP_BODY) {
do {
if(element != null) {
} while(tc != null && tc.afterBody() == TransformControl.REPEAT_EVALUATION);
catch(Throwable t) {
try {
if(tc != null) {
else {
throw t;
catch(TemplateException e) {
throw e;
catch(IOException e) {
throw e;
catch(RuntimeException e) {
throw e;
catch(Error e) {
throw e;
catch(Throwable e) {
throw new UndeclaredThrowableException(e);
finally {
out = prevOut;
catch(TemplateException te) {
* Visit a block using buffering/recovery
void visitAttemptRecover(TemplateElement attemptBlock, RecoveryBlock recoveryBlock)
throws TemplateException, IOException {
Writer prevOut = this.out;
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
this.out = sw;
TemplateException thrownException = null;
boolean lastFIRE = setFastInvalidReferenceExceptions(false);
boolean lastInAttemptBlock = inAttemptBlock;
try {
inAttemptBlock = true;
} catch (TemplateException te) {
thrownException = te;
} finally {
inAttemptBlock = lastInAttemptBlock;
this.out = prevOut;
if (thrownException != null) {
if (ATTEMPT_LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
ATTEMPT_LOGGER.debug("Error in attempt block " +
attemptBlock.getStartLocationQuoted(), thrownException);
try {
} finally {
recoveredErrorStack.remove(recoveredErrorStack.size() -1);
} else {
String getCurrentRecoveredErrorMessage() throws TemplateException {
if(recoveredErrorStack.isEmpty()) {
throw new _MiscTemplateException(this, ".error is not available outside of a #recover block");
return ((Throwable) recoveredErrorStack.get(recoveredErrorStack.size() -1)).getMessage();
* Tells if we are inside an <tt>#attempt</tt> block (but before <tt>#recover</tt>). This can be useful for
* {@link TemplateExceptionHandler}-s, as then they may don't want to print the error to the output, as
* <tt>#attempt</tt> will roll it back anyway.
* @since 2.3.20
public boolean isInAttemptBlock() {
return inAttemptBlock;
* Used for {@code #nested}.
void invokeNestedContent(BodyInstruction.Context bodyCtx) throws TemplateException, IOException {
Macro.Context invokingMacroContext = getCurrentMacroContext();
ArrayList prevLocalContextStack = localContextStack;
TemplateElement nestedContent = invokingMacroContext.nestedContent;
if (nestedContent != null) {
this.currentMacroContext = invokingMacroContext.prevMacroContext;
currentNamespace = invokingMacroContext.nestedContentNamespace;
final Configurable prevParent;
final boolean parentReplacementOn
= isIcI2322OrLater();
if (parentReplacementOn) {
prevParent = getParent();
} else {
prevParent = null;
this.localContextStack = invokingMacroContext.prevLocalContextStack;
if (invokingMacroContext.nestedContentParameterNames != null) {
try {
finally {
if (invokingMacroContext.nestedContentParameterNames != null) {
this.currentMacroContext = invokingMacroContext;
currentNamespace = getMacroNamespace(invokingMacroContext.getMacro());
if (parentReplacementOn) {
this.localContextStack = prevLocalContextStack;
* "visit" an IteratorBlock
void visitIteratorBlock(IteratorBlock.Context ictxt)
throws TemplateException, IOException
try {
catch (BreakInstruction.Break br) {
catch (TemplateException te) {
finally {
* Used for {@code #visit} and {@code #recurse}.
void invokeNodeHandlerFor(TemplateNodeModel node, TemplateSequenceModel namespaces)
throws TemplateException, IOException
if (nodeNamespaces == null) {
SimpleSequence ss = new SimpleSequence(1);
nodeNamespaces = ss;
int prevNodeNamespaceIndex = this.nodeNamespaceIndex;
String prevNodeName = this.currentNodeName;
String prevNodeNS = this.currentNodeNS;
TemplateSequenceModel prevNodeNamespaces = nodeNamespaces;
TemplateNodeModel prevVisitorNode = currentVisitorNode;
currentVisitorNode = node;
if (namespaces != null) {
this.nodeNamespaces = namespaces;
try {
TemplateModel macroOrTransform = getNodeProcessor(node);
if (macroOrTransform instanceof Macro) {
invoke((Macro) macroOrTransform, null, null, null, null);
else if (macroOrTransform instanceof TemplateTransformModel) {
visitAndTransform(null, (TemplateTransformModel) macroOrTransform, null);
else {
String nodeType = node.getNodeType();
if (nodeType != null) {
// If the node's type is 'text', we just output it.
if ((nodeType.equals("text") && node instanceof TemplateScalarModel))
out.write(((TemplateScalarModel) node).getAsString());
else if (nodeType.equals("document")) {
recurse(node, namespaces);
// We complain here, unless the node's type is 'pi', or "comment" or "document_type", in which case
// we just ignore it.
else if (!nodeType.equals("pi")
&& !nodeType.equals("comment")
&& !nodeType.equals("document_type"))
throw new _MiscTemplateException(
this, noNodeHandlerDefinedDescription(node, node.getNodeNamespace(), nodeType));
else {
throw new _MiscTemplateException(
this, noNodeHandlerDefinedDescription(node, node.getNodeNamespace(), "default"));
finally {
this.currentVisitorNode = prevVisitorNode;
this.nodeNamespaceIndex = prevNodeNamespaceIndex;
this.currentNodeName = prevNodeName;
this.currentNodeNS = prevNodeNS;
this.nodeNamespaces = prevNodeNamespaces;
private Object[] noNodeHandlerDefinedDescription(
TemplateNodeModel node, String ns, String nodeType)
throws TemplateModelException {
String nsPrefix;
if (ns != null) {
if (ns.length() > 0) {
nsPrefix = " and namespace ";
} else {
nsPrefix = " and no namespace";
} else {
nsPrefix = "";
ns = "";
return new Object[] { "No macro or directive is defined for node named ",
new _DelayedJQuote(node.getNodeName()), nsPrefix, ns,
", and there is no fallback handler called @", nodeType, " either." };
void fallback() throws TemplateException, IOException {
TemplateModel macroOrTransform = getNodeProcessor(currentNodeName, currentNodeNS, nodeNamespaceIndex);
if (macroOrTransform instanceof Macro) {
invoke((Macro) macroOrTransform, null, null, null, null);
else if (macroOrTransform instanceof TemplateTransformModel) {
visitAndTransform(null, (TemplateTransformModel) macroOrTransform, null);
* Calls the macro or function with the given arguments and nested block.
void invoke(Macro macro,
Map namedArgs, List positionalArgs,
List bodyParameterNames, TemplateElement nestedBlock) throws TemplateException, IOException {
if (macro == Macro.DO_NOTHING_MACRO) {
try {
final Macro.Context macroCtx = Context(this, nestedBlock, bodyParameterNames);
setMacroContextLocalsFromArguments(macroCtx, macro, namedArgs, positionalArgs);
final Macro.Context prevMacroCtx = currentMacroContext;
currentMacroContext = macroCtx;
final ArrayList prevLocalContextStack = localContextStack;
localContextStack = null;
final Namespace prevNamespace = currentNamespace;
currentNamespace = (Namespace) macroToNamespaceLookup.get(macro);
final Configurable prevParent;
final boolean parentReplacementOn
= isIcI2322OrLater();
if (parentReplacementOn) {
prevParent = getParent();
// This line is historically missing from here (a bug), but for BC we leave it so:
} else {
prevParent = null;
try {
} catch (ReturnInstruction.Return re) {
// Not an error, just a <#return>
} catch (TemplateException te) {
} finally {
currentMacroContext = prevMacroCtx;
localContextStack = prevLocalContextStack;
currentNamespace = prevNamespace;
if (parentReplacementOn) {
} finally {
* Sets the local variables corresponding to the macro call arguments in the macro context.
private void setMacroContextLocalsFromArguments(
final Macro.Context macroCtx,
final Macro macro,
final Map namedArgs, final List positionalArgs) throws TemplateException, _MiscTemplateException {
String catchAllParamName = macro.getCatchAll();
if (namedArgs != null) {
final SimpleHash catchAllParamValue;
if (catchAllParamName != null) {
catchAllParamValue = new SimpleHash((ObjectWrapper) null);
macroCtx.setLocalVar(catchAllParamName, catchAllParamValue);
} else {
catchAllParamValue = null;
for (Iterator it = namedArgs.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
final Map.Entry argNameAndValExp = (Map.Entry);
final String argName = (String) argNameAndValExp.getKey();
final boolean isArgNameDeclared = macro.hasArgNamed(argName);
if (isArgNameDeclared || catchAllParamName != null) {
Expression argValueExp = (Expression) argNameAndValExp.getValue();
TemplateModel argValue = argValueExp.eval(this);
if (isArgNameDeclared) {
macroCtx.setLocalVar(argName, argValue);
} else {
catchAllParamValue.put(argName, argValue);
} else {
throw new _MiscTemplateException(this, new Object[] {
(macro.isFunction() ? "Function " : "Macro "), new _DelayedJQuote(macro.getName()),
" has no parameter with name ", new _DelayedJQuote(argName), "." });
} else if (positionalArgs != null) {
final SimpleSequence catchAllParamValue;
if (catchAllParamName != null) {
catchAllParamValue = new SimpleSequence((ObjectWrapper) null);
macroCtx.setLocalVar(catchAllParamName, catchAllParamValue);
} else {
catchAllParamValue = null;
String[] argNames = macro.getArgumentNamesInternal();
final int argsCnt = positionalArgs.size();
if (argNames.length < argsCnt && catchAllParamName == null) {
throw new _MiscTemplateException(this, new Object[] {
(macro.isFunction() ? "Function " : "Macro "), new _DelayedJQuote(macro.getName()),
" only accepts ", new _DelayedToString(argNames.length), " parameters, but got ",
new _DelayedToString(argsCnt), "."});
for (int i = 0; i < argsCnt; i++) {
Expression argValueExp = (Expression) positionalArgs.get(i);
TemplateModel argValue = argValueExp.eval(this);
try {
if (i < argNames.length) {
String argName = argNames[i];
macroCtx.setLocalVar(argName, argValue);
} else {
} catch (RuntimeException re) {
throw new _MiscTemplateException(re, this);
* Defines the given macro in the current namespace (doesn't call it).
void visitMacroDef(Macro macro) {
macroToNamespaceLookup.put(macro, currentNamespace);
currentNamespace.put(macro.getName(), macro);
Namespace getMacroNamespace(Macro macro) {
return (Namespace) macroToNamespaceLookup.get(macro);
void recurse(TemplateNodeModel node, TemplateSequenceModel namespaces)
throws TemplateException, IOException
if (node == null) {
node = this.getCurrentVisitorNode();
if (node == null) {
throw new _TemplateModelException(
"The target node of recursion is missing or null.");
TemplateSequenceModel children = node.getChildNodes();
if (children == null) return;
for (int i=0; i<children.size(); i++) {
TemplateNodeModel child = (TemplateNodeModel) children.get(i);
if (child != null) {
invokeNodeHandlerFor(child, namespaces);
Macro.Context getCurrentMacroContext() {
return currentMacroContext;
private void handleTemplateException(TemplateException templateException)
throws TemplateException
// Logic to prevent double-handling of the exception in
// nested visit() calls.
if(lastThrowable == templateException) {
throw templateException;
lastThrowable = templateException;
// Log the exception, if logTemplateExceptions isn't false. However, even if it's false, if we are inside
// an #attempt block, it has to be logged, as it certainly won't bubble up to the caller of FreeMarker.
if(LOG.isErrorEnabled() && (isInAttemptBlock() || getLogTemplateExceptions())) {
LOG.error("Error executing FreeMarker template", templateException);
// Stop exception is not passed to the handler, but
// explicitly rethrown.
if(templateException instanceof StopException) {
throw templateException;
// Finally, pass the exception to the handler
getTemplateExceptionHandler().handleTemplateException(templateException, this, out);
public void setTemplateExceptionHandler(TemplateExceptionHandler templateExceptionHandler) {
lastThrowable = null;
public void setLocale(Locale locale) {
Locale prevLocale = getLocale();
if (!locale.equals(prevLocale)) {
cachedNumberFormats = null;
cachedNumberFormat = null;
if (cachedTemplateDateFormats != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < CACHED_TDFS_LENGTH; i++) {
final TemplateDateFormat f = cachedTemplateDateFormats[i];
if (f != null && f.isLocaleBound()) {
cachedTemplateDateFormats[i] = null;
if (cachedXSTemplateDateFormatFactory != null && cachedXSTemplateDateFormatFactory.isLocaleBound()) {
cachedXSTemplateDateFormatFactory = null;
if (cachedSQLDTXSTemplateDateFormatFactory != null && cachedSQLDTXSTemplateDateFormatFactory.isLocaleBound()) {
cachedSQLDTXSTemplateDateFormatFactory = null;
if (cachedISOTemplateDateFormatFactory != null && cachedISOTemplateDateFormatFactory.isLocaleBound()) {
cachedISOTemplateDateFormatFactory = null;
if (cachedSQLDTISOTemplateDateFormatFactory != null && cachedSQLDTISOTemplateDateFormatFactory.isLocaleBound()) {
cachedSQLDTISOTemplateDateFormatFactory = null;
if (cachedJavaTemplateDateFormatFactory != null && cachedJavaTemplateDateFormatFactory.isLocaleBound()) {
cachedJavaTemplateDateFormatFactory = null;
if (cachedSQLDTJavaTemplateDateFormatFactory != null && cachedSQLDTJavaTemplateDateFormatFactory.isLocaleBound()) {
cachedSQLDTJavaTemplateDateFormatFactory = null;
cachedCollator = null;
public void setTimeZone(TimeZone timeZone) {
TimeZone prevTimeZone = getTimeZone();
if (!timeZone.equals(prevTimeZone)) {
if (cachedTemplateDateFormats != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < CACHED_TDFS_SQL_D_T_TZ_OFFS; i++) {
cachedTemplateDateFormats[i] = null;
cachedXSTemplateDateFormatFactory = null;
cachedISOTemplateDateFormatFactory = null;
cachedJavaTemplateDateFormatFactory = null;
cachedSQLDateAndTimeTimeZoneSameAsNormal = null;
public void setSQLDateAndTimeTimeZone(TimeZone timeZone) {
TimeZone prevTimeZone = getSQLDateAndTimeTimeZone();
if (!nullSafeEquals(timeZone, prevTimeZone)) {
if (cachedTemplateDateFormats != null) {
cachedTemplateDateFormats[i] = null;
cachedSQLDTXSTemplateDateFormatFactory = null;
cachedSQLDTISOTemplateDateFormatFactory = null;
cachedSQLDTJavaTemplateDateFormatFactory = null;
cachedSQLDateAndTimeTimeZoneSameAsNormal = null;
// Replace with Objects.equals in Java 7
private static boolean nullSafeEquals(Object o1, Object o2) {
if (o1 == o2) return true;
if (o1 == null || o2 == null) return false;
return o1.equals(o2);
* Tells if the same concrete time zone is used for SQL date-only and time-only values as for other
* date/time/date-time values.
boolean isSQLDateAndTimeTimeZoneSameAsNormal() {
if (cachedSQLDateAndTimeTimeZoneSameAsNormal == null) {
cachedSQLDateAndTimeTimeZoneSameAsNormal = Boolean.valueOf(
getSQLDateAndTimeTimeZone() == null
|| getSQLDateAndTimeTimeZone().equals(getTimeZone()));
return cachedSQLDateAndTimeTimeZoneSameAsNormal.booleanValue();
public void setURLEscapingCharset(String urlEscapingCharset) {
cachedURLEscapingCharsetSet = false;
* Note that altough it's not allowed to set this setting with the
* <tt>setting</tt> directive, it still must be allowed to set it from Java
* code while the template executes, since some frameworks allow templates
* to actually change the output encoding on-the-fly.
public void setOutputEncoding(String outputEncoding) {
cachedURLEscapingCharsetSet = false;
* Returns the name of the charset that should be used for URL encoding.
* This will be <code>null</code> if the information is not available.
* The function caches the return value, so it's quick to call it
* repeately.
String getEffectiveURLEscapingCharset() {
if (!cachedURLEscapingCharsetSet) {
cachedURLEscapingCharset = getURLEscapingCharset();
if (cachedURLEscapingCharset == null) {
cachedURLEscapingCharset = getOutputEncoding();
cachedURLEscapingCharsetSet = true;
return cachedURLEscapingCharset;
Collator getCollator() {
if(cachedCollator == null) {
cachedCollator = Collator.getInstance(getLocale());
return cachedCollator;
* Compares two {@link TemplateModel}-s according the rules of the FTL "==" operator.
* @since 2.3.20
public boolean applyEqualsOperator(TemplateModel leftValue, TemplateModel rightValue)
throws TemplateException {
return, EvalUtil.CMP_OP_EQUALS, rightValue, this);
* Compares two {@link TemplateModel}-s according the rules of the FTL "==" operator, except that if the two types
* are incompatible, they are treated as non-equal instead of throwing an exception. Comparing dates of
* different types (date-only VS time-only VS date-time) will still throw an exception, however.
* @since 2.3.20
public boolean applyEqualsOperatorLenient(TemplateModel leftValue, TemplateModel rightValue)
throws TemplateException {
return EvalUtil.compareLenient(leftValue, EvalUtil.CMP_OP_EQUALS, rightValue, this);
* Compares two {@link TemplateModel}-s according the rules of the FTL "&lt;" operator.
* @since 2.3.20
public boolean applyLessThanOperator(TemplateModel leftValue, TemplateModel rightValue)
throws TemplateException {
return, EvalUtil.CMP_OP_LESS_THAN, rightValue, this);
* Compares two {@link TemplateModel}-s according the rules of the FTL "&lt;" operator.
* @since 2.3.20
public boolean applyLessThanOrEqualsOperator(TemplateModel leftValue, TemplateModel rightValue)
throws TemplateException {
return, EvalUtil.CMP_OP_LESS_THAN_EQUALS, rightValue, this);
* Compares two {@link TemplateModel}-s according the rules of the FTL "&gt;" operator.
* @since 2.3.20
public boolean applyGreaterThanOperator(TemplateModel leftValue, TemplateModel rightValue)
throws TemplateException {
return, EvalUtil.CMP_OP_GREATER_THAN, rightValue, this);
* Compares two {@link TemplateModel}-s according the rules of the FTL "&gt;=" operator.
* @since 2.3.20
public boolean applyWithGreaterThanOrEqualsOperator(TemplateModel leftValue, TemplateModel rightValue)
throws TemplateException {
return, EvalUtil.CMP_OP_GREATER_THAN_EQUALS, rightValue, this);
public void setOut(Writer out) {
this.out = out;
public Writer getOut() {
return out;
String formatNumber(Number number) {
if(cachedNumberFormat == null) {
cachedNumberFormat = getNumberFormatObject(getNumberFormat());
return cachedNumberFormat.format(number);
public void setNumberFormat(String formatName) {
cachedNumberFormat = null;
public void setTimeFormat(String timeFormat) {
String prevTimeFormat = getTimeFormat();
if (!timeFormat.equals(prevTimeFormat)) {
if (cachedTemplateDateFormats != null) {
cachedTemplateDateFormats[i + TemplateDateModel.TIME] = null;
public void setDateFormat(String dateFormat) {
String prevDateFormat = getDateFormat();
if (!dateFormat.equals(prevDateFormat)) {
if (cachedTemplateDateFormats != null) {
cachedTemplateDateFormats[i + TemplateDateModel.DATE] = null;
public void setDateTimeFormat(String dateTimeFormat) {
String prevDateTimeFormat = getDateTimeFormat();
if (!dateTimeFormat.equals(prevDateTimeFormat)) {
if (cachedTemplateDateFormats != null) {
cachedTemplateDateFormats[i + TemplateDateModel.DATETIME] = null;
public Configuration getConfiguration() {
return getTemplate().getConfiguration();
TemplateModel getLastReturnValue() {
return lastReturnValue;
void setLastReturnValue(TemplateModel lastReturnValue) {
this.lastReturnValue = lastReturnValue;
void clearLastReturnValue() {
this.lastReturnValue = null;
NumberFormat getNumberFormatObject(String pattern)
if(cachedNumberFormats == null) {
cachedNumberFormats = new HashMap();
NumberFormat format = (NumberFormat) cachedNumberFormats.get(pattern);
if(format != null)
return format;
// Get format from global format cache
Locale locale = getLocale();
NumberFormatKey fk = new NumberFormatKey(pattern, locale);
format = (NumberFormat)JAVA_NUMBER_FORMATS.get(fk);
if(format == null)
// Add format to global format cache. Note this is
// globally done once per locale per pattern.
format = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(locale);
else if("currency".equals(pattern))
format = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(locale);
else if("percent".equals(pattern))
format = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(locale);
else if ("computer".equals(pattern))
format = getCNumberFormat();
format = new DecimalFormat(pattern, new DecimalFormatSymbols(getLocale()));
JAVA_NUMBER_FORMATS.put(fk, format);
// Clone it and store the clone in the local cache
format = (NumberFormat)format.clone();
cachedNumberFormats.put(pattern, format);
return format;
String formatDate(TemplateDateModel tdm, Expression tdmSourceExpr) throws TemplateModelException {
Date date = EvalUtil.modelToDate(tdm, tdmSourceExpr);
try {
boolean isSQLDateOrTime = isSQLDateOrTimeClass(date.getClass());
return getTemplateDateFormat(
tdm.getDateType(), isSQLDateOrTime, shouldUseSQLDTTimeZone(isSQLDateOrTime), tdmSourceExpr)
} catch (UnknownDateTypeFormattingUnsupportedException e) {
throw MessageUtil.newCantFormatUnknownTypeDateException(tdmSourceExpr, e);
} catch (UnformattableDateException e) {
throw MessageUtil.newCantFormatDateException(tdmSourceExpr, e);
String formatDate(TemplateDateModel tdm, String formatDescriptor, Expression tdmSourceExpr)
throws TemplateModelException {
Date date = EvalUtil.modelToDate(tdm, tdmSourceExpr);
boolean isSQLDateOrTime = isSQLDateOrTimeClass(date.getClass());
try {
return getTemplateDateFormat(
tdm.getDateType(), isSQLDateOrTime, shouldUseSQLDTTimeZone(isSQLDateOrTime), formatDescriptor, null)
} catch (UnknownDateTypeFormattingUnsupportedException e) {
throw MessageUtil.newCantFormatUnknownTypeDateException(tdmSourceExpr, e);
} catch (UnformattableDateException e) {
throw MessageUtil.newCantFormatDateException(tdmSourceExpr, e);
* @param dateType The FTL date type, one of {@link TemplateDateModel#DATETIME}, {@link TemplateDateModel#TIME}
* and {@link TemplateDateModel#DATE}.
* @param dateClass The exact Java class of the formatted or created (via parsing) object. This matters because
* the time zone is part of the returned {@link DateFormat}, and if
* {@link #getSQLDateAndTimeTimeZone()} differs from {@link #getTimeZone()} then the exact class influences
* the time zone.
* @param dateSourceExpr Used for better error messages only; may be {@code null}
TemplateDateFormat getTemplateDateFormat(int dateType, Class/*<? extends Date>*/ dateClass, Expression dateSourceExpr)
throws TemplateModelException {
try {
boolean isSQLDateOrTime = isSQLDateOrTimeClass(dateClass);
return getTemplateDateFormat(dateType, isSQLDateOrTime, shouldUseSQLDTTimeZone(isSQLDateOrTime), dateSourceExpr);
} catch (UnknownDateTypeFormattingUnsupportedException e) {
throw MessageUtil.newCantFormatUnknownTypeDateException(dateSourceExpr, e);
private TemplateDateFormat getTemplateDateFormat(
int dateType, boolean isSQLDateOrTime,
boolean useSQLDTTZ, Expression dateSourceExpr)
throws TemplateModelException, UnknownDateTypeFormattingUnsupportedException {
if (dateType == TemplateDateModel.UNKNOWN) {
throw MessageUtil.newCantFormatUnknownTypeDateException(dateSourceExpr, null);
int cacheIdx = getCachedTemplateDateFormatIndex(dateType, isSQLDateOrTime, useSQLDTTZ);
TemplateDateFormat[] cachedTemplateDateFormats = this.cachedTemplateDateFormats;
if (cachedTemplateDateFormats == null) {
cachedTemplateDateFormats = new TemplateDateFormat[CACHED_TDFS_LENGTH];
this.cachedTemplateDateFormats = cachedTemplateDateFormats;
TemplateDateFormat f = cachedTemplateDateFormats[cacheIdx];
if (f == null) {
final String settingName;
final String settingValue;
switch (dateType) {
case TemplateDateModel.TIME:
settingName = Configuration.TIME_FORMAT_KEY;
settingValue = getTimeFormat();
case TemplateDateModel.DATE:
settingName = Configuration.DATE_FORMAT_KEY;
settingValue = getDateFormat();
case TemplateDateModel.DATETIME:
settingName = Configuration.DATETIME_FORMAT_KEY;
settingValue = getDateTimeFormat();
throw new _TemplateModelException(new Object[] {
"Invalid date type enum: ", new Integer(dateType) });
} // switch
f = getTemplateDateFormat(
dateType, isSQLDateOrTime,
useSQLDTTZ, settingValue, settingName);
cachedTemplateDateFormats[cacheIdx] = f;
return f;
* @param dateType {@link TemplateDateModel#UNKNOWN} is accepted or not depending on the {@code formatDescriptor}
* value. When it isn't, a {@link TemplateModelException} will be thrown.
* @param dateClass The exact class of the date object, such as {@link java.sql.Timestamp}.
* @param formatDescriptor Like "iso m" or "dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm"
TemplateDateFormat getTemplateDateFormat(
int dateType, Class/*<? extends Date>*/ dateClass, String formatDescriptor, Expression dateSourceExpr)
throws TemplateModelException {
try {
boolean isSQLDateOrTime = isSQLDateOrTimeClass(dateClass);
return getTemplateDateFormat(
dateType, isSQLDateOrTime,
shouldUseSQLDTTimeZone(isSQLDateOrTime), formatDescriptor, null);
} catch (UnknownDateTypeFormattingUnsupportedException e) {
throw MessageUtil.newCantFormatUnknownTypeDateException(dateSourceExpr, e);
private TemplateDateFormat getTemplateDateFormat(
int dateType, boolean zonelessInput,
boolean useSQLDTTZ, String formatDescriptor, String sourceCfgSetting)
throws TemplateModelException, UnknownDateTypeFormattingUnsupportedException {
final int formatDescriptionLen = formatDescriptor.length();
final TimeZone timeZone = useSQLDTTZ ? getSQLDateAndTimeTimeZone() : getTimeZone();
// As of Java 8, 'x' and 'i' (in lower case) are illegal date format letters, so this is backward-compatible.
TemplateDateFormatFactory templateDateFormatFactory;
if (formatDescriptionLen > 1
&& formatDescriptor.charAt(0) == 'x'
&& formatDescriptor.charAt(1) == 's') {
templateDateFormatFactory = useSQLDTTZ
? cachedSQLDTXSTemplateDateFormatFactory : cachedXSTemplateDateFormatFactory;
if (templateDateFormatFactory == null) {
templateDateFormatFactory = new XSTemplateDateFormatFactory(timeZone);
if (useSQLDTTZ) {
= (XSTemplateDateFormatFactory) templateDateFormatFactory;
} else {
cachedXSTemplateDateFormatFactory = (XSTemplateDateFormatFactory) templateDateFormatFactory;
} else if (formatDescriptionLen > 2
&& formatDescriptor.charAt(0) == 'i'
&& formatDescriptor.charAt(1) == 's'
&& formatDescriptor.charAt(2) == 'o') {
templateDateFormatFactory = useSQLDTTZ
? cachedSQLDTISOTemplateDateFormatFactory : cachedISOTemplateDateFormatFactory;
if (templateDateFormatFactory == null) {
templateDateFormatFactory = new ISOTemplateDateFormatFactory(timeZone);
if (useSQLDTTZ) {
= (ISOTemplateDateFormatFactory) templateDateFormatFactory;
} else {
cachedISOTemplateDateFormatFactory = (ISOTemplateDateFormatFactory) templateDateFormatFactory;
} else {
templateDateFormatFactory = useSQLDTTZ
? cachedSQLDTJavaTemplateDateFormatFactory : cachedJavaTemplateDateFormatFactory;
if (templateDateFormatFactory == null) {
templateDateFormatFactory = new JavaTemplateDateFormatFactory(timeZone, getLocale());
if (useSQLDTTZ) {
= (JavaTemplateDateFormatFactory) templateDateFormatFactory;
} else {
cachedJavaTemplateDateFormatFactory = (JavaTemplateDateFormatFactory) templateDateFormatFactory;
try {
return templateDateFormatFactory.get(dateType, zonelessInput, formatDescriptor);
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new _TemplateModelException(e.getCause(), new Object[] {
(sourceCfgSetting == null
? (Object) "Malformed date/time format descriptor: "
: new Object[] {
"The value of the \"", sourceCfgSetting,
"\" FreeMarker configuration setting is a malformed date/time format descriptor: "
new _DelayedJQuote(formatDescriptor), ". Reason given: ",
e.getMessage() });
boolean shouldUseSQLDTTZ(Class dateClass) {
// Attention! If you update this method, update all overloads of it!
return dateClass != Date.class // This pre-condition is only for speed
&& !isSQLDateAndTimeTimeZoneSameAsNormal()
&& isSQLDateOrTimeClass(dateClass);
private boolean shouldUseSQLDTTimeZone(boolean sqlDateOrTime) {
// Attention! If you update this method, update all overloads of it!
return sqlDateOrTime
&& !isSQLDateAndTimeTimeZoneSameAsNormal();
* Tells if the given class is or is subclass of {@link java.sql.Date} or {@link java.sql.Time}.
private static boolean isSQLDateOrTimeClass(Class dateClass) {
// We do shortcuts for the most common cases.
return dateClass != java.util.Date.class
&& (dateClass == java.sql.Date.class || dateClass == java.sql.Time.class
|| (dateClass != java.sql.Timestamp.class
&& (
|| java.sql.Time.class.isAssignableFrom(dateClass))));
private int getCachedTemplateDateFormatIndex(int dateType, boolean zonelessInput, boolean sqlDTTZ) {
return dateType
* Returns the {@link DateToISO8601CalendarFactory} used by the
* the "iso_" built-ins. Be careful when using this; it should only by used
* with {@link DateUtil#dateToISO8601String(Date, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, TimeZone,
* DateToISO8601CalendarFactory)} and
* {@link DateUtil#dateToXSString(Date, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, TimeZone, DateToISO8601CalendarFactory)}.
DateToISO8601CalendarFactory getISOBuiltInCalendarFactory() {
if (isoBuiltInCalendarFactory == null) {
isoBuiltInCalendarFactory = new DateUtil.TrivialDateToISO8601CalendarFactory();
return isoBuiltInCalendarFactory;
* Returns the {@link NumberFormat} used for the <tt>c</tt> built-in.
* This is always US English <code>"0.################"</code>, without
* grouping and without superfluous decimal separator.
public NumberFormat getCNumberFormat() {
// It can't be cached in a static field, because DecimalFormat-s aren't
// thread-safe.
if (cNumberFormat == null) {
cNumberFormat = (DecimalFormat) C_NUMBER_FORMAT.clone();
return cNumberFormat;
TemplateTransformModel getTransform(Expression exp) throws TemplateException {
TemplateTransformModel ttm = null;
TemplateModel tm = exp.eval(this);
if (tm instanceof TemplateTransformModel) {
ttm = (TemplateTransformModel) tm;
else if (exp instanceof Identifier) {
tm = getConfiguration().getSharedVariable(exp.toString());
if (tm instanceof TemplateTransformModel) {
ttm = (TemplateTransformModel) tm;
return ttm;
* Returns the loop or macro local variable corresponding to this
* variable name. Possibly null.
* (Note that the misnomer is kept for backward compatibility: loop variables
* are not local variables according to our terminology.)
public TemplateModel getLocalVariable(String name) throws TemplateModelException {
if (localContextStack != null) {
for (int i = localContextStack.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {
LocalContext lc = (LocalContext) localContextStack.get(i);
TemplateModel tm = lc.getLocalVariable(name);
if (tm != null) {
return tm;
return currentMacroContext == null ? null : currentMacroContext.getLocalVariable(name);
* Returns the variable that is visible in this context.
* This is the correspondent to an FTL top-level variable reading expression.
* That is, it tries to find the the variable in this order:
* <ol>
* <li>An loop variable (if we're in a loop or user defined directive body) such as foo_has_next
* <li>A local variable (if we're in a macro)
* <li>A variable defined in the current namespace (say, via &lt;#assign ...&gt;)
* <li>A variable defined globally (say, via &lt;#global ....&gt;)
* <li>Variable in the data model:
* <ol>
* <li>A variable in the root hash that was exposed to this
rendering environment in the Template.process(...) call
* <li>A shared variable set in the configuration via a call to Configuration.setSharedVariable(...)
* </ol>
* </li>
* </ol>
public TemplateModel getVariable(String name) throws TemplateModelException {
TemplateModel result = getLocalVariable(name);
if (result == null) {
result = currentNamespace.get(name);
if (result == null) {
result = getGlobalVariable(name);
return result;
* Returns the globally visible variable of the given name (or null).
* This is correspondent to FTL <code>.globals.<i>name</i></code>.
* This will first look at variables that were assigned globally via:
* &lt;#global ...&gt; and then at the data model exposed to the template.
public TemplateModel getGlobalVariable(String name) throws TemplateModelException {
TemplateModel result = globalNamespace.get(name);
if (result == null) {
result = rootDataModel.get(name);
if (result == null) {
result = getConfiguration().getSharedVariable(name);
return result;
* Sets a variable that is visible globally.
* This is correspondent to FTL <code>&lt;#global <i>name</i>=<i>model</i>&gt;</code>.
* This can be considered a convenient shorthand for:
* getGlobalNamespace().put(name, model)
public void setGlobalVariable(String name, TemplateModel model) {
globalNamespace.put(name, model);
* Sets a variable in the current namespace.
* This is correspondent to FTL <code>&lt;#assign <i>name</i>=<i>model</i>&gt;</code>.
* This can be considered a convenient shorthand for:
* getCurrentNamespace().put(name, model)
public void setVariable(String name, TemplateModel model) {
currentNamespace.put(name, model);
* Sets a local variable (one effective only during a macro invocation).
* This is correspondent to FTL <code>&lt;#local <i>name</i>=<i>model</i>&gt;</code>.
* @param name the identifier of the variable
* @param model the value of the variable.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the environment is not executing a
* macro body.
public void setLocalVariable(String name, TemplateModel model) {
if(currentMacroContext == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Not executing macro body");
currentMacroContext.setLocalVar(name, model);
* Returns a set of variable names that are known at the time of call. This
* includes names of all shared variables in the {@link Configuration},
* names of all global variables that were assigned during the template processing,
* names of all variables in the current name-space, names of all local variables
* and loop variables. If the passed root data model implements the
* {@link TemplateHashModelEx} interface, then all names it retrieves through a call to
* {@link TemplateHashModelEx#keys()} method are returned as well.
* The method returns a new Set object on each call that is completely
* disconnected from the Environment. That is, modifying the set will have
* no effect on the Environment object.
public Set getKnownVariableNames() throws TemplateModelException {
// shared vars.
Set set = getConfiguration().getSharedVariableNames();
// root hash
if (rootDataModel instanceof TemplateHashModelEx) {
TemplateModelIterator rootNames =
((TemplateHashModelEx) rootDataModel).keys().iterator();
while(rootNames.hasNext()) {
// globals
for (TemplateModelIterator tmi = globalNamespace.keys().iterator(); tmi.hasNext();) {
// current name-space
for (TemplateModelIterator tmi = currentNamespace.keys().iterator(); tmi.hasNext();) {
// locals and loop vars
if(currentMacroContext != null) {
if (localContextStack != null) {
for (int i = localContextStack.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {
LocalContext lc = (LocalContext) localContextStack.get(i);
return set;
* Prints the current FTL stack trace. Useful for debugging.
* {@link TemplateException}s incorporate this information in their stack traces.
public void outputInstructionStack(PrintWriter pw) {
outputInstructionStack(getInstructionStackSnapshot(), false, pw);
private static final int TERSE_MODE_INSTRUCTION_STACK_TRACE_LIMIT = 10;
* Prints an FTL stack trace based on a stack trace snapshot.
* @param w If it's a {@link PrintWriter}, {@link PrintWriter#println()} will be used for line-breaks.
* @see #getInstructionStackSnapshot()
* @since 2.3.21
static void outputInstructionStack(
TemplateElement[] instructionStackSnapshot, boolean terseMode, Writer w) {
final PrintWriter pw = (PrintWriter) (w instanceof PrintWriter ? w : null);
try {
if (instructionStackSnapshot != null) {
final int totalFrames = instructionStackSnapshot.length;
int framesToPrint = terseMode
? totalFrames
: totalFrames;
boolean hideNestringRelatedFrames = terseMode && framesToPrint < totalFrames;
int nestingRelatedFramesHidden = 0;
int trailingFramesHidden = 0;
int framesPrinted = 0;
for (int frameIdx = 0; frameIdx < totalFrames; frameIdx++) {
TemplateElement stackEl = instructionStackSnapshot[frameIdx];
final boolean nestingRelatedElement = (frameIdx > 0 && stackEl instanceof BodyInstruction)
|| (frameIdx > 1 && instructionStackSnapshot[frameIdx - 1] instanceof BodyInstruction);
if (framesPrinted < framesToPrint) {
if (!nestingRelatedElement || !hideNestringRelatedFrames) {
w.write(frameIdx == 0
? "\t- Failed at: "
: (nestingRelatedElement
? "\t~ Reached through: "
: "\t- Reached through: "));
if (pw != null) pw.println(); else w.write('\n');
} else {
} else {
boolean hadClosingNotes = false;
if (trailingFramesHidden > 0) {
w.write("\t... (Had ");
w.write(String.valueOf(trailingFramesHidden + nestingRelatedFramesHidden));
w.write(" more, hidden for tersenes)");
hadClosingNotes = true;
if (nestingRelatedFramesHidden > 0) {
if (hadClosingNotes) {
w.write(' ');
} else {
w.write("(Hidden " + nestingRelatedFramesHidden + " \"~\" lines for terseness)");
if (pw != null) pw.println(); else w.write('\n');
hadClosingNotes = true;
if (hadClosingNotes) {
if (pw != null) pw.println(); else w.write('\n');
} else {
w.write("(The stack was empty)");
if (pw != null) pw.println(); else w.write('\n');
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Failed to print FTL stack trace", e);
* Returns the snapshot of what would be printed as FTL stack trace.
* @since 2.3.20
TemplateElement[] getInstructionStackSnapshot() {
int requiredLength = 0;
int ln = instructionStack.size();
for (int i = 0; i < ln; i++) {
TemplateElement stackEl = (TemplateElement) instructionStack.get(i);
if (i == ln || stackEl.isShownInStackTrace()) {
if (requiredLength == 0) return null;
TemplateElement[] result = new TemplateElement[requiredLength];
int dstIdx = requiredLength - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < ln; i++) {
TemplateElement stackEl = (TemplateElement) instructionStack.get(i);
if (i == ln || stackEl.isShownInStackTrace()) {
result[dstIdx--] = stackEl;
return result;
static String instructionStackItemToString(TemplateElement stackEl) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
appendInstructionStackItem(stackEl, sb);
return sb.toString();
static void appendInstructionStackItem(TemplateElement stackEl, StringBuffer sb) {
sb.append(MessageUtil.shorten(stackEl.getDescription(), 40));
sb.append(" [");
Macro enclosingMacro = getEnclosingMacro(stackEl);
if (enclosingMacro != null) {
enclosingMacro, stackEl.beginLine, stackEl.beginColumn));
} else {
stackEl.getTemplate(), stackEl.beginLine, stackEl.beginColumn));
static private Macro getEnclosingMacro(TemplateElement stackEl) {
while (stackEl != null) {
if (stackEl instanceof Macro) return (Macro) stackEl;
stackEl = (TemplateElement) stackEl.getParent();
return null;
private void pushLocalContext(LocalContext localContext) {
if (localContextStack == null) {
localContextStack = new ArrayList();
private void popLocalContext() {
localContextStack.remove(localContextStack.size() - 1);
ArrayList getLocalContextStack() {
return localContextStack;
* Returns the name-space for the name if exists, or null.
* @param name the template path that you have used with the <code>import</code> directive
* or {@link #importLib(String, String)} call, in normalized form. That is, the path must be an absolute
* path, and it must not contain "/../" or "/./". The leading "/" is optional.
public Namespace getNamespace(String name) {
if (name.startsWith("/")) name = name.substring(1);
if (loadedLibs != null) {
return (Namespace) loadedLibs.get(name);
} else {
return null;
* Returns the main namespace.
* This corresponds to the FTL {@code .main} hash.
public Namespace getMainNamespace() {
return mainNamespace;
* Returns the current namespace.
* This corresponds to the FTL {@code .namespace} hash.
* Initially, the current name space is the main namespace, but when inside an {@code #import}-ed template, it will
* change to the namespace of that import. Note that {@code #include} doesn't affect the namespace, so if you are
* in an {@code #import}-ed template and then from there do an {@code #include}, the current namespace will remain
* the namespace of the {@code #import}.
public Namespace getCurrentNamespace() {
return currentNamespace;
* Returns the name-space that contains the globally visible non-data-model variables
* (usually created with {@code &lt;#global ...&gt;}).
public Namespace getGlobalNamespace() {
return globalNamespace;
* Returns the data-model (also known as the template context in some other template engines).
public TemplateHashModel getDataModel() {
final TemplateHashModel result = new TemplateHashModel() {
public boolean isEmpty() {
return false;
public TemplateModel get(String key) throws TemplateModelException {
TemplateModel value = rootDataModel.get(key);
if (value == null) {
value = getConfiguration().getSharedVariable(key);
return value;
if (rootDataModel instanceof TemplateHashModelEx) {
return new TemplateHashModelEx() {
public boolean isEmpty() throws TemplateModelException {
return result.isEmpty();
public TemplateModel get(String key) throws TemplateModelException {
return result.get(key);
//NB: The methods below do not take into account
// configuration shared variables even though
// the hash will return them, if only for BWC reasons
public TemplateCollectionModel values() throws TemplateModelException {
return ((TemplateHashModelEx) rootDataModel).values();
public TemplateCollectionModel keys() throws TemplateModelException {
return ((TemplateHashModelEx) rootDataModel).keys();
public int size() throws TemplateModelException {
return ((TemplateHashModelEx) rootDataModel).size();
return result;
* Returns the read-only hash of globally visible variables.
* This is the correspondent of FTL <code>.globals</code> hash.
* That is, you see the variables created with
* <code>&lt;#global ...&gt;</code>, and the variables of the data-model.
* To create new global variables, use {@link #setGlobalVariable setGlobalVariable}.
public TemplateHashModel getGlobalVariables() {
return new TemplateHashModel() {
public boolean isEmpty() {
return false;
public TemplateModel get(String key) throws TemplateModelException {
TemplateModel result = globalNamespace.get(key);
if (result == null) {
result = rootDataModel.get(key);
if (result == null) {
result = getConfiguration().getSharedVariable(key);
return result;
private void pushElement(TemplateElement element) {
private void popElement() {
instructionStack.remove(instructionStack.size() - 1);
void replaceElementStackTop(TemplateElement instr) {
instructionStack.set(instructionStack.size() - 1, instr);
public TemplateNodeModel getCurrentVisitorNode() {
return currentVisitorNode;
* sets TemplateNodeModel as the current visitor node. <tt>.current_node</tt>
public void setCurrentVisitorNode(TemplateNodeModel node) {
currentVisitorNode = node;
TemplateModel getNodeProcessor(TemplateNodeModel node) throws TemplateException {
String nodeName = node.getNodeName();
if (nodeName == null) {
throw new _MiscTemplateException(this, "Node name is null.");
TemplateModel result = getNodeProcessor(nodeName, node.getNodeNamespace(), 0);
if (result == null) {
String type = node.getNodeType();
/* DD: Original version: */
if (type == null) {
type = "default";
result = getNodeProcessor("@" + type, null, 0);
/* DD: Jonathan's non-BC version and IMHO otherwise wrong version:
if (type != null) {
result = getNodeProcessor("@" + type, null, 0);
if (result == null) {
result = getNodeProcessor("@default", null, 0);
return result;
private TemplateModel getNodeProcessor(final String nodeName, final String nsURI, int startIndex)
throws TemplateException
TemplateModel result = null;
int i;
for (i = startIndex; i<nodeNamespaces.size(); i++) {
Namespace ns = null;
try {
ns = (Namespace) nodeNamespaces.get(i);
} catch (ClassCastException cce) {
throw new _MiscTemplateException(this,
"A \"using\" clause should contain a sequence of namespaces or strings that indicate the "
+ "location of importable macro libraries.");
result = getNodeProcessor(ns, nodeName, nsURI);
if (result != null)
if (result != null) {
this.nodeNamespaceIndex = i+1;
this.currentNodeName = nodeName;
this.currentNodeNS = nsURI;
return result;
private TemplateModel getNodeProcessor(Namespace ns, String localName, String nsURI) throws TemplateException {
TemplateModel result = null;
if (nsURI == null) {
result = ns.get(localName);
if (!(result instanceof Macro) && !(result instanceof TemplateTransformModel)) {
result = null;
} else {
Template template = ns.getTemplate();
String prefix = template.getPrefixForNamespace(nsURI);
if (prefix == null) {
// The other template cannot handle this node
// since it has no prefix registered for the namespace
return null;
if (prefix.length() >0) {
result = ns.get(prefix + ":" + localName);
if (!(result instanceof Macro) && !(result instanceof TemplateTransformModel)) {
result = null;
} else {
if (nsURI.length() == 0) {
result = ns.get(Template.NO_NS_PREFIX + ":" + localName);
if (!(result instanceof Macro) && !(result instanceof TemplateTransformModel)) {
result = null;
if (nsURI.equals(template.getDefaultNS())) {
result = ns.get(Template.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_PREFIX + ":" + localName);
if (!(result instanceof Macro) && !(result instanceof TemplateTransformModel)) {
result = null;
if (result == null) {
result = ns.get(localName);
if (!(result instanceof Macro) && !(result instanceof TemplateTransformModel)) {
result = null;
return result;
* Emulates <code>include</code> directive, except that <code>name</code> must be tempate
* root relative.
* <p>It's the same as <code>include(getTemplateForInclusion(name, encoding, parse))</code>.
* But, you may want to separately call these two methods, so you can determine the source of
* exceptions more precisely, and thus achieve more intelligent error handling.
* @see #getTemplateForInclusion(String name, String encoding, boolean parse)
* @see #include(Template includedTemplate)
public void include(String name, String encoding, boolean parse)
throws IOException, TemplateException
include(getTemplateForInclusion(name, encoding, parse));
* Same as {@link #getTemplateForInclusion(String, String, boolean, boolean)} with {@code false}
* {@code ignoreMissign} argument.
public Template getTemplateForInclusion(String name, String encoding, boolean parse)
throws IOException {
return getTemplateForInclusion(name, encoding, parse, false);
* Gets a template for inclusion; used for implementing {@link #include(Template includedTemplate)}. The advantage
* over simply using <code>config.getTemplate(...)</code> is that it chooses the default encoding exactly as the
* <code>include</code> directive does, although that encoding selection mechanism is a historical baggage and
* considered to be harmful.
* @param name
* the name of the template, relatively to the template root directory (not the to the directory of the
* currently executing template file). (Note that you can use
* {@link freemarker.cache.TemplateCache#getFullTemplatePath} to convert paths to template root relative
* paths.) For more details see the identical parameter of
* {@link Configuration#getTemplate(String, Locale, String, boolean, boolean)}
* @param encoding
* the charset of the obtained template. If {@code null}, the encoding of the top template that is
* currently being processed in this {@link Environment} is used, which can lead to odd situations, so
* using {@code null} is not recommended. In most applications, the value of
* {@link Configuration#getEncoding(Locale)} (or {@link Configuration#getDefaultEncoding()}) should be
* used here.
* @param parseAsFTL
* See identical parameter of {@link Configuration#getTemplate(String, Locale, String, boolean, boolean)}
* @param ignoreMissing
* See identical parameter of {@link Configuration#getTemplate(String, Locale, String, boolean, boolean)}
* @return Same as {@link Configuration#getTemplate(String, Locale, String, boolean, boolean)}
* @throws IOException
* Same as exceptions thrown by
* {@link Configuration#getTemplate(String, Locale, String, boolean, boolean)}
* @since 2.3.21
public Template getTemplateForInclusion(String name, String encoding, boolean parseAsFTL, boolean ignoreMissing)
throws IOException
final Template inheritedTemplate = getTemplate();
if (encoding == null) {
// This branch shouldn't exist, as it doesn't make much sense to inherit encoding. But we have to keep BC.
encoding = inheritedTemplate.getEncoding();
if (encoding == null) {
encoding = getConfiguration().getEncoding(this.getLocale());
Object customLookupCondition = inheritedTemplate.getCustomLookupCondition();
return getConfiguration().getTemplate(
name, getLocale(), customLookupCondition,
encoding, parseAsFTL,
* Processes a Template in the context of this <code>Environment</code>, including its
* output in the <code>Environment</code>'s Writer.
* @param includedTemplate the template to process. Note that it does <em>not</em> need
* to be a template returned by
* {@link #getTemplateForInclusion(String name, String encoding, boolean parse)}.
public void include(Template includedTemplate)
throws TemplateException, IOException
final Template prevTemplate;
final boolean parentReplacementOn = isIcI2322OrLater();
if (parentReplacementOn) {
prevTemplate = getTemplate();
} else {
prevTemplate = null;
try {
finally {
if (parentReplacementOn) {
* Emulates <code>import</code> directive, except that <code>name</code> must be tempate
* root relative.
* <p>It's the same as <code>importLib(getTemplateForImporting(name), namespace)</code>.
* But, you may want to separately call these two methods, so you can determine the source of
* exceptions more precisely, and thus achieve more intelligent error handling.
* @see #getTemplateForImporting(String name)
* @see #importLib(Template includedTemplate, String namespace)
public Namespace importLib(String name, String namespace)
throws IOException, TemplateException
return importLib(getTemplateForImporting(name), namespace);
* Gets a template for importing; used with
* {@link #importLib(Template importedTemplate, String namespace)}. The advantage
* over simply using <code>config.getTemplate(...)</code> is that it chooses the encoding
* as the <code>import</code> directive does.
* @param name the name of the template, relatively to the template root directory
* (not the to the directory of the currently executing template file!).
* (Note that you can use {@link freemarker.cache.TemplateCache#getFullTemplatePath}
* to convert paths to template root relative paths.)
public Template getTemplateForImporting(String name) throws IOException {
return getTemplateForInclusion(name, null, true);
* Emulates <code>import</code> directive.
* @param loadedTemplate the template to import. Note that it does <em>not</em> need
* to be a template returned by {@link #getTemplateForImporting(String name)}.
public Namespace importLib(Template loadedTemplate, String namespace)
throws IOException, TemplateException
if (loadedLibs == null) {
loadedLibs = new HashMap();
String templateName = loadedTemplate.getName();
Namespace existingNamespace = (Namespace) loadedLibs.get(templateName);
if (existingNamespace != null) {
if (namespace != null) {
setVariable(namespace, existingNamespace);
else {
Namespace newNamespace = new Namespace(loadedTemplate);
if (namespace != null) {
currentNamespace.put(namespace, newNamespace);
if (currentNamespace == mainNamespace) {
globalNamespace.put(namespace, newNamespace);
Namespace prevNamespace = this.currentNamespace;
this.currentNamespace = newNamespace;
loadedLibs.put(templateName, currentNamespace);
Writer prevOut = out;
this.out = NullWriter.INSTANCE;
try {
} finally {
this.out = prevOut;
this.currentNamespace = prevNamespace;
return (Namespace) loadedLibs.get(templateName);
* Resolves a reference to a template (like the one used in {@code #include} or {@code #import}), assuming a base
* name. This gives a full (that is, absolute), even if non-normalized template name, that could be used for
* {@link Configuration#getTemplate(String)}. This is mostly used when a template refers to another template.
* @param baseName
* The name relatively to relative {@code targetName}-s will be resolved. Maybe {@code null}, which
* usually means that the base is the root "directory". Assuming {@link TemplateNameFormat#DEFAULT_2_3_0}
* or {@link TemplateNameFormat#DEFAULT_2_4_0}, the rules are as follows. If you want to specify a base
* directory here, it must end with {@code "/"}. If it doesn't end with {@code "/"}, it's parent
* directory will be used as the base path. Might starts with a scheme part (like {@code "foo://"}, or
* with {@link TemplateNameFormat#DEFAULT_2_4_0} even just {@code "foo:"}).
* @param targetName
* The name of the template, which is maybe a relative maybe an absolute name. Assuming
* {@link TemplateNameFormat#DEFAULT_2_3_0} or {@link TemplateNameFormat#DEFAULT_2_4_0}, the rules are as
* follows. If it starts with {@code "/"} or contains a scheme part ({@code "://"}, or with
* {@link TemplateNameFormat#DEFAULT_2_4_0} even just a {@code ":"} that's not preceded by a {@code "/"})
* then it's an absolute name, otherwise it's a relative path. Relative paths are interpreted relatively
* to the {@code baseName}. Absolute names are simply returned as is, ignoring the {@code baseName},
* except if the {@code baseName} has scheme part, and the {@code targetName} hasn't, in which case it
* will get the schema of the {@code baseName}.
* @since 2.3.22
public String toFullTemplateName(String baseName, String targetName)
throws MalformedTemplateNameException {
if (isClassicCompatible()) {
// Early FM only had absolute names.
return targetName;
return _CacheAPI.toAbsoluteName(getConfiguration().getTemplateNameFormat(), baseName, targetName);
String renderElementToString(TemplateElement te) throws IOException, TemplateException {
Writer prevOut = out;
try {
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
this.out = sw;
return sw.toString();
finally {
this.out = prevOut;
void importMacros(Template template) {
for (Iterator it = template.getMacros().values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
* @return the namespace URI registered for this prefix, or null.
* This is based on the mappings registered in the current namespace.
public String getNamespaceForPrefix(String prefix) {
return currentNamespace.getTemplate().getNamespaceForPrefix(prefix);
public String getPrefixForNamespace(String nsURI) {
return currentNamespace.getTemplate().getPrefixForNamespace(nsURI);
* @return the default node namespace for the current FTL namespace
public String getDefaultNS() {
return currentNamespace.getTemplate().getDefaultNS();
* A hook that Jython uses.
public Object __getitem__(String key) throws TemplateModelException {
return BeansWrapper.getDefaultInstance().unwrap(getVariable(key));
* A hook that Jython uses.
public void __setitem__(String key, Object o) throws TemplateException {
setGlobalVariable(key, getObjectWrapper().wrap(o));
private static final class NumberFormatKey
private final String pattern;
private final Locale locale;
NumberFormatKey(String pattern, Locale locale)
this.pattern = pattern;
this.locale = locale;
public boolean equals(Object o)
if(o instanceof NumberFormatKey)
NumberFormatKey fk = (NumberFormatKey)o;
return fk.pattern.equals(pattern) && fk.locale.equals(locale);
return false;
public int hashCode()
return pattern.hashCode() ^ locale.hashCode();
public class Namespace extends SimpleHash {
private final Template template;
Namespace() {
this.template = Environment.this.getTemplate();
Namespace(Template template) {
this.template = template;
* @return the Template object with which this Namespace is associated.
public Template getTemplate() {
return template == null ? Environment.this.getTemplate() : template;
private static final Writer EMPTY_BODY_WRITER = new Writer() {
public void write(char[] cbuf, int off, int len) throws IOException {
if (len > 0) {
throw new IOException(
"This transform does not allow nested content.");
public void flush() {
public void close() {
private boolean isIcI2322OrLater() {
return getConfiguration().getIncompatibleImprovements().intValue() < _TemplateAPI.VERSION_INT_2_3_22;
* See {@link #setFastInvalidReferenceExceptions(boolean)}.
boolean getFastInvalidReferenceExceptions() {
return fastInvalidReferenceExceptions;
* Sets if for invalid references {@link InvalidReferenceException#FAST_INSTANCE} should be thrown, or a new
* {@link InvalidReferenceException}. The "fast" instance is used if we know that the error will be handled
* so that its message will not be logged or shown anywhere.
boolean setFastInvalidReferenceExceptions(boolean b) {
boolean res = fastInvalidReferenceExceptions;
fastInvalidReferenceExceptions = b;
return res;